5-Star Featured Crystal Change Discussion Thread



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Indrick781 wrote: »

    Have you ever disagreed with something Kabam has decided to do, ever? At this point I have to believe that Kabam is paying you to post your nonsense. This crystal is a horrific idea and the only way to get new featured 5* is buy spending $10 a spin. But no, clearly this isn't a way for them to increase profits. If the featured GMC had no 3* in it, it might be a decent alternative. Right now the odds of getting a featured 5* from the featured GMC is a whopping 1-1.3% chance.

    You're either deliberately missing why people hate this change or are arguing just to argue. It's one of the two. There's literally one quality basic champ out of 18 in this pool. The rest are garbage to meh tier. Who do you think all tiers of AQ/AW would rather pull? Stark Spidey, GR, Iceman, AA, or second tier champs like Dormammu, NC, Rogue, Angela or any combination of basics in this crappy pool? If I spent 15k because the featured set was good and the basic pool was solid I'd not mind getting one of the basics. In this pool, I really don't want any of the champs listed save Doc Ock so I'm not spending 5k extra shards to have a really terrible chance at getting him. Yes, it's even worse in the basic pool but there are other champs in there I would like to get and because there's more of them I have a good shot at getting someone I actually want.

    I truthfully don't know why I'm even bothering to type this much to you. You're just going to reply defending the change because you must go with whatever Kabam says because you always do.

    You had a better chance at a Basic in the current Crystals than the new ones. That much was stated by the Mods. The largest probability is the Basic. In that Basic pool, you have all the Champs. Not a reduced selection.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    For that matter, the pool is swapped every 3 months, so you can gauge for yourself whether you think it's worth it or not.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    tutyimutyi wrote: »

    you are right,partly.they are gamechanging,true.lots of people saved crystals for them.probable lots of them are going to get them.what about the rest of the players?are they going to have a chance like this in the future?if they spend on gmc,maybe.is kabam going to give a good hero pool for the featured 5*?i do not think so.

    For players coming up now, they are going to have a better chance at good champions also. Consider that the featured crystal comes up twice, then is gone. After that, if you want that champion you have to fish for them in the basic crystal. Any champ that eventually shows up in the new featured is going to be a lot easier for someone to get than if they have to fish for it in basic. They just have to wait until it appears. However long that is, it will likely be faster than pulling enough basics to catch up.

    Everyone not in a good position to shoot for featureds now is losing nothing and gaining a lot with the new crystals. Everyone that already has great champions from featureds isn't going to be set back by the change. So its only a tiny sliver of players for whom this change is arguably bad. If you think this is about screwing players by setting them back, why would Kabam specifically target such a small group of players to hate on?
  • Trask21Trask21 Member Posts: 4
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Can’t read that dude. Just use white...

    This better bud?

    Ps. If they have to read it mightas well make em work!

  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    Looks like Sentry was designed for the purpose to be one of the first featured in this crystal lol
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    tutyimutyi wrote: »

    plus,just imagine that,if they do not do the medusa and blade 5* featured.there is an "elite" in this game,which spends crazy amounts of money,they had the chance to save hundreds of thousands of 5* crystal fragments and most of them saved that for blade,or for medusa.if kabam cancelled those featured crystals,that can have a same result,like a blade nerf could have.big boycott,they might loose a lots of big spenders.

    But this becomes a really tiny needle to thread. Thinking that Kabam wants to screw players, but only certain players and only in certain ways, because they get a big thrill out of torturing players as far as they can without them quitting, is asking for too specific a level of psychosis to be reasonable.
  • PxndxaleexPxndxaleex Member Posts: 1
    Anybody knows when these 5* champs will be added: SW, DS, BW, Thor.. ??
  • KappaxDKappaxD Member Posts: 5
    Will it still cost 15000 shards or will the cost decrease?
  • richo82richo82 Member Posts: 50
    I have been a stout supporter of openenig feature crystals to get a champ that will "make your team" or just be kick ass to get, but this idea of a pool of only 24 with 23 being champs you'd rather not get, well. Ive already duped storm 4 times and I'll tell you now, yes her special damage if you happen to land a critical is good, but if I was starting a new account I'd buy the 10k to maybe get archangel because he **** all over storm
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    Its_JubJub wrote: »

    The whole point of a featured crystal is to pull the featured champ not spend 5k extra shards to pull another jugg or antman. This idea could have been good if the "basic" champs werent the same ones i have at sig 200....

