The new system doesn't take into account the results of the last war in matchmaking.
This is because the current match can complete after matchmaking occurs.
We found a next match before our current war concluded. Seemed really weird waking saying war results 3 hours ago and attack phase starts in 20 hours.
Also with the new system there is ZERO window to recruit unless on maintenance day or the person you are replacing goes without heir rewards for the current war which is hardly fair on either the individual or the alliance.
If collusion is only an issue up top why not only use this system for master and platinum one tier?
I think the system has many issues but why not at least limit the impact to those the new system is targeted at affecting the outcome of.
I manage a 24 million alliance in Aus and war now starts and ends for us between 2-4am.
I can no longer check defence prior to start and even organising my own BG is difficult due to the mixed timezones.
Many in my alliance are from top tier masters and platinum one who have semi retired as they do the want the stress of top tier play.
This change has added an equal amount of stress and we are all now reviewing what our future is. Game life balance is getting harder and harder to achieve and while we love this game it's becoming increasingly difficult to justify it as a leisurely activity and something to do for fun.
I don't know what the answer is but please please change something.
@zuffy , this one's enrollment STARTED last Wed at (whatever time), and needed to be enrolled BEFORE the 2pm EST (11 PST) time. Then actual matchmaking started. You missed it.
But you can Enroll today for the Sunday war.
I don't think that is the case my alliance enrolled in that war, we finished it then almost immediately after that ended match making started baring us from Sundays war
That is what I want to know. We finish war this morning around 10:40am EST and now it's matchmaking?
Can we at least go back to the old start times for AW at 2 pm EST. That was the old matchmaking time. These 9 am EST times are odd. If this topic has been brought up already please forgive me I didn't see it.
What happened to aw starting between 11-7 pacific. This time frame seemed to work for everyone. Now we get aw starting at 9 am and 730 am. You expect people to be up that early to finish an aw?
Under the current system, attack phase can theoretically start any time between 7am and 11am Pacific. Probably most likely between 7am and 9am. But Kabam did state yesterday that they were reviewing possible changes to the system, including changes to the schedule of phases.
The new system doesn't take into account the results of the last war in matchmaking.
This is because the current match can complete after matchmaking occurs.
If that occurred that's probably a bug, because the current system is supposed to start matching only after all wars have completed.
However, it just occurred to me that the system as described contains a lurking landmine with regards to this. If it ever happens that an alliance gets matched on or very close to 3pm Pacific, near the end of the match making window, their war will start and end on or just before 11am Pacific. That means this war will end just ahead of, or possibly right at the moment that match making starts. But it takes some finite amount of time for the game to actually calculate the results of the war. So it seems technically possible for match making to start while a war hasn't been fully calculated.
Maybe the system has safeguards to account for this, but then again given everything that has gone wrong with it so far (just in terms of obvious match making bugs and the like) this isn't a safe bet.
War already MATCHED for us today, about 3 hours faster than on Wed. (?)
We only run 2 group wars, so wondering if Kabam changed it to Matching 1 and 2 group wars first this time, instead of matching 3 group wars first which seemed to be the case on Wed. ??? Trying to push back the primary.3 group matching a little bit because of all the outrage ?
We ran 2 bgs last time and got matched within 30 mins. This time we ran 1 bg and got matched after 100 mins.
Agreed I’m not a fan of this new system at all ....
We should be able to pick our start times.
To fully take away match manipulation, it would be very difficult to allow players to choose their start times as we used to. You have to do weird things with the schedule, or allow both sides in the same war to start and end at different times. I doubt Kabam would go for any of that.
But they can shift the start times back to roughly where they were for the vast majority of players, and they can also do better than saying "somewhere in a four hour window." For example, since they are supposed to be matching from top to bottom, they could give guidance like "tiers 1 through 3 will be matching between 3pm and 3:30pm Pacific, tiers 4 through 7 will be matching between 3:30pm and 4:00pm, tiers 8-10 will be matching between 4:00pm and 4:30pm, etc." That way every alliance would know within approximately half an hour when their wars would be starting and ending.
(Note: matching at 3pm means defense runs from 3pm to 11am the next day, and then attack starts and stops at 11am in the following days).
Agreed I’m not a fan of this new system at all ....
We should be able to pick our start times.
To fully take away match manipulation, it would be very difficult to allow players to choose their start times as we used to. You have to do weird things with the schedule, or allow both sides in the same war to start and end at different times. I doubt Kabam would go for any of that.
It sucks that what impacted only some alliances has to now upset everyone else's experience.
You're able to enlist in the next war during the placement phase of the current, AND during attack phase. If your Alliance plans on running 3 wars per cycle, enlistment must be done during said 44 hour period. There's 4 hours where Enlistment is down, and that's during matchmaking. So once placement phase starts, the Enlistment for the next war opens. Tap Enlist during the aforementioned time. Don't wait for attack phase to end. In certain cases, you might miss the Enlistment opp.
