Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021

    Red Skull


    Tesseract shielding

    Dormant charges

    Start the fight with 3 dormant tesseract shield charges

    Lose 1 charge per direct hit taken

    Each dormant charge provides:

    2000 energy resistance
    1600 physical resistance
    +20% perfect block chance

    Max stacks - 5

    Active charges

    On heavy attacks activate 1 tesseract charge.

    When a charge is activated 1 damaging debuff is instantly purified and as long as that charge remains Red Skull becomes immune to that debuff for the rest of the fight.

    Active charges also prevent more than 2.5% of max health being dealt from one source.

    Activating a charge removed the effects a dormant charge has and instead replaces them with

    +50% attack
    +25% damage dealt as energy damage per hit
    +20% crit rate

    Whilst a charge is active Red Skull can crit through block. Active charges are removed after Red Skull is knocked down.

    Max stacks - 4

    The tesseracts will

    Red skull does not yet have full control of the Tesseract, and thus must perform certain actions to gain charges.

    Every 5 seconds gain a prompt. These prints include:

    Land a medium attack
    Block a hit
    Dodge a hit
    Land a light attack
    Land a heavy attack
    Deal energy damage
    Deal physical damage

    Succeeding at a prompt grants 1 dormant charge. Succeeding at 3 prompts in a row automatically converts 1 dormant charge into an active charge.

    Residual cosmic energy

    Failing a prompt means the Tesseract is unable to focus its energy and instead residual energy is left flowing through Red skulls suit. Additionally when at maximum dormant and active charges all prompts automatically convert into residual cosmic energy charges.

    After 45 seconds this energy will detonate on Red Skull and deal 5% of max health per residual energy charge. Residual energy charges are paused during special attacks. Max stacks 5. Once reaching 5 charges any more that would be gained instantly deal 5% of max health.

    Those pesky evil scientists found a way to discharge the residual energy through tesseract fuelled beams so all is not lost.

    Special attack 1

    Final hit has a 100% chance to stun for 3 seconds. This duration is extended by 0.5 seconds for every dormant charge and 1 second for every active charge. Opponents combat power rate is reduced during this stun for 10% per dormant and active charge.

    (Maximum 9.5 second stun and -90% combat power rate)

    Special attack 2

    This attack gains +25% attack per dormant shield charge and +50% attack per active charge.

    The last hits are beam attacks and deal an additional 50% of modified attack per residual energy charge as energy damage.

    Special attack 3

    This attack instantly activates all dormant charges. Furthermore it activates an unstable energy passive lasting 35 seconds. Whilst this is active deal 5% of modified attack per residual energy charge whilst close to the opponent.

    Signature ability

    Advanced science - Red Skulls suit always has room for improvement, and those pesky evil scientists managed to get some more power out of it.

    +1 - 5% power gain per active charge whilst the opponent is stunned

    Maximum active charges increased to 5

    Maximum residual energy charges increased to 7

    +10 - 75% bleed and poison resistance


    High risk, high reward champion. Most efficient way of playing him would be to complete prompts to get to 5 dormant charges by cycling L1s, then land an L1 and spam heavies, next fail a few prompts on purpose (which is harder when you’d think) and launch a mega L2. You could also do all your prompts, L3, L1 chain to get your dormant charges up, then fail prompts to get an L2 that deals over 500% of attack as crits.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Three changes/synergy ideas for Man-Thing:
    -If his poison effects are prevented for any reason, non-robot opponents instead suffer an incinerate passive at twice the poison's potency.
    -Agitation increases poison and regeneration potency by up to 100%
    -Please make the Agitation mechanic more consistent
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★

    Mephisto is actually a reasonable champ; and can be a pain on defense. But he's somewhat unsatisfying to play, as you can't throw Special-1 without compromising your ability to regenerate/control buffs. You also don't want to throw your Special-3 without the opponent being at two bars of power; so you can spend a lot of time in fights, holding on to Power you can't use.

    He's also a bit Pillow-handed; although there are synergies for that...

    A couple of simple tweaks might help:
    • Special-1: If thrown after a light combo-ender, Mephisto does not utilise his Soul Capture ability. The final blow instead inflicts a Weakness debuff (-33% Attack) for seven seconds.
    • Special-3: This attack grants no power to the opponent. On initial activation, this functions as currently described. On the second and subsequent activation, Mephisto absorbs 22% of the opponent's current power, and Incinerates the opponent for XXX damage.
    This would allow you to use SP1s when desired just to inflict damage, without using up your Soul count; and would add a little bit of flavour to his SP3 without recreating the huge pay-off you get if you can drain the full two bars of Power on the first activation.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Honestly, while he's not at the top of the "to do" list for reworks, I feel like he should be. Wolverine is so dated it's just sad. Much like Magneto prior to his rework, he's iconic and IMO deserves better. Here's my framework for such a rework. I didn't put values in the places that would theoretically increase per rank/level (or sig level), and instead put letters in to signify that it's a variable based on level. I've received positive feedback from my Alliance mates so I figured, what the heck, share it further.


    (Health & Attack stats based on a 5* R5/65)

    HP : 28,201
    Attack : 2,250

    Tags : #defensive: utility, #offensive: damage over time, #hero, #metal, #size: M, #x-men, #new avengers, #x-force, #alpha flight

    Signature Ability : Advanced Mutant Healing Factor

    - Wolverine's advanced Healing Factor provides him with a 12 second Passive Regeneration to gain X health at 25% health increments. Each Heal Charge reduces health increment by Y%. If under the effects of a Damage Overtime Debuff (except Poison) Wolverine gains a Passive Fury & Cruelty increasing attack and Critical Rating by Z while under the effects of Passive Regeneration. (X, Y, & Z rates increase per sig level)

    Note : Passive Regeneration may only trigger once per health increment in a single fight. At max sig, it should trigger at 20% health increments, or 5× per full health bar.

    Abilites :

    Passive :
    - Immune to all Regeneration Rate modification except Heal Block & Poison.
    - Wolverine's Mutant Healing Factor provides him with a base 19% resistence to Bleed Damage.

    When Attacked/All Attacks :
    - 10% chance to Regenerate up to X Health over 5 seconds based on stored power.

    Heal Charges : (Max 4)
    - Everytime a Damage over time effect expires on Wolverine, gain 1 Persistent Heal Charge. Each fight where Wolverine doesn't experience a DOT effect, lose 1 Heal Charge.
    - Increase Physical Resistance by X per charge
    - Increase all Regeneration potency by 5% per charge
    - Increase resistence to all DOT effect Damage by 20% per charge (does not impact duration)

    Adamantium Claws :
    - Wolverine's Adamatium laced claws have a 40% chance to lacerate opponents, inflicting X Bleed damage over 7 seconds. Critical hits have an 80% chance to inflict a Passive Bleed dealing Y direct damage. While the opponent is under a Bleed Debuff, Critical Hits also have a 40% chance to inflict a Critical Bleed dealing Z damage over 5 seconds. For Bleed Immune champions, Wolverine has an 80% chance to inflict an 8 second Armor Break per Critical hit.

    Adamantium Skeleton :
    - Wolverine's Adamantium Laced skeleton provides him with X Critical Resistance. Resistance increases by Y per persistent Heal Charge allocated.

    Feral & Furious :
    - Each time Wolverine is inflicted with any Debuff or Bleed effect, he gains a stacking Feral Charge. Every 5 charges, Wolverine goes Feral by gaining an 8 second Fury Buff, increasing attack by X. Bleed Effects provide Wolverine with 2 Feral charges per occurrence.

    Keen Senses :
    - Wolverine's hightened senses reduce the chance to miss any attack by 50%. Gain permantent True Strike while Prowess is in effect.

    Heavy Attacks :
    - Each critical hit gains Wolverine 1 Permanent Passive Prowess charge. Prowess charges reset after launching a Special attack.