    Technically speaking, the new crystal has a higher chance to pull a featured than the current one. If you believe the point of the 5* featured crystal is to pull a featured champ, it does that better than the old one. What it doesn't do is let you pick which featured you want when you pull them. The new crystal will have six featureds and eighteen basics. That's one in four. The current crystal has about a one in five chance to pull the featured.

    For many players, however, the point to *any* crystal opening is to try to improve their roster by the most efficient way possible. For players looking specifically for one particular champ, the current crystal is strategically more useful. But for players looking to minimize their chances of getting champions they cannot use, the new crystal looks like it can be strategically more valuable.

    Every game change is going to help some players more than others. This change probably won't help me as much as others. But that doesn't make the changes pointless. Sometimes, the point is to improve the game overall in ways that some players will get less advantage from than others.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★

    Spinning any Crystal has that excitement. You always hope for what you want. Let's face it. What's going to be missed is the fast-track to a new Champ.

    Anything fast tracked about grinding your fingers off for 6 months saving 150k shards for a specific champ? Or is it fast tracking when whales spend Odins and get them in 10 minutes?
  • CuntessaCuntessa Member Posts: 69
    How about we just do a silent protest and skip alliance wars for a couple of weeks and see if that grabs kabams attention in regards to how lousy this is...

    I'd imagine alliance war income for kabam would hurt a bit more than gambling on trying to increase grandmasters crystals ...

    Btw I'm sure this will be deleted so I'll make sure to screenshot and post on all social media
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Mmx1991 wrote: »

    Anything fast tracked about grinding your fingers off for 6 months saving 150k shards for a specific champ? Or is it fast tracking when whales spend Odins and get them in 10 minutes?

    It doesn't take 6 months to open a Crystal that has a drop rate higher than any other in the game, as far as one specific Champ is concerned.
  • richo82richo82 Member Posts: 50
    Mmx1991 wrote: »

    Anything fast tracked about grinding your fingers off for 6 months saving 150k shards for a specific champ? Or is it fast tracking when whales spend Odins and get them in 10 minutes?

    Nothing will change for the whales, just everyone else having to wait 3 MONTHS for a chance at new content
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    It has it’s pros and cons. Pretty sure most of us will get stuck with the junk champs form the pool. But for one u have a better chance of getting the champs you want provided you save for them. On the other hand they are doing what a business does. They know 4 stars are gonna really decrease in value to us so they are now creating a market for 5 star awakening gems. Yes I see the marketing thoughts behind the change. To me it’s kinda meh considering my luck.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Jaffacaked wrote: »

    Seriously still with "intensive purpose

    For all intensive purposes is the eggcorn term. It's commonly used.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    But this becomes a really tiny needle to thread. Thinking that Kabam wants to screw players, but only certain players and only in certain ways, because they get a big thrill out of torturing players as far as they can without them quitting, is asking for too specific a level of psychosis to be reasonable.

    Kabam doesn't get a thrill out of torturing players, but they will try and get to the maximum pushing-us-around line without having us quit. Maximum wallet pillaging, but not enough to make us quit.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★

    For all intensive purposed is the eggcorn term. It's commonly used. Are we seriously that hungry for an argument that we have to dissect wording?

    Its not it's your own made up wording. You find it necessary to tell people when you think they are wrong so just returning the favour.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    Cuntessa wrote: »
    How about we just do a silent protest and skip alliance wars for a couple of weeks and see if that grabs kabams attention in regards to how lousy this is...

