Class and Rarity Gates - Discussion Thread



  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★

    It was an Adjustment Package, technically. It was to adjust our Rosters to the changes.
    Adjustment package came with 12.0, compensation package came with 12.0.1. Don't confuse the two.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    arsjum said:

    You must have forgotten the way SW and Thor were nerfed to the ground in 12.0 but had restored to a significant degree in 12.0.1. Watch DDD’s comparison video for an example.

    Since my first response went to moderator, I might as well be more specific. Thor could not have been restored "to a significant degree" in 12.0.1 because most of Thor's reductions were due not to direct nerfs but the combination of the implementation of flat stats and a (undocumented) change to armor break mechanics. In 11.x and earlier, armor breaks worked multiplicatively. In 12.0 to now, they work additively. Combined with flat stats and DR, this makes it literally impossible to stack armor break to the same degree 11.x Thor did. You cannot get even close. You cannot get even into the same zip code.

    With all due respect to Dave, he was comparing 11.x Thor with 12.1 Thor assuming that the player didn't attempt to stack and leverage armor breaks. In that situation 12.1 Thor has some advantages, in particular fury. But that's deliberately avoiding using the very thing players were complaining about: removing the ultra-high stacking armor breaks. I'm not saying Kabam was wrong to remove Thor's massive armor break capability, it was stupidly ridiculous. I'm simply stating the fact that they didn't give it back to Thor, nor could they even if they wanted to (the mechanics no longer allow it), nor should they have done so. I even said this at the time.

    Scarlet Witch was overnerfed, and did get some capability back. But again, 12.1 SW is closer to 12.0 SW than 11.x SW, both in terms of her own intrinsic design and in terms of the game mechanics. SW like Thor takes a double hit in 12.0: she was nerfed directly and suffered from indirect nerfs from game changes. In particular, flat stats made it impossible to synergize her to super-high critical rates which was important to SW because she procs her buffs and debuffs from crits. This combined with her base crit chance getting whacked so hard she couldn't proc buffs and debuffs effectively any more. The 12.1 version restores her original crit chance but doesn't (and cannot) return the ability to increase that chance to 11.x levels, and on top of that her ability to proc certain effects like regen were still far lower than they were in 11.x.

    Both of these things I said at the time, not just in retrospect. But more important to note, Dave took a lot of hits for saying at the time that those two champs were fairly balanced in 12.1 as I recall. It was not the majority opinion at the time. I tended to agree with him that the champs were fairly balanced, but not because they were restored to their former glory or even to a significant percentage of their original glory, just that they were not overnerfed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    arsjum said:

    Adjustment package came with 12.0, compensation package came with 12.0.1. Don't confuse the two.
    If memory serves, that was called another Adjustment Package, since there were revisions after 12.0.
  • 5tarscream5tarscream Member Posts: 95
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    How people choose to spend their units (or cash, or time) is subject to personal preference, but in my opinion spending units on end game content - things like Variant or LoL, say - implies you have to spend a lot of units to complete that content. To me, that says you aren't ready, and instead of spending units to spend past that content you should work on improving your skills and roster. That content isn't going anywhere, so spending a lot of units to clear it today is not in my opinion efficient use of resources. It would be better to spend less units tomorrow, or zero units later. Right now it is clear that the future of progress involves having a wider and more diverse roster, and that's how I'm going to spend my units (at least some of them: I also think it is worth saving for the occasional high value offer when it comes to rank up materials). And to be frank, in my opinion that's always been obviously true, which is why that's the long term strategy I've been following since I knew enough about the game to have a long term strategy.

    I've done the analysis, and that's my recommendation, and that's also what I'm doing. By in large, I think I've done pretty well following my progress strategy over time, but I'm also the kind of player with very long range horizons. But at the end of the day, if someone doesn't believe my analysis, they shouldn't follow it. They won't be happy following a strategy they don't believe in. I can't prove its the correct strategy like with an equation or something. The calculations inform my judgment, but then at some point you have to use your best judgment.

    I believe I'm a better player because I didn't spend past content. I believe that puts me in a better position than had I spent past that content and got the rewards for that content sooner than later. This is probably the single most important judgment call I make that someone else might strongly disagree with. Take that for what it is worth. Disagree with this, and my strategy mostly falls apart. But I'm willing to hang my hat on it.
    The idea that you you must not be ready for the content if you are using units is quite an interesting one. Can you demonstrate us how to clear Variant 1 Chapter 3 without using any? Sure you can wait and hoard resources and keep improving your skills but what we consider endgame content right now -- LOL, Variant 1 and 2, Act 6.1 -- would require many months, conservatively speaking, to clear in that manner. Choosing to postpone the endgame content which gives the highest prizes in the game while using your hoarded units which otherwise could have sped up that process for cavalier crystals is a terrible decision no matter how you slice it. If that works for you, good. Not for me. Using units for speeder conquest of the endgame content or buying occasional offers such as t5b crystal shards or the Vision offer if you don't have him is infinitely better than dumping them on cavalier crystals.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    Ultra8529 said:

