Flow global node in War [Merged Threads]



  • FXNShadowFXNShadow Member Posts: 23
    We're in a flow war right now. The other alliance has spammed the map with all the same champs so super low diversity so our alliance has died loads and used full item bank. These are dreadful wars and pure money grab. It needs to be toned down or got rid of as it is massively broken right now. Mystic wars were bad enough now these are ludicrous. First 3 hits of the fight all crits. 3 powergain. Good night. And the ai knows it as it wouldn't be baited during the power gain it waited for l3 to end the fight.
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  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    On the other hand, someone else in the alliance got lucky with Void vs Warlock. Just shows that luck>everything. Get the petrify early on and can survive. And heal Void without spending units on those new potions is a nightmare lol
    It is very frustrating. We had to face 2 debuffimmune SS this war and we only have 1 gulli 2099. So the other will have a lot of kills and you can do nothing against it.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    They should change the criteria for removing the power gain to "well timed block" instead of "stunned".
    You're still gonna be in trouble of the AI is passive but at least you would have a fighting chance.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Thecurler said:

    They should change the criteria for removing the power gain to "well timed block" instead of "stunned".
    You're still gonna be in trouble of the AI is passive but at least you would have a fighting chance.

    They could do that. Or add a cooldown timer similar to Bulwark. Or make the Power Gains buffs as they're described. Or reduce the potency of the power gain down from 45% to something reasonable like 10%. Or stretch out the time over which the power is gained from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Or limit it to one stack instead of three.

    There are many options the could choose to make this tactic reasonable while still being a challenge.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★

    They could do that. Or add a cooldown timer similar to Bulwark. Or make the Power Gains buffs as they're described. Or reduce the potency of the power gain down from 45% to something reasonable like 10%. Or stretch out the time over which the power is gained from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Or limit it to one stack instead of three.

    There are many options the could choose to make this tactic reasonable while still being a challenge.
    Or remove it altogether 😂
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    I suspect they're gathering the feedback. There's not much they can say right now. They're listening, but they can't really say anything definitive until they reevaluate. For now, it's the Node in play. At least that's my assumption. They don't usually comment on these things unless they have something definitive to add.
  • Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83

    For the record, I'm not arguing there is nothing wrong with the Node. I didn't register either way. If this many people think it's too limiting, there's most likely truth to that.

    I think this is all anyone wanted was the acknowledgment that something is probably wrong, you came off as defending the node (I know that wasn’t your intention) but this node is causing a lot of people headaches. It’s just a touchy subject.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Dsc0721 said:

    I think this is all anyone wanted was the acknowledgment that something is probably wrong, you came off as defending the node (I know that wasn’t your intention) but this node is causing a lot of people headaches. It’s just a touchy subject.

    I get it. I didn't intend to sound like I thought the Node was fine. I apologize. If they merged Threads, it's clear they're listening.
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  • LeovaMLeovaM Member Posts: 37

    Hey all,

    Just wanted to drop in to remind you all to please remember to remain civil in your conversations.

    I will be passing this feedback on to the team for discussion.

    If you think that you have discovered a Bug/Issue with the Node, please post a separate thread in the Bug Section.

    In the description of Flow node, it says that Power Gains passives can be countered by stunning the opponents.
    Is it a bug, that you simply cannot counter that on Stun/Debuff Immune nodes?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    LeovaM said:

    In the description of Flow node, it says that Power Gains passives can be countered by stunning the opponents.
    Is it a bug, that you simply cannot counter that on Stun/Debuff Immune nodes?
    Well, no. That wouldn't be a bug technically. Strategy, perhaps.
  • HenriqueSCCPHenriqueSCCP Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike @MCOC Team
    Before, what I liked to play the most was AW, but with Siphon and Flow's global Node, AW became a pain, these Nodes were just to increase the difficulty a little.
    These two Nodes need to have a Nerf, but it is not to transform the other Nodes into complicated Nodes, leave it at that, only Siphon and Flow needs to be adjusted.
  • UppercutUppercut Member Posts: 158
    1. You can counter flow global with power control champs (many options here).

