"You're Bad at Battlegrounds." Thoughts?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    Skyfaw said:

    As much as I love Jax and I appreciate the gesture to let people know it's okay, the stance behind it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
    BGs has been anything but smooth. It's been a work in progress. Personally I've lost the drive the last few Seasons. Now we have new Milestones in Solo, and that might be motivation, but now I have to work my way back up from Bronze, against other Players who have either lost their drive or just haven't played last Season, and it's anything but easy.
    I've been vocal in the past about changes to the Victory Track and issues that have come up, and I'm afraid more Rewards aren't going to be enough to remedy participation. Even if you maintain your Season to streamline into Plat each Season, you're coming up against the best, and you have to wait until the last week to even bother.
    Some of this is because I dropped off. Fair enough. The rest, the Players who are much earlier on than myself, have no chance in hell. They're going to keep beating their heads against a wall. The problem is the Rewards are some of the most lucrative in the game, so they're going to keep trying.
    My issue isn't that Jax shared a friendly word. It's the fact that the stance is, for lack of a better word, tough. Which means people are being used because they need the numbers for Matchmaking, but also not being heard. More than that, being told their issues are just whining. Perhaps not the wording of Kabam, but it's the gist I get from everyone overall.
    The only thing I can say is listen to all Players. Not just the cream of the crop that have no problem and tell everyone else to "Git gud.". No matter where someone is at in the game, there's a person behind that Account. They'll only be told to get over it so long before they stop caring completely. Then you have a game mode that is so elitist people will lose interest.

    Not sure what it is that you expect Kabam to do. Not everyone can be winners, it’s a PVP game mode where everyone fighting for their own rewards. Just like in any other game you have to earn it and it shouldn’t be given.

    It’s unfortunate that people will turn away from BG, but it’s usually 1 of 2 reasons why players get stuck and don’t ascend up the VT. For starters I most commonly see on the forums is that there roster is quite small and are playing against dare I say end game players. Who have roster advantage and will mostly likely win 9/10 times. This would be frustrating for anyone but at the same time why should said player get the same rewards as someone that’s at the end game. They shouldn’t it’s purely that simple.

    2nd reason I see is the skill aspect. The A.I is really no more difficult then high stakes War, Necropolis, EOP the upper echelon aspects of the game. If you’re a player who skills are refined where you can venture into these game modes and not die consistently. Then BGs A.I are nothing but a joke.

    With all that being said, to see success and to quote have a “smooth” experience. You must put in the effort everyone else is putting in. By completing story, necropolis, buying the latest deals. Your opponent is doing all these things so if you’re not then you’re most likely gonna hit the wall. So it just comes down as other people put it “git gud”.
    What I "expect" is enough respect for the point of view of the Players that have issues to not be silenced, regardless of what decisions are made. It's bad enough that the other Players are jumping on every Thread where someone takes issue with BGs. It's another when in-game messages are made about it.
    Also, I'm quite sure I said Kabam didn't use those words. I didn't put them in their mouths.
    All I've spoken up about, besides my own ideas, is for people to have the right to communicate their issues with BGs without being shut down at every turn. I'm an adult. If my suggestions aren't taken, I can accept that. I also have a pretty good idea how it's going to pan out, but that's unfortunate.
    You can't have everything you want and then tell people to deal with the consequences of that. It's just not cool.
    Your mentality is amazingly weird on this never ending subject. You have taken the game at your own pace, tried new things recently, managed to get deeper in the game; but when it comes down to BGs you want to be rewarded or have a similar experience to end game players.
    Its not even just the way victory track works, you have issues with the point system too. Why is it that everything else in the game you are fine with taking your own pace; but when it comes down to the most competitive mode you have issues with it?
    What's amazingly weird is how you derived that from what I said. I've already said I'm a big boy and I can accept my own situation. You're talking about the issue points I've personally had and I could elaborate on those if you like, but that had nothing to do with the point I was just making.
    No points really, you are supposed to represent your own opinion, instead you take the role of a spokesperson to say that the experience has to be better or the mode will die. Less people means more competitive too and competitive people thrive on that.
    If you feel you are being as canon fodder and the mode is so frustrating stop playing it. If your theory is right about the mode you will get your W and be able to say "I told you so Kabam"
    I don't care much for "I told you so.", and I don't operate on the idea that my opinions are written in stone. I'm not an expert or a Medium. I'm passionate about the game mode. Perhaps too much at times because I give up when I'm frustrated with the things I see as issues. That's neither here nor there.
    This is about Players being able to communicate when they have an issue. Over and over they're rebutted with "Skill issue." by other Players, or any number of other stonewall rebuttals. It's almost like moths to a flame. That disturbs me. Quite a bit actually. These aren't just Accounts. There are actual people posting their concerns, and their gaming experience is no less worth something than mine or yours.
    It's about communicating. Obviously I don't believe that's what Jax was saying, "Git gud.", or anyone else from Kabam for that matter. I've always had more respect for the staff than that, and that hasn't changed. What I think it touches on is the fact that these people who have an issue with BGs are all lumped into the same group on the Forum, by anyone else, and told they're not good at it. In one form or another.
    To put it in blunt terms, you can't say people who like it are good and anyone else who doesn't like the setup is just not skilled.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Skyfaw said:

