Winter of Woe Community Chat [MERGED THREADS]



  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Always the contrarian huh? I could solo most Necro fights because they’re well designed and not locked to certain objectives. You do realize how restricting #robot and stuff are right? Even Kabam said that it was too much. They took away most good counters by having the dot node.

    Can’t believe you seriously played the “this is supposed to be endgame content card.” Throwing a bunch of garbage at one fight, making it 10 energy, and requiring specific (bad) objective champs isn’t a test of skill
    Ill repeat myself, you are supposed to use resources to complete this content, if you solo it, you dont use revives, you will rather use energy refills (if you wanna do it sooner), if you dont solo it, you wont use energy but you will spend on revives.

    And I didnt talk about the Robot tag, since thats not a problem anymore, Im talking about the energy cost.

    And also, Im not being the "contrarian", I dont think energy is a problem on a single fight that lasts 14 days long, where you can do a very big amount of tries to solo him, and if not solo him, use revives, the fact that everyone wants a fight that they can solo, that they can do the first day, that doesnt not take that much time to do, and that you can retry the amount you want; thats not a Kabam problem, thats a you problem
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,208 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Rare Jefechuta L?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Rare Jefechuta L?
    Man I personally cant see the problem, sometimes Kabam messes up, sometimes it doesnt, I dont think they messed up with the energy stuff, we got 12 days and 16 hours still, I dont think it has any sense to complain on day 2 about the Energy when you still have 12 days of free tries.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Always the contrarian huh? I could solo most Necro fights because they’re well designed and not locked to certain objectives. You do realize how restricting #robot and stuff are right? Even Kabam said that it was too much. They took away most good counters by having the dot node.

    Can’t believe you seriously played the “this is supposed to be endgame content card.” Throwing a bunch of garbage at one fight, making it 10 energy, and requiring specific (bad) objective champs isn’t a test of skill
    Ill repeat myself, you are supposed to use resources to complete this content, if you solo it, you dont use revives, you will rather use energy refills (if you wanna do it sooner), if you dont solo it, you wont use energy but you will spend on revives.

    And I didnt talk about the Robot tag, since thats not a problem anymore, Im talking about the energy cost.

    And also, Im not being the "contrarian", I dont think energy is a problem on a single fight that lasts 14 days long, where you can do a very big amount of tries to solo him, and if not solo him, use revives, the fact that everyone wants a fight that they can solo, that they can do the first day, that doesnt not take that much time to do, and that you can retry the amount you want; thats not a Kabam problem, thats a you problem
    When Necro dropped, there weren’t many complaint threads (other than a few people here and there that aren’t active members of the community). I’ve done 100% Necro and so have many of these players, and I can confidently say that the nodes there were well designed and there wasn’t any bs. Pretty much every fight in there could be soloed. This isn’t just a me thing (stupid thing to say by the way).

    This fight punishes blocking once, can’t use any dot champs which takes a great amount of them out of the pool, can’t use most champs cause of regen + high physical resist, you need a good way to play around the unstoppable, and you have to deal with the ai for brute force

    No one is here like “oh can’t solo so bad design”, they’re calling it bad design because the fight is badly designed. This is artificially inflated to be as tedious as possible, which isn’t good endgame content design, it’s just annoying and unfun. The energy requirement isn’t a big deal on its own, it’s just an additional hurdle for already an already badly designed fight. I’d be fine with the 10 energy if this fight wasn’t as overturned as it was

    Anyways, that’s my piece. Won’t waste any more time arguing with you
    I can understand perfectly what you are talking about, I didnt say in any moment that the fight is nearly acceptable, I think it is way overtuned, there are one or even two nodes that should be changed or removed, but you cant just say that the Energy is a problem because of that, if anything, you can argue that it takes too much revives to do it, due to the extreme difficulty of this particular fight, but Energy has nothing to do there.

    I soloed the Necro bosses I knew I could solo, or that I knew that were not that hard to beat on a single run, the same way I understood that, I understand that this particular one is going to take a decent amount of revives If I dont wanna suffer that much.

    But all of this has nothing to do with the Energy cost.

    If you go to a expensive restaurant, that is promoted as one of the best ones of the city, and you get awful dishes, the problem aint the price of the dishes, the problem are the dishes themselves.

    Maybe this is just my unpopular opinion, but I dont think it is fair to complain about the Energy when the problem is different
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    edited February 2024
    I still haven’t heard much about the missing point and when we will be getting that back.

