Flow global node in War [Merged Threads]



  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    edited May 2020
    Plantesan said:

    A l p h a said:

    Mninobody said:

    @Kabam Miike can we ask who you (meaning the decision maker) spoke to in restructuring this node and what feedback you used to come to this decision? Wondering if you all understood the overwhelming response to this node made many either stop or want to stop AW? I believe Kabam’s intent is to make things fun and challenging and want to make sure you all are truly understanding the taste this is leaving.
    Can we get clarity into your decision and why?

    The decisions were made on a number of factors, including the feedback in this thread and other areas of the Community. We agreed that it's too hard to work around, and more punishing in higher tiers (the stack limit was 5 and 4 in the highest tiers).

    This is still meant to be a challenge and change up what Champions you choose to bring into War, as Defense Tactics have always meant to do. Alliance War is competitive and is not meant to be easy.
    TL:DR I dont recall it being able to stack above 3 in any tier, only difference being 35% per stack in t4 and 5 and 45% in tier 3 or above... at 3 stacks that's 135% power in 15 seconds... so 4 bars of power every 15 seconds... now lets say you get 3 crits straight away, congrats you now have an opponent that will gain 3 bars in around 11 seconds unless you can stun them, not even factoring in things like mystic dispersion and other factors (200% power gain/ 50% enhanced power effects etc)

    I used to enjoy seeing people bring unique attackers to war... i myself used to bring elsa and wasp, both of these champs are totally unusable on flow due to high crit chance and no power control! All you've done is make this node passable on stun immune... thats it!

    If this node must stay, it should only stack once... or at the very least needs a big reduction to the % per stack... maybe 15% and 20% instead of 35% and 45% ... its ridiculous and HEAVILY limits the champs you can use in attack phase... and if you don't have them... you're out of luck!

    I feel the whole defence tactic idea itself needs a rework... why not have nodes that make fights more challenging without limiting the counters....

    Opponents gain 50% damage during special attacks
    Opponents gains 50% passive fury when either champ is in the corner
    Opponents gain 20% armor everytime they're stunned but an intercept removes all stacks

    Just a bit of constructive feedback! This change to flow affects barely nothing!
    That is fair and constructive feedback! I'll make sure it's passed on to the team. We are not going to change this Node again until you guys have had time to actually experience it and we can gather data on it. But if we find it's still too punishing, we will change it again.
    Can you bring to the team the idea of possibly adding a filter so alliances can choose to fight with another defense tactic team or no tactic at all? Or similar to AQ, water down the effectiveness to the tactics if you use it more than once an AW cycle.

    I’m sure it’s more complex than I’m suggesting, but losing ally mates because you guys want to “challenge” us with this is infuriating. It’s flow wars now, read the room a bit longer please
    That's an interesting idea. I will definitely raise that to the team (Watering down the effectiveness if used multiple times).
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    This is disappointing to find out we have at least another season to deal with this node. It always take you longer to find issues that the community have or even predict much in advanced.
    I guess we are going to tank also the next season
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    To make it clear what the tons of players are telling, there is NO challenge. It's just rubbish. The change made is minuscule and just gives you a chance to stop the power gain at the chance of taking nice block damage. It doesn't address the fact that the power gain itself is ridiculous, or that we all know that AI does act very defensive, especially so with this node.
    Going to repeat what we've all said, but we're not the testers. That's not our job. To keep running through broken nodes to find more faults for the developers. And please stop replying on the thread about challenges. You haven't faced the node, aren't facing the node and spending items, so at this point, your opinion doesn't matter when we're the people suffering. Just stop.
    If it wasn't providing some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be the most used DT. It does provide a challenge because your options are narrower. As for testers, the game is developed and improved based on game play. We've been testers since we picked the game up. I can and will participate in any discussion I choose, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,437 ★★★★★