Wait, we can't run attack on Thursday and Saturday anymore either ? This new system really is worse than before.
Please roll it back before the start of the season. Wars should be made at the alliances convenience, not set up arbitrarily by Kabam when it adds more stress to an already stressful game mode.
My alliance will miss this next war because we haven't been able to enlist, not for a lack of trying. Good thing it's the off-season, but still shards and practice will be lost.
This fix was to prevent people missing out on finding a match, I've never missed a war since seasons started, yet here we are about to miss my first war.
This fix was to prevent Master alliances matching up with Gold alliances, yet we've seen plenty of screenshots floating around that prove otherwise.
This fix was to stop collusion by the Masters and Platinum alliances, meanwhile all tiers are suffering from the bad start/end times, we cannot be expected to make last minute tweaks to defensive placements, or down to the wire boss kills at 7am PST.
0/3 on this (untested) matchmaking update, in my opinion.
You're able to enlist in the next war during the placement phase of the current, AND during attack phase. If your Alliance plans on running 3 wars per cycle, enlistment must be done during said 44 hour period. There's 4 hours where Enlistment is down, and that's during matchmaking. So once placement phase starts, the Enlistment for the next war opens. Tap Enlist during the aforementioned time. Don't wait for attack phase to end. In certain cases, you might miss the Enlistment opp.
In some cases it wouldn't let people do that, this system really isn't that well thought out and has had some major issues already which makes me think they didn't really test it enough.
I liked the control the last one gave us this one is to random and we almost missed the last one because it almost timed out, they either need to revamp it or roll it back
Not sure what's up with that. I de-enlisted and re-enlisted without issue. Only to end up de-enlisting AGAIN as we opted out of the war due to the current rewards debacle and coupled with an imminent player swap. Didn't want to screw them out of rewards they earned before departure so we decided not to run war. Once Matchmaking ends, I'm gonna test our Enlistment system to see if the same occurs.
There's a really simple fix for the enlistment issue. During the season, alliances going for a rank will not skip wars. Why not have a default setting that allows you to enlist to ALL wars? And if you don't want to enlist in a given war, then you opt out. Heck, the default setting can apply even in the off-season, and action is to be taken by leadership to opt out.
If I participate in 95% of wars, it's much better for me to click once to opt out of a single war than to click 19 times to opt in to wars. Less chance of error or missing an enlistment window. And that's also less information being sent to and potentially taxing your servers.
As for starting time, I'm fortunate enough that those 7 AM PST starts are actually at 10 AM EST for me. Still, on week-ends, I like to sleep in, you guys. And I already have a cat who will get his breakfast at 7 AM. Please don't make me wake up early to finish clearing the AW map as well, lol. That's just cruel...
Thank you @Kabam Miike for acknowledging that there are some serious shortcomings with AW currently. Along with "looking into improvements ", please either roll back the update or postpone Season 8 indefinitely until this is sorted out. The season would be an absolute failure under this format.
I didn’t read through the whole thread but if Kabam actually acknowledged there are serious issues with the new war system, that’s great. Now do something about it. Pronto.
This needs back tracking or sticking to the original template laid out in the infographic. AQ starts around that time so starting war within one hour of it would make sense. Alliances have designed Battlegroups on time zones to reflect AQ and AW. What you have done now has just ruined it. We are a gold one alli mainly UK and USA and the recent change to timings have caused roughly 3-4 missed movements. I.e war starts 3pm UK time don’t get home from work til 6pm earliest then shower change, 6:30pm with 5 energy. Make a few moves not to waste energy cook and eat dinner now 8pm 6 energy. Stay up til 11 for 9 energy. Wakes up at 5:30 to leave for work at 6:15 next time can get on is 5pm when finished work war is over, 9 moves made . Old layout with war starting at 7pm 3 energy few moves not to waste energy 11pm 7 total moves made. Same scenario wake up work can’t get on now home 5 energy in the tank then home again 6:30pm 5 energy can total 12.
We have all spent a lot of time dedicating routes to suit time zones for all of our alliance members mixing stuff up to lose hours of move is a catastrophe
This needs back tracking or sticking to the original template laid out in the infographic.
Unfortunately, according to Kabam, it is impossible for war to schedule as the graphic implied because it is impossible for them to start all wars simultaneously at one time. Some people don't believe Kabam when they state this, but there's no technical reason to believe this is false. And even if it is false, even if Kabam is wrong, it doesn't change the fact that if they believe it to be true, they will not under any circumstances attempt to implement it that way, thinking the system will simply fail to function.
This is because the current match can complete after matchmaking occurs.
We found a next match before our current war concluded. Seemed really weird waking saying war results 3 hours ago and attack phase starts in 20 hours.
Also with the new system there is ZERO window to recruit unless on maintenance day or the person you are replacing goes without heir rewards for the current war which is hardly fair on either the individual or the alliance.
If collusion is only an issue up top why not only use this system for master and platinum one tier?
