AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    By not clarifying the last mod statement they have virtually guaranteed making people unhappy. People who keep running map 5 or 6 will be upset if they burned resources for the cost of the maps and it turns out there is no benefit to running these maps. People that dropped to lower maps will be upset if it does turn out to matter. The lack of any further communication makes it appear as though the mods literally don't know and don't even have enough information to clarify the statement. At least there are a dozen other big problems lol.
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    We paid to start map 5 and it gave us map 2. SMH.
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  • ZachAttack06ZachAttack06 Member Posts: 74
    Kabam we need you be active in the forums please.

    I thought I was done dealing with magicians in this game. Smh.
  • Sn1pes130Sn1pes130 Member Posts: 82
    “I understand if you are feeling impatient, but please hang in there as we work through all of this and please continue to post your feedback in the existing threads rather than creating new ones. Thanks for understanding!”

    Since this thread this was posted in was shut down, I’ll post on here on what an absolute joke and insulting of response this. Now I understand this joke of a game has many issues going on right now since it’s literally ruining people devices. But it’s been almost 72 hours since a response on how we should go about AQ because of another mess up on Kabams part. I was once called immature by a moderator for suggesting that the AA change sets precedent for a slippery slope moving forward. For the mods to call people “impatient” when all we want is guidance (which would literally take less time than cleaning the thread takes) is a an absolute joke and continues to show how much this company values its customers.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Run477 wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.

    I think hes saying nobody should be punished. This week should basically not count.

    I guess here’s the problem. Kabam has not told us anything. So some of us are running map 5 assuming we are going to get the rewards we should have got. Others are running map 3, I assume, thinking they will get the rewards they got last week. If this is accurate, whichever compensation kabam produces is going to tick people off. And it could have all been avoided if one mod would have came on here and just told everyone what the outcome would be.

    The mods don't make that decision and thus cannot tell us what the outcome would be.

    No matter what Kabam does someone is going to be ticked off: the decision for what the best reasonable compensation should be shouldn't factor in as a goal making everyone happy. The best you can do in a situation like this is something that the majority of reasonable people would find reasonable fair. I have no illusions that any action, even the one I suggested earlier, would make everyone happy.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    @DNA3000 That's an enormous copout. Kabam's silence and inaction have made this situation worse, and since the mods communicate on behalf of the dev team, they could've easily ironed out a few preliminary things to avoid this chaos.

    1) Eliminate map costs this cycle. No investment of treasury resources, less worry from alliances.
    2) Get some glory sent out (or at least announce it'll be sent after the AQ cycle. Doesn't have to be a specific amount, but at least say something.)
    3) Tell us what to expect for rankings/brackets next AQ as it relates to performance in this AQ.

    You'll notice that the griefing here gets worse each time we have to select maps. That's because the uncertainty and anxiety of that process causes arguments between officers. Kabam could have mitigated this with *VERY* simple fixes and has chosen not to.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    It's now 2pm in Vancouver, where the kabam offices are located to my knowledge. If people rolled in to work at 9am that means they've had five hours to come up with something. Anything. Another vague statement of intent to get around to eventually actually addressing all these issues. Anything.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I don't know what's the big issue, I am still playing the game, just the way its supposed to.

    Cool off and Put down your pitchforks guys.

    literally almost no game mode is working the way it's supposed to and people's devices are overheating so they can't even play the game. You're ignoring page after page of known issues with the game. Stop trolling.

    Apart from the iphones over-heating, there's no real issue preventing you from enjoying the game. Yes, there are bugs, more than usual, but you can still play and enjoy unless you are just doing AQ right now.

    There's Event quest, Arena, story quests, and AW and everything is working as expected. Get a grip.

    Also, you can actually put down your phone and take a break. I don't understand, say if Tesla would analyze and say that Don't use Auto-pilot mode because it can cause bodily harm, then it is best to NOT use it until it is actually fixed.

