Regarding Brian Grant’s Most Recent Video

I have to admit that he makes Great Points. Being able to Farm that many Units to gift yourself is absurd. It’s a tricky situation for Kabam too because they can’t tell which accounts are Alts and which aren’t.
I think a simple solution would be to have a creation restriction. Essentially you can only gift if your account has been live for a certain amount of time.
I’m sure I’ve overlooked something’s but this is off the top of my head.
What are your thoughts and solutions?
Video for Reference:
I think a simple solution would be to have a creation restriction. Essentially you can only gift if your account has been live for a certain amount of time.
I’m sure I’ve overlooked something’s but this is off the top of my head.
What are your thoughts and solutions?
Video for Reference:

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More conservatively, lets say you did 2 hours a day on a new account for the next 45 days, you'd spend 90 hours on these new accounts. At the end you would have 15 accounts in the same alliance each with 2k units, which is 30k units. That is genuinely crazy. That's £1,000 worth of units over 45 days for 2 hours a day. I don't think many people can say that's good for the game or the gifting event.
The update to the early quests were needed, and really great. But come on, anyone who thinks this is a good thing is kidding themselves. As BG said, why bother with AQ or AW, or EQ or Act 7, just farm a bunch of units and gift yourself. That is the number one best thing for progression right now.
I actually began doing one of these accounts to grind some units, but I'm putting it on pause right now. I don't think it's right for the game. If Kabam decide to do something that stops abuse of the system on a large scale, then I'll continue with it.
I really think that something does need to be put in that will stop someone making multiple accounts with 2k worth of units in them ready to gift. What that is, I'm not sure. Maybe putting gifting up to level 45, to stop casual grinders stopping at level 20. Maybe your account has to have been created before a certain point, but when would you decide the cut off is? Now? 2 weeks before the event?
I'm not sure what the fix is, but right now, gifting event is about to become the most exploitable non-exploit in the game.
I don't think it's a big issue unless they're using bots
If you just do one Account a day for a Week you’ll get 14700 which equates to 39 Greater Gifting Crystals.
That’s a lot
I get the whole 3 Devices thing but it’s still undeniable that it’s an insane amount of units.
I didn’t watch the video and won’t but this thread about making restrictions is just silly.
He also was concerned about how quickly people were getting R3s and R4s and now he has so many resources he doesn't even open the T5cc shards now lol.
BG also did a stream for people that said he did arena all day everyday and he tried it and disproved the theory. They of course exaggerated how much he played the game and thought that's all he did.
I am a huge fan of BG, but in this case , I just don't see anyone putting that much time and effort into getting the units. Some will of course. Is this going to affect the overall game ? I doubt it. Also every gifting year , Kabam always adds something new to deter alts that aren't really alts.
It takes a lot of time and effort to accomplish that.
One or two alt accounts? Might be, and historically fine. Problem is Kabam is vague on this, so for now, it appears it's the right step as an individual to farm with an alt account.
How it affects the spending player base, general player base, idk, that's something Kabam should have an idea on by now.
As far as Kabam goes they are engaging with the game 3 different times and time is always the biggest currency in the real world. They are more likely to recommend a friend as well.
If cheating is the concern I understand. If deciding how people spend time is his concern who cares.
You can see a player skip 100% exploration of a Act 6 and Act 7 and still end up TB. Just because we had to work a little harder and put more time in doesn't necessarily mean they they have to as well.
If I need to do an abyss path on my main, I need to grind arena for weeks, or even months depending on how much time you have. But now, just load up 2 new accounts and in a few days you have the units to smash out a path no sweat.
You wanna progress in act 6? Just grind out units and transfer the revives and energy refills to your main. No need to actually put in effort there, who cares if you die, just revive with the 100 revives you just transferred to your main.
The issue with this is that it shifts the balance of where it’s worth it to put your time.
Before this change to early acts, there was a balance between the effort you put in on your main to get resources, and the effort you would put in on an alt. The effort/rewards ratio was such that you would only really make an alt if you had the extra time after playing your main.
This change makes that ratio swing so hard on the wrong direction, that rewards are so easy to get on an alt, so that what’s the point playing your main? You put in 6 hours of work on your main right now and let me know how many units you get. Maybe a few hundred? Now do it on an alt, and roll in the 2k units. Not to mention it’s less soul sucking.
Now, the balance is so off-kilter that you may as well not play your main much at all, and spend all your time you would spend on your main grinding out alts. Because why bother with the Cav EQ, when you could get 2k units and gift yourself whatever rewards you would get.
Now there are big time grinders that could and would realistically do the 45 day, 3 device new account grind, but I can't imagine that many people do it that it significantly affects the balance of the game. Now you could argue that the top tier players in the top alliances will do it and it could affect the gifting event rankings, but these alliances already spend thousands of dollars fighting for the top spots for this event, so how much of a difference will this exploit really cause?
That's just my opinion if you have a different view I'd love to hear it cause maybe I'm not seeing it. But personally I don't think this really affects 90%+ of the player base, and quite frankly having multiple accounts is something I don't really think needs to be restricted.
Maybe Kabam should make it so whale’s can’t spend 100k on gifting too… 😂
Now transform that into time you now spend making alts, even just 2 hours a day can get you around 30k units going by BG's numbers of 6 hours to make 2k units.