Winter of Woe Community Chat [MERGED THREADS]



  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

    Mackey said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Always the contrarian huh? I could solo most Necro fights because they’re well designed and not locked to certain objectives. You do realize how restricting #robot and stuff are right? Even Kabam said that it was too much. They took away most good counters by having the dot node.

    Can’t believe you seriously played the “this is supposed to be endgame content card.” Throwing a bunch of garbage at one fight, making it 10 energy, and requiring specific (bad) objective champs isn’t a test of skill
    Ill repeat myself, you are supposed to use resources to complete this content, if you solo it, you dont use revives, you will rather use energy refills (if you wanna do it sooner), if you dont solo it, you wont use energy but you will spend on revives.

    And I didnt talk about the Robot tag, since thats not a problem anymore, Im talking about the energy cost.

    And also, Im not being the "contrarian", I dont think energy is a problem on a single fight that lasts 14 days long, where you can do a very big amount of tries to solo him, and if not solo him, use revives, the fact that everyone wants a fight that they can solo, that they can do the first day, that doesnt not take that much time to do, and that you can retry the amount you want; thats not a Kabam problem, thats a you problem
    When Necro dropped, there weren’t many complaint threads (other than a few people here and there that aren’t active members of the community). I’ve done 100% Necro and so have many of these players, and I can confidently say that the nodes there were well designed and there wasn’t any bs. Pretty much every fight in there could be soloed. This isn’t just a me thing (stupid thing to say by the way).

    This fight punishes blocking once, can’t use any dot champs which takes a great amount of them out of the pool, can’t use most champs cause of regen + high physical resist, you need a good way to play around the unstoppable, and you have to deal with the ai for brute force

    No one is here like “oh can’t solo so bad design”, they’re calling it bad design because the fight is badly designed. This is artificially inflated to be as tedious as possible, which isn’t good endgame content design, it’s just annoying and unfun. The energy requirement isn’t a big deal on its own, it’s just an additional hurdle for already an already badly designed fight. I’d be fine with the 10 energy if this fight wasn’t as overturned as it was

    Anyways, that’s my piece. Won’t waste any more time arguing with you
    I can understand perfectly what you are talking about, I didnt say in any moment that the fight is nearly acceptable, I think it is way overtuned, there are one or even two nodes that should be changed or removed, but you cant just say that the Energy is a problem because of that, if anything, you can argue that it takes too much revives to do it, due to the extreme difficulty of this particular fight, but Energy has nothing to do there.

    I soloed the Necro bosses I knew I could solo, or that I knew that were not that hard to beat on a single run, the same way I understood that, I understand that this particular one is going to take a decent amount of revives If I dont wanna suffer that much.

    But all of this has nothing to do with the Energy cost.

    If you go to a expensive restaurant, that is promoted as one of the best ones of the city, and you get awful dishes, the problem aint the price of the dishes, the problem are the dishes themselves.

    Maybe this is just my unpopular opinion, but I dont think it is fair to complain about the Energy when the problem is different
    For me the problem is 100% the energy cost. I have never seen anywhere in this game cost more than 3 energy per tile... including end game content. Now we have this at 5 energy. Its just greed, simple as that. You can't say 5 per tile is acceptable when you look at it that way. 3 yeah, sound that's fine. 5 is a kick our teeth.
    It has nothing to do with the energy cost so get over it. It has everything to do with the broken regen. If it didnt require a perfect run with several different champs due to build up, then most would just revive or two and go on about like we did in EOP and SOP. But you can't just jump back in with she hulk at 50% health. He will regen right back up and it will feel like a waste of a revive when you can just restart.
    I'm sorry, are you in my head and know what I like and dislike? I quite literally said that *for me* it's 100% the energy cost. Give your head a wobble mate n reread my comment, thanks
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 171
    Grub88 said:

    So to sum up the only options are

    • Gamma - She Hulk or Hulk
    • Robot - Guillotine 2099 (maybe Warlock if they fix bug)
    • Sinister 6 - Sandman
    Does anyone know any other options people can done it with? Limiting content to that low of a champ pool is just ridiculous. The game is RNG based there will be less than 0.1% of the player base that has all these options available and ranked up.
    What other options do we have for Sinister Six? I am a Valiant player, but my highest star Sandman is 4*.
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 171
    Emilia90 said:

