
Guillotine, A community choice champ and nerf? Are u happy with this buff?



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    RanunculusRanunculus Posts: 73
    I was disappointed, now I'm indifferent. She was my second maxed out 5* and I liked her a lot, but with Doom und Claire I have now better options. I won't play her more than before, her regeneration is worse, her SP3 is ruined, her bleed curse is ... nice I think, but I just don't like the heavy spam play style, so no thanks. That's exactly why I voted for Antman.
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    TeddersTedders Posts: 130 ★★
    They just need to increase her healing, increase her bleed chance and damage and increase her sp3 damage...basically everything they nerfed and then she might become playable agian...

    back in the day i used her for her sp3 to bypass difficult nodes and champs that got healing unblockable power gain etc at lower health ... her sp3 was what made her unique in the game now she's just a heavy spam champ its really sad
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    BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Posts: 376 ★★★

    Can we just revert Guillotine back now please? I use her for AQ as part of my main team. Before, I could survive the entire quest at near full health. Now, combined with the still ongoing bug, She dies so quickly. Healing only 2% of the opponents max health does nothing, since I take more damage than I can heal. Heal 20 HP, get dealt 200 damage per block.

    I really wish they would , she's better off !
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    Camby01Camby01 Posts: 572 ★★
    I vote move one personally.
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    Camby01Camby01 Posts: 572 ★★
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    Camby01Camby01 Posts: 572 ★★
    And like most posters, I loved her too, would've been nice if the rework made her better rather than meh, or worse.
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    RanunculusRanunculus Posts: 73
    But as was said before, they made such a big deal out of it that it would be weird not to say anything. We still haven't heard from Kabam; but I don't know what they could say honestly.

    I don't think Guilly is far worse than before, she isn't; but she isn't better either. If you think about it, Guilly was defined by three things: the way she regenerated, the soul-trapping, and the SP3. All of these three things have been changed to get her a Bleed Curse. So we got a "new" champ that we didn't need and that we won't use anywhere and that's a shame.

    But... moving on.
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    FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Posts: 104
    I'm beginning to think Kabam can't even find this thread anymore. Its been here for a while, so finding it on the main discussion page is gonna be slightly difficult. Any idea's on how to get their attention?
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    RanunculusRanunculus Posts: 73
    By keeping it up if you want to.
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    OmedennOmedenn Posts: 868 ★★★
    If they increase the regen, prolong the timer on the blood curses and add one or two of her synergies in her main-kit she would be quite decent and it would feel a little bit better

    The blood curse is kind of cool, but the small chance of stacking a bleed on the opponent makes it difficult to benefit from it.

    The blood curse goes away so fast as well, and heavy spamming in the corner only works against ROL winter soldier. So to stack them is in usual fights almost impossible. And also her crit chance and chance to make the opponent bleed is too low.

    Besides that, it’s a champ you need to parry / heavy, her regen is so low that the damage I take on my block sometimes is more than what I gain back.. very poorly designed! +16hp, +20hp, +18hp.. it’s nothing.

    This buff still has potential with some minor adjustments. Have tested her enough by now to say that.

    - More regen, so you can really feel and see her health going back up.

    - no timer / or longer timer on the blood curses, so you can actually stack them in other fights as well.

    - higher chance to crit and stack bleeds on the opponent (maybe by adding some of the synergies in her main - kit).
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    BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Posts: 376 ★★★
    Sal_84 said:

    In all this years I only came to the forums to keep myself informed of important things (outages, updates, changes, etc), never posted anything. This Guilly nerf was what made me create a profile and raise my voice for something that is not fair, to come here each and every single day to not let this thread die. The only way we will get their attention is to keep on providing our sentiment and feedback in regards of how bad the nerf was and that we have the right to an official response that, as someone earlier said, would let us move on, for bad or for good. I believe that something that created such a discomfort in such a big part of the community should be addressed, at least as a courtesy.

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    OmedennOmedenn Posts: 868 ★★★
    I keep coming back to see if there is any update

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