Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



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  • RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    Also if they really cared and wanted everyone to be able to do act 6 they could always change the arenas and instead of making it a free for all fight to see who can score 100 million points (exaggerated I know) to get this week's best champion ever, they post a score, for example 20 million, and everyone who gets 20 million gets the champ, they could have other rewards for who gets the highest scores, but kabam doesn't do this, which incourages cheating and being overly competitive and kabam acts like they only have a certain number of champs they can give out in arenas, and if u believe that ur the exact kind of summoner kabam loves.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Skkc said:

    We now see we wont be able to bring in any thing less than a 5* champ, but is this worth all the uproar we have seen?

    Also there has been talk of putting a 5* restriction.
    I call BS on that one, mate.
    You living in a Cave bro ? https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/763163#Comment_763163
    They indicated 6.2 may have restrictions like having a certain amount of 5*s and 6*s, and Class Requirements. Not that they would be banning the use of 5*s.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    Voltolos said:

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit will we see any account bans for act6 piloting. We can expect this for legends runs.....

    I'd say that depends on the players. If people pilot then there will probably be bans, if not then not but I'm not sure how many people would risk losing an account that is strong enough for Act 6
    Agreed. If we are restricted from using 4* it would be nice to see ALL accounts restricted to just the proper user.
  • perãoperão Member Posts: 1
    tbm acho vcs restringe os heróis de 5 e 6 * e vem com essa de do usar os de 5* e 6* com nos que so vai benefiar quem gasta dinheiro nesse jogo então pra que vcs oferecem o jogo gratis no Google play
  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    @Kabam Vydious I appreciate you cleaning up the thread, can you enlighten us on if the beta testers were allowed to use there full roster or just 5 & 6 stars?
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  • XxArchMageXxArchMage Member Posts: 6
    This is just **** they are limiting 4 stars and removing any need of skill from this game and not only that have stated we will be having 5* banned as well which is just garbage. I rank up my four stars and five stars to be used and sometimes a 4* is better than a 5*. What’s the difference from a 4* at rank 5 and a 5 star at rank 3 there is no difference so why can’t I use the four star. What’s next your gonna ban champs on rank 4/55
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  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    To stay on topic about our concern about the use of 4 star champions and so forth the solution is simple, when a company don’t care about the consumer (US) then when they bring deals that’s geared toward 4 stars don’t spend a dime on it. Complaining about this and that really don’t work sometimes not spending and a company losing revenue is the only way to get our point across. I’ve spend a lot on this game and I’m just disappointed now.
  • edited March 2019
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike can u pliz get back to the dev and said avt6 don’t need the 4 star ban becasse this might hav ruined the fun. Of the game
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  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:
    Did you even read the thing yourself? Nothing in there even suggests a 5* ban.

    Do you know what you and all the other people on this bandwagon mean to seatin and other end game content creators?
    Ad revenue. Nothing more.
    yeah i read it kid and restricting 5*s is right in the same area. Its unnecessary and their explanation of "gates" for 4*s is a joke. So how about you read it son.
    First of all, the "flag" button isn't a "dislike" button, mate. Trying to insult me by calling me a kid, while pretty pathetic as an attempt, is actually worth a flag, though.
    This might help you understand the concept.

    Moving on.

    Again, did you read it? It says absolutely nothing about a 5* ban. It even mostly talks about making 5* and 6* champs easier to acquire.
    It hints at certain paths in missions after 6.1 maybe requiring you to have X amount of 5*/6* champs in your team. But calling that a 5* ban is way above semantics. It's just plain old not understanding how words work.
    Or, still my guess, you actually did not read the whole message.
    i read it son and its a restriction. My guess is that your roster doesnt even meet the requirements for act 6.1 anyways so why are you even arguing. whats your ign. Prove me I'm wrong fanboy.
    513 posts in 2 months lol seriously dude. You even play?
    You even english...? Please, stay on topic.

    Did you read the message yet?
    The gent named umberto says you even english. Ive read it... and its garbage. You posting every other minute rambling that it isn't wont make it any less garbage.
  • Jman2182Jman2182 Member Posts: 101
    As a reminder for everyone, we encourage debate and won’t shy away from criticism however we expect all users to treat each other with respect.

    Insults, personal attacks, harassment, inflammatory posting, or generally rude posts will not be tolerated in either the forums, or private messages. This also includes the use of inappropriate, vulgar, discriminatory or offensive language of any kind.

    How much u want to bet that Kabam made this because of the controversy of the 4* ban.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    Ace_03 said:

    Limiting conditions that discourage skill and roster planning, goes against every principle that the game is founded upon. These 7 day dramatic meta shifts are also very poorly executed.

    Let us use our rosters, enough with these restrictions, don't create more discontempt.

    The game is founded on the principle of making money.. people really seem to think kabam cares what the players think or want.. I keep saying it.. if people want kabam to change their mind.. then stop spending money.. 2 days of no revenue due to this 4* thing and the decision would be reversed.. simple as that
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  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:

    ezmoney said:
    Did you even read the thing yourself? Nothing in there even suggests a 5* ban.

    Do you know what you and all the other people on this bandwagon mean to seatin and other end game content creators?
    Ad revenue. Nothing more.
    yeah i read it kid and restricting 5*s is right in the same area. Its unnecessary and their explanation of "gates" for 4*s is a joke. So how about you read it son.
    First of all, the "flag" button isn't a "dislike" button, mate. Trying to insult me by calling me a kid, while pretty pathetic as an attempt, is actually worth a flag, though.
    This might help you understand the concept.

    Moving on.

    Again, did you read it? It says absolutely nothing about a 5* ban. It even mostly talks about making 5* and 6* champs easier to acquire.
    It hints at certain paths in missions after 6.1 maybe requiring you to have X amount of 5*/6* champs in your team. But calling that a 5* ban is way above semantics. It's just plain old not understanding how words work.
    Or, still my guess, you actually did not read the whole message.
    i read it son and its a restriction. My guess is that your roster doesnt even meet the requirements for act 6.1 anyways so why are you even arguing. whats your ign. Prove me I'm wrong fanboy.
    513 posts in 2 months lol seriously dude. You even play?
    You even english...? Please, stay on topic.

    Did you read the message yet?
    The gent named umberto says you even english. Ive read it... and its garbage. You posting every other minute rambling that it isn't wont make it any less garbage.
    And that's supposed to make... Sense... I guess?

    Okay, look as much as I like turning around in circles, I'd like you to do one thing for me:

    Once you finally got to read the whole message yourself, please quote the part that mentions a 5* ban and/or restriction.

    Then, although I already quoted and explained that already, I can tell you exactly where your cognitive dissonance stems from.

    I might even find an even easier to digest analogy to explain the concept to you then.

    Oh, also again, the "flag" button is not a "dislike" button. Flag is spelled f-l-a-g and dislike is spelled d-i-s-l-i-k-e.
    See the difference?
    You spam... what you're doing is spamming. You've stated your incorrect opinion already. Repeating it 30 more times isnt necessary.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    If I give my honest thoughts on this topic, it will be removed for hate speech when it probably won’t
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