Skyfaw ★★
I’m more sad that they added the key with the $50 valiant bundle. So the people that bought that bundle last time can feel even worse missing out on those keys. Thank you Kabam.
Aye thank you Forum Keyboard warriors y’all got me my Silk awakened today. Keep using up the rest of your weekend and keep getting us free stuff! I appreciate it!
Don’t disrespect my goat. You’re not worthy to be in his presence. Starting a petition to take your Chadam away. 😤
Was looking forward to getting another r3 today.
Openings are closed
If he does open the eggs he should get the bastion title. He basically got half the milestones by himself.
We’re also having this issue over here. Couple of us just got spawned into the middle of p2.
1 spot left
2 spots left
There a new emote in the VT every season
So you want smaller accounts to have the easier path to get the same rewards as Valiant? Make it make sense.
They weren’t lost, those trophy tokens and elder marks always came from the completed milestones from where you start. Since our start point is lower this season we don’t get the extra loot.
I was able to claim it in the overflow stash
Is this a visual bug or something different? As you can see the tokens go from 3k to 1.5k and then back up to 3k. For the diamond IV milestones.
So did you do it? 🫣
This world 🌎. How long you visiting stranger. You got a hit a bunch it’s not all about taking down the defender, finishing at a high health total is just as important.
This isn’t a call of duty lobby. If it’s being censored probably doesn’t need to be said.
Sunspot best defender confirmed
Why do you expect to win when playing poorly? Don’t get hit and win next time.
I don’t necessarily mind this idea. Separating players based on roster strength. Tho there a way for people to exploit this, like when sandbagging was a thing. However this also means that rewards should also be changed into tiers as well. This would also desensitize people from sand bagging since they would miss out on…
Always 2 sides of every story. As someone who been in t1 wars having someone go rouge is more than enough reason to boot, regardless of where you’re in season.
I would argue that doing arena is in fact a job never met a person, heard of a person who it enjoys it. They simply do it for the units or perhaps to get a champion. Like someone above who already stated they can’t do arena for longer then 10 mins. It’s more of a chore. I would say that a larger representative of the…
Wasn't attacking your wallet. My argument simply comes from time management. At the end of the day you choose how to spend that time. However there are much better paths then the one you simply shared with the parameters you given. My comment simply illustrates how much resources you’re wasting by doing 600+ hrs of…
Don’t be dramatic these threads are everywhere. No one is silencing anyone you stating your opinion here as well as others is proof enough. The people who have issues with BGs as is derive from their inadequacy to perform to the level they need to succeed. Kabam is not responsible for making it a bad/good experience for…
Grinding arena for units is always puzzling to me. I’m glad that it’s an option for those who are willing to make the grind but mathematically it just a waste of time. If you’re grinding 2hrs everyday 6 times a week that = 624 hrs a year. If you had a side hustle idk maybe you doordash or something and make $15 per hr…
Not sure what it is that you expect Kabam to do. Not everyone can be winners, it’s a PVP game mode where everyone fighting for their own rewards. Just like in any other game you have to earn it and it shouldn’t be given. It’s unfortunate that people will turn away from BG, but it’s usually 1 of 2 reasons why players get…
She quite literally the opposite of everything you just said… I wouldn’t say that she requires “skill” to play. The only thing is perfect release and that not difficult for most competent summoners. Since I see her everywhere. Most of the work gets done for you, the cold snap damage is insane. Just heavy them into the…
I’d recommend Torch he probably gonna be a popular champ next season of Battlegrounds if that a game mode you play. Considering that tenacity is a node it’s gonna make most science champs pretty useless. It won’t effect torch much since his nova flames are passives and can’t be shrugged off.
Apoc and Rintrah
Tiktoc has ruined your brain. How you gonna repost the same thing 3 hrs later?