    Special Attacks :
    - Special Attacks are Unblockable and guarunteed Critical while Prowess is in effect

    Special 1 :
    - Wolverine's Adamantium claws can slash through the toughest of Armor with ease. 100% chance to inflict a 10 second Armor Break Debuff removing 1 Armor Up Buff and reducing Armor Rating by X.

    Special 2 :
    - 80% chance per strike to inflict a Bleed Debuff dealing X direct damage over 5 seconds. For Bleed Immune champions, 80% chance to inflict a 10 second Armor Break per strike, 100% chance if the hit is critical.

    Special 3 :
    - Consume all Feral Charges to gain a 12 second Passive Fury increasing attack damage by X per charge. Inflict a Passive Deep Bleed lasting 30 seconds dealing X direct damage. For Bleed Immune champions, instead inflict a 30 second Armor Shatter Debuff.

    Notes: Wolverine would benefit greatly from Assassin, Deep Wounds, Double Edge, Recoil, Recovery, & Willpower Masteries. This build is focused on building to devastating S3s, and making MCoC's Wolverine live up to his motto that "He's the best there is at what he does, and what he does isn't very nice." I didn't want to make a carbon copy of Weapon X (hence no Berserker Rage) or OML. I drew inspiration from a number of champs to bring to light Logan's most famous attributes.

    Wolverine was my 1st favorite comic character. I had a subscription to his solo comic when I was a kid. Seeing his other variants in game being stronger than the main version is just a tad disheartening for me. It wasn't until I caught a post here a bit ago detailing another player's fleeting moment of happiness when pulling a 5* Wolverine. Only to realize that they had numerous other options that would be more worthy of the rank up materials. That's what set into motion this concept. Perhaps someday getting a 5* (or maybe even a 6* if they see it fit to add him) would be cause for greater happiness than what currently stands. Which again, is rather disheartening. I mean, c'mon... it's freaking Wolverine!
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Honestly for Mephisto, I feel that if they incorporated most of his synergies into his base kit, he would be great. The current synergies could just give him more utility or potency
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    The Hood(tune-up):

    While Hex is active on the opponent, whenever a buff attempts to trigger, refresh the hex and grant Hood 20% of his attack rating as health.

    Sp1: Shocks are stackable, lasts for 15 seconds

    Sp2:Places a Hex on the opponent for 10 seconds nullifying all buffs on the opponent and fate sealing them.

    Sp3: Power drains the opponent for up to a bar of power and increases special damage based on the opponent's power when it is activated.
  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    Carnage should have persistent charges. After the end of the fight all his buffs are saved and he gets them at the start of the next fight. Since he takes so long to get these buffs, having to use a special and then wait, this would really improve him.
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  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Green Goblin
    Class: Tech
    Cunning businessman Norman Osborn was rarely satisfied with the success lawful ventures provided. Intending to gain the strength to beat Spider-Man, Norman subjected himself to an experimental serum, which proved terrifyingly successful, granting Norman vastly greater faculties but at the cost of his sanity. Unhinged and armed with Oscorp’s most advanced weaponry, the Green Goblin now rains fear down upon Spider-Man, and his perceived enemies.

    Signature Ability - Oscorp Weaponry
    Green Goblin gains more advanced weapon tech, granting him stronger debuffs, more access to Super Bombs, and bonuses off critical hits.
    +X% for a Pumpkin Bomb on his Special Attacks to be a Super Bomb
    Poison, Incinerate, Weakness, and Power Drain gain +X% Potency
    Personal Debuffs are paused during Special Attacks and for 1 second after Heavy Attacks.
    Critical Hits have +10% Ability Accuracy and Bag of Tricks Debuffs triggered on Critical Hits also gain +15% Potency.

    Green Goblin has a 20% chance to gain Madness whenever opponents attack him. +80% chance if Green Goblin performs a well-timed Block. Madness charges last 16 seconds.
    While Green Goblin has more Madness than Cunning, or the two are equal, he passively Regenerates 65% of damage taken from Basic Attacks and opponents deal 25% less damage on Special Attacks per Maddness. Max, 6

    When Green Goblin gains a full bar of Power, Intercepts the Opponent, or Applies a Debuff, he gains Cunning. Cunning charges last 12 seconds.
    While Green Goblin has more Cunning than Madness, or the two are equal, the opponent generates 45% less Power and Green Goblin gains +33% Attack on Special Attacks and Heavy Attacks per Cunning. Max, 6

    While Madness and Cunning are equal and at max stack limit, Green Goblin's Special Attacks cost 35% less Power and Green Goblin gains 15% Power Gain. Additionally, Madness and Cunning are paused for 6 seconds after and Green Goblin becomes Immune to Weakness and Fatigue Debuffs. When Madness and Cunning are equal and at max stack limit, the first stack of Madness and Cunning last 9 seconds after the pause expires. When they end, Madness and Cunning are set to 0 and Green Goblin cannot gain either for 3.5 seconds after.

    Super Bomb - 20% for Pumpkin Bomb hits to be a Super Bomb, applying all the Bag of Tricks Debuffs.

    Bag of Tricks – Special & Heavy Attacks
    Power Drain – drains 16% of the opponent’s max Power.
    Poison – deals 1524.5 direct damage over 10 seconds.
    Incinerate – deals 1896.2 Energy Damage over 5 seconds. Also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%.
    Weakness – reduces the opponent’s Attack by 45% for 12 seconds.
    Each of Green Goblin's personal Debuffs provide +X Critical Rating while active during Special Attacks and Heavy Attacks.

    Special 1 and Special 2
    100% to apply a Bag of Tricks Debuff on Pumpkin Bomb hits based on the last attack launched.
    Heavy Attack - Apply Incinerate
    Light Attack - Apply Poison
    Medium Attack - Apply Weakness

    Heavy Attacks
    Afterburner: 50% chance to Incinerate.

    Special 1: Manic Assault – Tossing down a flash bomb, the Green Goblin fires off a hasty barrage of electrical blasts then chucks a pumpkin bomb for good measure.
    Laser Blasts: 45% chance to Power Drain.

    Special 2: Oscorp Offensive – A strike from the glider, a pumpkin bomb to the face and a blast from the afterburner leaves Norman’s foe in a terrible state.
    Afterburner: 100% chance to Incinerate.

    Special 3: Goblin King’s Blitz – Norman takes to the skies and blasts his opponent with every pumpkin bomb he can pull from his bag of tricks. Enjoy!
    Super Bomb: 100% to be a Super Bomb, applying all Bag of Tricks Debuffs
    If Madness and Cunning are at 3 or below, +2 Madness and Cunning.
    If Madness and Cunning are at 4 or above, +1 Madness and Cunning.

    Split Personality
    Green Goblin: Super Bomb Ability Accuracy +10%.
    Iron Patriot: Arc Overload Potency +25%.

    Madcap Experimentalists
    Diablo: Recover 1 Lifestitch after winning 1 Fight.
    Dock Ock: +30% Heal Block Debuff duration.
    Green Goblin: While Madness and Cunning are equal or both even, Green Goblin gains +525 Armor Rating and it counts as Green Goblin having an Armor Up Buff.

    Self Centered
    Red Goblin: Gain +1 Bloodlust the first time Red Goblin win's a Fight in a Quest.
    Green Goblin: Launching Special Attacks, excluding the Special 3, sets Madness and Cunning stacks to be even. While both stacks are even, increase Ability Accuracy by 15%.
    Carnage: When Genetic Mutation ends, generate 1 additional Permanent Buff. After reaching max Permanent Buffs, future Symbiotic Creation Buffs last 10 seconds.

