Brian Grant just insinuated he may quit the game over the gifting event.....

Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...
he's basically saying they went too far this time
he's basically saying they went too far this time

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Worknprogress stepped away from the game because of the game content direction, and I have been slowly stepping away too because of that. This is adding another layer of demotivating people to keep on playing because Kabam has only catered to spending players and has done virtually nothing for people who enjoy and play this game with their spare time.
This is why I've always considered the gifting "event" as one of the dumbest events in the game. It's not even an event.
Moreover, Resource will open up more and more as people advance higher up. It's been that way since the game started.
It’s almost like they need to find a way to split up between amateur and professional leagues or something. Even when I was doing competitive USPSS IPSC they had different divisions for out of the box and heavily modded.
The gifting event only presents a problem if you are a FTP player, or even a light to moderate spender, trying to directly compete with the massive whale players and alliances. You just can’t do it. No amount of skill or time spent in game will create rank up materials that otherwise do not exist. You can’t arena grind your way to a generic 6* awakening gem and hundreds of sig stones. It’s just not how the game plays.
And it’s okay to not be at the pointy tip of this game. Everything is still available, content-wise. And honestly, the only mode that requires whaling is AQ because it’s tied to prestige. I have no idea when it will launch, but it’s entirely possible that the solo competitive mode will provide rewards that could address prestige concerns. Who knows.
People who pay will always have an advantage. I'm aware that BG prides himself in trying to compete with spenders, but the game isn't really designed with that in mind. There is no "us vs. them". It allows people to play both for free, and for pay.
Same with six star Weapon X. Don’t get me wrong, I was wanting him to be in the GGCs because I love him and want more people to have access to him but having be able to be outright bought rubs me the wrong way.
Don’t even get me started on the fact that there’s a generic r4 gem before there was ever a class based crystal one.
As a f2p player I didn't expect I'd get much of anything and won't be near the top 10%. I have a little over 5k units saved up might be able to get it close to 6k by end of event to spend but that's not much so I'm not talking about what I'm missing out on. If the tiers dropped more gradually for rewards it's doubtful lots of moderate spenders on YouTube would be putting out videos like this because they wouldn't entirely miss the boat.
Now how much r4's can be achievable there? I have no idea, but probably a good couple of them