15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • GodMan114GodMan114 Member Posts: 45
    How much longer must we put up with this STUPID AW setup?
    Their "fixes" aren't helping the underlying cause. Nearly every AW match is 100% to 100% and it comes down to defender rating and diversity. As long as all top alliances are willing to pay with items, it's going to be the same game over and over... I'm already bored of it. I already know a ton of people bored of it and saying if it's not fixed soon enough, it could be the end of their time with MCOC.

    Skill is no longer affecting the outcome of an alliance war matchup. Any AW match we've lost, we've had AT LEAST double the defender kills... this is just idiotic. I can't believe we are all falling for this mayhem and greed by Kabam.

    We know diversity is a good idea, but this new implementation is elementary. Every... single... person knows what the goal here by Kabam is. It's only a matter of time that this is going to go belly up. Mark my words. People will leave, or change will HAVE to be implemented. Pulling defender kills is just a ploy. They REALLY need to rethink what they're doing here. The changes I've seen haven't been fixing the underlying problem by any means.

    I've put a lot of time/money into this game. I'm already bored of AW and thinking about quitting. AW was the one thing I found extremely fun in this game, and I did everything else to help reach milestones and achieve items. If AW stays this way, I won't be the only one leaving... and I'm a paying member... so while I'm just one person, I'm sure I'm speaking for thousands, if not tens of thousands of other members.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,511 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Phantom wrote: »
    I didn't respond to the question because I didn't say the new system will resolve every issue I see with the old system. I simply listed the problems I saw. I have my theories on how this system will curb some of the issues which I will keep to myself for now. Some could be addressed more directly, but if I am correct, things will balance more with time. I'm not adding anything further than that.

    lol. I totally have an awesome plan, I'm not going to tell you what it is but trust be it's totally awesome. This is getting silly.

    What's getting silly is the semantics over every comment I make. "I" don't have a plan. I offered suggestions as to what they could
    do to improve what is currently in place. I said I have theories on how some of the existing changes would curb some of the issues. Which I am choosing to keep to myself. For obvious reasons.

    What's silly is that you've repeatedly said you're done debating your point, tell us to stop talking, and then when we do, you bring it up again.

    I'm not debating my points. I'm responding to being quoted. I've never told anyone to stop talking.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    What bugs me is someone who is the leader of a small alliance that is close to 200k rating higher than his next highest and has 40k rated players talk about manipulation. This is clearly hypocritical. He is fighting players nowhere close to his roster strength yet wanting to eliminate the harder fights so he can lead his team to victory based on the strength of his roster in relation to those he faces.

    Sure, he is in a low tier, but his titles show how skill full he is. He's like the bully in the playground and likes it like that. He doesn't want to play with others at his level it seems, he wants to be the alpha so he has to surround himself with weaker players and is totally in favor of this new system. It's an endless wonder that he speaks of. Perhaps if he was really pushing himself he would find these rules ridiculous. There's a big difference between competitive play and manipulative play, and to see him condoning one in which he participates speaks volumes about his integrity.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,511 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Phantom wrote: »
    Phantom wrote: »
    I didn't respond to the question because I didn't say the new system will resolve every issue I see with the old system. I simply listed the problems I saw. I have my theories on how this system will curb some of the issues which I will keep to myself for now. Some could be addressed more directly, but if I am correct, things will balance more with time. I'm not adding anything further than that.

    lol. I totally have an awesome plan, I'm not going to tell you what it is but trust be it's totally awesome. This is getting silly.

    What's getting silly is the semantics over every comment I make. "I" don't have a plan. I offered suggestions as to what they could
    do to improve what is currently in place. I said I have theories on how some of the existing changes would curb some of the issues. Which I am choosing to keep to myself. For obvious reasons.

    What's silly is that you've repeatedly said you're done debating your point, tell us to stop talking, and then when we do, you bring it up again.

    I'm not debating my points. I'm responding to being quoted. I've never told anyone to stop talking.

    You respond to be quoted until someone brings up a point you can't refute. Then you say you're done talking. If we try to continue. You just say "I'm done debating this topic" over and over. When we finally stop talking, someone else will say something not even directed at you, and you bring the point up again until you start losing the argument.

    I'm fine if you don't wanna debate something. We all have preferences, and you can't debate feelings. But you try to until there's an objective case against you. Then you stop the discussion till everyone forgets about it and start it back up again. Don't debate us or keep the debate going. You can't restart the argument every time it goes wrong. It's like resetting MCOC if you're losing a fight. It's cheap and petty.

