New Carrina's challenges thoughts?



  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    I think there continues to be this false narrative that any of this content is designed to be difficult or a skill check. How challenging was it for ol' boy to complete necroplis using over 1400 revives? If kabaam wanted something to be truly difficult it would be "do x objective without using an item". Of course this will never happen. Actually it did at least once in a side quest where the objective was something like 'defeat the boss on your first try'. It was changed the first week. That would be a legit challenge. I think players would complain about that even more though.

    As it stands it is at best, the more skill the less revive/unit/money you need. The two need to equal a certain amount. So if completing all 6 takes 100 widgets. You could easily do it with 1 skill widget and 99 unit widgets.

    I also will mention that if all the people who like to bash prof Hoff every time he is brought up, could have an option to remove fintechs and replace them with a prof Hoff design, the majority would.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,521 ★★★★★

    LJF said:

    It's sad to see Kabam employees sticking fingers into their ears with these incredibly defensive responses. It's evident from each of Miike, Crashed, and Jax's comments that they aren't interested in feedback from players about these challenges. I was going to come and offer some thoughts on why, as one of those players (arguably) that these challenges were designed for, these challenges miss the mark. But I'm not going to waste time giving constructive criticism to a willfully deaf audience. So good luck I guess, hope you guys are happy with how this all turns out.

    This simply isn't true. If I didn't care about player feedback I wouldn't be reading through 200+ post threads at 10pm. I'm not being defensive, I'm simply stating how we see these challenges and their place in the game.

    We take feedback seriously and actually earlier today changed the design for an upcoming piece of content based on this feedback. However we aren't just going to roll over and acquiesce to everything that players tell us they want, because quite frankly this game wouldn't still exist if we did that. Our job is to find the right balance for the long-term health of the game, and I promise you that is what we all are trying to do.
    I understand there need something for the very very top like those with the skills of like Brian grants. I don’t mind fintech noir do i mind karatemike challenge just know I won’t do them because my skills isn’t there I accept that’s as evidence the game becomes way complicated not that same game that 5 years ago. Happy there taking feedback seriously though I accept that my skills is around average yes wasn’t doing nerc items less getting the point you’re was right that’s nerco was ben doing items less but those there done it is msd lvl but it true u wouldn’t be awoken now u might actually be a sleeping now or close to
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    All kind of reminds me of how people after Dave on his iceman design for that boss rush all those years ago. Optional content, folks, in which the rewards, while they may not be whatever was looking for, they also will not substantially age. You’ll get the rank up resources you need easier as time goes by but seven star 2099 is still gonna be just as good.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,706 ★★★★★

    I keep on reading this thread and I have a question...
    One of the rewards for the challenges is a Selector, to acquire some of the champs needed for such challenges... Wouldn't it make sense to attach some mats at the same time?... I mean how many players really want to invest on some of the champs in the challenge?... We are talking about multiple and different Catalyst, a good ammount of gold and ISO just to do challenges... The investment is not just time, revives and other stuff.. is ranking up some champs that most likely will never ne used again...

    The honest answer to that is probably that a player is inevitably going to get the rank up materials and they can choose whether to invest them in these challenges or not, but it’s not inevitable that a player will pull the necessary champions, and so a method of guaranteeing it is provided.

    This is a lesson learned from things like the Revolution objective from Carina’s V2 that required a team of Gulk, Korg, and Thor Rags. Not just some of them, all of them. And this was back when Act 6 was still rarity gated, so you couldn’t just bring along a lower rarity champ to fulfill the criteria. People had to hunt for those champs for soooooo long. This is a nice step away from that.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    I keep on reading this thread and I have a question...
    One of the rewards for the challenges is a Selector, to acquire some of the champs needed for such challenges... Wouldn't it make sense to attach some mats at the same time?... I mean how many players really want to invest on some of the champs in the challenge?... We are talking about multiple and different Catalyst, a good ammount of gold and ISO just to do challenges... The investment is not just time, revives and other stuff.. is ranking up some champs that most likely will never ne used again...

    You have multiple seven star selectors of unique champs that are just sitting there waiting for you to target them when you are ready. Figure out which one you want, build the stash, and go after it on your own time. It’s permanent content. Champ will always have value. This is a unique opportunity but I don’t think we’ve ever seen seen before. The only way to those to assume that needs to be done immediately, which seems to be everyone’s impression. The only time that you would need to do it immediately is if there were things like rank up resources in there that will age badly.

    Just consider this a stashed away targetable seven star that you can do whenever you finally have the right champs and right resource stash. I don’t even see the downside.
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  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    I would absolutely settle for the team to simply add a note to the release of everest content "We designed this with xx revives in mind for the average player, or, we only expect a XX% completion rate in its first 3 months of release" so at the very least, we can decide which side of average we are and make the decision on whether XXXX units is worth the spend.

    I suppose though, the forums would be flooded with people talking about how good they are but couldn't get it done and were sucked into the quest based on the feedback that they could do it.

    I don't expect to be able do everything and the things I do would probably put me on the wrong side of 50% anyway but clarity is the thing missing that causes the most angst.

    I don't love arena but its the only way a scrub like me can get anything done.

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