    Skyfaw said:

    As much as I love Jax and I appreciate the gesture to let people know it's okay, the stance behind it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
    BGs has been anything but smooth. It's been a work in progress. Personally I've lost the drive the last few Seasons. Now we have new Milestones in Solo, and that might be motivation, but now I have to work my way back up from Bronze, against other Players who have either lost their drive or just haven't played last Season, and it's anything but easy.
    I've been vocal in the past about changes to the Victory Track and issues that have come up, and I'm afraid more Rewards aren't going to be enough to remedy participation. Even if you maintain your Season to streamline into Plat each Season, you're coming up against the best, and you have to wait until the last week to even bother.
    Some of this is because I dropped off. Fair enough. The rest, the Players who are much earlier on than myself, have no chance in hell. They're going to keep beating their heads against a wall. The problem is the Rewards are some of the most lucrative in the game, so they're going to keep trying.
    My issue isn't that Jax shared a friendly word. It's the fact that the stance is, for lack of a better word, tough. Which means people are being used because they need the numbers for Matchmaking, but also not being heard. More than that, being told their issues are just whining. Perhaps not the wording of Kabam, but it's the gist I get from everyone overall.
    The only thing I can say is listen to all Players. Not just the cream of the crop that have no problem and tell everyone else to "Git gud.". No matter where someone is at in the game, there's a person behind that Account. They'll only be told to get over it so long before they stop caring completely. Then you have a game mode that is so elitist people will lose interest.

    Not sure what it is that you expect Kabam to do. Not everyone can be winners, it’s a PVP game mode where everyone fighting for their own rewards. Just like in any other game you have to earn it and it shouldn’t be given.

    It’s unfortunate that people will turn away from BG, but it’s usually 1 of 2 reasons why players get stuck and don’t ascend up the VT. For starters I most commonly see on the forums is that there roster is quite small and are playing against dare I say end game players. Who have roster advantage and will mostly likely win 9/10 times. This would be frustrating for anyone but at the same time why should said player get the same rewards as someone that’s at the end game. They shouldn’t it’s purely that simple.

    2nd reason I see is the skill aspect. The A.I is really no more difficult then high stakes War, Necropolis, EOP the upper echelon aspects of the game. If you’re a player who skills are refined where you can venture into these game modes and not die consistently. Then BGs A.I are nothing but a joke.

