Rank Down Tickets

Are the rank down gems or tickets ever coming back! It would be great to see them return as some champions have become un-useful while others need ranking up! The Tier 4 catalysts are not easy to come by so the ranking down tickets would be great even if just for a short time??
@Kabam Wolf
Does this qualify as a NERF on Archangel NOW?!
Since you flagged my other comment, let me expand upon it.
RDT's we're only meant for major changes (nerfs) to champions like 12.0. They were nice enough to give some out at christmas but really they shouldn't have.
This is a game with a ever changing meta. Champs will become unused over time because of this. You choose who rank up knowing this. There werent any RDT's when 5*'s were released and doesn't need to be with 6*'s.
As far as tier 4 cats go, join an ally that does map 5 or 6. Mine does 5 5x5 and I am over flowing with class cats. I recently have let 7 t4cc expire because I have to many.
Do some work and earn the rewards and stop ranking champs up just to rank.
@Kabam Wolf LITERALLY said ignoring stun immune and limber was “working” as intended and they removed it
HOW is that NOT a nerf @Demonzfyre ?
Watch out a kid named Hollywood might come in calling you a begginer because u don't agree with him but I on the other hand absolutely agree
Because he was wrong? It's only been explained like 50 times. Besides, AA is still a fantastic champ.
Pre-12.0 anytime someone would ask for anything like a RDT Kabam would simply say "we don't have the means to do anything like that." Now that the community knows its possible they can't fall back on that anymore.
So you would never use him again? You would rank him down because of a change that affects 2% of all game play? Something that other champs can handle just fine? It's just stupid. People like you just want to play a victim card and get stuff for it. Get over it already. AA can still do so much and be very useful.
Yeah… losing precious stuns in LoL makes him less desirable at r4… his r3 Damage was enough but the extra stats were just to compete in LoL… otherwise his classic chemical cocktail is MORE than enough at r3 to take out the half of RoL that isn’t poison immune (including Black Bolt who kills himself)
No I don’t want a RDT. I want my 5* generic AG that I used on him only after I saw the confirmation of AA working as intended.
If you buy a Porsche and they put a governor on the engine and you’re left with a high end WV. It’s good enough right...?
Right, that one comment made you awaken him. Not all the other abilities he has.
There are better champs for LOL
Sometimes you have to work with what you have
Or hold off till you are ready.
Not everyone has the patience to wait for the better champion. Not do they have the funds to buy one.
Would I rather duped 5* Medusa or Hype over Angela? Yes, but I got Angela so that's what I rank. If I make that call on my own that's on me. Now if I made that decision partly based on statements from an authoritative game source, that's on them.
Drax was a bug that was known for quite some time. If You ranked drax just to handle Mordo then thats your fault. Hes not hard to seal with anyway. We got RDT's for 12.0 for Thor, SW, and DS. AA is still very much a viable champ.
Most people asking for RDT's just want resources instead of actually earning them. As long as people advocate for them, we have the right to advocate against them.
Then don't post the request on a public forum where anyone can offer their opinion if they disagree with you...if you do not want other's possibly opposing opinions, PM the moderators.