Symbiote Supreme Bugs



  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★

    Here is my question: assuming you have to have Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage, why isn’t your Genetic Potential increased after you stagger the first Fury buff of KG to something like 75 GP? And then why isn’t there passive damage on the second Fury buff you staggered?

    Again, all this assumes you have to have some value in Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage under Chthon. Also, why does the AI SS start out with 100 Genetic Potential against your KG?

    Dr. Zola
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    DrZola said:

    Here is my question: assuming you have to have Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage, why isn’t your Genetic Potential increased after you stagger the first Fury buff of KG to something like 75 GP? And then why isn’t there passive damage on the second Fury buff you staggered?

    Again, all this assumes you have to have some value in Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage under Chthon. Also, why does the AI SS start out with 100 Genetic Potential against your KG?

    Dr. Zola

    seems inconsistent . i think the AI SS is actually working properly, for every buff removed, he gains 75 potential. but the player version is not
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    in fact, the AI SS is not working properly either. I just tested Venom against SS (see image). no buffs were removed, and no damage dealt

    we always joke about how if a bug works in favor of players, kabam will fix it immediately. Now it's time! B)
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    webtswx said:

    DrZola said:

    Here is my question: assuming you have to have Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage, why isn’t your Genetic Potential increased after you stagger the first Fury buff of KG to something like 75 GP? And then why isn’t there passive damage on the second Fury buff you staggered?

    Again, all this assumes you have to have some value in Genetic Potential to deal passive stagger damage under Chthon. Also, why does the AI SS start out with 100 Genetic Potential against your KG?

    Dr. Zola

    seems inconsistent . i think the AI SS is actually working properly, for every buff removed, he gains 75 potential. but the player version is not
    Dueling Seatin’s SS with Venom. I have buffs at the start that do not get nullified—for example, just now started with 2 Armor Up buffs and none nullified. Took zero damage.

    At a minimum, Seatin SS should have nullified, even if it dealt zero damage. And he should have gotten 75 Genetic Potential twice.

    He didn’t. But when he got back to Chthon the next time, it was an auto KO with Venom’s buffs.

    Something appears to be working incorrectly.

    Dr. Zola
  • aiktow4uaiktow4u Member Posts: 72
    ive been trying to figure sym out now i know why it didnt perform like i expected thank you all for the insight
  • Psy26Psy26 Member Posts: 159
    There is also an issue with his nullify damage after sp3, I'm throwing it at 100 genetic potential against Groot (he had around 15 buffs) and it was instant kill with 50k direct dmg but now it's doing mere 1,5k dmg so either I don't understand SS or something is wrong
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we're still looking into these issues and will update everyone here once we have more updates on them. For those of you who are experiencing these issues, could you please let us know what game mode/quest you experienced these issues in, if there were any node buffs active for that fight, what device you're using, and what version of your OS you are using if you have not posted those already?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Will give it a try...

    Using XS and iOS 12.2.

    Noticed it in duel mode and in EQ. Champs faced include Venom and Howard in duel mode, Annihilus and others in EQ. For duel
    mode, no buffs or nodes active and for EQ Ch3 the relevant buffs and nodes active.

    This thread showcases some video of SS issues...

    Dr. Zola
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 210
    i've had that issue against the howards in act 5.1
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Schmurgle said:

    I recently took my Symbiote Supreme to 5/65 and have noticed a few things with him as well.

    From what I can tell, Symbiote Supreme's Chthon's Cunning phase is not working properly at the start of fights.

    From his spotlight:



    I've been playing around with him a lot and have noticed that at the beginning of the fight he doesn't deal any damage when nullifying the enemy buffs, and he also doesn't gain any genetic potential either. He does seem to consistently strip their buffs at the start, but he doesn't deal the nullify damage. It came to my attention recently when fighting a Sym. Supreme in variant and he immediately nullified my Voodoo's regen and dealt almost 5k damage. I thought it was strange because I knew that wasn't happening for me when I was playing with Sym. Supreme. However, according to his abilities and the Developer Notes in the spotlight, it seems he is indeed supposed to be nullifying their buffs and dealing that damage at the start of the fight, as he is triggering Chthon's Cunning.

    I've also experienced the inconsistency with staggers applying from parries while in Null's Shadows and the current blessing not resetting after using an L3.

    The question I have is whether he should always start at 0 Genetic Potential—otherwise, there’s no way he deal stagger damage at the start of the fight per the Dev’s comment.

    However, there are instances of the AI playing SS dealing instant stagger damage at the start of the fight—why does this happen ?

    There’s at least one more thread on SS here and in General Discussion. It appears the team did some testing on their own and were unable to duplicate the issue (this is a recurring theme).

    It would seem either the Dev comment is flat wrong (in which case SS dealing heavy damage at the fight start on buffed champs is a bug) or there should be damage from stagger at the start of the fight (mine isn’t, which would also imply a bug). Either way, there should at a minimum be accumulation of Genetic Potential from staggering buffs at the start of the fight.

    Guidance, please, and soon Game Team.

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Here are two similar fight starts, both times dueling Seatin’s SS. First one is start with King Groot:

    This one is Venom:

    Why KG’s buffs? Why damage? Why not Venom’s? Is it some kind of symbiote courtesy?

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    I will add this dev comment from the SS introduction to highlight the question re: how SS is supposed to function.