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    To make it clear what the tons of players are telling, there is NO challenge. It's just rubbish. The change made is minuscule and just gives you a chance to stop the power gain at the chance of taking nice block damage. It doesn't address the fact that the power gain itself is ridiculous, or that we all know that AI does act very defensive, especially so with this node.
    Going to repeat what we've all said, but we're not the testers. That's not our job. To keep running through broken nodes to find more faults for the developers. And please stop replying on the thread about challenges. You haven't faced the node, aren't facing the node and spending items, so at this point, your opinion doesn't matter when we're the people suffering. Just stop.
    If it wasn't providing some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be the most used DT. It does provide a challenge because your options are narrower. As for testers, the game is developed and improved based on game play. We've been testers since we picked the game up. I can and will participate in any discussion I choose, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
    When only one DT is used, then what's the point of having others? Just remove them all.
    The game is improved based on gameplay. If we're the testers, then our opinions should be taken more than the way it is currently. But the nodes are supposed to be tested before putting it out. Seeing the widespread response, I doubt it was.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    To make it clear what the tons of players are telling, there is NO challenge. It's just rubbish. The change made is minuscule and just gives you a chance to stop the power gain at the chance of taking nice block damage. It doesn't address the fact that the power gain itself is ridiculous, or that we all know that AI does act very defensive, especially so with this node.
    Going to repeat what we've all said, but we're not the testers. That's not our job. To keep running through broken nodes to find more faults for the developers. And please stop replying on the thread about challenges. You haven't faced the node, aren't facing the node and spending items, so at this point, your opinion doesn't matter when we're the people suffering. Just stop.
    If it wasn't providing some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be the most used DT. It does provide a challenge because your options are narrower. As for testers, the game is developed and improved based on game play. We've been testers since we picked the game up. I can and will participate in any discussion I choose, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
    When only one DT is used, then what's the point of having others? Just remove them all.
    The game is improved based on gameplay. If we're the testers, then our opinions should be taken more than the way it is currently. But the nodes are supposed to be tested before putting it out. Seeing the widespread response, I doubt it was.
    What I mean is we're all testers because it's a combination of data and feedback. No data, nothing to go on. However, there's also their own goals to consider as well. It's a give and take. They take feedback into account, look at the data, consider what outcome they're going for, and adjust accordingly. That's not the same as us calling the shots. It's evident they want to keep it as a Defense Tactic. They've been open-minded enough to make some adjustments and said they were open to making more after more data and feedback is collected. Sorry, but that's fair.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    How about you stick to the point I made instead of resorting to some Meta synopsis of me and my behavior like we're on an episode of Dr. Phil?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    It's not Rocket Science. In fact, it's common when it comes to things like this. The response indicates that they're not aiming for a total nerf of it, they are willing to adjust it. It's supposed to be tough. Is it still too tough? I can't say. Won't argue it. I think their response is fair regardless of whether they're right or the feedback is right. There's a difference between compromise and an ultimatum.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    I like the idea of reducing potency if used more than once per week, and I also really like the idea of each BG required to use separate tactics. That would encourage more diversity and keep wars fresh. No more facing flow every war every bg.

    Make it max 3 stacks first war of week used, then each subsequent war drop a stack and have a 5-10% drop in power gain. Same could happen with the other tactics; use the same one more than once a week and have them become 20-25% less effective.

    At the same time maybe buff some of the lesser used ones to make them more attractive as well. I would even accept letting all 3 groups use the same tactic if each subsequent use made them weaker. That would force teams to find a good rotation between 3-4 different tactics, maybe even give bonus points for each unique tactic used per week.

    Give an extra 10k+ points per different tactic used per war to reward those who mix it up.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 said:

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    You think wrong.
    Heard it the first time.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Mninobody said:

    @Kabam Miike can we ask who you (meaning the decision maker) spoke to in restructuring this node and what feedback you used to come to this decision? Wondering if you all understood the overwhelming response to this node made many either stop or want to stop AW? I believe Kabam’s intent is to make things fun and challenging and want to make sure you all are truly understanding the taste this is leaving.
    Can we get clarity into your decision and why?

    The decisions were made on a number of factors, including the feedback in this thread and other areas of the Community. We agreed that it's too hard to work around, and more punishing in higher tiers (the stack limit was 5 and 4 in the highest tiers).

    This is still meant to be a challenge and change up what Champions you choose to bring into War, as Defense Tactics have always meant to do. Alliance War is competitive and is not meant to be easy.
    Are you sure we play the same game?
    In this universe it only stacked up to 3.

    So that wont help. While well timed blocks will help why not add them on top of it. Some champs like CCM and Doom have other abilities to stun champs. So that is a big nerf to them in war.

    Im really dissapointed in your decision making and overall knowlegde of the game.

    Man I even posted a screenshot at the TOP of the post to make sure everyone understands what Im talking about.