    If your local county issues a warning NOT to drink tap water since it might have harmful contaminants, do you still keep on drinking it. Wait for a fix and stop this mass hysteria. ITS A MOBILE GAME.

    My iphone is getting too hot to play and the game is crashing like everyone else. My alliance is running quest and war and I'm not able to play the game. I really don't care if you think that is not important or if you think I should be spending my time elsewhere, and there's a lot more unresolved issues from previous weeks building up here that hundreds of others in pages of posts are bringing up. You are the minority here in that you think everything's rosy. Using the "it's a mobile game" line is lazy and kind of silly, in that you're on this forum for "just a mobile game" arguing with someone about it. Maybe take your own advice? I mean players like you like to be contrarian and tell everyone to calm down, but you'll still reap the benefits from everyone else's pressure on kabam if they send out compensation, right? So what exactly is your point here at all, besides yelling into the void at thousands of players who are upset? Would you like to come tell my alliance that I run, full of adults, that the game is all good and there's no problem, just don't play it - maybe use your bad tesla analogy? Cuz there's a few of them too who can't log in without superheating their device, and we're about to lose this war because of it. I'm sorry you have a problem with those of us who are asking for answers and some actions from Kabam, but if we all acted like you, nothing would get fixed. Hysteria by definition is exaggerated emotion, usually describing a situation where it's not deserved. If your argument is that Kabam doesn't deserve the comments coming their way, thank god you aren't employed there.

    Kabam is a company, if they don't support the game, ppl will eventually move away. In the end, the loss is for the company, they'll lose money, they'll lose jobs.

    Anyways, addressing your points -

    If your phone is over heating, taking a break sounds like good advice or you just want to burn your hands?? Get a new device if that helps you play.

    Compensation - It's not JUST community pressure that they give compensation, it's a way to apologize. I've played other games where you'd get compensation even when there was no uproar. Didn't you get 5* shards for free from Deadpool. Kabam has given lots of free items without a boycott or outburst from players.

    Just a mobile game - I love to play it, but if I have to put it down, it won't be the end of it all. I come to forums to discuss aspects of the game, not rile up ppl to go on protests. Bugs are bugs, and they'll get fixed.

    Asking over and over - You think this is the way? Tagging mods in every other post is the way? They'll give information when there's new information. Imagine your manager bugging you every 30 mins for a status update, I bet you'd say that effects productivity and what's there to say than "I'm working on it."

    I don't have a problem with asking questions, but bugs take time to be fixed. Look at Samsung's hasty solution to overheating batteries, more phones caught fire and eventually they cancelled the whole model for that year, but not before a fiasco.

    It's the app's interaction with iOS that causing heat, and probably could've been tested better. But once it's out and it's this serious, you can't just give a half verified solution. Takes time to analyze, plan, implement and roll it out.

    Gosh, if half the ppl would actually understand that it's not just like turning a switch on and off. Some bugs are easy, others not so much.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I think we all know that this isn't a simple fix. But the forum mods (community managers) aren't the ones working on the fix, so there's no reason they can't give some form of update on progress or lack of progress.
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  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    edited July 2018
    BigTuna13 wrote: »
    Cmon guys...say something.


    (couldnt resist this one)
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.

    I think hes saying nobody should be punished. This week should basically not count.

    I guess here’s the problem. Kabam has not told us anything. So some of us are running map 5 assuming we are going to get the rewards we should have got. Others are running map 3, I assume, thinking they will get the rewards they got last week. If this is accurate, whichever compensation kabam produces is going to tick people off. And it could have all been avoided if one mod would have came on here and just told everyone what the outcome would be.

    Yea I’m saying no one should be punished. They should give every alliance double what they got the previous week and refund all map start prices from this week

    That would be pretty fair imo.
  • jasilva_spideyjasilva_spidey Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2018
    Ha! Have they even refunded our treasuries yet from the last AQ series when we were locked out of the game for over 8 hours on day 1?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.