    Arachnid Hunters
    Venom: +1 Max Genetic Memory Buff cap.
    Vulture: +2000 Attack during Special Attacks while an Armor Up Buff active. +500 Critical Rating if Chitauri Energy is at 100 as well.
    Green Goblin: Each Madness & Cunning charge grants an additional 5% Attack, Max 40%.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Spider-Man (Symbiote)
    Class: Cosmic
    One of Peter Parker’s most famous and notorious costumes enters The Contest to unleash its alien powers. Cosmic in origins, this dark version of Spidey’s suit has a mind of its own.

    Signature Ability - Symbiotic Enhancement
    The symbiote makes Spider-Man even better and more powerful granting X% Duration and Potency for his personal buffs. Debuffs on Spider-Man recieve -X% Duration.
    If Spider-Man has 3+ buffs, the symbiote strikes efficently, granting no power to opponents during Special Attacks. Upon activation of Spider-Man or the opponents Special Attacks, Spider-Man's symbiote pauses his buffs for 1.5 seconds.

    Symbiotic Suit
    The symbiote grants Spider-Man certain buffs to increase his survivability and his strength
    Physical Resistance - When Evading or being hit with a Critical Hit,100% to gain a Physical Resistance Buff granting X Physical Resistance and 5% Block Proficency and Perfect Block Chance for 12 seconds
    Cruelty - Special Attacks have an 100% to Boost Critical Damage by X for 9.5 seconds
    Precision - Critical Hits have 70% to Boost Critical Rating by X for 11seconds

    Max stack of each type of Buff is 3. Stack limit for Symbiote buffs is 9. Any buffs triggered after that provide +X Attack Rating and +X% Evade Potency for the rest of the fight.

    Critical Hits
    30% to Apply Weakness lowering Attack Rating by X% for 7 seconds

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Armor Break the opponent removing an Armor Up Buff and reducing Armor Rating by X for 80 seconds.

    Special Attacks
    The alien Symbiote grants Spider-Man enhanced Spider Senses whenever he activates a special attack, granting X% Evasion for 9 seconds.

    1 - Web-Slinger
    With unlimited web from the symbiote suit, there's plenty to go around.

    2 - Swingin'
    Two feet in the face, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
    Precision: This attack has 100% Critical Hit Chance.
    +X Critical Damage for each Unique Buff on Spider-Man and his opponent.

    3 - Thwip, Thwip, Pow!
    The symbiote suit gives Spider-Man the strength to deliver more than just pizza.
    3 Buffs on Spider-Man will become indefinite for the rest of the fight.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    edited January 2021
    Juggernaut (all stats based on 5:65):

    Attack: 2765
    Health: 34567
    Critical rating: 745
    critical damage rating: 842
    critical resistance: 674
    Armour rating: 784
    Block proficiency: 6489

    Signature ability:
    Amount of persistent rage is increased by a flat 5% (up to 15% depending on signature level). Additionally, chance to gain a rage charge is increased by 10% (up to 25% depending on signature level).

    Juggernaut's helmet grants immunity to reversed controls. Additionally, an unlimited stamina means that Juggernaut is immune to all exhaustion, fatigue and disorient effects. An advanced healing factor means that Juggernaut recovers from non-damaging debuffs at a 60% faster rate.
    Extreme durability grants a passive 1200 physical and energy resistance.
    Regenerate 0.5% of maximum health every second.

    For each passive rage on Juggernaut, he gains 0 attack rating, 2% increased combat power rate and a 4% reduced chance to be missed or autoblocked. Rage can be gained at a 60% chance through the following means (maximum 50):
    -Either Juggernaut or his opponent is intercepted.
    -Either Juggernaut or his opponent is knocked down.
    -The opponent gains a buff.
    -The opponent gains a bar of power.
    -Juggernaut is stunned.
    -Gain a rage every 1 second while under the effect of a taunt debuff.

    Cyttorak's favor:
    Every time Juggernaut reaches an interval of 5 rage charges, he gains a Cyttorak's favour passive indefinitely. For each Cyttorak's favour passive, the attack bonus granted from each rage charge is increased by 40.

    Persistent rage:
    At the end of each fight, Juggernaut stores 20% of all rage charges gained that fight as persistent charges.

    While charging a heavy attack or dashing in, Juggernaut gains unstoppable. While unstoppable, Juggernaut's physical and energy resistance is increased by 100% and he gains 5000 armour rating. Additionally, regen rate is increased by 200% and critical rating and critical damage rating are increased by 1200.

    Heavy attack:
    Applies a stagger debuff to the opponent. if this expires without nullifying a buff, 60% chance to gain a rage charge.

    Special 1:
    Same effect as heavy attack.
    This attack is unblockable.
    Gain unstoppable for 3 seconds after use of this attack.

    Special 2:
    Damage from this attack can not be prevented in any way.
    Each hit applies an armour break, reducing armour rating by 1500.
    Each hit has a 100% chance to crit and deals 60% of the original damage dealt as direct damage.
    For each Cyttorak's favour, the power consumed by this attack is reduced by 8%.

    Special 3:
    Gain a potential 10 rage charges, each with a 55% chance to trigger.

  • 21Eggatron21Eggatron Member Posts: 104 ★★★
    Link to my ORIGINAL Juggernaut Overhaul Concept that I've had in place since Karatemike's 4LOKI gives back
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Feel like dogpiling on the Juggernaut Rework ideas here, whaddaya think
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Iron Fist

    Class: Mystic

    Signature ability: Focus

    Iron Fist gains True Accuracy Ignoring armor rating, evade and Auto Block


    Pre Fight ability: Iron Fist can consume Persistence charges to activate any of the following abilities

    Chi Healing (cost 2 persistent charges): whenever the attacker(any Champion) enters the fight they gain a passive Regeneration healing x amount of health for 15 seconds

    Chi Strength( cost 2 persistence charges): as an attacker Iron Fist gains +900 critical rating

    Immortality( cost 3 persistence charges): as an attacker dashing back and holding a block for 0.80 seconds activates an indestructible buff granting Iron Fist immunity to all incoming damage for 8 seconds, the indestructible buff then runs on a 10 second cooldown before it can be reactivated. In addition Iron Fist gains a 60% chance to Shrug off any incoming Debuffs

    Persistence charges:

    Iron Fist begins the quest with 5 persistence charges

    Defeat any opponet: gain 1 persistence charge

    Defeat a Cosmic or #Villain Opponent: gain 2 persistence charges

    Max cap: 10 persistence Charges
    Physical resist: Iron fist begins the fight with 4 Physical resist stacks each reducing physical damage by x%. 1 stack is removed for every 8 hits Iron Fist recieves

    Medium attacks: gain a 75% chance to inflict an armor break debuff reducing Opponent armor rating by x% for 8 seconds

    Armor Shatter: if the opponent is inflicted with more than 5 armor break debuffs the debuffs are removed and replaced with an armor shatter debuff reducing opponent armor rating by x% for 10 seconds.

    Guarantee critical hit: While the opponent is suffering from Armor Shatter all Medium attacks are guaranteed to be critical.

    Heavy attack: 100% chance to inflict a stagger passive instantly removing the next buff triggered by the Opponent

    Special 1: 100% chance for each hit to inflict an Armor Break debuff reducing opponents armor rating by x% for 8 seconds

    Special 2: 100% chance to Power burn up to 1 full bar of power. If the opponent is suffering from Armor Shatter they are also inflicted with a Power Lock debuff preventing them from gaining power from any source for 12 seconds

    Special 3: any active Armor Shatter Debuff is paused for 2 seconds. If no armor shatter debuff was active, inflict opponent with an Armor shatter debuff lasting 10 seconds.

