New Carrina's challenges thoughts?

At a first glance, what's your views on the Challenges, Legacy I believe has smashed it out of the park, karate mikes, hmmmmmm bit of unit fest and slog not really player friendly, not going to be enjoyable, more of a chore.. Fintecs, I'll be skipping completely as it's not doable without a big spend and an absolute unit suck and will be completely unenjoyable, which is a shame I had really high hopes from a content creator I follow.. Note, I'm a paragon, with a decent roster, hasn't finished under quantum in bgs etc.. but that's just my view, I want to see some more..
Fintech's challenge is probably plausible...but for someone like me, I never got into Tigra so she's still unawakened at 6r1. Mojo the same and I don't have him as a 7* either.
Lags looks to be the most doable ones, especially with ascension.
KM’s is hard at a glance, but well designed. I’m not sure about the Zemo one tho
Fintech’s challenge looks awful. Doesn’t look like any fun whatsoever and I’m not looking forward to doing grief incarnate with 2 champs that aren’t really built for it
And happy too see the champs needed are good champs and actually useful after the challenges.
Edit: Loved that they gave out a 5* Starky. Nice addition.
Even you haven't given up on Deathless because of Abs man, this will do it.
I'm taking a step back on the game. It's obvious where this is all going.
Yeah nevermind. Need to take my own advice and read fully before posting.
The old Carinas -- they were optional. If you were a tryhard or whale and wanted to get a leg up, great.
This? There's a deathless piece locked behind it. Or spend 5k units. That's where this is all going. Don't even think about how to get Deathless Thanos.