    That's not the case at all. I'm not debating my views because it just furthers the reaction. I went into them in a general sense at first, then I outlined them in detail because it was pointed out that it came across as if I wasn't really saying much at all. Rather than be vague, I explained what I thought were the preexisting issues, and I offered what I thought would be good suggestions. It has nothing to do with an objective case. It's called being selective with what I contribute to. I specifically said that people can take or leave my thoughts. I can accept the fact that we have different views. People are free to debate on my ideas if they choose. I'm not. I don't care about winning or losing the debate because my thoughts are my own. I've commented, but I haven't engaged in a debate about it. Because of the difference of my ideas, I am not contributing to a passionate subject that could become any more personal than it already has. Quite honestly, I don't have to if I don't want to. That's not stopping anyone else from discussing them. As this is becoming off-topic, I won't be responding to this conversation either.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,171 ★★★★★
    Badrose wrote: »
    Remember: he will not debate any further.

    He won't stop - he's the biggest master debater on the forums
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Badrose wrote: »
    Remember: he will not debate any further.
    He always argues for what ever kabam say or does even if it's not in the best interest for the community or game. Am against rdt in general but if this system stays in place then they should be given out. Kabam has even said that some champs are more defensive, look at Juggs for instance, I ranked him up for the sole purpose of defence an will never use him anywhere else, but cos someone else has a higher rated Juggs than mine then his sole purpose is now void, this is why we should get rdt
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Toukolou wrote: »
    All this talk of spending. I think Kabam is experiencing the exact opposite. People are now reaching the mini bosses and the boss with full champs. Collectively, it isn't even a challenge taking them down. I've only used a couple of health pots and zero revives since the new iteration.

    That being said, they've sucked the life out of the single interesting and engaging aspect of the game that was left. AQ? Yawn...same paths, same champs for months. New quests? One a month finished by most over a couple of days/weeks, then nothing but waiting and running the same paths over for completion event. Reward/arena events? A rotating parade of same old, same old.

    I know many in my alliance share this sentiment. This change is even worse than the January champ nerfs. How about investing some intellectual resources in coming up with new content rather than tinkering with (and messing up) existing content.

    I think the long term plan here is that diversity will increase spending by forcing people to grind for new champs and update useless champs. As well as unlock suicides I'd you haven't already to increase defender rating.

    Also, nothing stopping them from increasing the node difficulty and saying you guys asked for this
  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    I'm not completely against the new aw design but u cant create a system where rating out scores skill.

    All allainces that are maxing out all their available points in aw are winning/losing from defender rating.... that's not any better then discouraging ppl from fighting bosses in old aw due to defender kills imo.

    The chances of an alliance winning against a higher rated opponent is almost zero even if everything is done correctly.

  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    There has to be a way to balance out players skill and rating. Scale down defender kill points so a death is not overwhelming but can still win you a war against an alliance that has a higher rating.

    I don't want to lose against an alliance where rating is the tie breaker when I know darn well that our alliances skill is far beyond what we reaped in rewards do to the new point system.
  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    edited September 2017
    @Kabam Miike

    They really need to figure out a way to balance out an alliances rating and skill thereof.

    I don't want to lose to guy I know i can beat just because their champs are stronger.

    Given we've both done everything correct on the diversity side of things, explore equally, boss kills etc....
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Kabams argument for everything ends in "balance."
    We nerfed these champs for "balance."
    We buffed these champs for "balance."
    Blah blah etc etc etc

    Haven't figured out where their design for "balance" was aimed here with the new system.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Badrose wrote: »
    Remember: he will not debate any further.

    I'm not quoting you or talking you you right now.
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 307 ★★
    skills are not the problem its the lack of defender kills thats the problem because that is the true sign for skill. the reason everyone is getting 100% everytime is not cause its way easier it is because they dont have to worry about giving kills to the enemy so they can try to buy the war (which kabam likes) this is why war is making them more now cause no one is giving up they just use up items till the map is 100% no matter what the cost. if they make it as hard as it used to be then it will only hurt our item use more cause without defender kills you have to clear 100% in all groups
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 307 ★★
    theres the bottom of that war photo since i couldnt get it all in one shot
  • XroxfistXroxfist Member Posts: 18
    nuggz wrote: »
    There has to be a way to balance out players skill and rating. Scale down defender kill points so a death is not overwhelming but can still win you a war against an alliance that has a higher rating.

    I don't want to lose against an alliance where rating is the tie breaker when I know darn well that our alliances skill is far beyond what we reaped in rewards do to the new point system.