    Unique Synergies:

    Heroes for hire (Iron Fist, Luke Cage, She-Hulk)

    Iron Fist: Armor Break/Armor Shatter debuff duration gains an additional 3 seconds

    She-Hulk: Slow Debuff duration gains an additional 6 seconds

    Luke Cage: gain +900 Critical Rating . In addition Medium attacks are guaranteed critical while the opponent is suffering from exhaustion

    Defenders (Iron Fist, Daredevil, Daredevil (Hells Kitchen), Punisher)

    Iron Fist: Power lock debuff duration gains an additional 3 second

    Daredevil (H.K): cruelty buff duration gains an additional 4 seconds

    Daredevil: gains a permanent passive true strike ignoring armor rating, evade and Auto Block

    Punisher: start each fight with 2 additional physical resistance stacks

  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Karnak (all stats based on 5 65):

    Health: 28564
    Attack: 2857
    Critical rating: 986
    Critical damage rating: 895
    Armor penetration: 659
    Armor rating: 405
    Block proficiency: 4305

    Signature ability:
    For each level of focus, Karnak gains 2% (up to 5% based on signature level) additional armour break ability accuracy. Additionally, gain 150 (up to 500) additional critical damage rating for each level of focus.

    Covered in callus, Karnak gains 1200 physical resistance and 650 block proficiency.
    Rigorous mental training grants immunity to reversed controls.
    Rigorous physical training means that any attack penalty is reduced by 50%.

    Every 18 seconds, Karnak gains an indefinite level of focus passive, each granting 500 attack and critical rating. These stack up to 5. When Karnak is struck through his block, the time until he gains another level of focus is increased by 2 seconds (reduced to 1 second if the block was well timed) and the timer is reset completely if he is struck. Each layer of focus grants additional abilities:
    1 level: Gain a permanent true accuracy.
    2 levels: Karnak can not be glanced.
    3 levels: Karnak can not take damage while attacking the opponent.
    4 levels: Nullify any unstoppable buffs while attacking the opponent.
    5 levels: True accuracy is replaced by true strike.
    One level of focus can be carried to the next fight as a persistent charge, maximum of four.

    Basic attacks:
    25% chance to armour break the opponent, reducing armour rating by 300 for 13 seconds (increased by 1 second for each level of focus).

    Heavy attack:
    Refresh any armour breaks on the opponent. Additionally, armour breaks are paused for 0.5 seconds for each level of focus.

    Special attacks:
    Decrease the amount of time until next level of focus by 2 seconds for each bar of power used.

    Special 1:
    Inflict concussion, reducing the opponents ability accuracy by 30% for 15 seconds. Additionally, purify up to 4 non-damaging debuffs on Karnak and gain a passive cruelty in their place, granting 300 critical damage rating for 12 seconds.

    Special 2:
    remove all armour break debuffs and armour shatter the opponent for 20 seconds, reducing armour rating by 450 for each armour break removed. While the opponent is armour shattered, they have 40% reduced attack rating and their special attacks cost 50% more power.
    Gain a passive cruelty for the duration of this attack, increasing critical damage rating by 400 for each level of focus.

    Special 3:
    Remove the opponent's ability to gain buffs for 12 seconds.
    For each buff that is prevented from activating, gain a passive cruelty for 12 seconds, increasing critical damage rating by 600.

  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Captain America (classic) based on 5 65:

    Health: 31472
    Attack: 2486
    Armor rating: 758
    Block proficiency: 6589

    Signature ability:
    Captain America's bleed and physical resistance are increased by up to 50% (up to 120% based on sig level) depending on how low his health is.

    Gain an additional 2500 physical resistance and 45% bleed resistance.
    Great leadership grants Captain America plus 12% attack and 8% health for each alive member on his team.
    All shield attacks have a 60% reduced chance to activate the opponent's defensive abilities and can not be autoblocked.

    Shield charges:
    At the start of the fight, gain 3 shield charges. Each one grants 675 attack and critical rating, plus 15% perfect block chance. Captain America can block unblockable attacks at the cost of one shield charge.
    If he would be struck, consume three shield charges to autoblock the attack.
    For each charge, shield attacks deal additional physical damage equivalent to 10% of the damage dealt by the hit.

    On well timed blocks:
    Inflict a slow debuff for 7 seconds. While this is active, the opponent's combat power rate is reduced by 30%.

    Special attacks:
    Gain a passive prowess for the duration of special attacks, granting 20% damage for each shield charge.

    Special 1:
    Stun the opponent for 2 seconds. While this stun is active, 25% chance on each hit to cause a 12 second fatigue debuff, lowering the opponent's critical rating by 459. For each fatigue on the opponent, +10% combat power rate and +500 critical damage rating.

    Special 2:
    Gain one shield charge.
    The second hit of this attack is unblockable and ignores 1200 of the opponent's physical resistance.
    Inflict two fatigue debuffs.

    Special 3:
    Gain up to 4000 attack rating based on how low Captain America's health is.
    Inflict three fatigue debuffs.


    With Captain America (classic). Applies to all team members except captain America:
    +40% duration and 20% potency to all debuffs.

    With all avengers. Applies to all team members except Captain America:
    Avengers: 30% perfect block chance. Additionally, gain a passive fury each time a perfect block triggers granting plus 10% attack rating.

    With Winter Soldier:
    Winter soldier: Plus 40% power drain ability accuracy.
    Captain America: Plus 40% fatigue ability accuracy.

    With Spider-Man:
    Spider-Man: Armour breaks gain 150% additional duration, stack up to 4 and can not be purified.
    Captain America: All stuns gain 35% additional duration and can not be purified.

    With Superior Iron Man:
    Superior Iron Man: Armour up can trigger while attacking. Additionally, while under the effect of an armour up gain plus 40% combat power rate, 50% attack rating and hits reduce the opponent's direct damage effects by 95%.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Champion (all stats based on 5 65):

    Critical rating: 589
    Critical damage rating: 946
    Armour rating: 742
    Block proficiency: 5876

    Signature ability:
    While fighting against a champion of the universe or on the final node of the quest, start off with 3 of each token and buffs and debuffs gain plus 30% (up to 45%) potency.
    While primal fury is active, gain 1500 (up to 3000) physical resistance.
    While the opponent has a higher percentage of health than The Champion, gain 800 (up to 1500) attack rating.

    While The Champion is blocking, gain 850 armour rating and the opponent is 40% more likely to use a heavy attack.
    While standing idle, the opponent is 40% more likely yo activate a special attack. This is increased by up to 35% based on how close the opponent is to maximum power.
    When attacking the opponent while they are recovering from using a special or heavy attack, gain a vigilance buff for 14 seconds.
    When intercepting the opponent, 100% chance to crit.

    When intercepting the opponent's dash attack with a light attack:
    Gain a light token. For each light token, light attacks deal 15% more damage and ignore 10% of the opponent's armour and physical resistance.

    When intercepting the opponent's dash attack with a medium attack:
    Gain a medium token. For each medium token, medium attacks deal 15% more damage and ignore 15% of all of the opponent's direct damage.

    When intercepting the opponent's dash attack with a heavy attack:
    Gain a heavy token. For each heavy token, heavy attacks deal 25% more damage and grant the opponent 10% less power.

    Primal fury:
    Every 13 seconds (reduced to 9 seconds if on the final node of a quest) gain a persistent charge. When a persistent charge is gained, gain an unstoppable and fury buff (granting +1200 attack rating) for 5 seconds. For each already existing persistent charge, the fury buff gains 30% additional potency. Maximum of 6 charges.

    If fighting a champion of the universe or on the final node of the quest:
    For each persistent charge at the beginning of the fight, 70% chance to gain a random token. Additionally, while under the effect of a passive unstoppable regenerate 1% of maximum health every second.
    For each persistent charge, 12% reduced chance to activate the opponent's defensive abilities while attacking.
    Champions of the universe include:
    Claire Voyant, Doctor Doom, Sorcerer Supreme, Hyperion, Corvus Glaive, Captain Marvel (movie), Guardian, Guillotine 2099, Warlock, Apocalypse, Magneto, Colossus, Nick Fury, Falcon, Aegon, Cap IW, Quake, Human Torch.