    I thank you for your candour Kabam. This must be the first time it has been publicly acknowledged by Kabam that the progression and quests are tailored for spenders only. By saying that "with the introduction of the Cavalier progress point", 6*s have become more common, you are referencing explicitly the ability for spenders to buy 6*s from cavalier crystals. Many end game players have unlocked the Cavalier progress point, and the truth is that it does not really give us access to any more 6*s other than through buying cavalier crystals. For non-spenders that is not an option, and therefore for non-spenders, 6*s have not become more available.

    You can play arena. Costs zero units to play and you can get units from milestones and bc's. Problem solved for F2P.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I don't think everyone realizes they were wrong. That didn't happen with 6.1, or with earlier things. I think it is more the case that when content is first announced but not yet released, most people don't have much to say about it. The people most likely to comment are people with objections. So initially it can seem like the people with objections represent everyone, or at least are the overwhelmingly dominant position. But once the content is released, that changes. Players with nothing to say initially now have first hand experience. Some of them echo the objections that previous players make, but many more now have a different opinion they are more willing to express. Some people change their minds, but the ones that don't find they aren't in the overwhelming majority of expression anymore. This dampens the energy surrounding those objections.

    This too is likely to follow a similar pattern. Most people are simply withholding comment until the content is released. And while most people commenting now are self-selected to have objections, most of the people who attempt it when released are more likely to be able to complete it, than not complete it, and that will make the objections seem less universal or dominant. This is part of the reason why it is dangerous to assume the forums are representative of the playerbase as a whole. Sometimes they self-select negative comments, and sometimes they self-select favorable or less objectionable ones, and that often happens in waves.
    Hard to troll post with you out here explaining things rationally.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    arsjum said:

    You must have forgotten the way SW and Thor were nerfed to the ground in 12.0 but had restored to a significant degree in 12.0.1. Watch DDD’s comparison video for an example.
    I forgot no such thing, and I was there at the time, discussing this on the forums in multiple threads.
  • MagsMags Member Posts: 132
    Okay, okay, so maybe you could allow us to bring any rarity to act 6 once we 100% clear that specific chapter.
    Honestly, what would it hurt? Your pride?
    The dev team's feelings?
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    You guys just screwed over the people who are going for legend runs going forward. How can you be the fastest if you don’t have the best team? How can you have the best team if the game is too RNG dependent? Stan Lee would not be proud of this.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    You guys just screwed over the people who are going for legend runs going forward. How can you be the fastest if you don’t have the best team? How can you have the best team if the game is too RNG dependent? Stan Lee would not be proud of this.

    Leave Stan Lee out of this. Thats not even funny.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I forgot no such thing, and I was there at the time, discussing this on the forums in multiple threads.
    I didn’t mean you “forgot” literally but was simply referring to your previous post which overlooked the changes on Thor and SW in 12.0 and 12.0.1 Your objection to Dave’s comparison video is based on technicalities. The fact is both were borderline useless after 12.0 but 12.0.1 made them good champions.
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  • icm4266icm4266 Member Posts: 45

    By the time someone gets to the Cavalier point, they're most definitely Uncollected. There's the EQ that provides a monthly source of Shards. There are also 5* Dups that yield them, War Seasons, Offers, and yes, Cavalier Crystals. Which don't require spending actual money. There will also be more ways to acquire Shards in the future. Not an official comment, but I have a pretty good inkling. It's not going to happen overnight for some people. That's the same as anything else in the game that requires time and effort. Somehow it's a travesty if they release new content that people can't plow through on Day 1.