    Defender kill was never overwhelming. It took ten defender kills to overcome a percentage. In this new system since there are more 100 percents can scale down defender kills so that they are more inline with possibly overcoming rating differences. Like perhaps ten points per kill.
  • TomieCzechTomieCzech Member Posts: 79
  • TomieCzechTomieCzech Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2017
    And whoever is flagging my posts as spam, speak up! I'm not spam, I'm a real and pissed person who's expressing his opinions! If you work for Kabam - stop flagging my posts and start fixing the mess!!
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited September 2017
    I know my reply will be not popular. Well, maybe it will be not read neither, like I've not read the almost 70 pages here. Anyway here I go.

    After all, I think this change was made in the right way.

    Kabam wanted diversity and Everyone was begging for diversity.
    Now we have Diversity. AND Defenders Kills should be out. Yep, it should be removed.

    Why? if people could score points with Defenders Kills, then people will pass of Defenders Diversity and stay with their Kill-makers Defenders.
    It's pretty evident. And you can know it just reading people here, everyone is pissed out because they now should use different champs, rank up new champs and their champs already ranked up for the only purpose AWD are a waste. If they could choose between DDiversity points and DKills points they will stay with DK because they are already have the champs and they are points factories.

    About people complaining because some Wars are lose just because DD points, well it will happen no matter the system. In the former system we lost Wars despite we had more kills just because the other team had High Rated Defenders. I.e. maybe it was the exact same thing because they had maybe some "specials" high pi champs and we were screwed. Even, if they had just normal champs but ultra maxed then the fair we should won anyway because we were skillest beating stronger enemies and it was easier for them; but we lost and nobody cried because it was already the system.
    No matter the system, if you can find a guilty for the lose you will do it, but people is prone to do it just when a new "unfair" system is released.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    I know my reply will be not popular. Well, maybe it will be not read neither, like I've not read the almost 70 pages here. Anyway here I go.

    After all, I think this change was made in the right way.

    Kabam wanted diversity and Everyone was begging for diversity.
    Now we have Diversity. AND Defenders Kills should be out. Yep, it should be removed.

    Why? if people could score points with Defenders Kills, then people will pass of Defenders Diversity and stay with their Kill-makers Defenders.
    It's pretty evident. And you can know it just reading people here, everyone is pissed out because they now should use different champs, rank up new champs and their champs already ranked up for the only purpose AWD are a waste. If they could choose between DDiversity points and DKills points they will stay with DK because they are already have the champs and they are points factories.

    About people complaining because some Wars are lose just because DD points, well it will happen no matter the system. In the former system we lost Wars despite we had more kills just because the other team had High Rated Defenders. I.e. maybe it was the exact same thing because they had maybe some "specials" high pi champs and we were screwed. Even, if they had just normal champs but ultra maxed then the fair we should won anyway because we were skillest beating stronger enemies and it was easier for them; but we lost and nobody cried because it was already the system.
    No matter the system, if you can find a guilty for the lose you will do it, but people is prone to do it just when a new "unfair" system is released.

    Not a call out, just gonna state the obvious from a thread you made on June 22nd where you asked "What defender to 4/40." Its obvious that your still in the position to be over powered by a bigger alliance, which also could be a new one climbing through the tiers that you may come up against. Yes, you can easily lose. So that alone, to me, takes some weight off of much of your argument.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited September 2017
    R4GE wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    I know my reply will be not popular. Well, maybe it will be not read neither, like I've not read the almost 70 pages here. Anyway here I go.

    After all, I think this change was made in the right way.

    Kabam wanted diversity and Everyone was begging for diversity.
    Now we have Diversity. AND Defenders Kills should be out. Yep, it should be removed.

    Why?, if people could score points with Defenders Kills, then people will pass of Defenders Diversity and stay with their Kill-makers Defenders.
    It's pretty evident. And you can know it just reading people here, everyone is pissed out because they now should use different champs, rank up new champs and their champs already ranked up for the only purpose AWD are a waste. If they could choose between DDiversity points and DKills points they will stay with DK because they are already have the champs and they are points factories.

    About people complaining because some Wars are lose just because DD points, well it will happen no matter the system. In the former system we lost Wars despite we had more kills just because the other team had High Rated Defenders. I.e. maybe it was the exact same thing because they had maybe some "specials" high pi champs and we were screwed. Even, if they had just normal champs but ultra maxed then the fair we should won anyway because we were skillest beating stronger enemies and it was easier for them; but we lost and nobody cried because it was already the system.
    No matter the system, if you can fin a guilty for the lose you will do it, but people is prone tom do it just when a new "unfair" system is released.

