Introducing Alliance Quest Modifiers

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 637
Greetings Summoner,

The challenges of our Alliance Quests continue to evolve and change! Starting November 15th a new feature will be coming to Alliance Quests!

Alliance Quest Modifiers

Alliance Quest Modifiers are optional Buffs that Alliance Leaders and Officers can add to Alliance Quest Maps to increase their difficulty, and earn bonus rewards for completing the Map.

Alliance Quest modifiers are meant to act as a stepping stone for mid-tier Alliances to graduate to higher difficulties, and give higher-tier Alliances new content to engage with.

How do they work?

When an Alliance Quest Event is running, Alliance Leaders and/or Officers will have the option to select a Global Buff that will affect all encounters on the Map. They can choose a Buff for each Battlegroup that is participating.

An Alliance will always have the option to not choose a Global Buff, however they will surrender any bonus Points they would have gained from participating in this feature.

There are three tiers of Buffs: Normal, Heroic, or Master. Normal Buffs are best suited for Maps 1-3, Heroic and Master for Maps 4-7.
Each tier contains 5 Buffs, enough for one Buff per day of an Alliance Quest series. You can look forward to more Buffs being added in the future.

These Alliance Quest Modifier Buffs increase the difficulty of the Alliance Quest Map, but Alliances are rewarded with ”Honor” and earn bonus Points when completing Maps with these Buffs selected.

Honor and Bonus Points?

Honor Points are Points that Alliances gain from completing Maps in Alliance Quest Events when they have chosen an Alliance Quest Modifier. Using a Modifier that you haven't used this week will earn your Alliance more points each Quest. Additionally, the higher difficulty Map you run, the more points the Modifiers will earn.

The greater variety of Modifiers you use throughout the series, the more Honor Points you will earn. To reach the highest Honor Milestones, you’ll need to use all 5 Alliance Quest Modifiers throughout the series on Map 7.

Bonus Points are additional Points an Alliance earns for choosing Alliance Quest Modifiers that go towards Rank Rewards.

The Buffs

  • +45% Armor: The Defender gains +45% Armor Rating from the start of the fight
  • Sadist - 1: This Defender gains +10% Attack for each Debuff on them.
  • Opportunist - 1: This Defender gains +10% Attack for each Buff on them.
  • Physical Resistance 40%:The Defender gains +40% Physical Resistance Rating from the start of the fight
  • Plagued Mind -1: Attacker's Power is drained every 30 seconds.
  • Soft Guard - 1: Each Blocked attack reduces Block Proficiency by 2%, up to a maximum of 80% reduction.
  • Feats of Power: When the Defender is above 1 Bar of Power, gain a Fury Buff. When the Defender is above 2 Bars of Power, gain a Precision Buff. When the Defender is at 3 Bars of Power, gain a Cruelty Buff.
  • Role Reversal: The Class Relationships on this Node are reversed.
  • Optimist: Gains Fury, Armor Up, and Health Steal as long as they remain below 25% HP.
  • Pessimist: Gains Fury, Armor Up, and Health Steal as long as they remain above 75% HP.
  • Brute Force: If the Attacker hasn't landed a hit in 6 seconds they begin to Degenerate, losing 100% of their total Health over 30 seconds. Landing a hit removes the Degeneration and resets the timer. The strength of this Degeneration is affected by Class Relationships. (150% over 30 seconds with Class Dis. and 50% over 30 seconds with Class Adv.).
  • Dismay: Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to 10 times the lost Combo.
  • Hurt Locker: Using the same type of Special Attack twice in a row gives the Attacker a Delayed Blast charge for {2} seconds which may be removed by landing a Heavy Attack. If the Blast expires, the Attacker takes {1}% of their Health as direct damage.
  • Bane: Whichever Champion lands the first hit will place a Curse on the opposing Champion which deals {1}% of their current Health as Direct Damage per second. Whenever a Champion with the Curse strikes the other Champion or if the Curse has been on the same Champion for {2} seconds, it passes to the other Champion.
  • Special Delivery: The Attacker begins the fight with {0} Combo charges which are lost with each landed basic attack. Launching a special attack resets the charges & if all charges run out, the Attacker suffers Degen equal to {1}% of the Defender's attack rating over {2} seconds and then the charges are reset.

Honor Milestones
The Top Honor Milestone can only be earned by using all 5 Master Alliance Quest modifiers in a single series on 5x Map 7.

Alliance Quest Modifiers are a completely optional addition to Alliance Quests, and will be available on November 15th, as well as an update to the Glory Store and Rank Rewards, and an update to many Alliance Quest Mini-Bosses! More information on those are coming soon.


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Looks awesome. Glad no retreat is out!

    Now if I only had an alliance that was running map 7. 😔
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    These will make OR so much harder.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    These will make OR so much harder.

    Omega red is gone by the 15th. Not that the new mini boss won’t also be a problem. But omega red won’t see these.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    So do you only have one buff a day, or can you choose to have several buffs during aq?
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited November 2019
    How will the modifiers affect the points that go towards end of week ranking?

