Announcing Act 5 Chapter 4: Cornerstone



  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Do you plan to increase capacity on t2 Alphas? I’ve only done easy path in LOL but 100% everything in story mode. If I do 100% on this I’ll reah capacity but I have no r4 worthy 5*. Instead I do content with r5 4*. Just wondering because I do not want t2a to be expiring in my stash

    We don't have any specific plans to increase Catalyst capacity at this time, but I'll make sure that the entire team hears this feedback.

    I brought this up when Act 5 was announced and Mike had the same message...You don't have to increase the capacity but for certain items, which are difficult to obtain and are finite, can you make them have infinite time limit in stash? I do not see how it is beneficial at all to summoners to have them expire..

  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 629 ★★★★
    Will the bane title give us some cool rewards like the uncollected title did. Like super-duper rewards or whatever?
  • IronBlaze09IronBlaze09 Member Posts: 114

    We don't have any specific plans to increase Catalyst capacity at this time, but I'll make sure that the entire team hears this feedback.

    Cool, because I know that there are lots of people in my situation where they don’t have access to r4 5* but still have the ability to clear end game content. I don’t think it would be good for people to be “punished” with an excess of catalysts with no one to use them on.
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    BearHugger wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Dk Will the title grant bonuses like the uncollected title did or is just a title to show that we completed act 5?

    @hurricant asked this as well as you @BearHugger, but no, it's just a title.
  • Clobberin_TimeClobberin_Time Member Posts: 90
    In regards to the title, are there any plans to add another method to gain an Epic title into the contest in the future? Currently, there are only 3 Epic titles, and only 1 person has obtained a single one of those. With the release of 5.4, and the rewards for 100% of chapter 5, the only title on display is “Elder’s Bane” which exists as only a rare title. I feel like the Epic titles are very lacking, and since they are nothing but a tiny visual change (I say as a player with a Legends badge), there should be more than just the 3 in game. I also greatly prefer the aesthetic of an Epic title. Any word on any future Epic titles?

  • KarinshiKarinshi Member Posts: 280 ★★
    so, I have 9 t2a, what the hell I'm supposed to do with an extra 6 to go to stash and vanish !!???
    we need item cap increases but for the rewards itself, they are awesome !!
    thank you, but please consider increasing the cap !!
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    All 5 star based.. I WOULD BE AHPPY IF I HAD A GOOD ONE 😭

    Yeah, this is going to suck for many that don't have a good 5 star. I mean I do but for many this is not fair. But this game has never been about what's fair.

    Progressional games are not fair in the way your describing by definition. They always introduce content at all levels of progress and if you aren't at the level of progress necessary for that content you'll have to wait until you are. That's the very definition of progressional content.

    Not all definitions of fair make sense for all games. If you're faster than me, you have an unfair advantage if we run a race. Except that's the whole point of running races: to see who's fastest, not to figure out a way that gives everyone of every speed an equal chance of winning. That's nonsensical.
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    All 5 star based.. I WOULD BE AHPPY IF I HAD A GOOD ONE 😭

    Yeah, this is going to suck for many that don't have a good 5 star. I mean I do but for many this is not fair. But this game has never been about what's fair.

    Progressional games are not fair in the way your describing by definition. They always introduce content at all levels of progress and if you aren't at the level of progress necessary for that content you'll have to wait until you are. That's the very definition of progressional content.

    Not all definitions of fair make sense for all games. If you're faster than me, you have an unfair advantage if we run a race. Except that's the whole point of running races: to see who's fastest, not to figure out a way that gives everyone of every speed an equal chance of winning. That's nonsensical.

    Because i read always your comments and i find a lot of logic in them, can i ask you what you think about my previous comment about the legend run?
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time
  • LagacyLagacy Member, Content Creators Posts: 58 Content Creator
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    yes 100% agreed! the community should discuss this more maybe even a poll on the matter
  • LagacyLagacy Member, Content Creators Posts: 58 Content Creator
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    Time attack is a lot fairer of a system than first 100. This event will be released on a Wednesday, people have this thing called a job, most jobs require you to work on Wednesday. Therefore you wouldn't have a chance at competing for legends unless you cleared you're schedule right now for a few days, as nobody knows how long it'll take to beat 5.4.

    yeah well theres 2 weeks now to clear your schedule and it is a lot more fair because it is roster dependent its way more skill based no question about that
  • mattiadangelomattiadangelo Member Posts: 1
    Bell bukki
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Nice rewards but I'm not exploring act 5 for a LONG time..
  • LagacyLagacy Member, Content Creators Posts: 58 Content Creator
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    This has been mentioned by others, but the main reason is that it isn't a level playing field for anyone who has a day job where they can't take time off work, or lives in a time zone that doesn't line up with our specific release times (usually 10 AM Vancouver time). That's pretty rough for someone who lives in China where it would be around 2 in the morning...