  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,208 ★★★★★

    This is probably the first piece of content that has actually made me angry and hateful

    The BrutalDLX challenge has entered the chat
  • The_OverlordThe_Overlord Member Posts: 16
    I just soloed Abs with She Hulk and only got two points. I thought we get an additional point when we complete the quest? I’m only at two
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★

    I just soloed Abs with She Hulk and only got two points. I thought we get an additional point when we complete the quest? I’m only at two

    You got 1 for completion and 1 for #gamma
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,968 ★★★★★

    I just soloed Abs with She Hulk and only got two points. I thought we get an additional point when we complete the quest? I’m only at two

    I suspect they will add the extra Point at a later time.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,140 ★★★★★

    I just soloed Abs with She Hulk and only got two points. I thought we get an additional point when we complete the quest? I’m only at two

    You got 1 for completion and 1 for #gamma
    Theyre referring to the leniency point Kabam is giving out
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    take away free point and make it like 6 or 4 energy per run
  • Cmbk96Cmbk96 Member Posts: 19
    It's always said, that this is for the best players, for the top of the game etc.
    So this should be for people like us, suprise everybody thinks it's bad....
  • TheShinyDomeTheShinyDome Member Posts: 185 ★★

    I found out how to deal with the Fight. It took a few Refills, but I finally got it.
    I went in, died around 15-20 times, got him down to about 82% at most in a run, and then stopped caring about the Event entirely.
    Now I'm not bothered. I'm not beating my head against a wall for 2 weeks with that unreasonable Fight.
    No more stress.

    I'm with you. I muscled through once with a r2 hulk, tried a bunch of times to get something decent going with sandman and decided I don't hate myself enough to keep going. It's not fun. I play this game to have fun.

    We'll see what the other fights are like, but if this continues I won't be doing them either. I can live without deathless champs.
  • Cmbk96Cmbk96 Member Posts: 19
    Freak96 said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Summoners aren't meant to get high rewards for literally nothing. (don't say time; that isn't a relevant resource in the game's economical balance).

    So, you're admitting that the game team doesn't care about the time your playerbase invests into the game? Not cool, mate.

    Respect your playerbase, the game wouldn't have survived this long without the community. We all know what happened to Realm of Champions and Forged to Fight, after all.
    Wtf, this just brakes all boundaries.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★

    Good job.

    My son just did it with 5/65 Shulk as well, took 2 minutes longer and 380 hits but its still a solo.

    I will wait a week for all the skilled guys to do the hard work even though I have 50 odd revives waiting to be burned. Still reeling and recovering after necro haha.

  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Always the contrarian huh? I could solo most Necro fights because they’re well designed and not locked to certain objectives. You do realize how restricting #robot and stuff are right? Even Kabam said that it was too much. They took away most good counters by having the dot node.

    Can’t believe you seriously played the “this is supposed to be endgame content card.” Throwing a bunch of garbage at one fight, making it 10 energy, and requiring specific (bad) objective champs isn’t a test of skill
    Ill repeat myself, you are supposed to use resources to complete this content, if you solo it, you dont use revives, you will rather use energy refills (if you wanna do it sooner), if you dont solo it, you wont use energy but you will spend on revives.

    And I didnt talk about the Robot tag, since thats not a problem anymore, Im talking about the energy cost.

    And also, Im not being the "contrarian", I dont think energy is a problem on a single fight that lasts 14 days long, where you can do a very big amount of tries to solo him, and if not solo him, use revives, the fact that everyone wants a fight that they can solo, that they can do the first day, that doesnt not take that much time to do, and that you can retry the amount you want; thats not a Kabam problem, thats a you problem
    When Necro dropped, there weren’t many complaint threads (other than a few people here and there that aren’t active members of the community). I’ve done 100% Necro and so have many of these players, and I can confidently say that the nodes there were well designed and there wasn’t any bs. Pretty much every fight in there could be soloed. This isn’t just a me thing (stupid thing to say by the way).

    This fight punishes blocking once, can’t use any dot champs which takes a great amount of them out of the pool, can’t use most champs cause of regen + high physical resist, you need a good way to play around the unstoppable, and you have to deal with the ai for brute force

    No one is here like “oh can’t solo so bad design”, they’re calling it bad design because the fight is badly designed. This is artificially inflated to be as tedious as possible, which isn’t good endgame content design, it’s just annoying and unfun. The energy requirement isn’t a big deal on its own, it’s just an additional hurdle for already an already badly designed fight. I’d be fine with the 10 energy if this fight wasn’t as overturned as it was

    Anyways, that’s my piece. Won’t waste any more time arguing with you
    I can understand perfectly what you are talking about, I didnt say in any moment that the fight is nearly acceptable, I think it is way overtuned, there are one or even two nodes that should be changed or removed, but you cant just say that the Energy is a problem because of that, if anything, you can argue that it takes too much revives to do it, due to the extreme difficulty of this particular fight, but Energy has nothing to do there.