    After more testing, it seems like Guilly is easily the best option for #robot (unless warlock turns out to be a god for it), but it’s a painful fight like someone else said. Solo is possible but really really hard because he’ll crit into block sometimes, but she can do it in one 20% revive if you play it perfectly and the AI cooperates

    So glad I picked Hulk over Bishop from the selector cause he’s my only good option for Gamma. I’ll take him to r2 and try again and again and hopefully that should be a solo

    I have no sandman over a 5* level so I’m pretty screwed for sinister 6 😭

    I am in the same boat. I picked Hulk from 7* Selector from Necropolis. I have Guillotine 2099. But my highest Sandman is only 4*…
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,721 ★★★★★

    Grub88 said:

    So to sum up the only options are

    • Gamma - She Hulk or Hulk
    • Robot - Guillotine 2099 (maybe Warlock if they fix bug)
    • Sinister 6 - Sandman
    Does anyone know any other options people can done it with? Limiting content to that low of a champ pool is just ridiculous. The game is RNG based there will be less than 0.1% of the player base that has all these options available and ranked up.
    What other options do we have for Sinister Six? I am a Valiant player, but my highest star Sandman is 4*.
    Mysterio and Shocker can do it*

    Emphasis on can
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 171
    edited February 9
    ahmynuts said:

    Grub88 said:

    So to sum up the only options are

    • Gamma - She Hulk or Hulk
    • Robot - Guillotine 2099 (maybe Warlock if they fix bug)
    • Sinister 6 - Sandman
    Does anyone know any other options people can done it with? Limiting content to that low of a champ pool is just ridiculous. The game is RNG based there will be less than 0.1% of the player base that has all these options available and ranked up.
    What other options do we have for Sinister Six? I am a Valiant player, but my highest star Sandman is 4*.
    Mysterio and Shocker can do it*

    Emphasis on can
    Thank you for the advice. How bad is the fight with Mysterio and Shocker??? I can also see if I get 5* or 6* Sandman before week 1 ends.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★

    Jefechuta said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Rare Jefechuta L?
    Man I personally cant see the problem, sometimes Kabam messes up, sometimes it doesnt, I dont think they messed up with the energy stuff, we got 12 days and 16 hours still, I dont think it has any sense to complain on day 2 about the Energy when you still have 12 days of free tries.
    …but it’s not free tries. What if a player only used their energy on this challenge trying to clear this overtuned fight and finally on day 14 they get a sigh of relief as they finish their final objective. Just for it to reset into a whole other overtuned fight that they then have to spend another 14 days trying to do all over again. It’s a vicious cycle that is demoralizing. Not to mention you’re spending all your energy trying to do this one fight when you still have EQ, SQ, rifts, and battlegrounds I would like to use my energy on, too. So I’m sorry, but “free tries” is incorrect.

    I think Kabam said something along the lines of making sure future fights aren’t this bad but I have very very low expectations after seeing this fight. If they actually do make future fights more manageable then it’ll be a miraculous surprise but I wouldn’t count those chickens before they’ve hatched.
    They already said that the next fights are going to be easier than this one.

    Two things here, if it is that damn awful to do the fight that you are able to do it the 14 day, because it is too hard, maybe it is not something you should be investing time, because as I said earlier, this is not supposed to be beatable for everyone, and thats already stated several times.

    Next one, the fact that you spend it all there, and you dont have enough for other content, that doesnt change the fact that energy is free, and If you really need that much energy due to how hard it is for you to do the content, you have the refills, which are also free, if you grind a little bit of arena you will get 30 units every time you need them for the content you wanna spend the energy on.

    BGs is a bad example, you have the marks also to do the fights, if you choose to use Energy thats a you problem.

    We cant get angry because of everything, the fight sucks, the will give us a free point just for completion, and the next fights are easier, and Abs Man will be tuned down for the last one so it is not this hard.