    I think hes saying nobody should be punished. This week should basically not count.

    I guess here’s the problem. Kabam has not told us anything. So some of us are running map 5 assuming we are going to get the rewards we should have got. Others are running map 3, I assume, thinking they will get the rewards they got last week. If this is accurate, whichever compensation kabam produces is going to tick people off. And it could have all been avoided if one mod would have came on here and just told everyone what the outcome would be.

    Yea I’m saying no one should be punished. They should give every alliance double what they got the previous week and refund all map start prices from this week

    That would be pretty fair imo.

    Yes and no. It’s a lot of time spent by the map 5 people. You can say that map 5 crystals are better than map 3 crystals. But honestly, I don’t need t4cc as much as I need t1a and alliance potions. I would have rather been running map 3 if I was going to just be getting map 5 rank rewards regardless. It’s definitely a great outcome for the people that didn’t run map 5 all week.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Map 5 is way more useful bc of the glory at this point more than the map 5 crystals
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    I don't know what's the big issue, I am still playing the game, just the way its supposed to.

    Cool off and Put down your pitchforks guys.

    literally almost no game mode is working the way it's supposed to and people's devices are overheating so they can't even play the game. You're ignoring page after page of known issues with the game. Stop trolling.

    Apart from the iphones over-heating, there's no real issue preventing you from enjoying the game. Yes, there are bugs, more than usual, but you can still play and enjoy unless you are just doing AQ right now.

    There's Event quest, Arena, story quests, and AW and everything is working as expected. Get a grip.

    Also, you can actually put down your phone and take a break. I don't understand, say if Tesla would analyze and say that Don't use Auto-pilot mode because it can cause bodily harm, then it is best to NOT use it until it is actually fixed.

    If your local county issues a warning NOT to drink tap water since it might have harmful contaminants, do you still keep on drinking it. Wait for a fix and stop this mass hysteria. ITS A MOBILE GAME.

    My iphone is getting too hot to play and the game is crashing like everyone else. My alliance is running quest and war and I'm not able to play the game. I really don't care if you think that is not important or if you think I should be spending my time elsewhere, and there's a lot more unresolved issues from previous weeks building up here that hundreds of others in pages of posts are bringing up. You are the minority here in that you think everything's rosy. Using the "it's a mobile game" line is lazy and kind of silly, in that you're on this forum for "just a mobile game" arguing with someone about it. Maybe take your own advice? I mean players like you like to be contrarian and tell everyone to calm down, but you'll still reap the benefits from everyone else's pressure on kabam if they send out compensation, right? So what exactly is your point here at all, besides yelling into the void at thousands of players who are upset? Would you like to come tell my alliance that I run, full of adults, that the game is all good and there's no problem, just don't play it - maybe use your bad tesla analogy? Cuz there's a few of them too who can't log in without superheating their device, and we're about to lose this war because of it. I'm sorry you have a problem with those of us who are asking for answers and some actions from Kabam, but if we all acted like you, nothing would get fixed. Hysteria by definition is exaggerated emotion, usually describing a situation where it's not deserved. If your argument is that Kabam doesn't deserve the comments coming their way, thank god you aren't employed there.

    Kabam is a company, if they don't support the game, ppl will eventually move away. In the end, the loss is for the company, they'll lose money, they'll lose jobs.

    Anyways, addressing your points -

    If your phone is over heating, taking a break sounds like good advice or you just want to burn your hands?? Get a new device if that helps you play.

    Compensation - It's not JUST community pressure that they give compensation, it's a way to apologize. I've played other games where you'd get compensation even when there was no uproar. Didn't you get 5* shards for free from Deadpool. Kabam has given lots of free items without a boycott or outburst from players.

    Just a mobile game - I love to play it, but if I have to put it down, it won't be the end of it all. I come to forums to discuss aspects of the game, not rile up ppl to go on protests. Bugs are bugs, and they'll get fixed.