    Special 1:
    Each hit life steals 12% of damage dealt for each persistent charge.
    If this attack is used while the opponent is dashing in, each hit has a 100% chance to crit.
    +500 attack rating for each persistent charge.

    Special 2:
    Each hit puts a vulnerability debuff on the opponent, causing each hit against them to gain +450 critical damage rating.
    When used, gain 12% of a bar of power per second until reaching one bar of power.

    Special 3:
    Gain up to +3000 attack rating based on the opponent's health. Additionally, convert three persistent charges into one of each token.


    With Luke Cage:
    Luke Cage: Exhaustion ability accuracy is increased by a flat 60%. This is decreased by 10% for each dash back in that fight.
    Champion: Persistent charges are gained 15% faster.

    With Mephisto and Sentry:
    Champion: While unstoppable, also gain a passive protection, mitigating 40% of all damage.
    Mephisto: Gain 60% attack rating while incineration aura is active. Additionally, 15% chance on each hit to activate incineration aura.
    Sentry: +16% attack rating for each reality warp.

    With Thor (Ragnarok):
    Thor: Gain 60% Shock resistance and boon of the gods is activated for every 30 hits.
    Champion: Gain 1 random token for each 20 hits on the combo meter.

    With Aegon:
    Aegon: Plus 300 critical damage rating and 30% attack rating while fighting larger opponents.
    Champion: Plus 300 critical rating and 30% attack rating while fighting smaller opponents.

    With Drax:
    Both champions: Plus 35% fury ability accuracy and duration. Additionally, while fury is active gain plus 40% combat power rate.

  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Red Skull
    The Red Skull has managed to orchestrate the assassinations of his enemies, manipulate his way to power, and lead HYDRA in a plan to devastate the world's most influential countries. Using his scientific talents and knowledge of the occult to research what others considered only a myth: the Cosmic Cube. Now armed with knowledge of its deepest secrets, The Red Skull has been able to harness it to power his suit of Hydra armor.

    Signature Ability - Cube Affinity
    X% on Well-Timed blocks for Red Skull to not lose an Armor Up but still trigger abilites.
    Whenever Red Skull triggers those abilities and does not lose an Armor Up Buff, a Shock is applied dealing X Damage over 8 seconds.
    Cosmic Energy provides -X% Nullification Ability Accuracy on Mystic Opponents. Staggers Debuffs also recieve -X% Duration
    Armor Up Buffs coming from any other sources other than Red Skull's abilities will be instantly converted into one of Red Skull's personal Armor Up Buffs giving the same bonuses.

    Overwhelming Presence
    Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube emit a presence that opponents cannot overcome. This greatly boosts Red Skull's chances to trigger abilities and provides passive bonuses.
    +10% Ability Accuracy as long as one Armor Up is active on Red Skull.
    Gain +X Critical Resistance for each Buff on Red Skull.
    The opponent’s Power Rate is reduced by 10% for each Debuff on them. 15% Against Mutants
    The Cosmic Cube provides Red Skull Immunity to Reverse Controls.

    Cosmic Power - Passive
    Red Skull suffers -15% Offensive Power Rate
    The Cosmic Cube passively grants Red Skull 4.4% of Max Power, which gains +10% Potency for each Buff on Red Skull. This cannot exceed 110%.

    Additionally, Red Skull gains +3754 Energy Resistance

    Red Skull is infused with energy granting him full immunity to all Shock effects. Whenever Shock would be applied, Red Skull will gain an Armor Up Buff and 10% a Bar of Power

    Armor Up Buffs
    Upon entering a fight, Red Skull will start with 5 Indefinite Armor Up Buffs.
    Red Skull will gain an Armor Up every time he fills up a Bar of Power and every 10th Basic Hit by either him or the opponent. Red Skull will also gain an Armor Up when successfully using a Heavy Attack while the Opponent is Heal Blocked or Power Locked.
    Every Armor Up provides +X Armor Rating, +X Critical Resistance, +X% Potency of Cosmic Cube Power Gain, and 15% Attack Rating.
    Red Skull cannot have more than 10 Personal Armor Up Buffs. Any Armor Ups activated after give Red Skull 5.5% of Max Power.

    Blocking Basic Hits
    When Red Skull blocks a Basic hit, an Armor Up Buff is consumed to deal X Energy Damage to the Opponent and Drain 14% of Max Power.
    When Red Skull has 1 Armor Up Buff, the Energy Damage and Power Drain inflicted will gain 75% Potency when it is removed. Red Skull will also apply Shock dealing X Damage over 4 seconds.
    Red Skull gains +10% Power from Blocked Hits while an Armor Up Buff is active.

    Heavy Attacks
    Upon charging Heavy, Red Skull will gain 215% Power Rate.
    If at least 1 Armor Up Buff is active on Red Skull, apply Heal Block lasting 10 seconds. +2 Seconds against Mutants

    Shocks are imbued with Cosmic Energy from the Cube causing Shocks on #Robot Champions to recieve +150% Potency and last an additional 2 Seconds.

    Special 1 - Transmit Force
    Red Skull strikes his opponent before passing through space to quickly catch them off-guard with two quick hits.
    The final hit refreshes all Shocks on the opponent inflicted through Red Skull’s abilities
    Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 2 - Harness Power
    Manipulating the power of the Cosmic Cube, Red Skull unleashes multiple projectile attacks.
    Each hit Shocks the opponent, dealing X Energy damage over 3 seconds. Shocks gain 50% Duration for each Buff on Red Skull
    While at least 6 Armor Up Buffs are active, the Cosmic Energy is so intense, this Special Attack is Passively Unblockable.

    Special 3 - Kneel Before Me!
    The opponent is helpless in the presence of such raw power. Red Skull bends them to his will before unleashing the full force of the Cosmic Cube upon them.
    Drain all of the opponent’s Power. For every 10% of Power drained this way, gain an Armor Up Buff.
    Cosmic Discharge - Deal X Energy Damage for Each Buff on Red Skull
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    I’ll let others come up with the buffs for these champs but these need to be the immediate focus:

  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2021

    WOLVERINE (Classic)

    So, I've always felt that while Wolverine is great at healing, he's outclassed by too many when it comes to damage output despite being one of the premier fool-carvers with those Adamantium claws in the 616. Since adamantium slices through virtually anything, I also think he's missing an edge (no pun intended, but welcome) over bleed-immune matchups, yet wanted to introduce something that isn't just X-23's critical boost or Electra et al's Armor Break.

    What he's also missing is any proper in-fight ability boosted by his infamous Berserker Rage, unlike Weapon X and Old Man Logan. Let's make him "The best he is at what he does" with what I envisioned:

    Signature Ability


    When hit by an attack that deals damage greater than 5% of his current health[01], or backed into a corner like an animal, Logan loses his calm and goes Berserk. While Berserk, Logan gains a Cruelty Buff and a Passive Fury lasting 12 seconds. The Passive cannot be removed by nullification abilities but is consumed instantly to remove one non-damaging debuff if applied to Logan[02].

    Cruelty and Fury can be stacked up to 2 times each, but Logan must clear 1/12th of the length of the battleground from the back corner in order to apply a 2nd stack of Berserk if the last was applied via Cornering[03].

    Logan has a 7% chance to trigger Regeneration of [x] over 3 seconds while attacking opponents; however, it loses 5% potency each time it triggers or each time he goes Berserk until it is only 20% as potent[04]. This can be reset by launching Sp3 after receiving at least 1 hit or launching Sp1 or 2. As Regeneration loses potency, Berserk effects increase in potency by 3%, and Bleed damage scales with Cruelty.