    Do the modifiers boost the PI of map defenders and subsequently the points earned per fight? Is the PI boost different for separate modifiers?

    Are the honor points added to the end of series points for rank reward placement?

    *If any of this can be answered even partially, please do.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    DRTO said:

    So do you only have one buff a day, or can you choose to have several buffs during aq?

    Only one Buff per day, but you can select Different Buffs per Battlegroup.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    How will the modifiers affect the points that go towards end of week ranking?

    Do the modifiers boost the PI of map defenders and subsequently the points earned per fight? Is the PI boost different for separate modifiers?

    Are the honor points added to the end of series points for rank reward placement?

    *If any of this can be answered even partially, please do.

    AQ Modifiers will provide Additional points to your Overall Alliance Quest Score, but do not affect the PI of Champions on the Quest Board. The Bonus points are not 1 to 1 with Honor Points, but I will see if I can find out how much the bonus would be.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    MCOC Team said:

    When an Alliance Quest Event is running, Alliance Leaders and/or Officers will have the option to select a Global Buff that will affect all encounters on the Map. They can choose a Buff for each Battlegroup that is participating.

    Could you elaborate here? The wording sounds like Global buffs are selected after the map is started, but that seems problematic. Would you have to select the buff before anyone started running paths?

    If instead the Global buff is selected at the time the map is started, which seems to make more sense, then although each battlegroup can choose a buff, it sounds like this would have to be coordinated with the officer that starts the map, as he or she would be picking global buffs for everyone. And since there's an element to changing the buff every day built into the system, that would seem to add a significant coordination issue for alliances that want to leverage this.

    Is there some way for battlegroup leaders to "preselect" the buff they want, so the officer that launches the map doesn't have to coordinate the choices every day?
  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    So what would end up with more points... Map 4 with a different buff each round or map 5 with no buffs?
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    These will make OR so much harder.

    Omega red is gone by the 15th. Not that the new mini boss won’t also be a problem. But omega red won’t see these.
    True. Wondering how hard of a champ they replace him with. Or need some pretty specific counters. I'm hoping the new boss has a better all around counter then DarkHawk.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    These will make OR so much harder.

    Omega red is gone by the 15th. Not that the new mini boss won’t also be a problem. But omega red won’t see these.
    True. Wondering how hard of a champ they replace him with. Or need some pretty specific counters. I'm hoping the new boss has a better all around counter then DarkHawk.
    Yeah hopefully...we’ll I have dh so wasn’t bad for me. But it’ll probably be Doom 😂. The timing is too close
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    Sounds interesting. Definitely is gonna increase difficulty.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    edited November 2019
    “Honor Points.... using a modifier that you haven’t used this week.....”
    and “can choose a buff for each battlegroup that is participating”
    Plus previous clarification “can select different buffs per battlegroup”

    So, if you use different modifier buffs for each battlegroup, does that prevent you from earning the Honor Points in say BG2 on day-2 if that BG uses what BG1 had only used on the previous day ??
    ie, Does the “haven’t used this week” aspect pertain to each BG individually, or across all BG's no matter how many BG's had actually used that modifier buff ??

    So that is potentially a problem, I think it should be by BG. **Although that would potentially present a problem in the other direction as well (if by individual BG) because then alliances could just swap around their BG designations/assignments and let the same group of 10 ppl do the same Modifier for 3 different days (and still get the Honor Points) by just moving them into the different BG's each day.

  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,287 ★★★★★
    I think this is a cool feature.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Looking for the breakdown in points per the map you play...

    Looks to be 8400 points for map 7 (8400 x 5 = 42K)

    Need numbers for map 4/5/6.
  • Wayde0wilsonWayde0wilson Member Posts: 53
    Looks interesting
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Hoger45 said:

    So **** bonus for those that don’t do map 7 or don’t do map 7 all 5 days. Seems kinda unbalanced. How is this fair for the other 95% of alliances?

    It’s fair. You chose not to do map 7.

    If those doing higher maps are getting the same rewards as those doing lower maps, then what’s the incentive?
    I agree if you want map 7 incentive just do map 7 if you cant then stay in ya lane.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,255 ★★★★★
    This is one of those times that I just have to see it in play. I think this will be far harder on Map 7 I might have to scale to map 6 to get more t5 basic and run it all 5 days. I'm not against this at all because it's a choice and not being forced so do it at your own pace and live with the results.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    You get T5Basic frags from any of the Peak Milestones 13 thru 17. So not as if you only get them for the very top one of Map-7 x5.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I'd say scoring would be something like this this:

    Map 7 = 1BG = 2,800 points (3BG = 8400*5 = 42,000)
    Map 6 = 1BG = 2,400 points (3BG = 7200*5 = 36,000)
    Map 5 = 1BG = 2,000 points (3BG = 6000*5 = 30,000)
    Map 4 = 1BG = 1,600 points (3BG = 4800*5 = 24,000)
    Map 3 = 1BG = 1,200 points (3BG = 3600*5 = 18,000)
    Map 2 = 1BG = 800 points (3BG = 2400*5 = 12,000)
    Map 1 = 1BG = 400 points (3BG = 1200*5 = 6,000)
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★

    MCOC Team said:

    Greetings Summoner,

    The challenges of our Alliance Quests continue to evolve and change! Starting November 15th a new feature will be coming to Alliance Quests!

