Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]

I don’t think there’s much argument in the fact that Iron Fist is one of the worst mystic champs in the game. There is absolutely nothing to this character in terms of his abilities or specials. The specials have no secondary effects, are easily evadable (no defensive utility), and have nothing to them that makes iron fist useful in any realm of the contest. All of his abilities can fit on the screen without having to scroll, not that this is a bad thing, but take a look at exactly what these abilities are. Heavy attacks can nullify 3 specific buffs? When is this ever useful and why is it so specific? 50% chance on crits to armor break? Okay fine. And that’s it. That’s all iron fist is. Even his synergies can’t make him better because all they do is increase armor rating by 130. (Because we all know Iron Fist desperately needs that, lol) The contest has really outgrown Iron Fist and he’s one of those characters that can’t be played anywhere in the game aside for arena points. KABAM has done an amazing job with buffing lackluster characters and I can’t help but feel as though Iron Fist should be one of the next in line. Give Iron Fist some utility and maybe armor shatter as an ability and I’d be over the moon. Just give him anything so that I can use this guy again. What are the forums thoughts on characters from each class that should be buffed?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
As for juggernaut he's okay but his worth as defender and a attacker and is a counter for some people but if he's unduped the he sucks.
He can be useful if you don't have any bleed immune champs. But really don't enjoy using him at all.
Nowadays he is just useless.
I used to that combo too. Ahhh the good old days.
She is bugged right now, if nullify she gets the fury back almost instantly making her stay in living strands most the fight (your basically just resetting the timer)
If anything UC or IIF are worse but IF as a standard mystic you can just get no questions asked is definitely an awful champ. Negative armor being removed damaged him waaaaay to much
But this is cae with all old champs there is no need to kabam to buff old champs,
Look at venom/carnage they got a nice buff...but how many of those people are actually going to r5 5* when there are champs like.
Medusa/hyperion/Corvus in cosmic category or other strong meta champs.
Yea ill wait for the day someone brings
Xforce deadpool,kamala khan,groot, to alliance war attack, till then, they are not meta characters and are not worth r5 5* vs better champs in respective class
And even if they did get will they stack up? They will need to be equal or better in terms of what they will bring to the table.
For example what does buffing kamala khan or using her have over champions like hyperion,corvus,medusa? If she ever did get a buff..will she be any better? Willl she be a champion worthy to r5 5*?
And yea they are used for diversity for defense. Faced a 6* duped deadpool xforce via @DoolieRay defense for
“diversity defense”
Thats where he will be used for.