    With all that being said, to see success and to quote have a “smooth” experience. You must put in the effort everyone else is putting in. By completing story, necropolis, buying the latest deals. Your opponent is doing all these things so if you’re not then you’re most likely gonna hit the wall. So it just comes down as other people put it “git gud”.
    What I "expect" is enough respect for the point of view of the Players that have issues to not be silenced, regardless of what decisions are made. It's bad enough that the other Players are jumping on every Thread where someone takes issue with BGs. It's another when in-game messages are made about it.
    Also, I'm quite sure I said Kabam didn't use those words. I didn't put them in their mouths.
    All I've spoken up about, besides my own ideas, is for people to have the right to communicate their issues with BGs without being shut down at every turn. I'm an adult. If my suggestions aren't taken, I can accept that. I also have a pretty good idea how it's going to pan out, but that's unfortunate.
    You can't have everything you want and then tell people to deal with the consequences of that. It's just not cool.
    Don’t be dramatic these threads are everywhere. No one is silencing anyone you stating your opinion here as well as others is proof enough.

    The people who have issues with BGs as is derive from their inadequacy to perform to the level they need to succeed. Kabam is not responsible for making it a bad/good experience for anyone. Simply put it’s an effort thing, as all competitive things in nature are. The people that are struggling haven’t beaten the latest content for whatever reason. To give themselves a fighting chance.

    In short if you’re a casual and think that you're entitled to the same rewards as the next guy who did everything in his power you’re gonna to be sorely mistaken. Just like anything in life. Your BG experience will reflect how much effort said individual put into the game to have an overall better/worse experience.
    That is a blanket statement at best. It does not serve to placate concerns any more than it serves to explain every situation. I'm sorry, but you cannot sum up every complaint with the BG structure with that same assessment. All it does is give an example of the very thing I'm trying to point out.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    In any event, this is rehashing old conversations I've had before and I do agree with Jax on that. We can agree to disagree. I explained myself enough here.
    Happy grinding everyone.
  • Roberto_11fRoberto_11f Member Posts: 3
    "Quote" rel="BloodyRose">As a relatively newcomer to BG, I used to be upset with the matchmaking and constantly getting creamed, especially by higher level players at the lower levels. But I started watching vids and reading the blogs to understand how things work.

    Yeah, it was annoying AF at Bronze III to be matched with a player that has half their champs be 6*r4/5 or 7*r1 while mine are 5*r5 and 6*r1/2/3. Once,I learned you get placed based on participation rather than your roster it started to make sense. So, I move up slower. The past couple seasons I made it to Gold I with my kinda modest roster.

    Today I started the BG as Bronze II. Go me. I lost the first 4 matches to some ridiculous rosters. THEN I finally got matched to someone on par with me and won. BG is really a great place to learn how much you suck or don't suck playing certain champs. I think of BG like joining whatever kind of league... If you wanna be serious, be serious and take the Ws as they come and learn from the Ls and become a better player. If you don't care and wanna have fun and just claim some rewards, fine, have fun but don't be pissed if you lose more than you win.

    But, we can all be pissed at the cheaters and modders. :tongue:

    And, @J_J dude, next time some paragraph breaks would be helpful. That was impossible to read.

    Can you explain to me how your placement depends on your participation plz. If I play a lot of BGs will I get matched with higher lvl players?? Or if I don’t play a lot will I get matched with higher players? I don’t understand

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    Can you explain to me how your placement depends on your participation plz. If I play a lot of BGs will I get matched with higher lvl players?? Or if I don’t play a lot will I get matched with higher players? I don’t understand

    Players are matched by one of two algorithms. One seeks to find players with similar roster strength in your tier. The other seeks to match against any other player within the same tier without regard to roster strength.

    At low VT tiers, the first algorithm dominates. The game tries to find matches of similar strength. It can’t always do so, it sometimes has to match against whoever happens to be looking at the time, but it tries. The reason for doing this is to deliberately make it easier for low strength players to enter matches with other players of similar strength, so the outcome of the match is more likely to be relatively even.

    The problem with this kind of matching is that while it can seem fair to individual players it is unfair to the competition as a whole. If players always matched that way, lower strength players would have an easier time promoting than they should, because they would never face the strongest players in the game. Imagine an Uncollected player facing no one but other Uncollected players and then placing first at the end of the season. That would make a mockery of the entire competition.

