Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    The simple answer would be because it's a progress gate. People don't have nearly as many Max Sig 5*s and 6*s as they do 4*s. Well, at least those below a certain point. The simplest way to put it would be that the 4*s would make it easier than they want it to be.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    All this is only taken in the current state. We don't know what's upcoming to help people along that aren't quite prepared yet. We just don't know.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Somehow I think allowing players like me to open one 5* crystal a day would actually not benefit other players as much as you think it would. There are huge unintended side effects of ripping the reward curve apart like that. The 5*/6* progress gate itself owes its existence in part to the fact that 5* champs are so easy to get now compared to in the past.

    You allow players to gain 5* champs that fast, and you will create new content that would be difficult even for them to meet the prerequisites of.

    Something is always going to be hard, even for the top players to achieve. The stuff that is hard for them to achieve will seem basically impossible for lower tier players to achieve. The long term solution to that problem is the game always slowly inflates the reward system over time, which devalues what the top players took a lot of effort to earn because lower players will then get those same things much easier. That's the ratchet that cranks the progress curve upward and allows the same game to target top players, middle players, and lower players. It does so by making everything difficult, and slowly lowering the difficulty while creating newer things at the top. Progress games like this are like an escalator: you can run against the escalator to the top to get rewards, or you can wait at the bottom for the rewards to descend automatically and come to you. Where you are in the game depends on how much effort you want to put into running uphill.

    I think most players accept this when it comes to twitch skills. You can attack the content today, or you can wait to get a stronger roster which lowers the amount of twitch skill you need. People have to learn that roster-building is another one of those things that some people will be better at than others, and the people with the best ability to grow roster won't necessarily be the same people that can develop twitch skills quickly. That part is going to be a lot more difficult to accept.
    DNA3000 said:

    Somehow I think allowing players like me to open one 5* crystal a day would actually not benefit other players as much as you think it would. There are huge unintended side effects of ripping the reward curve apart like that. The 5*/6* progress gate itself owes its existence in part to the fact that 5* champs are so easy to get now compared to in the past.

    You allow players to gain 5* champs that fast, and you will create new content that would be difficult even for them to meet the prerequisites of.

    Something is always going to be hard, even for the top players to achieve. The stuff that is hard for them to achieve will seem basically impossible for lower tier players to achieve. The long term solution to that problem is the game always slowly inflates the reward system over time, which devalues what the top players took a lot of effort to earn because lower players will then get those same things much easier. That's the ratchet that cranks the progress curve upward and allows the same game to target top players, middle players, and lower players. It does so by making everything difficult, and slowly lowering the difficulty while creating newer things at the top. Progress games like this are like an escalator: you can run against the escalator to the top to get rewards, or you can wait at the bottom for the rewards to descend automatically and come to you. Where you are in the game depends on how much effort you want to put into running uphill.

    I think most players accept this when it comes to twitch skills. You can attack the content today, or you can wait to get a stronger roster which lowers the amount of twitch skill you need. People have to learn that roster-building is another one of those things that some people will be better at than others, and the people with the best ability to grow roster won't necessarily be the same people that can develop twitch skills quickly. That part is going to be a lot more difficult to accept.
    It was just a thought my man, nothing more, nothing less....it’s not like kabam to listen or change anything we say on a whim just because we think it should be, I was basically having fun with that post, I myself am swimming in 5*s also 😉
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    I know I should ignore you, but when do I get the chance to discuss with a Kabam employee?
    The official "answer" is that 4* champions would not be able to take on Act 6 because they are too weak. Are you seriously trying to say that 4* champs would be too OP for Act 6? Very funny
    I don't remember reading the comment that they would be too weak.
    Nor did I say they would be too OP.
    I said it would make it easier than they wanted. It's a progress gate. It's harder if you don't have what you need.
    Also, if it didn't make it easier to have 4*s, we wouldn't have 58 pages of people arguing they needed them.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    58 pages of people complaining about a product direction change in any other business would have that business seriously contemplating that decision.