    Defensive Cellular Regeneration

    Logan has a 9% chance to trigger Regeneration while being struck by any attack, healing 1% to 13% of his maximum base health over 5 seconds based on Power Levels.


    Logan indefinitely extends one to six of his signature set of 6 claws whenever launching a special attack, or for 10 seconds upon intercepting an opponent[05]. Each claw has a 10% chance to Lacerate, inflicting 1 stack of bleed on successful strikes and dealing 20% of that attack's damage rating over 6 seconds[06].

    A successful heavy attack prevents auto-retraction indefinitely after intercepts extend a claw, and has a flat 50% chance to Lacerate.


    If Logan idles for 2 seconds with two or more extended claws, he will retract all of them. This calming practice increases the chance a flat +10% per claw retracted that the next hit landed or received will trigger the corresponding Regeneration efffect with +50% added potency.


    Logan's healing abilities excel at closing Bleeds due to constantly popping his claws. Even while not regenerating, Bleeds received become 5% less potent per second. If his Regeneration is prevented from recovering health in any way, it has a 100% chance to reduce Bleed damage inflicted on him to 0 over 2 seconds[07].


    When striking opponents that do not Bleed, Logan's claws still leave punctures. For the corresponding medium or light attack that caused a Perforation (6 max) that attack indefinitely becomes critical[08]. If all 6 strike points are perforated, Heavy and Special Attacks deal [12 to] 36% more damage.


    This attack extends +1 claw on the first strike indefinitely if less than 6 claws are extended, and has +40% chance to inflict Bleed dealing 25% of attack rating per claw over 5 seconds


    This attack extends +2 claws on the first strike indefinitely if less than 5 claws were extended, up to 6 max, and each claw has +50% chance to inflict Bleed dealing 35% of attack rating over 6 seconds.


    This attack utilizes all six claws to inflict 6 stacks of Bleed over 5 seconds dealing 30% of the attack's rating each, or Perforate bleed immune opponents. All 6 claws remain extended for 10 seconds after this attack ends then 3 auto-retract.

    If all 6 claws were extended prior to launching Sp3, gain an indefinite 25% Prowess until the next Special Attack.

    Notable Synergy Tweaks

    Like most of my builds it is more important to cover the logic of certain synergies than define them strictly, since some may make sense being connected to champs not yet added. That said, Logan would benefit most from synergies that do the following
    • Reduce the drop-off of his offensive triggered Healing Factor
    • Increase potency of Bleeds and critical strikes on Perforated bleed-immune opponents
    • Gain Unstoppable and/or Unblockable for a few seconds when triggering Berserk
    • Resist Magnetic effects on his adamantium laced bones and claws (via effects #Magnetic champs gain from adding Polaris
    Numbered notes on ability descriptions
    1. This makes Wolverine a defensive option since as his health gets lower taking hits from players, his Berserk triggers more since 5% of current health is easier to inflict
    2. With Berserk, non-damaging debuffs (including Stun) would be shrugged off, removing Fury, but possibly catching a player off guard who parried
    3. To mitigate the ability to stack 2 Berserks, if Wolverine cannot clear the corner a bit, he will only have one fury if he got it from getting pushed back to the corner or cornering himself intentionally (player challenge to get 2 stacks of Berserk)
    4. A trade-off for having more attack damage potency (through Fury, Cruelty and potentially more potent Bleed infliction) is that regeneration triggered by attacking is less powerful after some time (if measures aren't taken by a skillful/attentive player to occasionally reset it, although still overall regardless of resets compared to his previous kit)
    5. Considering gains in visual mechanics, these 1 to 6 extended claws would show or be hidden in response to special activation, intercepts and idling, instead of just an icon representing them, or the current set up with his claws always extended.
    6. Up to 6 slashes can be inflicted at once, but this is not guaranteed every attack. Still, follow up attacks can inflict Bleeds and stack them with different expiry times.
    7. Despite taking some damage in the two seconds the wound is closing, Wolverine becomes an option on Bleed paths where there is Heal Block. His closing of a Bleeding wound would not be considered regenerating health.
    8. If a first Medium attack causes Perforation, only that first Medium strikes Critical, the second does not unless it has first caused a Perforation. Likewise there are 4 different Light attacks to attach Crits on Perforation to. 4 lights and 2 mediums, MLLLM (M1,L1,L2,L3,M2) and MLLLL (M1,L1,L2,L3,L4) are the 6 attacks that must be set critical before Heavy and Specials permanently gain the enhanced attack potency.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    The TLDR version of the above Wolverine remix
    • Grant Berserk if cornered or hit too hard
    • Shrug off Stun and other non-damaging active debuffs trading off his Passive Fury gained from Berserker Rages
    • Weaken regen from offense as a trade off for increased attack, but allow some reseting of potency
    • Allow situations for adding 1 to 6 claws or retracting them all
    • Tweak or add synergies that enhance some of these new features or counter his limitations
    • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
      Punisher (all stats based on 5/65):

      Signature ability:
      All debuffs gain up to 25% (up to 50% based on sig level) potency based on sig level.

      A bullet proof vest means that all bullet attacks deal 60% less damage to punisher.
      Gain up to 48.5% bleed resistance, 1250 physical resistance, 2000 attack rating and 600 block proficiency depending on how low punisher's health is, down to 20%. All of these values are doubled if fighting a #villain.
      All exhaustion, fatigue and disorient debuffs suffer 60% reduced duration on Punisher.

      While fighting a #villain champion:
      Reduce the opponent's defensive ability accuracy by 50% and reduce the potency of all power gain effects by 125%.

      On well timed blocks:
      Purify one non-damaging debuff and convert it to either a precision or cruelty, increasing their respective attribute by 750. This is increased to two debuffs purified against villains.

      While at or below 20% of maximum health:
      -Gain 40% additional combat power rate.
      -Gain 4000 critical rating.
      -Gain a passive true strike.
      -All of the opponent's nullify, stagger and fate seal effect's suffer 65% reduced ability accuracy. 35% more if fighting a villain.

      Special one:
      Each bullet attack has a 150% chance to cause bleed, dealing 2567 damage over 12 seconds.
      Each bleed effect reduces the opponent's unstoppable and unblockable ability accuracy by 30%.

      Special two:
      This attack is unblockable against villains.
      Gain a passive cruelty during this attack, increasing critical damage rating by up to 3000 based on lost health.

      Special three:
      Inflicts three random debuffs on the opponent, lasting 15 seconds.

    • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★

      For each debuff on the opponent or cruelty on Elektra, Elektra reduces defensive ability accuracy by 40%.

      While the opponent is below 28%, all hits are guaranteed to be critical.

      For each 5 seconds that the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, elektra will gain a cruelty buff, increasing her critical damage rating by 1333.33

      Elektra has a 7% chance to evade attacks. upon evading, Elektra inflicts a bleed debuff dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds and the opponent loses their combo meter.

      While below 100% ability accuracy
      Pause all cruelty buffs on her and all debuffs on the opponent. All attacks deal a burst of 2347 damage for each bleed or cruelty on either champion.

      Basic attacks
      Basic attacks have a 25% chance to inflict a bleed debuff for 8 seconds, dealing 100% of her attack as direct damage.
      If the opponent is immune to a bleed debuff, Elektra gains a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage by 1333.33.

      Heavy attack

      For each cruelty buff on elektra, she has a 33.33% chance to purify all debuffs on her.
      If the first hit does not land, elektra gains a passive evade charge, granting her a 100% chance to evade the next attack. if the next hit is a special attack, Elektra will evade the entire attack.

      Special attacks
      For each cruelty on elektra and each bleed on the opponent, each hit of her special attacks deal a burst of 1174 damage.

      Special 1: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.
      the final 2 hits have a 100% chance to inflict a bleed, dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds

      Special 2: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit will inflict an indefinite bleed debuff, dealing 294 damage per second.
      If the opponent is bleeding upon the activation of the special attack, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.

