15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    NevvB wrote: »

    The time has come for us to share with you the next iteration of difficulty adjustments on the Hard, Challenger, and Expert Maps of Alliance Wars!

    As we’ve been working towards our previously stated goals of making Alliance Wars a more diverse and engaging mode, we’ve done a few iterations of difficulty adjustments on these three maps, and each time have gotten closer to making the Defender Rating and Diversity the tie breaking mechanisms that we had always wanted them to be.

    We feel that we are now very close to the intended level of difficulty for these maps, and have moved a lot of emphasis back to effective Defender choice and Placement. We are now ready to make smaller refinements to nodes and overall difficulty to get the difficulty level exactly where we want it to be.


    These changes will come into effect when matchmaking resumes on November 8th.

    While these refinements will bring us even closer to where we want the mode to be, we aren’t done yet. We realize that there are still some aspects of Alliance Wars that you all feel are missing, and are continuing to work on further iterations of Alliance Wars that will address those concerns. We will also continue to monitor these difficulty adjustments, and will continue to iterate as necessary.

    So is node 24 working correctly cause i dont see anything being changed for that?

    Node 24 is working correctly, but definitely requires planning ahead! It's a hard node for sure, but it is beatable.

    How come champs are healing 10k per tick? I thought everything was based on base health but the node seems to be healing based on modified health.
  • xtremegamerxtremegamer Member Posts: 37
    removing comments thanks good bye
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    Brng back defender kills for tiers 1 and 2. Then you can say with a straight face that you at least tried
  • Troll_slayerTroll_slayer Member Posts: 5
    Like how they are starting to add that defender rating is meant help toward a tie breaker. What absolute bs
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    NMEONES wrote: »

    The time has come for us to share with you the next iteration of difficulty adjustments on the Hard, Challenger, and Expert Maps of Alliance Wars!

    As we’ve been working towards our previously stated goals of making Alliance Wars a more diverse and engaging mode, we’ve done a few iterations of difficulty adjustments on these three maps, and each time have gotten closer to making the Defender Rating and Diversity the tie breaking mechanisms that we had always wanted them to be.

    We feel that we are now very close to the intended level of difficulty for these maps, and have moved a lot of emphasis back to effective Defender choice and Placement. We are now ready to make smaller refinements to nodes and overall difficulty to get the difficulty level exactly where we want it to be.


    These changes will come into effect when matchmaking resumes on November 8th.

    While these refinements will bring us even closer to where we want the mode to be, we aren’t done yet. We realize that there are still some aspects of Alliance Wars that you all feel are missing, and are continuing to work on further iterations of Alliance Wars that will address those concerns. We will also continue to monitor these difficulty adjustments, and will continue to iterate as necessary.

    @Kabam Miike are u kidding me? This changes nothing once again. I can't believe it's taking you guys this long to realize what actually needs to be done. STOP CHANGING THE NODES. YOUR NOT CHANGING ANYTHING. THE MAP WILL STILL BE 100% AND WHOEVER HAS HIGHER RATING AND DIVERSITY WILL WIN. I can't tell you how annoying it is to not push to win an alliance war because you don't know if you'll win because of defender rating. What do you guys not understand about this, I mean u created the damn game. You need to bring back defender kills, at least in tier 1 & 2. We need to be able to win based on skill. Not who has higher rating or a bigger wallet. Get with the program man, this is getting ridiculous.

    It's funny that they think placement matters. Why in the world would placement matter? If I put someone on a tough node and they die a few times, so what? It makes no difference. Tougher nodes would matter if dying meant anything. People are going to keep reviving to beat the node. There is no node that they can makes that will stop an offense on tiers 1 and 2. This is an exercise in futility. They make harder nodes, alliances 100% both maps, and it's decided by defender rating. Skill means nothing any longer. War of spreadsheets is the name of the game. My dormammu boss gets 30 kills per war and it makes no difference. He could be on node 1, node 55 and it will not matter.
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I don't think I've seen anyone in Tier 1 complain about the current difficulty. In fact many alliances are resorting back to placing the OP defenders and creating mystic wars again because some of the nodes are already pretty ridiculous. And we're buffing it more? Wow...
  • Troll_slayerTroll_slayer Member Posts: 5
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    An defender rating is not a tie breaker it's the defining metirc of win lose
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    Wrong, that was never their intended goal. Diversity was meant to be that but now they are just adding words to cover themselves

