AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    To say we can't get an answer because it's the weekend and they don't work is laughable. Surely a company that makes 250mil+ a year from this game can afford to staff 24/7 or at least have people on call.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    This is completely insane that there's been no response. No free maps. No timetable. Nothing. I'm sure the devs are snorting coke through hundred dollar bills the whales forked over, but give us something.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    They need to go back to the week before last since the downtime last week cost us day one due to our timezone issues. Being locked out of aq for 12 hours then waking up with 6 hours left and still barely into leg two in two bgs and leg one in another didn't leave time to finish all 3 groups.

    Giving us less rewards two weeks straight isn't going to cut it. They need to look over alliance history over a 3-4 week period to get a better snapshot of what alliances typically score and not base compensation off of an anomaly week. It needs to be based on a regular, uninterrupted week only.
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    Grub wrote: »
    Basically no one has to do AQ this week. Not that hard guys. They can’t fix it till after AQ ends.

    False. It is that hard guy.
    See the posted questions that hold merit and are legitimate questions.

    We don't know which option is worse. To do nothing, or continue. Duh.
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    This is a system that is up 24/7, with the exceptions of server outages obviously. A person would think that with all the money Kabam makes they would have a staff that has shifts around the clock. U mean to tell me they don’t have people at least on call or at minimum, pay overtime for the team as we so often here about them taking issues to. I realize it’s the weekend but I believe this iOS issue, AQ bracket fiasco, and all the public outrage with all of the above would constitute paying some people overtime to fix these problems or maybe even pay some people to start coming up with some plans or even pay some extra staff to take up public relations within the community (forums, Reddit or whatever else platform people use to complain). This is a digital realm with no real monetary valued items and I’m referring to like shards and crystals or whatever. I can’t believe the compensation is really even a issue. There’s bigger fish to fry in this situation. If I was mr Kabam himself I would step back and look at the bigger picture of keeping my gamers happy vs worrying about giving them “free stuff” as Kabam Mike said. That still irks me thinking about it. The problem is ....this game has gotten too big for its britches as some have heard in the past.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    @DrZola no one would be here complaining if Kabam eliminated the map costs and sent everyone a chunk of glory. Neither of those things requires significant effort and would allow them to focus on the overheating issue. They've given ambiguous, unhelpful guidance and then gone fully silent.
  • SkuncSkunc Member Posts: 39
    Who knows, maybe we will get a video of how to maximize play time with overheating your battery. Help us dorky Dave, you’re our only hope.

    Yeah I know this has nothing to do with AQ, but hey, it’s not like the moderators are chiming in to tell us to post in the correct place.

    Any answer on AQ yet? Now it’s in the right place.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    This is a system that is up 24/7, with the exceptions of server outages obviously. A person would think that with all the money Kabam makes they would have a staff that has shifts around the clock. U mean to tell me they don’t have people at least on call or at minimum, pay overtime for the team as we so often here about them taking issues to. I realize it’s the weekend but I believe this iOS issue, AQ bracket fiasco, and all the public outrage with all of the above would constitute paying some people overtime to fix these problems or maybe even pay some people to start coming up with some plans or even pay some extra staff to take up public relations within the community (forums, Reddit or whatever else platform people use to complain). This is a digital realm with no real monetary valued items and I’m referring to like shards and crystals or whatever. I can’t believe the compensation is really even a issue. There’s bigger fish to fry in this situation. If I was mr Kabam himself I would step back and look at the bigger picture of keeping my gamers happy vs worrying about giving them “free stuff” as Kabam Mike said. That still irks me thinking about it. The problem is ....this game has gotten too big for its britches as some have heard in the past.

    They likely do have people on-call and working at all times. They probably have a limited number of Devs that are capable of dealing with these things, and currently we have a heating issue that needs dealt with as well. There may be people working, but they can't make people work 24/7. They do have to live as well. Now, in the event of an emergency, such as the server crashes and no one can play at all, that would warrant an immediate response, and having someone called in. Given the fact that there are other issues going on and AQ being mixed up is not the top of the triage, it will probably have to wait. I get that people are worried. I'm not trying to say it's not an important issue. I'm just saying it's not as dire as a game outage.
  • mughal96mughal96 Member Posts: 26
    These guys clearly can't stand to a word they said about improving communication. @Kabam Miike You guys need to have some integrity and stand to your words.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    Oh cool, checked back to see if there was an official response, saw none, but did see that another user has told us they will take care of it tomorrow. Thank god, I feel so much better now. Glad we got that cleared up, as if anyone had any confusion that phones heating up wasn’t at the top of their pressing issues. Nah, we just needed the mods to take a moment from deleting posts and commenting on other issues to answer 17 pages of questions alone giving the tiniest bit of clarification about this particular issue that wasn’t dealt with properly in the first official comment. Honestly I don’t want to see another person answer for kabam ever again, I want to hear it from them. I want the people who get paid with the money I’ve spent in this game to tell me directly an answer to our questions. I’ve been asking for 2 days now.

    Why anyone would try to speak for kabam who isn’t paid by them is beyond me, and if the intention is to calm the waters or ease the contention between the player base and the developers and moderators, it’s failing miserably.
  • InfineosInfineos Member Posts: 126
    please at least someone from moderator let us know what the situation about this AQ. we can't afford running low map if later you penalized us for not doing usual map or even drop our tier later (if its still exist) we are burning resources, and requirement of 3 people to open 1 BG really hinder us.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    1) restore everyone to their rank on 7/3. You shouldn’t promote or demote anyone based on AQ results when you said brackets were being abolished.

