Unpopular mcoc opinions

Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
Waaaaaaazzzz uuuuuup

Many of us have been playing the game for several years. I’d say the community generally agrees to most things about the game and champions.

What are some of your opinions that are not main stream mcoc? I’ll start with these:

She hulk is a top 4 science champ. Maybe even top 3 of you are terrible at playing quake like myself

Hyperion benefits more from rank 5 than any other 5 star. This is 100% my experience - dat boi can destroy

Ghost rider is far from the wet noodle he is made out to be. Sure, he doesn’t hit like some of the god tiers, but he is also no Groot, mordo, Loki, etc.

Duped Jane foster isn’t the worst champ in the game. Far from the best, but def not the worst. I almost quit after duping my 6 star JF but she is actually alright

Red skull isn’t terrible. Far from great but that blocking power drain is a nice mechanic

Groot is not the worst champ in game... PSYCH!!! He is definitely the worst champ in mcoc

Let’s see some of your opinions! Looking to learn about champs I don’t have


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I disagree with Hyperion, cap marvel Corvus and other champs who are amazing if the fight is shorter are better, but the others I agree with
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    I disagree with Hyperion, cap marvel Corvus and other champs who are amazing if the fight is shorter are better, but the others I agree with

    Each Fight certainly dictates which champ is better for said fight. I was just stating that Hyperion benefits from a rank 5 more than any other champ I have, including Corvus. I love Corvus too- I just saw a huuuuge difference in hyperions overall abilities at rank 5 - much bigger than the difference I saw in my 6 star rank 2 Corvus
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Terra said:

    I can just see some people when they comment here getting so many disagrees. As for OP, my unpopular opinion is
    That Diablo is underrated

    Maybe I’m using diablo wrong? I have a rank 3 unduped 5 star and the damage output is crazy low- I typically fire the special 2 - any input?
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  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★

    And Winter Soldier’s model is terrible.

    While the model doesn’t look great- that killmonger synergy make WS a beast. Unpopular opinion: I prefer WS over Killmonger
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Dr. Voodoo is boo boo.
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★

    Hyperion benefits more from rank 5 than any other 5 star. This is 100% my experience - dat boi can destroy

    I've been saying this for two years now, no matter, people won't believe you until they do, which is fine by me. The less spotlight put on how insane he is at that level the better.

  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Moon knight isn’t trash.

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