    Dr. Zola
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    I remember when I first got venom the duck. I took him through a normal path in eq. I got around 9 buffs on him and it was going pretty well. Then there was symbiote supreme and as soon as the fight began I died since he nullified all the buffs and dealt damage for each. I learnt how he works the hard way, killed my fun. Don’t know why it’s not the same for king groot.
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    OnePlus 3
    Android 8.0.0
    OxygenOS 5.0.8

    Bugs experienced:
    1. Performing a Parry during Null's Shadow does not place a Stagger Passive 100% of the time as stated in his ability description. Note that the ability specifically says the chance is raised TO 100% and not BY 100%. That's a very important distinction.
    2. Inconsistent behavior from his start of the fight nullify. Against some champions he removes their starting buffs and procs MD and gains genetic potential, against others he only removes the buffs and does not proc MD or gain genetic potential, and finally against others he does not remove their starting buffs at all. Enemy champions tested include UC, Juggernaut, Venom, Howard the Duck, Red Skull, Dr.Voodoo.

    Game modes:
    Tested in ROL, duels, and event quests.

    6* Symbiote Supreme, 2/35, Unduped, Using Mystic Dispersion 3/5
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    There are now around three threads on SS issues. I would expect they will start merging these threads soon. What is worrisome is that some of the issues appear to have been persistent for a while.

    Dr. Zola
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192

    I agree with you. Symbiote Supreme has some bugs that have been around since he was released actually.
    Another one is Null's Shadow ability/Blue icon. You can take a look here

    not saying i regret R2 my 6* SS. but these bugs should be solved or at least given an answer a long time ago.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    webtswx said:

    I agree with you. Symbiote Supreme has some bugs that have been around since he was released actually.
    Another one is Null's Shadow ability/Blue icon. You can take a look here

    not saying i regret R2 my 6* SS. but these bugs should be solved or at least given an answer a long time ago.
    Yes, an update would be appreciated. The unevenness of his stagger abilities is odd, given how he was marketed.

    Dr. Zola
  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    found another one:

    i was testing SS against the resistor node in epic bounty. after SS activate SP3, all buffs were removed but no damage was dealt.

    can you add this one to the sea of existing SS bugs? thanks @Kabam Zibiit
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    webtswx said:

    found another one:

    i was testing SS against the resistor node in epic bounty. after SS activate SP3, all buffs were removed but no damage was dealt.

    can you add this one to the sea of existing SS bugs? thanks @Kabam Zibiit

    I tested the same, against Heimdall on Resistor. Dropping Sp3 on him with 100 Genetic Potential with his 5-6 Armor Up buffs produced a red number after the Sp3 that looked directionally correct, but I’m not sure his health bar moved any. Obviously, SS Sp3 won’t affect the massive passive effects (cheap), but it should deal a fair amount of damage based on the buffs with white outlines.

    I can’t capture on video @webtswx — can you and post here?

    Dr. Zola
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Symb supreme's short dash back gets me hit before I can even put up my block. I've experienced this several times on this month's EQ against the Hela boss in particular. Hit on her block and dash back makes me get hit immediately despite me trying to block immediately. Same goes when i do a 5 combo on her ending with a medium attack.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    @webtswx I suppose other items take priority, but as someone who for whatever reason has so few recently released champs, I would greatly appreciate if the team could get SymSup working as described in his profile.

    He’s a terrific champ for some game modes, but far from best in game overall (especially with the proliferation of passive effects everywhere).

    So it’s not like we are asking for fixes to already super-powered champs like Domino, Corvus, CapIW, OR, Ghost. Just get him up and performing like he’s supposed to be.

    And provide an update.

    Dr. Zola
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 210
    i've had fights against some nodes with buffs and with some champions, and in some cases ss fails to nullify the buff at the start and sometimes he doesn't do damage
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Ultra8529 said:

    Symb supreme's short dash back gets me hit before I can even put up my block. I've experienced this several times on this month's EQ against the Hela boss in particular. Hit on her block and dash back makes me get hit immediately despite me trying to block immediately. Same goes when i do a 5 combo on her ending with a medium attack.

    This is still happening for me. Hela, X23, rocket counting among the champs that this is happening for Symb
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    Still happening. Fight in arena about an hour ago, SS against a duped Venom. Venom comes out of the gate with several buffs and keeps them, taking zero damage.

    At least SS should nullify, right? And upon nullifying, he should gain some Genetic Potential? And upon gaining Genetic Potential, he should deal some damage based on buffs nullified?

    Is anyone even working on this?

    Dr. Zola
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Need an update. Short backdash also hurting Symb. I have no choice but to block the enemy when i finish a 5 hit combo, because a backdash after a 5 hit combo guarantees I get hit by symb as I cannot throw up my block fast enough. Doesn't happen for any other champ - only symb supreme.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    I have similar issues with Voodoo on dash back. I’m guessing some champs are just designed with a short back dash. Why? No clue.

    But I do hope they get around to looking at ways to tweak what’s not working with SS.

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Looks like an acknowledgment April 18. That’s almost a month ago. Some follow-up would be nice.

    Sym Supreme is one of the few new champs I’ve acquired. If the game is going to continue tossing mostly useless pre-2018 champs and dupes of already duped pre-2018 champs my way, it would be really nice if Sym Supreme could be fixed to start working correctly.

    Dr. Zola
  • xCristoxCristo Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2019
    Have you also noticed that in the set's fangs phase Symbiote Supreme doesn't proc bleed debuffs on every hit? From the description I understand that it's a 100% chance to proc it and the damage is based on the genetic material. Am I wrong or missing something? Does this happen to you?
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 210
    it doesn't proc when you have 0 genetic potential
  • xCristoxCristo Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2019
    Here is a video with this. It should proc even with 0 genetic material, since only the damage is affected by it, from what the description says. However, in the video it gets to 100 material and changes to set's fang, get 2 combos of 5, but no bleed at all.
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