I think the system has many issues but why not at least limit the impact to those the new system is targeted at affecting the outcome of.
I manage a 24 million alliance in Aus and war now starts and ends for us between 2-4am.
I can no longer check defence prior to start and even organising my own BG is difficult due to the mixed timezones.
Many in my alliance are from top tier masters and platinum one who have semi retired as they do the want the stress of top tier play.
This change has added an equal amount of stress and we are all now reviewing what our future is. Game life balance is getting harder and harder to achieve and while we love this game it's becoming increasingly difficult to justify it as a leisurely activity and something to do for fun.
I don't know what the answer is but please please change something.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf
That is what I want to know. We finish war this morning around 10:40am EST and now it's matchmaking?
Under the current system, attack phase can theoretically start any time between 7am and 11am Pacific. Probably most likely between 7am and 9am. But Kabam did state yesterday that they were reviewing possible changes to the system, including changes to the schedule of phases.
If that occurred that's probably a bug, because the current system is supposed to start matching only after all wars have completed.
However, it just occurred to me that the system as described contains a lurking landmine with regards to this. If it ever happens that an alliance gets matched on or very close to 3pm Pacific, near the end of the match making window, their war will start and end on or just before 11am Pacific. That means this war will end just ahead of, or possibly right at the moment that match making starts. But it takes some finite amount of time for the game to actually calculate the results of the war. So it seems technically possible for match making to start while a war hasn't been fully calculated.
Maybe the system has safeguards to account for this, but then again given everything that has gone wrong with it so far (just in terms of obvious match making bugs and the like) this isn't a safe bet.
We ran 2 bgs last time and got matched within 30 mins. This time we ran 1 bg and got matched after 100 mins.
To fully take away match manipulation, it would be very difficult to allow players to choose their start times as we used to. You have to do weird things with the schedule, or allow both sides in the same war to start and end at different times. I doubt Kabam would go for any of that.
But they can shift the start times back to roughly where they were for the vast majority of players, and they can also do better than saying "somewhere in a four hour window." For example, since they are supposed to be matching from top to bottom, they could give guidance like "tiers 1 through 3 will be matching between 3pm and 3:30pm Pacific, tiers 4 through 7 will be matching between 3:30pm and 4:00pm, tiers 8-10 will be matching between 4:00pm and 4:30pm, etc." That way every alliance would know within approximately half an hour when their wars would be starting and ending.
(Note: matching at 3pm means defense runs from 3pm to 11am the next day, and then attack starts and stops at 11am in the following days).
It sucks that what impacted only some alliances has to now upset everyone else's experience.
You're able to enlist in the next war during the placement phase of the current, AND during attack phase. If your Alliance plans on running 3 wars per cycle, enlistment must be done during said 44 hour period. There's 4 hours where Enlistment is down, and that's during matchmaking. So once placement phase starts, the Enlistment for the next war opens. Tap Enlist during the aforementioned time. Don't wait for attack phase to end. In certain cases, you might miss the Enlistment opp.
Please roll it back before the start of the season. Wars should be made at the alliances convenience, not set up arbitrarily by Kabam when it adds more stress to an already stressful game mode.
This fix was to prevent people missing out on finding a match, I've never missed a war since seasons started, yet here we are about to miss my first war.
This fix was to prevent Master alliances matching up with Gold alliances, yet we've seen plenty of screenshots floating around that prove otherwise.
This fix was to stop collusion by the Masters and Platinum alliances, meanwhile all tiers are suffering from the bad start/end times, we cannot be expected to make last minute tweaks to defensive placements, or down to the wire boss kills at 7am PST.
0/3 on this (untested) matchmaking update, in my opinion.
What the hell!
In some cases it wouldn't let people do that, this system really isn't that well thought out and has had some major issues already which makes me think they didn't really test it enough.
I liked the control the last one gave us this one is to random and we almost missed the last one because it almost timed out, they either need to revamp it or roll it back
Well this is a great system....NOT!!!
If I participate in 95% of wars, it's much better for me to click once to opt out of a single war than to click 19 times to opt in to wars. Less chance of error or missing an enlistment window. And that's also less information being sent to and potentially taxing your servers.
As for starting time, I'm fortunate enough that those 7 AM PST starts are actually at 10 AM EST for me. Still, on week-ends, I like to sleep in, you guys. And I already have a cat who will get his breakfast at 7 AM. Please don't make me wake up early to finish clearing the AW map as well, lol. That's just cruel...
We have all spent a lot of time dedicating routes to suit time zones for all of our alliance members mixing stuff up to lose hours of move is a catastrophe
Unfortunately, according to Kabam, it is impossible for war to schedule as the graphic implied because it is impossible for them to start all wars simultaneously at one time. Some people don't believe Kabam when they state this, but there's no technical reason to believe this is false. And even if it is false, even if Kabam is wrong, it doesn't change the fact that if they believe it to be true, they will not under any circumstances attempt to implement it that way, thinking the system will simply fail to function.