
  • I went to the store, and logged in, but it is still telling me to log in to see offer based on progression.
  • There's always a bigger fish.
  • Somewhere around 20-25 unlocks autofight.
    in Auto fight Comment by djr17 October 2023
  • Oh, so it was just a Thursday at Kabam. Good to know.
  • OG CM and OG Storm with their glorious hair have been excluded. And since Hulk is there without hair, why isn't yondu?
  • 56 minutes and counting.
  • If Disney hadn't disneyed the franchise the sequel trilogy wouldn't have been....that.
  • No, it's a visual bug. The shield has been showing as up when it isn't actually there.
  • Ah, yes. The Heal your Herc node. Stinks if you don't have him.
  • If you were really a lurker, you wouldn't be here. [Jedi hand wave] you didn't read this
  • My timeline was off, but the bulk is correct. The pre republic Roman calendar (the Calendar of Romulus) had 10 months, and included the months of Quintilis and Sextilis. The Roman Republic added January and February to the unorganized days at the end of the calendar of Romulus. Quintilis was renamed after Julius Caesar,…
  • There were origionally 10 Roman months, and a bunch of random days the dictator of Rome was responsible for to ensure the calendar kept up with the seasons. If it was neglected for a time, a year could have 400 days. Late in the Roman Republic, two months were created at the end of the calendar, January and February, to…
  • I believe the names go back to being available once they've been blanked on an account. I had a second account I created soon after the game's release, and I promptly forgot about it. I went to sign in on my main, and absent-mindedly put in my alt email, and was greeted with a screen to enter a new name. Looked around and…
  • I have 1 and 2 kids each have 1 conqueror account. All 3 can see battlegrounds, but cannot start any matches. None have tried friendlies yet, and once one tries I'll update.
  • But when will then be now?
  • No, didn't lose, and never went into the other arena. The matches just disappeared.
    in Arena streak Comment by djr17 May 2023
  • Well, 7* are out Monday, so there should be an update to add 7* unstoppable colossus for 3.2 million. If not this month, then within the next few would be my bet.
  • That's a bit overkill. At 11 you will get Thanos/Kang teams with a team consisting of 1 R3 and 2R2 6*. I don't touch R4s until at least match 16. Every time the max PI team changes due to new rank availability, I find something close to the minimum PI tram needed to get Thanos/Kang teams at 11, to keep my best teams for…
  • I did. I pretty much moved them as a "just in case," but they were shuffled.
  • So you agree it was Lit?
  • Yep. It's gotten to the point I don't trust any debuff with less than 1/4 time remaining.
  • I had the same issue with MROC. Never got a thing, though I definitely qualified for the top package.
  • My strategy since the advent of r5s is fairly simple. For featured: Fights 1-10: 3x 5r1. By round 10 you'll fight unranked r1 6, and the occasional max r1. The benefit of doing this is that you are more likely to fight easier champs, as the ones that can be a tough fight generally get ranked. 11+ same as @Furrymoosen Basic…
  • Great answer as usual, but I do have one minor quibble with the part I put in bold. The uncollected crystal shard crystals give a equal tiny amount of 4* & 5* shards. They don't need to produce any more than they currently do, but I've always found it weird the regular shard crystal gave 200 of whatever shard was rewarded,…
  • On a baby account, I've been able to exhaust energy mid path, come back later and use energy past where the paths come back together, and still undo to where they split to take the other side. Doing the same when there's a defender on the node has worked no problem as well. However, the ally that account is in only does…
  • If we did, we'd have 'PI approximation' day on 22 July, but then we'd have to eat something that's almost, but not quite, entirely unlike pie.
    in Pi Day Comment by djr17 March 2023
  • There are several titles that I've been tempted to change my name for over the years. The first was the "Destroyer of Evil" one that I thought of changing my name to "I am Spongebob." Or also from this month, the "Lets Get Dangerous" title for the name Darkwing Duck.
  • Claire requires a buff to be active to attempt to nullify. To the disagrees, from Claire's info: After landing or receiving a light or medium attack, AND THE OPPONENT HAS 1 OR MORE BUFFS, a charge is consumed, and 1 buff is nullified.
  • While charged, Cap will nullify unstoppable. Mr Neg is immune to nullify. I would wager the damage is due to cap trying to nullify what isn't there, and Neg is immune to the useless nullify attempt, and you're taking damage per his sig. But I'd wait for someone smarter than me to respond to be sure.
  • For now, my lowest PI 5r3 team still works, total PI a little over 20k. Also, I did an experiment getting the streak going. I used all 5r1 teams for fights 1-12, then 2 5r5 and 1 5r4. No fights on 1-12 had opponents above 6r1, either not leveled, or only partially leveled. 13-15 were Thanos/Kang.