      Special 3: All Cruelty debuffs on Elektra become indefinite.
      If the opponent has more than 5 bleed debuffs, the damage of this attack is multiplied by her critical damage rating and is considered a critical hit.

      Signature ability: No Loose ends
      Cruelty buffs gained through defensive ability accuracy reduction are gained 2 seconds faster.
      for each bleed on the opponent and each cruelty on elektra, she reduces the opponents power gain rate and regeneration rate by 35%.
    • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
      Grean said:


      For each debuff on the opponent or cruelty on Elektra, Elektra reduces defensive ability accuracy by 40%.

      While the opponent is below 28%, all hits are guaranteed to be critical.

      For each 5 seconds that the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, elektra will gain a cruelty buff, increasing her critical damage rating by 1333.33

      Elektra has a 7% chance to evade attacks. upon evading, Elektra inflicts a bleed debuff dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds and the opponent loses their combo meter.

      While below 100% ability accuracy
      Pause all cruelty buffs on her and all debuffs on the opponent. All attacks deal a burst of 2347 damage for each bleed or cruelty on either champion.

      Basic attacks
      Basic attacks have a 25% chance to inflict a bleed debuff for 8 seconds, dealing 100% of her attack as direct damage.
      If the opponent is immune to a bleed debuff, Elektra gains a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage by 1333.33.

      Heavy attack

      For each cruelty buff on elektra, she has a 33.33% chance to purify all debuffs on her.
      If the first hit does not land, elektra gains a passive evade charge, granting her a 100% chance to evade the next attack. if the next hit is a special attack, Elektra will evade the entire attack.

      Special attacks
      For each cruelty on elektra and each bleed on the opponent, each hit of her special attacks deal a burst of 1174 damage.

      Special 1: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.
      the final 2 hits have a 100% chance to inflict a bleed, dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds

      Special 2: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit will inflict an indefinite bleed debuff, dealing 294 damage per second.
      If the opponent is bleeding upon the activation of the special attack, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.

      Special 3: All Cruelty debuffs on Elektra become indefinite.
      If the opponent has more than 5 bleed debuffs, the damage of this attack is multiplied by her critical damage rating and is considered a critical hit.

      Signature ability: No Loose ends
      Cruelty buffs gained through defensive ability accuracy reduction are gained 2 seconds faster.
      for each bleed on the opponent and each cruelty on elektra, she reduces the opponents power gain rate and regeneration rate by 35%
      That would literally make her a crit goddess. If the opponent has suicides or really anything with debuffs, then she crits on every hit with high cruelty.
    • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★

      Grean said:


      For each debuff on the opponent or cruelty on Elektra, Elektra reduces defensive ability accuracy by 40%.

      While the opponent is below 28%, all hits are guaranteed to be critical.

      For each 5 seconds that the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, elektra will gain a cruelty buff, increasing her critical damage rating by 1333.33

      Elektra has a 7% chance to evade attacks. upon evading, Elektra inflicts a bleed debuff dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds and the opponent loses their combo meter.

      While below 100% ability accuracy
      Pause all cruelty buffs on her and all debuffs on the opponent. All attacks deal a burst of 2347 damage for each bleed or cruelty on either champion.

      Basic attacks
      Basic attacks have a 25% chance to inflict a bleed debuff for 8 seconds, dealing 100% of her attack as direct damage.
      If the opponent is immune to a bleed debuff, Elektra gains a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage by 1333.33.

      Heavy attack

      For each cruelty buff on elektra, she has a 33.33% chance to purify all debuffs on her.
      If the first hit does not land, elektra gains a passive evade charge, granting her a 100% chance to evade the next attack. if the next hit is a special attack, Elektra will evade the entire attack.

      Special attacks
      For each cruelty on elektra and each bleed on the opponent, each hit of her special attacks deal a burst of 1174 damage.

      Special 1: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.
      the final 2 hits have a 100% chance to inflict a bleed, dealing 2347 damage over 8 seconds

      Special 2: If the opponents defensive ability accuracy is below 100%, each hit will inflict an indefinite bleed debuff, dealing 294 damage per second.
      If the opponent is bleeding upon the activation of the special attack, each hit is guaranteed to be critical.

      Special 3: All Cruelty debuffs on Elektra become indefinite.
      If the opponent has more than 5 bleed debuffs, the damage of this attack is multiplied by her critical damage rating and is considered a critical hit.

      Signature ability: No Loose ends
      Cruelty buffs gained through defensive ability accuracy reduction are gained 2 seconds faster.
      for each bleed on the opponent and each cruelty on elektra, she reduces the opponents power gain rate and regeneration rate by 35%
      That would literally make her a crit goddess. If the opponent has suicides or really anything with debuffs, then she crits on every hit with high cruelty.
      Its what the skill class needs. A female to look up to.
    • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
      Ultron (all stats based on 5 65):

      Signature ability:
      While armour up is active increase attack rating by 1000 (up to 2000) and energy resistance by 750 (up to 3000).

      Immunity to bleed, poison and armour break.
      While under the effect of a shock or incinerate, take 98% less damage from the effect, deal 60% additional energy damage on each hit and gain 7.5% of maximum power per second.
      Regenerate 35% of all damage taken from energy based attacks.
      Gain up to 1500 critical damage rating based on how low the opponent's health is.

      Ultron has multiple functions programmed to help him offensively and defensively, triggering once per fight. They are as follows:
      -When taken under 40% of maximum health: regenerate 25% of maximum health over 12 seconds.
      -When opponent reaches 3 bars of power: power burn 20% of the opponent's maximum power and inflict a taunt debuff for 5 seconds, increasing likelihood of the opponent activating a special attack by 60%.
      -When Ultron would be struck by an unblockable special attack: evade the attack.
      -When combo would be lost: gain five indestructible charges and a combo shield lasting for 10 seconds.
      -When inflicted with a non incinerate or shock debuff: purify the debuff and gain 12% of maximum power.
      For each function complete, gain a fury buff, increasing attack by 500 and persisting throughout the quest up to a maximum of 10.

      Basic attacks:
      While attacking the opponent, gain a passive protection, reducing all damage taken by 85%.
      40% chance to bleed the opponent for 12 seconds, dealing 1200 direct damage.
      Ending a combo with a medium attack grants Ultron with an armour up buff for 13 seconds and inflicts the opponent with a 3 second incinerate, dealing 3000 energy damage and removing perfect block chance.

      Special attacks:
      Purify all bleed debuffs from the opponent, dealing 40% additional damage for all bleeds purified.
      60% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.

      Special one:
      Steal one incinerate debuff from the opponent, lasting 150% of the original duration and dealing 60% less damage.

      Special two:
      The first two attacks burn the opponent of one bar of power. Each time the full amount is burned, gain a prowess buff, increasing special damage by 50% lasting 4 seconds.

      Special three:
      The attack bonus gained from purifying bleeds is increased by 150% on this attack.

    • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,482 ★★★★★
      Ultron Rework Concept:

      Why: There's so much untapped potential with Ultron and I feel this to be squandered for sure. So yeah, I made this.
      (Original Document) This is here for those that prefer docs and also the synergies are there so yeah.

      Cutting-Edge Technology - Passive:

      Ultron’s robotic physiology renders him immune to Bleed and Poison effects. In addition, his living mind makes him immune to Disorient and Concussion.

      Ultron is able to heal from the Willpower Mastery and has +3200 Energy Resistance.

      When facing an #Avenger, Ultron gains +50% Attack Rating.

      If Ultron is brought below 25% health, he Self-Repairs regenerating 20% of his Health back over 15 seconds, this is removed when Ultron is stunned.

