DeadPooop ★
I remember a few weeks ago... Hey just do a lower difficulty one.. u dont wanna miss it... And this happens... Like i said before i played this game for a long time and spend a good chunk of cash on it... I remember the time when variant 1 came out and the drama over 1 awakening gem... Kabam shut down the game and rolled…
I dont understand what's there to evaluate, u guys made a mistake.. made players spend resources to meet a requirements for an objective.. then u removed the objective and completely cheat us put of resources. There is nothing to evaluate a this point other than find a way to revert all those level and rank ups as soon as…
I just ranked 5* r1-r3 5* r1-r2 4* r1-r3 All the iso, gold, future level up milestones All GONE
What are u gonna do about the mats used to do useless rank ups to try to complete the objectives?!
It seems its triggered by the LEVEL UP button.. do 1 lvl at the time...not multiple lvls.. yeah surprising kabam messes up AGAIN....
Master jubilee and her utilities scrolling thru the colors...seems easy but its really not
Meanwhile we are stuck in the horrible customer support limbo receiving constant automated responses.
I keep on getting warned by saying the truth? I played this game for years, i remember the time they rolled back the game a whole day because of 1 awakening gem claiming the importance of the balance in the game. One player claims in here getting the 21 crystals he bought compensated, so he got a total of 42 crystals! I…
Those who bought em before 10:40 Am pst will get extra crystals for the same price... Wow... Nice going
U r outta of luck, basically they said there was a window of 40 mins... If u bought them after the crystal was fixed u wont get any, if u bought em before the fix there is a chance u might get 2x the crystals... Basically Kabam is giving more crystals to some for the same price of others... I'm done spending on this game I…
So the people that bought the crystals within 40 mins get more crystals due to your own mistake? How is that balanced for the game?.. we all paid the same ammount per package.for the same ammount of crystals.
I know i have been very active on this thread and somewhat angry... I will come down a bit and explain why this compensation or approach is TERRIBLE Person A and B buy a Odin with 10 uncanny crystals... Person A gets the wrong champion pool and person B gets the corrected one. Person A gets 5 crystals as compensation…
Flag the app as a scam in your google play store or apple store,
Not gonna work, take the scam and learn from it.. if u get a refund from apple or google Kabam will lock you in the game with negative units...
So some people get more crystals for the same ammount of money? And those crystals turn into resources and u think that is fair?... There is people that with the wrong crystals pulled 6*... And now they get compensation on top? To be fair they should go into every account and remove whatever they got from the wrong…
We got scammed and there is nothing to do with it... Just remember this the next time a deal comes out, we gotta look at details with a magnifying glass and make sure they didn't screw up somewhere. There is a reason many people are quitting parry/dex issue, ge freeze and now cheating you out of money... Great job Kabam
Yeah im pretty sure everyone knows how many they have bought, what is the point of this comment at all?.. are u implying everyone in this thread might have been wrong on how many crystals they have bought?... Even better did u even buy 1 to be questioning the people?
They talk about the BALANCE OF THE GAME all the time how is it balanced to have people with extra crystals for the same bundle?
U will end up with negative units
I havent received anything yet, and to be "fair" i popped my crystals and since there wasnt anything interesting i didnt even bother to check. Now the problem is that if u are talking about the balance of the game, some players are getting an x ammount of extra crystals for the same ammount of money spent.. HOW ON EARTH IS…
I bought an odin that came with 10.. got 0...
So u pretty much wake up in the morning and think of ways to get attention and photoshop screenshots?.. man that gotta be the definition of sad
I dunno why u give me the vibe of being one of those who collected unemployment while still working during the pandemic... U dont need em dont collect em...
Why would u trade 100-105 energy for 70?
They fixed all crystal screw ups right away, but they didnt take a week to compensate. I'll give u an example and a very unfair one. The Legends crystal, DM crystal had the wrong drop rates... BUT EVERYONE got a fixed drop rate DM crystal...
Best tip.. Uninstall while u can.. stay away...
Yeah while at it lets buff BWCV too.. make all her specials apply bleed, incinerate, and poison 2 stacks of each and also every special has a regen... There is always room for improvement...
This issue and the lack of communication is infuriating, can we ask for a refund WITHOUT risking being locked with Negative units?!
Yeah cause i bet u r the only one who spent 100 bucks.. so lets all have the realm of mcoc rotate around u...