    Although, I wouldn't be surprised if feedback about a 5/50 being banned but a 1/25 being ok ends up being considered and changed to minimum 3/45 to enter.

    "Hey, we listened to your feedback and agree, Mwuhahahaha"

  • SuperChronaSuperChrona Member Posts: 296
    Here are my thoughts about a possible solution to this:

    - Drop the requirement so you can also bring in 4* heroes to Act 6. What most likely want
    - Double every 4* and 5* reward in the game, so everyone gets a lot more 5* shards to pull the champs you need to complete the challenge with needed synergies. In effect making 5* heroes more or less as common as 4* are today. (Your statement about increased 5* shards in the game is really not true. I open just as many basic 5* crystal in february 2019 as I did in november 2018/july 2018/August 2018. Please document this increase that you claim has happened.)
    - Rank-down ticket like with 12.0. Many have put a lot of ressources into 4* champs that they wouldn't have done if they knew this decision was coming. Only 4* rankdown ticket from rank 5 to 3.
    - Do what B.Grant mentioned in his video that first time pass-through you can only do with 5* and 6*, but other runs through you can use 4* heroes. But doubt that this is possible in the current state of the game.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Here is a good question to both sides of the argument...

    Would there be similar outrage if the restricted players to only 4* and had the content tuned to the equivlant of Variant?

    The overall argument is that not allowing 4* prevent skilled players from using synergies or champs good at taking down certain content. However, truly skilled players could take down content no matter the champ would be the counter argument. Mix this with claims that the new content favors spending players who have more champs of a particular type instead of making the content more accessible to mid-level players.

    If they limited us to 4* only and made the content extremely hard, I think that would be more of a proverbial cash grab everyone claims the restriction of 4* to be. I do agree Act 6 should be something most should aspire to. Though the 6* restrictions in later chapters seems too much at this time. I have 10 6* champs, not one is Mystic.

    I mentioned before that class and rarity restrictions could 100% prevent skilled players for taking on content. Someone mention they have never put dual gates, but we never had rarity restrictions in story mode. The pay can place a restriction on the mission for the class and overlap a path that requires [X] 6*. Most players outside of spenders would be absolutely blocked from taking on based on poor RNG luck.
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  • TitanPunchTitanPunch Member Posts: 60
    @markg25 agree:-)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★


    Let’s consider what progress is in the current state of the game. Is it harder to obtain 1x 5* or is it harder to obtain 1x 4* and take it up to R5 sig 99? I would say the latter, as obtaining all rank up resources would take more time and effort.

    We had GP goes to the movies and the 2* arena that gave us a 5*. Where in the game have we had the same ease to R5 a 4* champ in a single event?

    This gate is contradictory. If they gate was truly as kabam stated, we would not be able to use anything lower than a 4/55

    It's easier to obtain a 4*. Taking a 4* to Sig 99 is most definitely easier than taking a 5* to Sig 199.
    Taking a 4* to R5 all depends on your Cat Resources. You're comparing obtaining a Champ with taking it to R5. Two aspects that don't even correlate. Obtaining it is one thing. Ranking it is another. It also costs around the same Resources to take a 5* to R3, with the same CR. Yet here we are getting all worked up over 4*s. Why is that? I think the very reason that is plays a factor in why it's an effective gate.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    It's easier to obtain a 4*. Taking a 4* to Sig 99 is most definitely easier than taking a 5* to Sig 199.
    Taking a 4* to R5 all depends on your Cat Resources. You're comparing obtaining a Champ with taking it to R5. Two aspects that don't even correlate. Obtaining it is one thing. Ranking it is another. It also costs around the same Resources to take a 5* to R3, with the same CR. Yet here we are getting all worked up over 4*s. Why is that? I think the very reason that is plays a factor in why it's an effective gate.
    As much as I hate saying this, but I agree with GroundedWisdom on this. While having and 5* is one thing, 4* shards only take 2k to form a crystal. Also, sig stones for 4*s is available in solo events, and 5* sig stones are only in higher end content or must be purchased. Waking a 5* is also a feat in and of itself. The sheer amount of 4* shards we get month and from AW, SA and content makes them far more available and easier to increase their sig.