    Asking over and over - You think this is the way? Tagging mods in every other post is the way? They'll give information when there's new information. Imagine your manager bugging you every 30 mins for a status update, I bet you'd say that effects productivity and what's there to say than "I'm working on it."

    I don't have a problem with asking questions, but bugs take time to be fixed. Look at Samsung's hasty solution to overheating batteries, more phones caught fire and eventually they cancelled the whole model for that year, but not before a fiasco.

    It's the app's interaction with iOS that causing heat, and probably could've been tested better. But once it's out and it's this serious, you can't just give a half verified solution. Takes time to analyze, plan, implement and roll it out.

    Gosh, if half the ppl would actually understand that it's not just like turning a switch on and off. Some bugs are easy, others not so much.

    You sound like someone who gets bad food at a restaurant and doesn't mention if to the waiter. It's proper feedback on a forum that they created for this purpose.

    And there actually is an off switch. From experience in mobility, no movement and inactivity is always the worst decision. Shut the game down, because it is that...just a GAME. Forcing people to not play while they go back to testing is absolutely fine. If they told me hey we'll turn it on next week, I'd much more respect that.

    We're only asking for things to be done as they always are.

    No need to defend Kabam. They can do it themselves. Don't tag them either? I can agree to that.
    Ahem... @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    @Kabam Miike mikey, do you love me?are you riding?
  • abn86abn86 Member Posts: 107
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    The mods don't make that decision and thus cannot tell us what the outcome would be.

    No matter what Kabam does someone is going to be ticked off: the decision for what the best reasonable compensation should be shouldn't factor in as a goal making everyone happy. The best you can do in a situation like this is something that the majority of reasonable people would find reasonable fair. I have no illusions that any action, even the one I suggested earlier, would make everyone happy.

    You're right that they can't win with everybody, but the mods themselves need to at least communicate. I don't think most people blame the mods for the issues happening (or even the 'solutions') but they need to communicate that. I get it. As a mod, you're essentially PR for the company. Anything you say can and will be misconstrued. But you also can't sit there not at least acknowledging something. How hard is it to really say, "Hey summoners. We know that AQ is wrong. We haven't heard back from the game team yet, but we will let you guys know as soon as we do." Does it answer any question anyone has? Of course not. But it at least gives me the impression that you care/that my issues matter. I shouldn't have to explain the basics of customer service really to anyone, let alone to a company!
    Kabam is a company, if they don't support the game, ppl will eventually move away. In the end, the loss is for the company, they'll lose money, they'll lose jobs.

    Anyways, addressing your points -

    If your phone is over heating, taking a break sounds like good advice or you just want to burn your hands?? Get a new device if that helps you play.

    Compensation - It's not JUST community pressure that they give compensation, it's a way to apologize. I've played other games where you'd get compensation even when there was no uproar. Didn't you get 5* shards for free from Deadpool. Kabam has given lots of free items without a boycott or outburst from players.

    Just a mobile game - I love to play it, but if I have to put it down, it won't be the end of it all. I come to forums to discuss aspects of the game, not rile up ppl to go on protests. Bugs are bugs, and they'll get fixed.

    Asking over and over - You think this is the way? Tagging mods in every other post is the way? They'll give information when there's new information. Imagine your manager bugging you every 30 mins for a status update, I bet you'd say that effects productivity and what's there to say than "I'm working on it."

    I don't have a problem with asking questions, but bugs take time to be fixed. Look at Samsung's hasty solution to overheating batteries, more phones caught fire and eventually they cancelled the whole model for that year, but not before a fiasco.

    It's the app's interaction with iOS that causing heat, and probably could've been tested better. But once it's out and it's this serious, you can't just give a half verified solution. Takes time to analyze, plan, implement and roll it out.

    Gosh, if half the ppl would actually understand that it's not just like turning a switch on and off. Some bugs are easy, others not so much.