    So at some point, the “training wheels” have to come off, and players have to face whoever is there ahead of them, and not just hand picked opponents they can beat. Somewhere around platinum 2 or so, the match maker shifts from matching by strength to matching against whoever is there. From that point on, no matter how strong your own roster is, you still have to face whoever is in those tiers, whether they are as strong as you, stronger than you, or extremely stronger than you.

    As far as I’m aware, no amount of participation afffects who you match against. However, because who sits in each tier changes throughout a season as players promote upward in VT, the level of participation by everyone as a whole can affect how easy or difficult a particular tier is on any given week of the BG season. The more everyone participates, the faster everyone moves up to their eventual tier. This causes stronger players to end up higher and leave lower tiers, making them in effect easier. That’s the only way in which “participation” changes who you match against. Your own participation level means nothing, but how active everyone is will affect whether you face strong accounts or those accounts promote up into GC quickly and you never see them as a result.
  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 499 ★★★
    If you can't progress further in the VT/GC it simply means, you are outskilled/Out-rostered. Accept that you at this moment can't get further. Go level up champions and learn their kits. Try again next season.

    If your're not ready, you're not ready. Yeah Bg's can be iffy at times . . . so just save your Elder's Marks that season and try again next season. At times, you may not have the right champions for that season so just accept that you don't have every champion in the game ranked up and aren't ready to face every single meta and make it out at the top.
    An example would just be story quest. Too hard? Wait and tackle it when your roster is ready.
  • Lucifer_MS_626Lucifer_MS_626 Member Posts: 47
    I am always matched with whales.. people have 4 , 5 and even 6 or 7 R3 high sig 7 stars.. it is really becoming a joke. Kabam should look into matching making.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,472 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    JessieS said:

    I mean it’s beyond obvious that Kabam has been rigging the algorithm to make it harder and harder to at the higher levels and force you to spend units . When players have enough and don’t play along anymore Kabam will reverse but until then they will squeeze every cent they can . It’s how capitalism works

    Omfg everything is rigged, get the torches and pitchforks out, let's start a revolution!!

    You're delusional, dude.
    Huh? Dude you do know that this game is not magical right that was randomly born one day right ? Kabam programs it including the algorithms for the matches . That’s is just how it works . It’s so bizzare how weirdly triggered people get to defend a corporation
    This is one of the stupidest thing I read in a long time, and probably why Jax wrote that news thing.
    See OP? Those news things are needed.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    JessieS said:

    I mean it’s beyond obvious that Kabam has been rigging the algorithm to make it harder and harder to at the higher levels and force you to spend units . When players have enough and don’t play along anymore Kabam will reverse but until then they will squeeze every cent they can . It’s how capitalism works

    Omfg everything is rigged, get the torches and pitchforks out, let's start a revolution!!

    You're delusional, dude.
    Huh? Dude you do know that this game is not magical right that was randomly born one day right ? Kabam programs it including the algorithms for the matches . That’s is just how it works . It’s so bizzare how weirdly triggered people get to defend a corporation
    Yup, they definitely rig the match ups because you have hit your ceiling in the game. It must be true. Lmfao
  • Lucifer_MS_626Lucifer_MS_626 Member Posts: 47
    Lmao people copying and pasting each other's words here 🤣🤣
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 760 ★★★

    Lmao people copying and pasting each other's words here 🤣🤣

    Not really, that's what the quote option is for
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,472 ★★★★★

    Lmao people copying and pasting each other's words here 🤣🤣

    2nd stupidest thing I read
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    I am always matched with whales.. people have 4 , 5 and even 6 or 7 R3 high sig 7 stars.. it is really becoming a joke. Kabam should look into matching making.

    They did look at match making. They explicitly changed it several times. The current iteration is not only deliberate, what was deliberately removed from the previous iteration was allowing low progress players to only match against other low progress players all the way up to GC, because that was explicitly seen as being broken, which it is.