    I think everything else is kinda fair.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,721 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Grub88 said:

    So to sum up the only options are

    • Gamma - She Hulk or Hulk
    • Robot - Guillotine 2099 (maybe Warlock if they fix bug)
    • Sinister 6 - Sandman
    Does anyone know any other options people can done it with? Limiting content to that low of a champ pool is just ridiculous. The game is RNG based there will be less than 0.1% of the player base that has all these options available and ranked up.
    What other options do we have for Sinister Six? I am a Valiant player, but my highest star Sandman is 4*.
    Mysterio and Shocker can do it*

    Emphasis on can
    Thank you for the advice. How bad is the fight with Mysterio and Shocker??? I can also see if I get 5* or 6* Sandman before week 1 ends.
    Neither are really ideal. MSD got a solo with shocker (lol of course) so i'd say watch his video to see how generally what the loop is. For Mysterio though i havent seen anyone actually use him but on paper with his abilities i think it could be done
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★

    There's nothing fair about the Fight. That's the point you're missing. No one said it should be for everyone. When 95% of the Players at the Paragon level and above all indicate that the Fight is overtuned, then it's likely overtuned. Telling them it's not for them is quite frankly dismissive. A handful of Players complaining about it, sure. Even 30% of the Players, skill issue. The overwhelming majority, and that doesn't apply.

    You only read the "Everything else is fair", I already said that the fights sucks.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,702 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    After more testing, it seems like Guilly is easily the best option for #robot (unless warlock turns out to be a god for it), but it’s a painful fight like someone else said. Solo is possible but really really hard because he’ll crit into block sometimes, but she can do it in one 20% revive if you play it perfectly and the AI cooperates

    So glad I picked Hulk over Bishop from the selector cause he’s my only good option for Gamma. I’ll take him to r2 and try again and again and hopefully that should be a solo

    I have no sandman over a 5* level so I’m pretty screwed for sinister 6 😭

    I am in the same boat. I picked Hulk from 7* Selector from Necropolis. I have Guillotine 2099. But my highest Sandman is only 4*…
    I really feel bad for you. I don’t have the 6* (for some reason almost everyone has him as a 6 or 7*) so they cant feel the pain I’m about to have using the 5* ascended.

    Shocker isnt ideal for the fight and I wouldn’t even bother with Mysterio.

    The worst part about this event despite all the complains is that its just so frustratingly limited on options. I have to use a 5* Sandman that i just took to r5 and ascended
  • XSquadXSquad Member Posts: 159 ★★
    The energy cost does not bother me at all....the fight bothers me. Needs to be toned down now not later. Keep the enregy cost for I care. The fight was overtuned with bad objectives. Objectives should have been more class based and not specific tags except for Valiant. There was no indication that I was going to need a Sandman when gifting was active or that I would severly be punished for not pulling a Hulk. You could have mentioned that I would need to have an acended champ of every tag lol
  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 598 ★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Rare Jefechuta L?
    Man I personally cant see the problem, sometimes Kabam messes up, sometimes it doesnt, I dont think they messed up with the energy stuff, we got 12 days and 16 hours still, I dont think it has any sense to complain on day 2 about the Energy when you still have 12 days of free tries.
    …but it’s not free tries. What if a player only used their energy on this challenge trying to clear this overtuned fight and finally on day 14 they get a sigh of relief as they finish their final objective. Just for it to reset into a whole other overtuned fight that they then have to spend another 14 days trying to do all over again. It’s a vicious cycle that is demoralizing. Not to mention you’re spending all your energy trying to do this one fight when you still have EQ, SQ, rifts, and battlegrounds I would like to use my energy on, too. So I’m sorry, but “free tries” is incorrect.

    I think Kabam said something along the lines of making sure future fights aren’t this bad but I have very very low expectations after seeing this fight. If they actually do make future fights more manageable then it’ll be a miraculous surprise but I wouldn’t count those chickens before they’ve hatched.
    They already said that the next fights are going to be easier than this one.

    Two things here, if it is that damn awful to do the fight that you are able to do it the 14 day, because it is too hard, maybe it is not something you should be investing time, because as I said earlier, this is not supposed to be beatable for everyone, and thats already stated several times.

    Next one, the fact that you spend it all there, and you dont have enough for other content, that doesnt change the fact that energy is free, and If you really need that much energy due to how hard it is for you to do the content, you have the refills, which are also free, if you grind a little bit of arena you will get 30 units every time you need them for the content you wanna spend the energy on.