    2. You can parry to stop power gain on regular nodes

    3. On stun and debuff immune nodes you can use champs that don’t rely on crits (e.g G99) or use champs that can tank L3 (e.g iceman, sym supreme, ghost)

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  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Uppercut said:

    1. You can counter flow global with power control champs (many options here).

    2. You can parry to stop power gain on regular nodes

    3. On stun and debuff immune nodes you can use champs that don’t rely on crits (e.g G99) or use champs that can tank L3 (e.g iceman, sym supreme, ghost)

    Have you played vs them?
    Its not only flow you have to fight against. And some of the hard matchups have 1 counter. 1/174 champs. And you cant pick your champs. Its RNG if you get them.
    Once you played vs it you will understand.
    What do you think why so much posts popped up saying its too much?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    INTEGRAL said:

    Node says THEY GAIN POWER GAIN BUFF which is not a buff when fighting. It is passive
    We had a bug post open a while ago about that. They will sadly only change the discription. I hope they think about it after all the negative feedback about Flow. If you want the link: Its on my first post page 1.
  • Mqc19Mqc19 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    Guys a bug implies something in the description doesn’t match up w the code and or isn’t working correctly. So it’s not a bug it’s a poorly designed tactic.

    That being said FLOW is garbage. I’d challenge kabam more so on the point of fairness and balance. If one tactic is used in well I’d bet well over 90% of current wars there is a problem. Why offer other tactics if only one is really being used? Why would players only choose a certain one? Etc

    The answer being by design Flow delivers an extreme difficulty that is not in balance w the majority of the champs in the game, player skill levels etc. For deaths to be hitting triple digits - It is a blatant money grab. The flow tactic itself, if kept should be dramatically reduced in potency. Say from 45% to maybe 10-12% at tier 3 (scale that decrease appropriately across other tiers)

    At any rate Flow is designed terribly, its way out of balance, needs to be reworked or removed. And programmers/MODs need to push a fix out ASAP.

    - End game player here, all content completed and a hair under 2M PI. If the people I typically play w are needing to drop in all kinds of resources fight after fight and seeing nearly 2-3xas many total deaths every war compared to last season there is a problem!
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I did two fights with ghost yesterday - I know that she’s kind of neutered vs flow by definition- but sp3 tanking is now even more important than ever.

    First was the path 1-3 debuff immune fight. Mister Sinister. He was on suicides and I almost got the one shot purely from baiting specials and 90% Of damage was recoil. About 20 sp1, 3 sp3 tanked in a 3 min fight.

    BWCV on mini island - I took 8 sp3 before she finally clammed up and waited for my phase to end.

    It’s just silly frankly. It’s manageable on stunnable fights, though still very difficult. If you crit in first hit of a special they could be at dp3 by end of animation
  • KyrkantKyrkant Member Posts: 92
    gp87 said:

    Find me a counter to Dormammu at stun immune / debuffs immune node.
    You cannot parry, you cannot dext, AI is passive not throwing specials.
    So from a pool of 200 champs only 3 champs can handle that:
    Quake if you are master.
    Crossbones (his attack rating is not good for tier 2 wars).

    Captain America with Longshot synergy ...
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Kyrkant said:

    Captain America with Longshot synergy ...
    How many people have Longshot?
  • KyrkantKyrkant Member Posts: 92

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Kpatrix said:

    In my opinion, I think they should also give an attack tactic to help balance things out. Give us the option to apply a buff to our attkack team, it doesn’t have to be OP, just something we can use as a strategy.

    Flow is way to difficult this’ll season. I woulf gladly swap alliances @GroundedWisdom so he could see true problem and have his opinion carry some weight ,!

    What opinion? I didn't argue that it wasn't too difficult. In fact, I explicitly stated I wasn't debating whether it was or wasn't. I didn't register it. What I in fact said was if this many people think it's too limiting, there was probably truth to that. People seem to be debating opinions I never expressed.
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  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    INTEGRAL said:

    You will time out with OG Cap 10 times against even r5 defenders.

    1- They will heal to full entire fight because of almost permanent fatigue on them. Will be like you are facing Sabretooth every fight

    2- One of the worst damage output.

    Not only these, but the challenge was to beat a Debuff immune Dormammu. The Longshot synergy will only work when a Fatigue Debuff is applied, which won't happen.
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    My ally has finished plat 2 or 3 in every season of war. After the first three wars we are placed in Gold 1 lol. First three wars we went 0-3. We place top 60 in AQ so pretty high prestige. All three allies we faced were shelling, top 45 AQ alliances (we get matched due to prestige). All three allies were running Flow in every BG. All three alliances had Mojo as the boss in every BG. War and flow are just broken. Just get rid of all the defensive tactics and leave it up to skill. Having a champ get 3 bars of power after 5 hits is just ridiculous. I've been in the same alliance for 3 years now. I've seen hundreds of people quit this game because of war. I've yet to see a single person quit due to AQ, EQ, or dungeon/incursions.

    Kabam, you are losing paying players every season of war. I guarantee you will see a huge number of people quitting after this season. If you can't see that this will effect your bottom line in the future, then I don't what else to do. Get rid of the defensive tactics today.
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