    I didnt thought the YOU need that info.
    Just wow.
  • Mart83Mart83 Member Posts: 21
    Why take away the function of stunning champs to remove the power gain? So any champ that stuns with a special now is pretty useless especially CMM as her stun is pretty long, feel bad for people who have r3’d her, it should be well timed blocks AND stuns. Still wouldn’t be entirely fair with the disgusting power gain but would be something.
  • samalasravansamalasravan Member Posts: 163
    It should be both like both well timed block nd stun
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    that fix is doing nothing the true problem is that when a defender decides to get crazy defencive and hold on on power he will sp3 you since the introducing of taunt debuff they twiked the AI to become more and more defencive so that it has a meaning
    baiting become more and more a pain with champions holding on power tightly ..after which they nerfed mystique despertion now we are getting this ! with all the above it's too much
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★
    Seraphion said:

    This node needs a nerf before next season.
    For everyone that doesnt know what it does:

    We play T2 in P1 and let me tell you when the enemy has Siphon we are happy.

    There are champs with that flow tactic that are beyond broken:

    Gulli 2099
    Mr Sinister
    Punisher 2099

    First of they write its a powergain BUFF with every crit. You can disable it while stunned.

    So I thought okay 2 counterplays for that doesnt sound too bad. You can stun them (ofc not on stunimmune nodes which are 7 or 8 and its tricky vs IMIW)

    2nd counter play: nullify them right? Since its a buff? Wrong they are passives.

    And when we open a bug post about it. Oh lets change the description. It stays passive. Like what?


    That global node is too strong.
    You have like 5 counters in the game vs that:

    Ghost/hood (tank SP3, GL if they play passive tho/ like waiting your phase and use SP3 after/ happend to me 3 times)


    Crossbones (debatable if he is good enough vs R5s in Tier 3 or higher)


    Cap IW with parry heavy and hope not too many crits

    Some more champs can work but it depends a lot on RNG:

    magik (hope you got to SP2 before they SP3 so hope you dont crit and they throw their SPs)

    Iceman can work to some point with RNG as well (hope you dont crit)

    Void hope for petrifies

    Luke Cage hope for exhaustions

    Please change this node. It sucks the fun out of high tier wars.

    Totally agree with you mate.. it's sometimes makes me feel like it's a money making tactics by Kabam. Buy potions from glory and if not then buy units.. This flow has been a pain, especially on node 36 sometimes. It turns out to be CheckMate situation

    in season 17

    I had fought duped

    5* 153 sig HT
    6* Yondu Duped
    5* 200 sig Hyperion
    5* Nick fury duped on this node with this flow.

    and it was hell to wipe out opponents..

    I really don't get it when you guys say you discuss.. then pls keep the discussion on the forum with all veterans to avg summoners and not just few veterans having youtube channel...

    I would urge you guys to keep an open forum and allow every summoners who wants to give feedback to make this game interesting. This will help in long-run.

    Cheers happy gaming
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    DJMNH said:

    Seraphion said:

    This node needs a nerf before next season.
    For everyone that doesnt know what it does:

    We play T2 in P1 and let me tell you when the enemy has Siphon we are happy.

    There are champs with that flow tactic that are beyond broken:

    Gulli 2099
    Mr Sinister
    Punisher 2099

    First of they write its a powergain BUFF with every crit. You can disable it while stunned.

    So I thought okay 2 counterplays for that doesnt sound too bad. You can stun them (ofc not on stunimmune nodes which are 7 or 8 and its tricky vs IMIW)

    2nd counter play: nullify them right? Since its a buff? Wrong they are passives.

    And when we open a bug post about it. Oh lets change the description. It stays passive. Like what?


    That global node is too strong.
    You have like 5 counters in the game vs that:

    Ghost/hood (tank SP3, GL if they play passive tho/ like waiting your phase and use SP3 after/ happend to me 3 times)


    Crossbones (debatable if he is good enough vs R5s in Tier 3 or higher)


    Cap IW with parry heavy and hope not too many crits

    Some more champs can work but it depends a lot on RNG:

    magik (hope you got to SP2 before they SP3 so hope you dont crit and they throw their SPs)

    Iceman can work to some point with RNG as well (hope you dont crit)

    Void hope for petrifies

    Luke Cage hope for exhaustions

    Please change this node. It sucks the fun out of high tier wars.