    BGs is a bad example, you have the marks also to do the fights, if you choose to use Energy thats a you problem.

    We cant get angry because of everything, the fight sucks, the will give us a free point just for completion, and the next fights are easier, and Abs Man will be tuned down for the last one so it is not this hard.

    I think everything else is kinda fair.
    Energy is not “free”.

  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.

    Rare Jefechuta L?
    Man I personally cant see the problem, sometimes Kabam messes up, sometimes it doesnt, I dont think they messed up with the energy stuff, we got 12 days and 16 hours still, I dont think it has any sense to complain on day 2 about the Energy when you still have 12 days of free tries.
    …but it’s not free tries. What if a player only used their energy on this challenge trying to clear this overtuned fight and finally on day 14 they get a sigh of relief as they finish their final objective. Just for it to reset into a whole other overtuned fight that they then have to spend another 14 days trying to do all over again. It’s a vicious cycle that is demoralizing. Not to mention you’re spending all your energy trying to do this one fight when you still have EQ, SQ, rifts, and battlegrounds I would like to use my energy on, too. So I’m sorry, but “free tries” is incorrect.

    I think Kabam said something along the lines of making sure future fights aren’t this bad but I have very very low expectations after seeing this fight. If they actually do make future fights more manageable then it’ll be a miraculous surprise but I wouldn’t count those chickens before they’ve hatched.
    They already said that the next fights are going to be easier than this one.

    Two things here, if it is that damn awful to do the fight that you are able to do it the 14 day, because it is too hard, maybe it is not something you should be investing time, because as I said earlier, this is not supposed to be beatable for everyone, and thats already stated several times.

    Next one, the fact that you spend it all there, and you dont have enough for other content, that doesnt change the fact that energy is free, and If you really need that much energy due to how hard it is for you to do the content, you have the refills, which are also free, if you grind a little bit of arena you will get 30 units every time you need them for the content you wanna spend the energy on.

    BGs is a bad example, you have the marks also to do the fights, if you choose to use Energy thats a you problem.

    We cant get angry because of everything, the fight sucks, the will give us a free point just for completion, and the next fights are easier, and Abs Man will be tuned down for the last one so it is not this hard.

    I think everything else is kinda fair.
    Please read the announcement again. They did not say that the next fights are easier. They said they expect few of the next fights to be easier. They both don’t mean the same.

    So why should we be complaining about Energy because the fights are hard when we only know one single fight which they stated it harder than they wanted it to be? As I said earlier, everybody was okay about the energy till the first fight arrived, so the energy was never the problem, the problem is the fight itself.

    We cannot attach the problem to something thats not related to it. If you buy an Iphone and you receive a Nokia, the problem is not the price of it, but the product itself, the product here is the damn fight, not the energy.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    o_o said:

    Jefechuta said:

    There's nothing fair about the Fight. That's the point you're missing. No one said it should be for everyone. When 95% of the Players at the Paragon level and above all indicate that the Fight is overtuned, then it's likely overtuned. Telling them it's not for them is quite frankly dismissive. A handful of Players complaining about it, sure. Even 30% of the Players, skill issue. The overwhelming majority, and that doesn't apply.

    You only read the "Everything else is fair", I already said that the fights sucks.
    The Fight is the problem. Granted they gave people a break on the Robot Objective. Which is thoughtful. Nothing has changed about the Fight though. So it's not a solution.
    The most fascinating subplot in this WoW saga has been the GW heel-face turn... i love it
    Will we know why he starts random words with a capital letter? Tune in again tomorrow to find out.
  • Ming_Mow129Ming_Mow129 Member Posts: 54
    The #gamma #robot choices are garbage why can't we just use anyone those champs are not good choices for this fight but doable. Stop putting a block on all the viable options that we can use for objectives. I would really like to see a live video stream of someone from kabam actually do this fight I think it would funny as f*** to watch them do it.
  • Ming_Mow129Ming_Mow129 Member Posts: 54
    Yeah another untested content from kabam (or) they intentionally gave us the objectives with the worst viable options to use as per usual. Kabam has turned there game into a joke and want to try and break everyone's wallets or purses depending on gender. If kabam jax or Mike want to break out there purses for this content they can I will not. So as usual stay broke summoner's and remember to tip the A.I. on your way out lol
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