    The purpose of Diversity is to award Points for using unique Defenders.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    An defender rating is not a tie breaker it's the defining metirc of win lose

    No. It's the metric that tips the scale. It's not significant at all. 0.002 Points per PI to be exact.
  • Troll_slayerTroll_slayer Member Posts: 5
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    Wrong, that was never their intended goal. Diversity was meant to be that but now they are just adding words to cover themselves

    Defender Rating was introduced as a Tie Breaker a long time ago. It's been around for a long time and has always been intended to be a Tie Breaker, as well as to encourage Summoners to place their best Defenders.

    Yesthat may of been true in aw 1.0 but this new iteration has nothing to do with best Defenders cos we can only place 1 of them cos of diversity
  • Troll_slayerTroll_slayer Member Posts: 5
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    Wrong, that was never their intended goal. Diversity was meant to be that but now they are just adding words to cover themselves

    The purpose of Diversity is to award Points for using unique Defenders.

    State the obvious much
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Actually it does. One of the concerns was how the Map can be completed easily, and it always boils down to Defender Rating.

    The reason maps are completed so easily is not the node itself. It is because you are facing Black Panther, Kamala, She-Hulk, Magneto, and other garbage champs. Can you honestly sit there and say those champs on any node give you trouble?
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    The solution is easy and everybody knows it...but you apparently.

    Reduce defenders rating and #bringbackdefenderskills !!!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    MEKA5 wrote: »
    The solution is easy and everybody knows it...but you apparently.

    Reduce defenders rating and #bringbackdefenderskills !!!

    Actually, this is part of the problem. I don't speak for them, but I can state my observations. It seems that they're looking at alternatives to Defender Kills. There have been several iterations, and they have maintained leaving them out. I think if we can focus on other suggestions that accomodate both sides, we will have a happy medium. That means looking past Defender Kills.
  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    Yet another meaningless update to war.
    Cant you see its gonna be diversity/rating war for as long as there aint no defender kills.
    If you really wanna make it hard (get the biggest $$$) then make every node, stun immune, all or nothing, power start 2, power shield 300% health and 100% attack, there you got a new perfect aw map.
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    MEKA5 wrote: »
    The solution is easy and everybody knows it...but you apparently.

    Reduce defenders rating and #bringbackdefenderskills !!!

    Sad, but true. Defender kills make people really start to try and figure out if they should push forward or quit. It also makes it difficult to know who will win the war until sometimes the very end.
  • MR44MR44 Member Posts: 17
    Instead of losing for defender rating which happens when ever you face an alliance with a higher rating can’t you implement a system that maybe scores per fight kinda of like AQ but punishes you for the amount of damage you take? The more hits you receive the less points you score in that fight and have the total of that score be the tie breaker. Everyone can agree it’s stuipd to lose over defender rating which is what happens in tier 1 and 2 everytime both teams have full diversity and it just comes down to who has higher PI it’s the dumbest thing at least add some part of the other team had more skill so they won that would be way more satisfying to lose that way then because the PI of our defender champs.
  • GerinoGerino Member Posts: 2
    Como es posible q pongan otra actualización si el problema no son los nodos son los personajes q ponen en esas casillas por q en vez de hacer nodos más fuerte mejor se dedican a mejor el juego quitar la diversidad o poner el mapa de guerra de antes
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Wrongsword wrote: »
    EVERY CHANGE is exactly the same this is so frustrating.

    - MCOC community: we need defender kills back in AW to encourage placing strong defenders
    - Kabam Miike: Got it! We made the nodes marginally more difficult
    - MCOC community: no we still 100% every war we need defender kills to count
    - Kabam Miike: Thanks for the feedback community, we gave a couple nodes critical boost
    - MCOC community: that doesn't change anything, bring back defender kills
    - Kabam Miike: OK we hear your feedback, we made a couple nodes have limber 10%

    So glad Kabam is keeping all the player feedback to one thread so you can pay such very close attention to player concerns

    Its kabam duh
    Expect little to nothing from them
    And hope their 5℅ chance to surprise you actually procs
  • GerinoGerino Member Posts: 2
    Marvel no sería mejor tener el anterior mapa de guerra en lugar de seguir metiendo nodos donde van a poner personajes débiles
This discussion has been closed.