    Alliance Quest Modifiers

    Alliance Quest Modifiers are optional Buffs that Alliance Leaders and Officers can add to Alliance Quest Maps to increase their difficulty, and earn bonus rewards for completing the Map.

    Alliance Quest modifiers are meant to act as a stepping stone for mid-tier Alliances to graduate to higher difficulties, and give higher-tier Alliances new content to engage with.

    How do they work?

    When an Alliance Quest Event is running, Alliance Leaders and/or Officers will have the option to select a Global Buff that will affect all encounters on the Map. They can choose a Buff for each Battlegroup that is participating.

    An Alliance will always have the option to not choose a Global Buff, however they will surrender any bonus Points they would have gained from participating in this feature.

    There are three tiers of Buffs: Normal, Heroic, or Master. Normal Buffs are best suited for Maps 1-3, Heroic and Master for Maps 4-7.
    Each tier contains 5 Buffs, enough for one Buff per day of an Alliance Quest series. You can look forward to more Buffs being added in the future.

    These Alliance Quest Modifier Buffs increase the difficulty of the Alliance Quest Map, but Alliances are rewarded with ”Honor” and earn bonus Points when completing Maps with these Buffs selected.

    Honor and Bonus Points?

    Honor Points are Points that Alliances gain from completing Maps in Alliance Quest Events when they have chosen an Alliance Quest Modifier. Using a Modifier that you haven't used this week will earn your Alliance more points each Quest. Additionally, the higher difficulty Map you run, the more points the Modifiers will earn.

    The greater variety of Modifiers you use throughout the series, the more Honor Points you will earn. To reach the highest Honor Milestones, you’ll need to use all 5 Alliance Quest Modifiers throughout the series on Map 7.

    Bonus Points are additional Points an Alliance earns for choosing Alliance Quest Modifiers that go towards Rank Rewards.

    The Buffs


    • +45% Armor: The Defender gains +45% Armor Rating from the start of the fight
    • Sadist - 1: This Defender gains +10% Attack for each Debuff on them.
    • Opportunist - 1: This Defender gains +10% Attack for each Buff on them.
    • Physical Resistance 40%:The Defender gains +40% Physical Resistance Rating from the start of the fight
    • Plagued Mind -1: Attacker's Power is drained every 30 seconds.
    • Soft Guard - 1: Each Blocked attack reduces Block Proficiency by 2%, up to a maximum of 80% reduction.
    • Feats of Power: When the Defender is above 1 Bar of Power, gain a Fury Buff. When the Defender is above 2 Bars of Power, gain a Precision Buff. When the Defender is at 3 Bars of Power, gain a Cruelty Buff.
    • Role Reversal: The Class Relationships on this Node are reversed.
    • Optimist: Gains Fury, Armor Up, and Health Steal as long as they remain below 25% HP.
    • Pessimist: Gains Fury, Armor Up, and Health Steal as long as they remain above 75% HP.
    • Brute Force: If the Attacker hasn't landed a hit in 6 seconds they begin to Degenerate, losing 100% of their total Health over 30 seconds. Landing a hit removes the Degeneration and resets the timer. The strength of this Degeneration is affected by Class Relationships. (150% over 30 seconds with Class Dis. and 50% over 30 seconds with Class Adv.).
    • Dismay: Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to 10 times the lost Combo.
    • Hurt Locker: Using the same type of Special Attack twice in a row gives the Attacker a Delayed Blast charge for {2} seconds which may be removed by landing a Heavy Attack. If the Blast expires, the Attacker takes {1}% of their Health as direct damage.
    • Bane: Whichever Champion lands the first hit will place a Curse on the opposing Champion which deals {1}% of their current Health as Direct Damage per second. Whenever a Champion with the Curse strikes the other Champion or if the Curse has been on the same Champion for {2} seconds, it passes to the other Champion.
    • Special Delivery: The Attacker begins the fight with {0} Combo charges which are lost with each landed basic attack. Launching a special attack resets the charges & if all charges run out, the Attacker suffers Degen equal to {1}% of the Defender's attack rating over {2} seconds and then the charges are reset.

    Honor Milestones
    The Top Honor Milestone can only be earned by using all 5 Master Alliance Quest modifiers in a single series on 5x Map 7.

    Alliance Quest Modifiers are a completely optional addition to Alliance Quests, and will be available on November 15th, as well as an update to the Glory Store and Rank Rewards, and an update to many Alliance Quest Mini-Bosses! More information on those are coming soon.
    This would be more clear if you used examples, such as “if your alliance runs map 5 each day, then you could get this many points.” As an alliance leader I am struggling to translate this to our members, as it stands.
    You sell it like this: if you don't add these modifiers, other alliances who were under you in rank will pass you, and you will drop it rank and then drop our of your AQ bracket and get worse rewards. You basically have to add these to maintain your rank.
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