    If you could convince enough people to join you, I'm sure they would notice. But I think you're going to be surprised just how hard it actually is to form consensus about anything in a game community. Everyone thinks they are part of a huge overwhelming majority of players that almost never actually exists.

    Actual coordinated protest or even just requests from a significant percentage of a player base generally gets at least some results. But it has to be a significant percentage of all players. Getting a significant percentage of forum posters to protest a game change is like gathering a significant percentage of your high school classmates to protest Nabisco.

    I've organized MMO players before; it is a very humbling experience. I think everyone should try it once. I think no one should be forced to do it twice.
  • DreadnoughtDreadnought Member Posts: 24
    This, just like when you changed block values last year is an absolutely horrible idea and think you guys really need to rethink how it affects us.

    People spend the extra 5k for not just a chance at the featured new champ but an increased chance at getting it. As it stands even with the extra sub featured pool you still have that same chance you’re spending 5k extra in the first place to get . Now that extra chance is gone.
    And for what? To be less disappointed in what in your team’s opinion are less crappier champs? You just had us vote on 2 of the best champs in each class for frick sake! What a serious kick in the face, how easy do you think it’s going to be to dupe a featured Champ IF you pull him? Srsly? And please don’t tell me try again in 3 months. I also shouldn’t have to drop an odin for 10 chances at 3 star champs. Really need to take this back to the drawing board because except for the select few that want to dupe the subpar champs you’ve added , this is a complete waste of time no tea no shade. I’m holding off on what I’m hoping will be sabretooth released in a few months and if you’re telling me now my chances are slashed for getting him 5 times over, I never want to spin another featured nor shell out money to chance on them ever again and I speak for my alliance as well when I saw this. The games growing and sure changes need to be made, but this one is not well thought out and needs to be redone. I mean really, duping featureds this way. I’d rather get a root canal then deal with the pain of spending 90k shards on featured 5*s and getting a Thor Jane, an A.V., cyclops, punisher 2099, a cable and a juggernaut when all I want is a damn kilmonger or bishop. Ugh.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    Mmx1991 wrote: »

    Kabam doesn't get a thrill out of torturing players, but they will try and get to the maximum pushing-us-around line without having us quit. Maximum wallet pillaging, but not enough to make us quit.

    That contradicts the theory I was responding to, where the notion was that Kabam is willing to make changes that force players to spend more money by making options worse, *except* they also specifically want to avoid making any changes that might change the experience of the biggest spenders in ways that would make them angry. That's economically suboptimal.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2018
    Theyre again catering for a small percentage of players, like the ones who apparently use Cyclops really well. Seeing as Im not one of them I may as well just stop playing. Thats really the take away here. We can moan as much as we want but at the end of the day, Kabam cares only for that holy grail of "Elites" the 5% that spend & spend & spend & spend & can use a 3* Cyclops & walk through Act 5 still. The rest if us? Screw us, you cant finish Act 5? Shame sorry, youre gonna be getting AQ/AW focussed champs now because our top 1% is done with story quest now sorry. Oh & youre also gonna get the champs they say as well so get used to using them & get used to "winning" them.

    Id call this a f#$king joke but its not even funny how little thought went into this trainwreck.
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    This is such s terrible idea
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    Kabam, do you think we are blind? This is clearly an attempt to encourage us to purchase the 300 unit crystals. Shameful in all respects
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    NinjAlan wrote: »
    Kabam, do you think we are blind? This is clearly an attempt to encourage us to purchase the 300 unit crystals. Shameful in all respects

    There is no evidence to support this because there's nothing that says the drop rate of the 5* Featured is higher in those Crystals.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★

    It doesn't take 6 months to open a Crystal that has a drop rate higher than any other in the game, as far as one specific Champ is concerned.

    It takes many months of grinding to save 120-135k shards for a specific champ. Much slower than a whale who spins him in 10 minutes.

    Kabam just screwed every player who worked hard for their champions.
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