    This way, people have time to set aside a chunk of time and really invest in a legends run, instead of just giving up before they tried because they had to work that day.

    i see where your coming from DK but youve given us 2 weeks notice to prepare which is enough time to and starting at 2am woud be rough but 5.3 took me 14.5 hours so if 5.4 is anything close to that im expecting at least a 15+ hour legend run so as far as times go its really gonna mess up your sleep schdule either way
  • HalibelTierHalibelTier Member Posts: 1
    So... What if i already have 100% chapter 4?
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    This has been mentioned by others, but the main reason is that it isn't a level playing field for anyone who has a day job where they can't take time off work, or lives in a time zone that doesn't line up with our specific release times (usually 10 AM Vancouver time). That's pretty rough for someone who lives in China where it would be around 2 in the morning...

    This way, people have time to set aside a chunk of time and really invest in a legends run, instead of just giving up before they tried because they had to work that day.

    Maybe a regional and a platform specific legends system is needed. Example: top 25 Android and top 25 IOS users in Eastern Americas each get Legend, top 25 for each platform in Western Americas get it, top 25 in Asia on each platform get it, and top 25 on each platform in Europe get it. that would make 8 groups of 25 to account for four regions and 2 major device platforms so total number of legends per event would be 200. Give the special prizes to the top person in each of the 8 groups instead of the top 5 across the board. Not sure if a system like the one I propose would be possible for you all but it would certainly be a more efficient and fairer way for all of your player base to participate if it is.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    The rewards are awesome and the quest itself understandably needs to be hard and challenging. If one is not going for the legends title is this quest do-able with four star champions without spending a ton of units? Just curious.
  • bradshaw84bradshaw84 Member Posts: 31
    Love the rewards, excited to play the new content. And I’m usually the pessimist on here lol.

    Now all we need is 1 or 2 rank down tickets during the December gifting event and I’ll get a kabam tattoo on my forehead. *nudge nudge*
  • BCYABCYA Member Posts: 1
  • SlimSteinySlimSteiny Member Posts: 7
    Alas I shall awaken my 5 star Star Lord.

    With your luck, even a generic might not work on your SL, lol
  • HotNicksHotNicks Member Posts: 8
    So with all of act 5 being open soon, are we finally going to get a level cap increase? Or can you at least give us something instead of worthless XP boosts?
  • JossgtJossgt Member Posts: 1
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Wolfe wrote: »
    The rewards are awesome and the quest itself understandably needs to be hard and challenging. If one is not going for the legends title is this quest do-able with four star champions without spending a ton of units? Just curious.

    All Bosses will be 6*s. I'm assuming not undoable, but there will be more difficulty.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Wolfe wrote: »
    The rewards are awesome and the quest itself understandably needs to be hard and challenging. If one is not going for the legends title is this quest do-able with four star champions without spending a ton of units? Just curious.

    All Bosses will be 6*s. I'm assuming not undoable, but there will be more difficulty.

    5* Collector was pretty rough for most players with the buffs on him. I can only imagine how insanely difficult a buffed 6* Collector and/or Grandmaster will be if one or both of them are bosses.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Lagacy69 wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    Time attack is a lot fairer of a system than first 100. This event will be released on a Wednesday, people have this thing called a job, most jobs require you to work on Wednesday. Therefore you wouldn't have a chance at competing for legends unless you cleared you're schedule right now for a few days, as nobody knows how long it'll take to beat 5.4.

    yeah well theres 2 weeks now to clear your schedule and it is a lot more fair because it is roster dependent its way more skill based no question about that

    Not everyone is an 18-year old kid who can stay home from school for the day to do a 12-hour legend run. The system we have now is the most fair for everyone factoring in timezones, jobs, and life. But instead of giving a 1.5 month window to do the legend run, they should have given 1 week at most. That way people can still accommodate their schedules for a run but probably not have enough time to analyze every node and path.
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    We don't have any specific plans to increase Catalyst capacity at this time, but I'll make sure that the entire team hears this feedback.

    This strongly needs to be revisited. There will be no way to take a 5* from r1 to 5 with inventory available. It will even be difficult to go from r3 to 5 assuming you chose that. The amount of t1a is a big hinderance and if you chose to go r1 to r5 then t4c may also be an issue unless opening a ton of crystals and having a bunch overflow go to stash.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Wolfe wrote: »
    The rewards are awesome and the quest itself understandably needs to be hard and challenging. If one is not going for the legends title is this quest do-able with four star champions without spending a ton of units? Just curious.

    All Bosses will be 6*s. I'm assuming not undoable, but there will be more difficulty.

    5* Collector was pretty rough for most players with the buffs on him. I can only imagine how insanely difficult a buffed 6* Collector and/or Grandmaster will be if one or both of them are bosses.

    Yeah it could be rough.
  • LagacyLagacy Member, Content Creators Posts: 58 Content Creator
    t1 alpahs tho plz! for completing a level or 100%ing it throw in a t1 alpha
  • Tjack92Tjack92 Member Posts: 31
    I didn’t see where this question was asked or answered but will there be special gate keys like 5.3 had? Also are you able to disclose how much energy it will take to complete? Thanks
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Any plans to ever release Maestro, Collector or Grandmaster as playable characters (even in an extremely limited capacity)? I only ask because Kang and Thanos have been playable for a while now but they were not initially.
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