    I soloed the Necro bosses I knew I could solo, or that I knew that were not that hard to beat on a single run, the same way I understood that, I understand that this particular one is going to take a decent amount of revives If I dont wanna suffer that much.

    But all of this has nothing to do with the Energy cost.

    If you go to a expensive restaurant, that is promoted as one of the best ones of the city, and you get awful dishes, the problem aint the price of the dishes, the problem are the dishes themselves.

    Maybe this is just my unpopular opinion, but I dont think it is fair to complain about the Energy when the problem is different
    For me the problem is 100% the energy cost. I have never seen anywhere in this game cost more than 3 energy per tile... including end game content. Now we have this at 5 energy. Its just greed, simple as that. You can't say 5 per tile is acceptable when you look at it that way. 3 yeah, sound that's fine. 5 is a kick our teeth.
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Mackey said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Always the contrarian huh? I could solo most Necro fights because they’re well designed and not locked to certain objectives. You do realize how restricting #robot and stuff are right? Even Kabam said that it was too much. They took away most good counters by having the dot node.

    Can’t believe you seriously played the “this is supposed to be endgame content card.” Throwing a bunch of garbage at one fight, making it 10 energy, and requiring specific (bad) objective champs isn’t a test of skill
    Ill repeat myself, you are supposed to use resources to complete this content, if you solo it, you dont use revives, you will rather use energy refills (if you wanna do it sooner), if you dont solo it, you wont use energy but you will spend on revives.

    And I didnt talk about the Robot tag, since thats not a problem anymore, Im talking about the energy cost.

    And also, Im not being the "contrarian", I dont think energy is a problem on a single fight that lasts 14 days long, where you can do a very big amount of tries to solo him, and if not solo him, use revives, the fact that everyone wants a fight that they can solo, that they can do the first day, that doesnt not take that much time to do, and that you can retry the amount you want; thats not a Kabam problem, thats a you problem
    When Necro dropped, there weren’t many complaint threads (other than a few people here and there that aren’t active members of the community). I’ve done 100% Necro and so have many of these players, and I can confidently say that the nodes there were well designed and there wasn’t any bs. Pretty much every fight in there could be soloed. This isn’t just a me thing (stupid thing to say by the way).

    This fight punishes blocking once, can’t use any dot champs which takes a great amount of them out of the pool, can’t use most champs cause of regen + high physical resist, you need a good way to play around the unstoppable, and you have to deal with the ai for brute force

    No one is here like “oh can’t solo so bad design”, they’re calling it bad design because the fight is badly designed. This is artificially inflated to be as tedious as possible, which isn’t good endgame content design, it’s just annoying and unfun. The energy requirement isn’t a big deal on its own, it’s just an additional hurdle for already an already badly designed fight. I’d be fine with the 10 energy if this fight wasn’t as overturned as it was

    Anyways, that’s my piece. Won’t waste any more time arguing with you
    I can understand perfectly what you are talking about, I didnt say in any moment that the fight is nearly acceptable, I think it is way overtuned, there are one or even two nodes that should be changed or removed, but you cant just say that the Energy is a problem because of that, if anything, you can argue that it takes too much revives to do it, due to the extreme difficulty of this particular fight, but Energy has nothing to do there.

    I soloed the Necro bosses I knew I could solo, or that I knew that were not that hard to beat on a single run, the same way I understood that, I understand that this particular one is going to take a decent amount of revives If I dont wanna suffer that much.

    But all of this has nothing to do with the Energy cost.

    If you go to a expensive restaurant, that is promoted as one of the best ones of the city, and you get awful dishes, the problem aint the price of the dishes, the problem are the dishes themselves.

    Maybe this is just my unpopular opinion, but I dont think it is fair to complain about the Energy when the problem is different
    For me the problem is 100% the energy cost. I have never seen anywhere in this game cost more than 3 energy per tile... including end game content. Now we have this at 5 energy. Its just greed, simple as that. You can't say 5 per tile is acceptable when you look at it that way. 3 yeah, sound that's fine. 5 is a kick our teeth.
    It has nothing to do with the energy cost so get over it. It has everything to do with the broken regen. If it didnt require a perfect run with several different champs due to build up, then most would just revive or two and go on about like we did in EOP and SOP. But you can't just jump back in with she hulk at 50% health. He will regen right back up and it will feel like a waste of a revive when you can just restart.
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