    Totally agree with you mate.. it's sometimes makes me feel like it's a money making tactics by Kabam. Buy potions from glory and if not then buy units.. This flow has been a pain, especially on node 36 sometimes. It turns out to be CheckMate situation

    in season 17

    I had fought duped

    5* 153 sig HT
    6* Yondu Duped
    5* 200 sig Hyperion
    5* Nick fury duped on this node with this flow.

    and it was hell to wipe out opponents..

    I really don't get it when you guys say you discuss.. then pls keep the discussion on the forum with all veterans to avg summoners and not just few veterans having youtube channel...

    I would urge you guys to keep an open forum and allow every summoners who wants to give feedback to make this game interesting. This will help in long-run.

    Cheers happy gaming
    I’m confused by this post flow tactic doesn’t effect any of the champs you listed.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 872 ★★★★

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    To make it clear what the tons of players are telling, there is NO challenge. It's just rubbish. The change made is minuscule and just gives you a chance to stop the power gain at the chance of taking nice block damage. It doesn't address the fact that the power gain itself is ridiculous, or that we all know that AI does act very defensive, especially so with this node.
    Going to repeat what we've all said, but we're not the testers. That's not our job. To keep running through broken nodes to find more faults for the developers. And please stop replying on the thread about challenges. You haven't faced the node, aren't facing the node and spending items, so at this point, your opinion doesn't matter when we're the people suffering. Just stop.
    If it wasn't providing some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be the most used DT. It does provide a challenge because your options are narrower. As for testers, the game is developed and improved based on game play. We've been testers since we picked the game up. I can and will participate in any discussion I choose, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
    Eh, but as was previously stated by the Kabam team, DTs were introduced to provide both a challenge AND make wars a more dynamic and variable experience.

    The fact that it’s the most used DT contradicts its primary intended function, which is something not even you can deny. Facing the same defenders, using the same attackers, and adopting the same playstyle for 11/12 wars a season isn’t exactly upholding those values.

    How about you stick to the point I made instead of resorting to some Meta synopsis of me and my behavior like we're on an episode of Dr. Phil?

    I don’t think that word means what you think it means
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★

    To be the Geico guy, I think people are upset because they wanted it taken out completely, for the most part. Some had suggested limiting it to one Stack. On the other side, they've said it's still meant to provide a challenge, and they were open to changing it again if need be, so I think it's fair to wait and see how things go next Season. You can always come back and register more feedback, but I tend to agree with what I stated earlier. It's meant to provide a certain degree of challenge by limiting what you can use.

    To make it clear what the tons of players are telling, there is NO challenge. It's just rubbish. The change made is minuscule and just gives you a chance to stop the power gain at the chance of taking nice block damage. It doesn't address the fact that the power gain itself is ridiculous, or that we all know that AI does act very defensive, especially so with this node.
    Going to repeat what we've all said, but we're not the testers. That's not our job. To keep running through broken nodes to find more faults for the developers. And please stop replying on the thread about challenges. You haven't faced the node, aren't facing the node and spending items, so at this point, your opinion doesn't matter when we're the people suffering. Just stop.
    If it wasn't providing some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be the most used DT. It does provide a challenge because your options are narrower. As for testers, the game is developed and improved based on game play. We've been testers since we picked the game up. I can and will participate in any discussion I choose, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
    it isn't the most used DT it is the ONLY used DT and not because its challenging its because those who have fought it know that's its f impossible to deal with and I can just pace a ghost rider on the debuff immune nodes and even he will start getting kills on most days.
    I dont know why you can't grasp the fact that you have no idea and no place commenting on whats going on here.
    You say very easily that oh we should be the testers while you yourself don't know how much and don't spend what we spend everyday on war. Could you stop? Well doesn't seems like you will.
    I didn't say we should be the testers. I said we're all testers in the sense that the poster of the comment to which I replied was referring to. The data they use comes from the result of us playing. The game itself is shaped in part by that data.
    It's used because it IS challenging. Not a hard concept to grasp. If it didn't provide a challenge for the Map, people wouldn't be using. Equally as obvious.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    People might not like the challenge it adds. That's a separate debate. If someone says it's not challenging, that's not something that can be logically debated. We wouldn't even be discussing it if it was easy to get past.
  • Mart83Mart83 Member Posts: 21
    Your opinions are so far off the mark it’s hilarious. What’s the point in all other defense tactics if one is just primarily used? Because the others provide some sort of challenge too but this one is just freakishly hard, that’s why
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