    You didn't argue the points being made at all. None of what you mentioned has anything to do with what this game is about and what AW was designed for.

    Diversity can stay, but adding defender kills back in and increasing difficulty can give multiple strategies for alliances to decided on.

    The case you made doesn't even touch base on a single thing wrong with the AW scoring system either. The argument you made about the former system and losing to a higher rated defenders is flawed when reading the argument that skill alone could over come that.
    In this forum a recurrent argument is appeal to the "it was design for" (whatever the speaker want because he's "the owner of the design" at that time), but it's a fallacie then I'll not discuss it, the truth is, AW is what Kabam have designed and right now AW is it.

    I have said why if Diversity stay, Defends Kill would be out, otherwise people will stay with DK and Diversity will be dead.
    I have argue and proved people just see problems because the bias it's a new system and they (complainers) are losing. In the old system many wars could be decided just for the Rating Defenders points, despite who had more Defenders Kills and/or killed strongers Defenders.

    If people want the skill to be rewarded then many things should be change in this game. For example, the stronger should get less points than the weakers (because you need more skill for beat stronger enemies than weaker ones), Wars should be matched according to the strength of the members instead the Wars Rating (good bye swaping and shell alliances for easy rewards for no skill), Arenas should have a real and effective bracket system and everyone should be in the pool with similar fishes (because the guy doing 3x more series for score the same is struggling more than a fat fish), etc.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
  • HuluhulaHuluhula Member Posts: 263
    JRock808 wrote: »
    I have not used an item in war since this update.

    If the idea was to encourage people to revive and heal up and keep fighting after death in war then you have failed.

    Now you either know you will win and do so easily with little or no item use or you have no chance and you just go through the motions, using no items until your champs are freed up.

    A complete fail on all fronts.
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    I know my reply will be not popular. Well, maybe it will be not read neither, like I've not read the almost 70 pages here. Anyway here I go.

    After all, I think this change was made in the right way.

    Kabam wanted diversity and Everyone was begging for diversity.
    Now we have Diversity. AND Defenders Kills should be out. Yep, it should be removed.

    Why?, if people could score points with Defenders Kills, then people will pass of Defenders Diversity and stay with their Kill-makers Defenders.
    It's pretty evident. And you can know it just reading people here, everyone is pissed out because they now should use different champs, rank up new champs and their champs already ranked up for the only purpose AWD are a waste. If they could choose between DDiversity points and DKills points they will stay with DK because they are already have the champs and they are points factories.

    About people complaining because some Wars are lose just because DD points, well it will happen no matter the system. In the former system we lost Wars despite we had more kills just because the other team had High Rated Defenders. I.e. maybe it was the exact same thing because they had maybe some "specials" high pi champs and we were screwed. Even, if they had just normal champs but ultra maxed then the fair we should won anyway because we were skillest beating stronger enemies and it was easier for them; but we lost and nobody cried because it was already the system.
    No matter the system, if you can fin a guilty for the lose you will do it, but people is prone tom do it just when a new "unfair" system is released.

    You didn't argue the points being made at all. None of what you mentioned has anything to do with what this game is about and what AW was designed for.

    Diversity can stay, but adding defender kills back in and increasing difficulty can give multiple strategies for alliances to decided on.

    The case you made doesn't even touch base on a single thing wrong with the AW scoring system either. The argument you made about the former system and losing to a higher rated defenders is flawed when reading the argument that skill alone could over come that.
    In this forum a recurrent argument is appeal to the "it was design for" (whatever the speaker want because he's "the owner of the design" at that time), but it's a fallacie then I'll not discuss it, the truth is, AW is what Kabam have designed and right now AW is it.

    I have said why if Diversity stay, Defends Kill would be out, otherwise people will stay with DK and Diversity will be dead.
    I have argue and proved people just see problems because the bias it's a new system and they (complainers) are losing. In the old system many wars could be decided just for the Rating Defenders points, despite who had more Defenders Kills and/or killed strongers Defenders.

    If people want the skill to be rewarded then many things should be change in this game. For example, the stronger should get less points than the weakers (because you need more skill for beat stronger enemies than weaker ones), Wars should be matched according to the strength of the members instead the Wars Rating (good bye swaping and shell alliances for easy rewards for no skill), Arenas should have a real and effective bracket system and everyone should be in the pool with similar fishes (because the guy doing 3x more series for score the same is struggling more than a fat fish), etc.

    I don’t even know how to react to this...this is a joke right?
This discussion has been closed.