    By the time someone gets to the Cavalier point, they're most definitely Uncollected. There's the EQ that provides a monthly source of Shards. There are also 5* Dups that yield them, War Seasons, Offers, and yes, Cavalier Crystals. Which don't require spending actual money. There will also be more ways to acquire Shards in the future. Not an official comment, but I have a pretty good inkling. It's not going to happen overnight for some people. That's the same as anything else in the game that requires time and effort. Somehow it's a travesty if they release new content that people can't plow through on Day 1.
    I think you are missing the point a bit. Yes 5* and 6* shards are easier to get now than they were in the past, that is a fact. 6* champions are technically more available too now thanks to the Cavalier crystal, that is also a fact. Having gates like those here aren't necessarily a bad thing either cause it can really help the gameplay. What you and Kabam are seemingly failing to take into account is that the class and rarity specific gates exclude some summoners simply based on the RNG which doesn't make for healthy gameplay.
    For example it has been two years since I opened my first 5*, in that time I have been able to open 56 5* crystals getting me a total of 2 mystic 5*s. I now can't open some of those gates and it is through no fault of my own.
    Now even if your luck is terrible and the RNG gives you the worst champs, you can still make the most out of it. Players don't need to get god tier champs to be able to clear content. Yes, life is much more difficult but you can still win a lot of fights with say IP or KK on your team if thats the best you have.
    But what about the players who open 50 6* crystals and only get 1 or 2 of a certain class? Kabam says that they aren't planning on puting in 6* class gates yet but we all know that they will. Are the players supposed to wait for another year or two or maybe even 3 before being able to clear the content? No one is going to wait around to clear content when the only thing blocking them is sheer luck. Try to imagine having to wait for 2 years to complete a single path on a level simply because you were unlucky. It has nothing to do with skill or how high tier your champs are but with how the RNG just happened to fall on the days you opened your crystals.
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Lol. Can’t be bothered anymore. It’s 6.1 Announcement all over again. Come mid June after 6.2 is released this thread will quieten down.
  • Thiago_0807Thiago_0807 Member Posts: 6
    Por favor kabam .. parem de ficar inventando .. faça para todos jogarem .. e as recompensas sejam grandes ... por favor ..
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    I have never seen you caring about feedback but almost every time(99.99%) supporting kabam and opposing the forum users feedback, that's what I (maybe most of the forum users ) feel.
    The question was not whether I care about feedback. Everyone has the right to express their own. When people present ideas, I will look at them with the logic and understanding that I have. If you're implying I just oppose people to support the company by default, then I don't think you actually consider my points. I'm not taking any sides. Not theirs, not the Players'. That's just a made up thing that people who don't agree with me have perpetuated. I'm not in some kind of battle between the Players and Kabam. There have been a number of things I haven't agreed with. The difference is, I try to communicate them in a way that's not unproductive or demanding. I express my views and still respect whatever they decide. There's a difference. You either respect the people producing the game, or you don't. I do.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Tyrannus said:

    @Kabam Miike yes I’m cavalier but A that’s not the point B you said content for endgame players C 6* are still not that accessible in game D stop lying to the community

    Having tested it, B is very very true. You need to be very very end game to even have a chance to 100% it.

    On the 6* Paths, I brought my 6* Black Bolt and 6* Yondu just for fun. Didn’t really need to use them.
  • CobsCobs Member Posts: 103

    I've always believed that true skill means being able to take any Champ into a Fight that will work. Not just the best selections. Just my view. (This Quote is messed up. I know.)

    That would be all well and fine if the game wasn’t packed full of champs with bullshjt mechanics and unavoidable damage who literally need a specific counter champ, buff or mechanic to beat them.

    Bottom line for me is ive ranked up the champs i enjoy playing, now im being forced to use champs i dont like and that really sucks. It’s why i hated variant1. it's just not fun to me using champs i havent ranked up because i dont like them for whatever reason. At the end if the day that's supposed to be the main thing but its been missing for a long time imo
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    It's virtually impossible to design content that increases in difficulty which doesn't restrict what you bring in some way. The complexity of the number of Champs alone dictates that you have to find some way to isolate groups. Then you add Rarities to that, and that's another level. Abilities is yet another. You add more rings as you go. It's not feasible to expect content to be tailored to all our personal preferences and Ranking choices out the gate. Especially when that's part of the foundation for progress. Acquiring Champs, acquiring higher Rarities, acquiring the materials to Rank them, Ranking new Champs and different Classes, Ranking different skill sets....
  • kpkumardtskpkumardts Member Posts: 123
    And for your clarity

    The question was not whether I care about feedback. Everyone has the right to express their own. When people present ideas, I will look at them with the logic and understanding that I have. If you're implying I just oppose people to support the company by default, then I don't think you actually consider my points. I'm not taking any sides. Not theirs, not the Players'. That's just a made up thing that people who don't agree with me have perpetuated. I'm not in some kind of battle between the Players and Kabam. There have been a number of things I haven't agreed with. The difference is, I try to communicate them in a way that's not unproductive or demanding. I express my views and still respect whatever they decide. There's a difference. You either respect the people producing the game, or you don't. I do.
    I am not arguing with you, Because it will make no sense as your so called LOGIC will not work for the most of the forum users.

    PS: I am still ok with the champions restriction as it is there in the game from the starting, and i still respect the people who produce the game.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    This doesn’t really bother me. I’m a low-mid end player who is still on 5.1.
    I have 9 5 stars I believe and 1 being Ghost. Last month I managed to acquire 2 5 star games and an extra 5k shards. To me that was awesome as I have very little time to grind arenas and stuff so it burns me out. I’m sure the high end players aren’t very happy and I understand that but for us lower end players we are very happy with what we got so far.
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