      Technological Hive-Mind - Passive:

      Ultron starts the fight with 1 Esoteric Insight charge. Esoteric Insight grants Ultron +600 Armour Rating and +1500 Block Proficiency. These effects do not stack. In addition, Mutant and Tech champions cannot evade if Ultron has Esoteric Insight.

      Ultron has a 50% chance to gain Esoteric Insight whenever he triggers the Dexterity Mastery or either champion finishes a combo. Ultron can have up to 10 Esoteric Insight.

      Once Ultron gains an Esoteric Insight charge, Esoteric Insights cannot be gained for 4 seconds.

      If the last hit before the cooldown ends resulted in Ultron being struck, Ultron gains an Armour Up passive increasing his Armour Rating by +500

      If the last hit before the cooldown ends resulted in the opponent being struck, Ultron gains a Fury passive increasing his Attack by +20%

      Ultron can have up to 10 of these passives at any time.

      If Ultron is knocked down, he loses 2 Esoteric Insight charges and cannot gain more for 5 seconds and each Armour Up and Fury passive are unpaused and last 4 seconds each.

      Esoteric Insight Bonus Effects - Passive:

      2+ Ultron has a 65% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff on his medium attacks dealing physical damage to the opponent equal to 40% of Ultron’s base attack over 5 seconds.

      5+ Ultron’s critical hits apply an Armour Break debuff reducing Armour Rating by -600 for 10 seconds, these Armour Breaks each reduce the opponent’s Regeneration Rate by -40% and can stack up to 2.

      7+ Ultron’s combo ending attack has 100% Critical Chance and has 90% Evade Chance against Unblockable Attacks

      10+ Ultron can Dash-Back and Hold Block for 3 seconds to summon an Ultron Drone. This is gained as a passive. Whenever Ultron would be struck, Ultron takes no damage for 2 seconds and the Ultron Drone is destroyed. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

      Basic Attacks:

      If a Bleed was inflicted on a Critical Hit, it becomes a Deep Bleed and lasts indefinitely. Deep Bleeds deal 2% of Ultron’s base attack as physical damage to the opponent every second.

      Special Attacks:

      All debuffs on the opponent are paused, all Deep Bleeds are removed if Ultron lands a successful hit before the Special Attack ends

      Special Attack 1:

      For each unique debuff on the opponent, Ultron burns 15% of their Max Power dealing energy damage proportionate to the power lost.

      Special Attack 2:

      Ultron deals a burst of energy damage equal to 30% of the attack’s damage on every hit for each bleed effect on the opponent. Then inflicts an Incinerate debuff on the opponent lasting 12 seconds dealing 0 damage and removing Perfect Block Chance on the opponent.

      If Ultron strikes an opponent with an Incinerate debuff active on them, he deals a burst of 6% of the attack’s damage as energy damage per Esoteric Insight when Ultron makes contact with the opponent

      Special Attack 3:

      Ultron instantly gains 3 Esoteric Insight and 3 of the corresponding passive effects depending on who delivered the last hit.

      Signature Ability: What Doesn’t Kill Me

      Ultron starts the fight with an additional Esoteric Insight and gains an AI Upgrade Passive increasing his Attack by 20% - 40% and his Armour Rating by +500 - +1000.

      Ultron becomes Unblockable for 1 second if the opponent triggers Auto-Block.

      Ultron’s Regeneration Rate is increased by +10% - +30%

    • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
      edited February 2021
      Class: Cosmic
      Drax The Destroyer – a fearsome opponent who has faced Thanos, Annihilus, and the Blood Brothers. But the green-skinned warrior started life as Arthur Douglas, a human who lost his family to the evil Thanos. Supercharged by cosmic beings, he became the Destroyer – a rugged brawler and Guardian of the Galaxy!

      Signature Ability - The Destroyer
      Drax's Fury Buffs become up to X% stronger the lower the opponents health.
      X% Fury and Unstoppable Duration
      While Fighting the Final Node on a quest or being placed as the Boss Node, Drax gains an Indefinte Fury, granting 75% Attack Rating and 15% Offensive Ability Accuracy.
      Destroyer Focus also reduces the opponents Defensive Ability Accuracy by X%

      Passive - Tough Body
      Debuffs do not concern Drax, only his target for destruction. All Debuffs recieve -35% Potency and Duration. This does not apply against Mystic Champions.
      + 2473.61 Physical Resistance

      When the Opponent Evades or Auto-Blocks
      Drax will do anything to get to his target. If the Opponent Evades or Auto-Blocks, Drax will gain a Vigilance Buff lasting 15 seconds and preventing all Evade and Auto-Block Effects. This is not affected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.

      Fury fascinates The Destroyer, granting a fixed 17% chance to cumulatively increase Attack by X for 10 seconds on every Basic Hit by him or the opponent.
      If Drax has not landed a Hit for 5 seconds, he gains a Fury Buff in impatience. Fury Buffs gained through this ability can only stack twice.
      Drax will gain a Fury when he lands a Hit that takes more than 5% of the opponent's Health. This can trigger through hits on the block.

      Crushing Strikes
      Drax hits hard, granting him 10% to be Unblockable on his medium hits.

      60% for Critical Hits to apply Bleed, dealing X Damage over 6 seconds.

      Destroyer Focus
      When Drax has gained 5 Fury Buffs, Drax will gain a 6th Fury Buff lasting 15 seconds granting 1000 Attack Rating. All other Personal Buffs will refresh and remain paused until the 6th Fury has ended.
      Drax has entered his Destroyer Focus. Drax gains the following Bonuses while in Destroyer Focus:
      - Stun Immune while striking. No stun will stop the Destroyer
      - Until Drax is out of his Destroyer Focus, he is Immune to Nullification and Stagger.
      - Gain an Unstoppable Buff lasting 3 seconds. This will start paused until the 6th Fury has ended.
      - Gain a Vigilance Buff if not active already. This will start paused until the 6th Fury has ended.
      - 100% to Apply Bleed on Basic Hits lasting 8 seconds. For every Bleed Applied, Drax also applies Armor Break reducing Armor by X for 12.5 seconds
      - If the Opponent is Bleed Immune, deal 75% of the Bleed Damage as Direct Damage.
      - +35% Offensive Power Gain
      When Destroyer Focus has ended, All Buffs will become unpaused and Drax will lose all but one of his Fury Buffs which will unpause. Drax cannot gain Destroyer Focus for 14 seconds.

      If Drax has his indefinte Fury active from his Signature Ability, Destroyer focus will trigger on Drax's 6th Fury and will grant him a 7th Fury. The same bonuses and conditions still apply except that Drax will keep two Fury Buffs when Destroyer Focus has ended, the Indefinte Fury guranteed to be one.

      Note - (Destroyer Focus is represented by the 6th or if awakened, 7th Fury. When that ends, Drax loses the bonuses granted, his buffs become unpaused, and is left with one Fury or two with the awakened ability.)

      Special Attacks
      100% to Gain 1 Fury Buff

      1 - Skull Crack
      A savage headbutt from Drax, sure to crack some skulls.
      100% to Stun the Opponent for 2.6 seconds. +1.4 seconds while in Destroyer Focus
      Refresh all Personal Buffs. This will not trigger while in Destroyer Focus

      2 - Twin Blades
      Drax demonstrates mastery of Dwi Theet martial arts with dual knives. Hope you like a close shave.
      Bleed: 60% chance to inflict Bleed on every hit, dealing X Direct Damage over 7 seconds.
      +105% Bleed Potency while in Destroyer Focus

      3 - The Destroyer
      Rage consumes Drax, as he slices and kicks with unmatched power.
      Damage from this Special Attack cannot be prevented by any means. This does not apply against champions with class advantage or on the Final Node of a quest.
      Gain a Cruelty Buff granting +3600 Critical Damage Rating lasting 25 seconds. +5 seconds if the opponent is below 40% Health or if in Destroyer Focus.
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