    There are odd occurrences and corner cases to match making that are unintended. For example, below Platinum players should not be matching against wildly overmatched opponents. But whether that's a bug, or more likely a consequence of having no available match candidates at the same moment in time (the game can't match you against an equal opponent if no equal opponent is looking for match at that exact moment), it isn't very common. I've run two different alts of different (and low) roster strength through VT, and such match ups over the last several seasons have been very uncommon.

    If you're below Platinum, I doubt you're *always* getting matched against whales. If you're above Platinum, you're getting matched against those players because those are the players in your way. Those are the players ahead of you also fighting to progress. To get past them, you have to beat them. If you can't, you don't deserve to push beyond them. Period.

    Incidentally, I don't believe there's a bright line that separates roster matching below P2 and anything-goes matching above P1. I think this transitions from one to the other as you go beyond Silver. So random whales can show up rarely in Silver, uncommonly in Gold, and then start popping up everywhere in Platinum. I kinda recommended something like that in my Big Battlegrounds Post, albeit using somewhat different match mechanics, for reasons that probably the devs also considered when they implemented their match algorithm.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,483 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    JessieS said:

    I mean it’s beyond obvious that Kabam has been rigging the algorithm to make it harder and harder to at the higher levels and force you to spend units . When players have enough and don’t play along anymore Kabam will reverse but until then they will squeeze every cent they can . It’s how capitalism works

    This is so deeply incorrect, it’s wild. How does Kabam rig a PvP matchup to make it harder for both players? If one person has an impossibly difficult matchup, then, by definition, another player has a ridiculously easy one.

    Does the level of competition increase as you go up? Yes. That’s how competitions work. People with better win records (which you need to progress) typically are better than people with worse records. That’s not capitalism, that’s tautology.
    Why would they make it harder on both players when they can make it harder on those who don’t spend units and thus bring less profits for Kabam ?

    . But hey unless someone actually bothers doing a proper research I doubt we will ever know who is right for sure in the end it’s a matter of our personal opinion . And seeing as my opinion is illegal here since Kabam really hates it when someone criticises them congratulations your opinion is the only one allowed on the forums :)
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    I feel personally victimized when I step foot in BG
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    edited May 18
    I think Battlegrounds is fine as is.
    The Vibrainium track can be a bit of a slog to get through, but regardless the top of the game mode is there for the ones who put in the most time/ rank up resources/ and effort into it.
    I don’t take it too seriously, i get to GC and play a match then quit out.
    I’ve even had more then a few pints on several occasions playing bg’s, after all it’s just a game…have some fun with it.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 1,799 ★★★★★
    Again, nobody complains when the rewards are worth the time and effort.
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 345 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    GW, I appreciate your passion around this topic. But I think we've done this dance enough times and you've been a part of those conversations enough that you might need to consider changing your perspective on this one. I understand you want something one particular way, but you've been told numerous times why that cannot be.

    I'd also appreciate you not putting words in our mouths. We never said anyone was whining. You are being heard. This isn't a matter of "listening to all voices" because I've displayed that the ones asking for BGs to be easier are the vocal minority. You are also being told that what you want conflicts with the nature of the game design and therefore doesn't take precedent. We are listening, but when we have to make decisions between appeasing the vocal minority and preserving the integrity of the game mode while considering the design intent... we choose the latter.

    Additionally, The game mode doesn't exist in its current state because we're listening to the people at the top, it is the way it is because we have established a game design philosophy, stated it publicly and dedicated ourselves to maintaining the competitive integrity of the mode.

    I can't keep going in circles on this. We as a community have had these conversations for over a year now. When matchmaking and the "fairness" of BGs is called into question the only thing we will have to say (because it's all that really matters) is: This is a competitive game mode where you need to beat others to progress. We understand that you might want it to be easier for you to progress, but when it's a choice between appeasing a vocal minority and staying true to the intention behind the game design... we believe our game team is making the right choice in preserving the competitive nature of the mode.

    so Jax why don’t make BG matching base on at least Title to have more fair match. For example, Paragon match with Paragon, just like Boxing base on weight level to have a more competitive matchup
This discussion has been closed.