    2) delay war season a week to fix phones turning into molten lava

    3) give everyone glory to match what they earned during the AQ ending 6/26 (roughly). This was the last AQ where we thought brackets mattered.

    4) make maps free this AQ and next.

    5) SAY SOMETHING. You could’ve handled 80% of the outcry if you had made maps free and promised to fix it on the back end. Instead, we got a cryptic warning to roll the dice on these maps.
  • Player9876Player9876 Member Posts: 32
    Maybe someone from a 3rd place alliance can give us some insider info from their connection at kabam.
  • StolenNameGuyStolenNameGuy Member Posts: 36
    I started typing a comment and decided against it. Now, that draft text shows up every time I come to this thread, so I'm just going to post this instead of accidentally sending that post. Mods, please feel free to delete this post. :)

  • SkuncSkunc Member Posts: 39
    Nah, vips get special treatment. They don’t deal with us plebs.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    whatever compensation they choose at this point must not have anything to do with this weeks numbers. Your inability to respond with information of substance has encouraged many alliances to simply do map3. The reason for that is the only reason many alliances do map 5-6 is for glory. We have hundreds and hundreds of map5-6 crystals just sitting in our inventory because you can’t even set your market on upgrade items correctly after 3 years.
  • SRArch_SAI21SRArch_SAI21 Member Posts: 96
    So we have multiple issues here let’s list down for compensation before they forget

    1)we had an emergency issue for almost 8+ hours so nothing came back
    2) we have phone burning up issues still going on since the update and no news for how long like this
    3) AQ cockup with tiers no news whatsoever or rather fix the brackets or rewards
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    More than anything, it appears that business decisions and non-critical issues can only be handled during bankers hours. Something crashes on a Friday night? Gotta wait until the main crew comes in on Monday to discuss it.

    Yes, Kabam keeps a team working around the clock, but their job is to ensure the game is running 24/7. Can players log in and play? If yes, then everything is punted to Monday.

    Even the big server crash happened late on a Friday night. They worked like crazy to get the game back up, but absolutely nothing was discussed for compensation until the next business day (Monday).

    In this case, we probably won't hear anything until tomorrow at the soonest.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,065 Guardian

    I can only assume that if we run the entire week of AQ our compensation package will be what we would have received if AQ was running in our proper brackets - much later than we would have received it, of course. I obviously don't know this for sure because we never seem to receive timely responses to our concerns or transparency from Kabam. I strongly doubt it will exceed our normal AQ rewards because our compensation packages for the last year and a half have been pretty lean.

    The other issue is Kabam is starting a new (harder) AW season and many of us need our glory from AQ to purchase revives and/or potions (as has been stated previously in this thread by others.) How will this be handled? Is AW season 3 going to be postponed? Is Kabam going to hand out L4 healing potions and revives before AW season 3 begins? Or are we supposed to suck it up and deal with it like we've grown accustomed to doing?

    Kabam, answer the simple questions in this thread and make this right. You have been making far too many mistakes and the player base is growing weary. Oh, so weary.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    pseudosane wrote: »

    I can only assume that if we run the entire week of AQ our compensation package will be what we would have received if AQ was running in our proper brackets - much later than we would have received it, of course. I obviously don't know this for sure because we never seem to receive timely responses to our concerns or transparency from Kabam. I strongly doubt it will exceed our normal AQ rewards because our compensation packages for the last year and a half have been pretty lean.

    The other issue is Kabam is starting a new (harder) AW season and many of us need our glory from AQ to purchase revives and/or potions (as has been stated previously in this thread by others.) How will this be handled? Is AW season 3 going to be postponed? Is Kabam going to hand out L4 healing potions and revives before AW season 3 begins? Or are we supposed to suck it up and deal with it like we've grown accustomed to doing?

    Kabam, answer the simple questions in this thread and make this right. You have been making far too many mistakes and the player base is growing weary. Oh, so weary.

    Previously, they have given people what they earned the week prior to the issue. That might be a possibility.
  • RebelCazRebelCaz Member Posts: 24

    Previously, they have given people what they earned the week prior to the issue. That might be a possibility.

    The game is working as intended
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    The phone issue is a little more pressing than AQ. People have valuable devices that are overheating. They'll be in tomorrow, I'm sure.

    Who is “they” in this sentence? And do you know the length of time and complexity it takes to fix the phone issue vs the to fix aq (which they said they already have a fix for)?

    And do these “they” also include the people who respond to questions about which maps we should be running in aq/compensation? If not, why does the phone issue have any bearing on most of the questions being asked?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    I started typing a comment and decided against it. Now, that draft text shows up every time I come to this thread, so I'm just going to post this instead of accidentally sending that post. Mods, please feel free to delete this post. :)

    You can delete drafts in a draft section on the right side below the links for "My Discussions" and "My Bookmarks" if you have a unposted draft.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    More than anything, it appears that business decisions and non-critical issues can only be handled during bankers hours. Something crashes on a Friday night? Gotta wait until the main crew comes in on Monday to discuss it.

    To be fair, that's how I do it. I'll fix anything on a Saturday, but anything that doesn't involve critical uptime and you're going to wait until Monday at the earliest. If you want to hash out a problem on a Sunday, I'm far less inclined to be understanding. I'll do it, but you'll be negotiating with a hostile party, and you're going to lose. Doesn't matter how big a customer it is.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Run477 wrote: »

    It’s against the forum rules to pretend to be a mod

    This almost doesn't even warrant a response, but nowhere did I imply that I'm a Mod. Kthxbye.
This discussion has been closed.