Servers down [Merged Threads]



  • Scud77Scud77 Member Posts: 86
    AQ lost with less than an hour to go54zut470bi63.png
  • Scud77Scud77 Member Posts: 86
  • PrinceIndiaPrinceIndia Member Posts: 49
    Guys how much time more?
  • HassanainQasimHassanainQasim Member Posts: 4
    What’s is point having these issues,bugs and crashes on the game?
  • HassanainQasimHassanainQasim Member Posts: 4
    Answer guys.

  • GigglesboyGigglesboy Member Posts: 3
    I have just worked it out all
    They have realised that they have given us too much in free items over this week and with Christmas coming up with more planned
    They are trying to stop you logging on and miss out on logging on everyday then you will lose items and leave the game then they don't have to give so many items free to us all
    Look good but act bad =Kabam
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    So they merged multiple threads and then tell us to go to a different link for an update??
  • RJ03RJ03 Member Posts: 67
    Palanthrax wrote: »
    Considering the revenue this game generates, and the frequency of the service outages, there’s no excuse for this. Every time there’s a significant new update, release or event, the servers go down. Clearly they can only support a limited number of the player base online at any one time.

    There’s only one answer to this - better hardware, more resources. The players deserve it. No other mobile game (and I’ve played them all) goes offline as frequently as MCOC does.

    This issue is never properly addressed, just the usual “we’re working hard to restore service”. I work in the hosting industry, what you mean is that you’re waiting for the servers to stabilise and for some of the players to simply give up trying to connect, you’re not plugging in faster drives or CPUs. My guess is an overloaded database, that’s usually the issue with software such as this.

    Please invest in a solid hosting platform capable of delivering the game your players (and product) deserve.

    This. Really its unacceptable almost 24h with this problem its too much.. It was better if you stop for some hours and really fix it... People is playing and getting disconnected.. Loosing life, potions, items, units, money, time... Common this is a big game... This is not normal..
  • mtthwdnlmtthwdnl Member Posts: 2
    this was my only day this week where i had the time to spend in the 7 day arena event. I really hope i dont miss out on a five star
  • TeeJayFlashTeeJayFlash Member Posts: 152
    ANGRY BIRD is working...guess I will play that
  • drsnow69drsnow69 Member Posts: 43
    why does the game keep going down for maintenance every hour. it seems like every hour on the hour it goes down for emergency maintenance wtf?
  • MemorialPlace69MemorialPlace69 Member Posts: 21
    Is there something wrong with MCoC. For 2 days it's been emergency maintenance for me. Could anyone tell me Why it's happening?
  • RC51RC51 Member Posts: 212
    Hey everyone -

    You can read the update on the situation by clicking HERE.

    Your hosting service needs to get their ACT together...
  • ZaosaflerZaosafler Member Posts: 65
    Hey everyone -

    You can read the update on the situation by clicking HERE.

    That doesn't say anything though. You found the problem, are being transparent, and did not say what the issue itself is. So people will continue to speculate on it being everything from the hamster powering the system pulled a tendon to poor programming to the servers are inadequate for the load placed on them from an update.

    Hopefully part of the answer for players is to give an additional day to complete the 5* arena challenge. Many of us may have completed it without extra time; but there are probably those who won't finish without such an extension.
  • RC51RC51 Member Posts: 212
    Zaosafler wrote: »

    That doesn't say anything though. You found the problem, are being transparent, and did not say what the issue itself is. So people will continue to speculate on it being everything from the hamster powering the system pulled a tendon to poor programming to the servers are inadequate for the load placed on them from an update.

    I'm going with a rat chewed through a LAN cable somewhere at that server farm...
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Good night folks.
    Hoping that i could log in tomorrow to get my kalendar free stuff.

    Also i hope kabam get compensation from there Service provider. Make them pay!
  • BatarangBatarang Member Posts: 40
    This is getting frustrating, this is suppose to be the week long anniversary for 3 years of MCOC and this is how we are going to spend it? Getting disconnected and waiting hours for the game to be back on. Star Lord arena came out and this was a character I was waiting for 2 years and the one time I'm so determined, the game lags out and I haven't had the chance to play arena, modoks lab, monthly quest, and I kept losing my aq/aw champs. I know you guys work hard to bring this to us and I know it's probably the busiest month for you guys, with act 5 and all, but you guys should have been prepared for this. What compensation will we be seeing? Extended arena time? Items? I'm not ungrateful but it's very unfortunate that all of the really really juicy stuff are unacceptable to the players of MCOC. Again I am not trying to bring you guys down but i feel like I needed to get this out of my chest. Happy Anniversary summoners.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    I'll be closing down this thread so that way we can start redirecting the discussion and questions to the thread about the newest update.

    Join the conversation here.
  • StardusrStardusr Member Posts: 11
    Will start from here

    Spend milion hours to get all the potions and resources I need just for one. But all sudden a game crash appears and all resources going to KABAM due to.... I want to finish path so using all I can to do so but every second game crashed and all champions going to sleep so need to awake them. More than that no even one email regarding back from our host KABAM
    That is why my frustration find the final in here on the forums and new topic started

    Please let us all know all the things annoying you and hopefully when big Kabam.... Will crash us and the game again because what's the point of playing unplayable game....
  • patel3186patel3186 Member Posts: 47
    I Know the community is mad about the server outage that we are facing recently. I hope you guys have identified the problem of the server crash and working to get it fixed but please fix it from the root so it does not occur again. I can wait till its permanently resolved rather then having it fix it temporarily.

    The new content and recent announcement its taking to game to right direction and hope it will also hold true in future. Please take your time and find permanent solution to server crash.

    Thank you
  • Zach72zZach72z Member Posts: 8
    Recently, there has been constant server outages occurring in the Contest that must be addressed, yet in spite of it all, people are demanding for compensation. I am with everyone who asks for some form of compensation but is that really the way to ask or is it really accomplishing anything? I find it quite annoying when people ask for outrageous things for compensation. I see some people actually make reasonable requests, but I see more demanding then actually reasonable requests. Of course Kabam has almost always been inconsistent with their servers, but if players don’t appreciate getting A FREE 5* hero I don’t know what Kabam should do. I bet right now Kabam is finding a way to fix AW&AQ for everyone. I just want to know your opinion on people demanding insane compensation from Kabam? I would rather be talking about how they should fix the server completely first, not jump right to rewards...
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.