The difficulty increase is ridiculous



  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,518 ★★★★
    edited January 2023

    Can you throw some examples out here? I seem to remember the nerfing of that content being pretty focused on energy usage, and maybe like 3 fights?
    It is a little confusing though that you're considering story to be the only developmental content in the game while stuff like bg, aw and aq are all still present.
    1. Act 4 juggs nerfed into the ground. This was a fight that taught patience and strategy. You only made the mistake of taking all the chests once and even one chest was enough to make this fight an uphill battle.
    2. Act 4 venom- I believe they removed the poison node with removed all mystic options up to recently. Many were forced to use 2 or at best 3* counters against one of the most vicious venoms in the game. Taught evade/intercept as you try not to die from block damage
    3. Access to 4/5/6*s allows players to skip learning mechanics like evade and intercept and instead rely on the bigger health pools and attack values.
    Having started a new account last year to farm units for gifting it was a joke. By the time I hit act 2 I had 3 4*s and by act 3 3 5*s. I entered act 4 with 2 6*s from the easy side quests and reward crystals. I joined a small alliance with multiple summoners level 45-50 with all 5 and 6*s on their profiles. Most were pushing for cavalier without even balancing their mastery trees with these op options but struggling towards the end of act 5. They were focused on side eq for easy rewards to power level their accounts.
    Doing this is why we see players today complaining about the content difficulty.
    There are other examples of removed or nerfed content but I would have to view every chapter and try to recall what was removed from it after 8 years of not looking at it.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,518 ★★★★

    This elicited loud wholesome chuckle.

    I'm not struggling with the increased difficulty but rather my gripe is specifically concerns not being able to autofight the lower EQs.

    Conversely, reading comprehension is evidently not your strength. But then either is basic grammar. Both those basic skills will hold you in good stead throughout your life so develop them, lest you bumble yourself throughout an interaction and end up looking and sounding flippant, foolish and cognitively deficient..
    Wow congrats on using the thesaurus.

    I never commented on Autofighting but if that's your only complaint I feel sorry that you will lose out on a few units.
    Sorry you will have to work for in game currency rather than having it handed to you like a weekly allowance from your parents. The entitlement is strong in this one.
  • Burrito2525Burrito2525 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    What about those who have explored tb eq already. I haven’t used a single item in any eq in months (years?) but tb eq has seen a fair amount of item usage (looking at you first few passes at zero and ab man). Any chance we see some revives kicked back?
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,518 ★★★★

    Sorry, but I don't think you get to include yourself as one of us normal folks expressing opinion as your relationship with the mods is well known. You have positioned yourself as an informal go between, so unfortunately when you post things they can be seen by many as coming from kabam, as untrue as that may be. Just saying be aware of your optics and embrace the role you've entered. Not everyone on here remembers the days when you were just another player posting.
    It's also not an entitlement to expect to receive the same treatment this month as previous months. We all know the game can change whatever it wants whenever it wants, but to remove the capability to maintain something that many of us have come to rely on, without any notice, is easily perceived as disrespectful and is definitely inconsiderate. I think a fair comp for how autofighting low difficulties (a perk for higher progression) is to imagine if they decided to change the free crystals from 4 to 8 hours without saying so beforehand. It isn't a big deal, but it isn't very nice either.
    Also worth mentioning that there are far more resources acquired from those low levels beyond units. Iso, gold, cats, low star crystals, shards, champs, insider points and rewards, solo event rewards, alliance event rewards to name a bunch.
    How about a compromise?
    If the content won't allow Autofight make the lower 3 eq levels energy free for thronebreaker and paragon. Lower 2 free for cavalier. This would allow for easier completion by those seeking resources from them while still keeping kabams challenge level where it is.
  • L1zardW1zardL1zardW1zard Member Posts: 144 ★★★
    edited January 2023
  • PascalGambitPascalGambit Member Posts: 47

    Had an argument with that Dshu guy yesterday too, severe dyslexia, just ignore him lol.

    What are your thoughts on the downscaling? The autoplay function appears to be working fine at the Conqueror level EQ on my side..
  • KienMinhKienMinh Member Posts: 21
    Bocksarox said:

    My main issue with this is that the difficulty increase was not communicated, and if it was, it was done so quietly that many people didn't realize it was happening. Seems like this was an attempt to try to get in more difficult content without people noticing by hiding the changes behind some sort of rebrand. Maybe the plan was "push it through and deal with the backlash". That plan has never worked well in the past and contributes to a major reason players don't trust Kabam in the first place. Kabam promises continued transparency, then goes and does something like this. To top it off, there was no increase in rewards to the lower difficulties that got harder. This is discouraging, to say the least.

    dont forget they removed the t6 and t3 fragment from cav and move to TB.. harder and less reward... at least that is what i heard all over the forum youtube and reddit..

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited January 2023
    @Kabam Jax Any thoughts or ideas around Legend runs? I was one of several people that took on the Legend Run prior to any announcement of the reduction of difficulty (specifically Health Pools). Meaning that anyone that took on the content before the changes yesterday had a much steeper climb to clear the content with the added health on defenders.

    This would naturally increase their time compared to those that attempt after the change. Has Kabam considered looking at the times people put before the change yesterday and adjust the times according to the changes in difficult or add a list of X summoners that did it before the change and X after (for example X being 100 for each)?
  • edited January 2023
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  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,518 ★★★★
    Gmanicus said:

    After the supposed retuning of EQ, I tried fighting Absorbing Man again on Uncollected. Nope. Still got my butt handed to me, with him always regenerating back to 50% or greater. I must have revived my team 5 or 6 times and used all sorts of boosts. I quit again. Like someone else said earlier in the thread: the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

    Look, I’ve been playing this game for about 5 years now and I just became Uncollected late last year. I consider myself an average skill level player, but I know a lot of players would tell me I should be Cavalier or higher based on my years playing. You know what? I don’t care. Uncollected fits MY skill level. This is just a game and I play to have fun. I’m not interested in tearing my hair out playing an EQ level I know should be challenging, but doable based on my skill level. With these changes, this level has become an exercise in frustration. Stop trying to force people to progress in the game according to what you want; this is why you have different skill levels (they shouldn’t change). If I want to be a middle tier skill player, I’m good with that.

    What was your team?
    Have you tried void, torch with prefight, spiderham, Mr negative, antivenom?
  • Burrito2525Burrito2525 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    I’ve never come across a mobile game or read Console/pc game that requires so much “homework” to try and get communications from the game.

    Also, can anyone see this message? I think I’m shadow banned. Lol
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