Back Issues #8: Deadpoolooza!



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  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    DPX isn't bad with Nebula and the Proxima synergy. Eat some blocks and maybe even take a shot or two (she can usually regen it back)to get to SP2 before he does. Hit that bad boy with the 20 shocks and watch him melt

    Here's how to easily solo DPx with Nebula
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★

    I think you may be incorrect about the AAR. He had the same nodes in the Moon Knight back issue and never used specials. I don't think AAR applies to that node. It's bugged.
    I think this is the issue. No matter how one tries to get him down fast, he reaches for Sp3 as soon as he gets it. That’s not what the node did previously.

    I have seen Karate Mike knock it with Nebula, but I’m still not sure how the DPX there didn’t throw a Sp3 before he died.

    Dr. Zola
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  • KINGBITZzKINGBITZz Member Posts: 18

    I faced that. I threw a special when shield was down and he died
    Had to use few revives as I did not have any counters...Need those revives back now
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Looked forward to giving this a go over the next couple of days.
    But now all I see is people pointing out how the ideal counter for final boss in a deadpool+merc focussed variant doesn’t fit either of those tags and I’m left wondering why this got approved.
    Guess I’ll leave completing it myself until you sort this mess out
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Garbage content to go along with the garbage rewards.
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  • RowstRowst Member Posts: 11

    I think you may be incorrect about the AAR. He had the same nodes in the Moon Knight back issue and never used specials. I don't think AAR applies to that node. It's bugged.
    Haven't had time to to check back in the previous variant tbh, but unless there is a noce specficially impacting AAR then I see no other reason why it would be effecting it.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    I haven't played the Variant yet but I need Kabam to confirm if it is still bugged or not. I don't want to waste units and revives for a bugged fight.

    Also, the rewards should be better based on the level of difficulty. My alliance has a 13.8k prestige average and none of them are saying this is easy or not end game. Do better overall please.
  • RowstRowst Member Posts: 11
    Ebony_Naw said:

    In game lingo, we call that a bug. There’s no all or nothing and he’s throwing one specific special he shouldn’t be. Funny that you’re calling pointing that out dumb

    Okay my bad. Just checked the Moon Knight Variant and with the same nodes, he absolutely did not throw specials.

    I still stand by that it isn't a particularly difficult fight but I will 100% admit that I'm mistaken and it's bugged.

    Nothing in the content is more bugged than the PoS Venompool fight. So dumb.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    Too hard with apo my mastery despair at 1 i test apo mr fantastic domino hulk massacre …
  • TankerTanker Member Posts: 4
    Rowst said:

    Complaining about the X Force boss is dumb.

    It says a 100% less chance to throw a special, this doesn't include ability accuracy etc. It isn't a flat 100%. He's immune to AAR meaning he technically still has a chance to throw special attacks.

    The venompool wasn't even difficult provided you are like myself and other end game players and hapoen to have the correct mastery and champion set up. It should NOT be that way.

    Had zero issues in with the Lifecycle boss either so not sure where the issue is there.

    Actually it's not dumb considering the fact Kabam just said it's not "end game content". You just proved that is too difficult.
  • RowstRowst Member Posts: 11
    Tanker said:

    Actually it's not dumb considering the fact Kabam just said it's not "end game content". You just proved that is too difficult.
    Already corrected myself to say I was wrong and it is bugged.

    But it is certainly not a difficult fight.
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  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Rowst said:

    Already corrected myself to say I was wrong and it is bugged.

    But it is certainly not a difficult fight.

    You say it's not a difficult fight, then prove it. Run it again and post a video showing who you used and how you did it
  • RowstRowst Member Posts: 11
    Ebony_Naw said:

    With the bug, it is a difficult fight with one counter or you have to hope you can get it with the whole team. That sounds like an endgame task, something variant is not
    I'm referring to the Deadpool X Force when saying it isn't a difficult fight.

    Even with an R3 Apoc the Venompool fight was still an absolute shambles. It needs changed. Taking away the 1% perma-regen would actually mean even somebody like Masacre could work that fight with relative ease.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Rowst said:

    Already corrected myself to say I was wrong and it is bugged.

    But it is certainly not a difficult fight.
    It's not a difficult fight where you have to get lucky and kill him before he gets to sp3 or die?
    I think you have a very weird definition of "not difficult"
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    kabam should honestly just remove the 1% regen node entirely from the game and NEVER use it in content. It is just such a bs mechanic to put a heal that powerful onto such large bosses.
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  • RowstRowst Member Posts: 11
    Ebony_Naw said:

    So am I. The only champion that can really solo the fight as far as I know is nebula. That’s more niche than it should be thanks to the bug. And even then, I wouldn’t say it’s a fair fight for the current target audience.
    Yeah I've solo'd with Nebs and R3 domino currently but I appreciate a large majority of the player base won't have those counters.

    That being said, Variant 1 was also a ****-house of niche counters and terrible node combinations and some how we've all managed to get that done lol.
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