    Resources for 4* ranking is no where near that of 5*. Sure it is cheaper by 1 T4B to R5 a 4* versus R3 a 5*, but it is significantly hard to dup and increase the sig of the 5*. You would need to rank the 5* to R4 for any sort of superiority to compensate that, and that requires A LOT more resources and T2A.
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  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    SparkAlot said:

    Yeah, you bring in your 5* rank 1 & rank 2 champs or even rank 3, and let me try with my maxed out 4* 5/50 and we will see who gets farther.

    That is all we are asking.

    He will get farther cause you cannot bring 4* into act 6

    Now if you want a real challenge bring blade to variant chapter 3

  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    4 stars can be used in Alliance Quest, Arena, Alliance war, any other event except Act 6.

    Act 6 was designed for 5 stars and 6 stars only. Act 7 will have 5 stars banned and we will just use 6 star and 7 star champs. Why? This is part of the challenge.

    Kabam for people that keep moaning like children for this, make 4 stars available to play for Act 6 but put give 1000 percent unavoidable degen, just to have those champs drop dead in 5 seconds. The tease will be glorious.

    I do not even play competitively and I have 75 5 stars. Most of them rank 3. 3 5/65, and like 10 4/55. If you dont have enough champs oh well WAIT. The content wont go away.

    This community moans for everything under the sun. Sometimes the outrage is justified like 12.0 or unavoidable damage or BS nodes. This one guys, this one is FAKE NEWS.
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  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★

    It's easier to obtain a 4*. Taking a 4* to Sig 99 is most definitely easier than taking a 5* to Sig 199.
    Taking a 4* to R5 all depends on your Cat Resources. You're comparing obtaining a Champ with taking it to R5. Two aspects that don't even correlate. Obtaining it is one thing. Ranking it is another. It also costs around the same Resources to take a 5* to R3, with the same CR. Yet here we are getting all worked up over 4*s. Why is that? I think the very reason that is plays a factor in why it's an effective gate.
    That wasn’t the question. Obtaining a 5* or obtaining a 4* and taking it to R5 were the options. Care to try again with these options.

    You have a poor habit of changing what people say so it coincides with your thoughts. This is where you receive backlash. I’m not giving you backlash here, just providing a point of observation.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★

    Care to share how much you’ve spent on the game since you’ve started playing?
    who cares.
    he just and others like him need to stop being selfish and think bout the community as a whole.
    who cares if this is a problem for you or not.
    its not a problem for me but i still thinks its wrong.
    and that a better designed gate should have been used.

    we need to worry bout wat is for the benifit of the playerbase as a whole not just individually.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited March 2019
    AndiYTDE said:

    Yeah, because we could only use 4* and 5* champions in Act 5. Oh, wait...
    What exatly does make a 5* champion different from a 4* champion? Why exactly is content designed to be possible with a 5* R1 champion impossible with a 4* R5 champion? Answer to that, Mister "Fake News"
    The rarity and and the stars. The same thing that makes a 3 star different from a 4 star or a 5 star.

    A rank 3 5 star is slightly stronger than a 5 star.

    5 star require more resources to be rank therefore it makes it more of a challenge to have several 5 star at 4/55 or 5/65. This is the point.

    The same reason that 3 stars were banned from LOL technically speaking. Kabam should do the same and make an enrage system with 100 percent ability reduction. This is part of the game. You need to have 5 stars to be able to do this content because that is part of the challenge. Think of it as a key you need to obtain to do the content. If you dont have many 5 stars above 4/55 you have no business attempting Act 6. It is part of the new system of the contest. Enjoy your 1, 2, 3, and 4 stars in other parts of the game.

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