Flow global node in War [Merged Threads]

This node needs a nerf before next season.
For everyone that doesnt know what it does:

We play T2 in P1 and let me tell you when the enemy has Siphon we are happy.
There are champs with that flow tactic that are beyond broken:
Gulli 2099
Mr Sinister
Punisher 2099
First of they write its a powergain BUFF with every crit. You can disable it while stunned.
So I thought okay 2 counterplays for that doesnt sound too bad. You can stun them (ofc not on stunimmune nodes which are 7 or 8 and its tricky vs IMIW)
2nd counter play: nullify them right? Since its a buff? Wrong they are passives.

And when we open a bug post about it. Oh lets change the description. It stays passive. Like what?
That global node is too strong.
You have like 5 counters in the game vs that:
Ghost/hood (tank SP3, GL if they play passive tho/ like waiting your phase and use SP3 after/ happend to me 3 times)
Crossbones (debatable if he is good enough vs R5s in Tier 3 or higher)
Cap IW with parry heavy and hope not too many crits
Some more champs can work but it depends a lot on RNG:
magik (hope you got to SP2 before they SP3 so hope you dont crit and they throw their SPs)
Iceman can work to some point with RNG as well (hope you dont crit)
Void hope for petrifies
Luke Cage hope for exhaustions
Please change this node. It sucks the fun out of high tier wars.
For everyone that doesnt know what it does:

We play T2 in P1 and let me tell you when the enemy has Siphon we are happy.
There are champs with that flow tactic that are beyond broken:
Gulli 2099
Mr Sinister
Punisher 2099
First of they write its a powergain BUFF with every crit. You can disable it while stunned.
So I thought okay 2 counterplays for that doesnt sound too bad. You can stun them (ofc not on stunimmune nodes which are 7 or 8 and its tricky vs IMIW)
2nd counter play: nullify them right? Since its a buff? Wrong they are passives.

And when we open a bug post about it. Oh lets change the description. It stays passive. Like what?
That global node is too strong.
You have like 5 counters in the game vs that:
Ghost/hood (tank SP3, GL if they play passive tho/ like waiting your phase and use SP3 after/ happend to me 3 times)
Crossbones (debatable if he is good enough vs R5s in Tier 3 or higher)
Cap IW with parry heavy and hope not too many crits
Some more champs can work but it depends a lot on RNG:
magik (hope you got to SP2 before they SP3 so hope you dont crit and they throw their SPs)
Iceman can work to some point with RNG as well (hope you dont crit)
Void hope for petrifies
Luke Cage hope for exhaustions
Please change this node. It sucks the fun out of high tier wars.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
The original poster is correct...since the power gains are passives and not buffs as the description suggests, you limit all the champs that could potentially counter this by being able to nullify/steal buffs. Now the only option is to stun the enemy, which is impossible on many nodes in T3 and up. 4 of the 8 fights in just the final area where the AW boss is are immune to stun effects.
A player could potentially play around it by reversing power gain, but 2 of those same 4 in the final area are immune to debuffs, so you can't use Void/Reed/Cap IW to mitigate the gain. Suddenly, the only way to play around it is to use a champ that doesn't trigger critical hits. That's 3 champs that I'm aware of (Ghost, Crossbones, Guillotine 2099). You can play around Siphon with any champ in most cases (some special attacks still pose a problem). You can play around Dodge with any champ as long as you're familiar with fighting evade champs. You can play around any tactic with a wide range of champs. However, flow has a very small range of counters when compared to other tactics.
Finally, it's not like it's even a small amount of power. They gain 45% of their MAX power with each critical hit. That's nearly a bar and a half! That is a crazy amount of power per passive considering it's pretty easy to start seeing 3 stacks of this effect. At 3 stacks, if the enemy starts with no power, they will have 3 bars in just over 5 seconds. It's too much.
For now, ignore the fact that this is WAY too powerful on it's own. Look into your metrics and let us know if you see way more top tier alliances using Flow as opposed to Crush or Dodge these days. Doesn't that say something? If a tactic like Crush is used in less than 10% of wars, then the tactics aren't balanced and all should be adjusted.
In order to fix flow, the passive should be changed to a buff to match the description, the max stacks needs cut from 3 to 1, and the potency needs to be cut down from 45%.
Are we going to have to go through another full season before Kabam looks at the data and realizes that Flow is too powerful? This is just like Siphon all over again...only Siphon was eventually rebalanced.
You cannot parry, you cannot dext, AI is passive not throwing specials.
So from a pool of 200 champs only 3 champs can handle that:
Quake if you are master.
Crossbones (his attack rating is not good for tier 2 wars).
With a slightly less painful siphon and the original flow, we would experience for the first time a balance between all global nodes.
And maybe we would also experience for the first time a season in which who plays better have a chance to defeat who basically spend more money.
This is completely OP node and the parry dose’nt work on stunn immune and not all players have all counters. So either the global Flow 3 buff need to modified or We need a great videos from the creators explaining the fight. @Kabam Miike
Second not all guys are quake experts so if they get stuck on a Flow3 champ on their path its basically backup or resources.
Imo it need be modified or a good Kabam player needs to post some videos explaining the fights and potential OG counters.
The issue is that these globals are impossible to balance with all of the nodes and the ever increasing champs. Something will always be ridiculous which goes against what kabam wanted to do in the first place.
They should just admit defeat and scrap globals as an idea.
I agree that you can never balance them tho. Very bad concept from the start. And they failed their own goal 100%
Do the mods deem this as a valid thread to reply on? Or is it only on random threads that you do reply?
Flow you gain insane power
Siphon you’re punished for a mechanic you need to use sometimes. I’m pretty good at intercepting but when the AI plays passive as it has been lately, you have to resort to blocking times.
Evade- as much as it says 2%, the chances are much higher. I get probability and it’s not 2 in every 100. It’s a 2% chance every hit. Which definitely seems high when you get an evade every 10 hits.
I get they don’t want wars to be 100%, itemless. I remember back in the day I went a whole season without using an item taking line 9 (debuff immune mini) and clearing out the boss solo. That was also unbalanced.
But using 15/15 items to not let your alliance down is also unbalanced. Some of my guys are spending more on potions and revives than ranking up champs. That’s pretty unbalanced also
I was shocked when I was told half the alliance used 500-1000 units to buy heals at the end of the season. And they dont use their glory for anything else except lvl 4. I have a little better management on my items but I was getting close to 0 as well.
That was not a problem with siphon or evade or the metal thing. Got me thinking.
Flow should
A - be scrapped.
B - made a buff, reduction to 25% and given a cool down before reactivating.
Just faced a Dorm on Masochism with Void, and every hit was a crit. Since when does Void crit so much?
Flow grants passive power gains (can't be nullified) and has no cooldown period. Looking strictly at Flow and Bulwark, how are they even remotely balanced?