Act 6 Chapter 1 - Strategies and Tips

Hey All,
This thread is to discuss tips and tricks for Act 6 Chapter 1, and to help find solutions to any challenge that you might come up against! If you'd like to discuss the Structure or Requirements of Act 6, please keep that in this thread.
Any posts that are not about strategies or tips will be removed.
This thread is to discuss tips and tricks for Act 6 Chapter 1, and to help find solutions to any challenge that you might come up against! If you'd like to discuss the Structure or Requirements of Act 6, please keep that in this thread.
Any posts that are not about strategies or tips will be removed.
Archangel completely shuts down the “No Retreat” node. Stack a few neurotoxins and you can dash back as much as you like. Seeing as you can also use AA on the boss, this makes him one of the most valuable champs in quest 1.
This is a link to Lagacy’s video, I found it pretty helpful.
I tried Sentinel a few times as well. The best I managed was to get him down to 40+% before I slipped up and got clipped by Bane, bearing in mind I only start with 40% HP after the first death.
A maxed charge, heavily boosted Corvus might be able to do it but I can’t recall whether there was Buffet on that node. (I’m quite sure there’s a reason why I didn’t try out CG during the beta.)
Dr. Zola
AA shuts down almost everything. Easily my MVP.
And 6.1.4 close encounters node I loved capiw. Parry and wait until last second to heavy for that extra healing
Dr. Zola
Chapter 1 - Used ghost (Rank 4) throughout for no retreat node, ghost and spark (rank 5) for boss kill.
Chapter 2 - I didn’t have medusa or nebula as 5* or 6*, took cosmic lane, used magik for each cosmic fight, Ghost for that biohazard sentinel and spark and Unitsman for boss. Needed 4 revives here.
Chapter 3 - took central lane, fairly easy with spark and ghost, iceman for korg and boss was easy with gwenpool (rank 5). Just stay away from the champs when they stack fatigue on you.
Chapter 4 - easiest chapter in quest. The global node is fun, just gottta stay close and hold block to heal up, ghost soloed everything here.
Chapter 5 - Crossbones was annoying, but I have a rank 5 iceman and he wasn’t too bad with iceman and a couple of boosts. Just gotta keep track of bane timer though. A few good players have struggled against him but he is fairly easy with right champs. I’m guessing Nebula, Emma frost or maybe Ghost would work here. I didn’t have a great time with my ghost. Used 2 revives here.
Chapter 6 - Don’t use the same specials twice. I took the all or nothing lane. Spark and his taints made it a cakewalk. His special 1 power drain also is very useful. Used gwenpool for electro and Ghost for final boss. It was a longish fight with ghost with constant power drains but very easily doable.
Didn’t form any 5* or 6* yet, did open a cavalier crystal, got a 3* crossbones😂😂
Good Morning.
Could you please tell me what is the improvement in the non-collector calendar after winning the Knight Title?
Visually I have not seen any improvement.
Thank you