    Okay, so here's the thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I vehemently disagree with pretty much everything you said. If my phone is overheating, you're right, I should take a break. Perhaps while I take a break from this game, I find another game that actually aligns a little better with what I like. You know, that's why this game puts so many QoL changes for us! They actually want us to take a break from MCoC for a while so we can go play something else.

    Compensation is always deserved even though people act like it's not. If I'm in the middle of a fight for AQ/AW and the game goes down, I don't deserve compensation? Let's see, either of those is looking at half-life, so one kill in AW. You can either play with the lowered health against a champ who's damage you just did doesn't count, or use a pot (or two) to make up for the loss of health. Maybe it was a boss fight and you had two or three boosts going. I mean, we all have crazy extra boosts that we don't even use right? I can just re-run some more boosts. This is why anyone who complains at people who want compensation are only being contrarians. You can't tell me what I did or didn't use before the game went down, nor what I would or would not have used had it not gone down. So, yeah COMPENSATE me. Sorry if that means a bunch of people get rewards they didn't "earn". I don't care in the slightest.

    Just a mobile game for you? That's great, man. But who are you to define what makes a "real" game? I mean, it's just a mobile game. Just a PC game. Just a PS4 game. Just a board game. A game is a game is a game. If you've put any more than about 50 or 60 hours in this game, it's not JUST a mobile game. You have to work for every single thing in here. Maybe you have a few consoles, but I don't. I have two games that I play all the time, daily, but I guess they are just mobile games. This isn't a game designed around tossing paper in a trash can, yo! It's not just a mobile game to me.

    Long story short, yeah bugs exist, but no one has to understand or see things from Kabam's POV. Stop apologizing for them and their inability to properly communicate with their customers/potential customers (aka f2p). Communication is the most important tool any one can utilize - so much so that its effective in every aspect of life. They aren't properly communicating - why would you be comfortable taking a wait-and-see approach when they've shown time and time again (nearly 4 years now) that they play things way too close to the vest and it burns them?

  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.

    I think hes saying nobody should be punished. This week should basically not count.

    I guess here’s the problem. Kabam has not told us anything. So some of us are running map 5 assuming we are going to get the rewards we should have got. Others are running map 3, I assume, thinking they will get the rewards they got last week. If this is accurate, whichever compensation kabam produces is going to tick people off. And it could have all been avoided if one mod would have came on here and just told everyone what the outcome would be.

    Yea I’m saying no one should be punished. They should give every alliance double what they got the previous week and refund all map start prices from this week

    That would be pretty fair imo.

    Yes and no. It’s a lot of time spent by the map 5 people. You can say that map 5 crystals are better than map 3 crystals. But honestly, I don’t need t4cc as much as I need t1a and alliance potions. I would have rather been running map 3 if I was going to just be getting map 5 rank rewards regardless. It’s definitely a great outcome for the people that didn’t run map 5 all week.

    I said pretty fair. Not perfect. What’s your idea of what they should do that would be more fair than my suggestion?
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  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Come on this is ridiculous. What about the transparency we were told about
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all!

    We've posted an update on the resolution for this issue in this announcement thread. Thanks for your patience as we worked on this issue!
  • RAG_13RAG_13 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for working hard on your resolution to keep working on fond a solution.
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  • mughal96mughal96 Member Posts: 26
    Reading that bring another point to attention that many alliance played map 2 accidently instead of map 5. As it was default normally as the map finishes everyday the default map is the one we played last time. But it was not the case and many Alliance ended playing map 2 instead.

    What you doing with that?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,473 ★★★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We've posted an update on the resolution for this issue in this announcement thread. Thanks for your patience as we worked on this issue!
    How to say this i a totalt unfair. For alot peppel ther hav Star wgon map becasse of this AQ has ben defiuldt one map 2. Go to the team and Tel Them this Not the Best.
    So many bugs in this ham atm we May awell pospon AW to so we dont kild urs phone with a overheat phone
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