IlociaM97 ★
There isn't any match making on the game you can get matched against the best player being a cavalier
I don't have any r3 so when I get match against a valíant whit 4 or more r3 i just put the phone down I need the match to end to get the points
Bro had to work for this one, 😭😭
Bro act 7 it's not hard keep pushing
Fight was very good for practice I learned how to full dex his specials and it was pretty easy after that
Did it whit 6 * r3 shang chi 1 revive :D
Maibe after it's finally playable on mobile
On the home menu, tap the little gear on the top left, then scroll down until you see "game stats" or something similar i don't recall how it's called but you have to check the box
Spidey Gwen
I don't have any r3 and get matched only against valíant
I found the solution you have to buy more units
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel 💀
I'm a paragon whit no r3 and get matched against valíant players every match lmao
If it makes you feel any better the Spanish translation is made whit Google translate
I rather have any other basic pool
He is the definition of mid 👌
I think I'm not wasting any more units on this not sure if it's worth
My game said that my phone doesn't support higher framrate do I can't complain I guess, at least I still can play
Don't have any other Sagas Champ that's either buff or stun inmune
Thanks that sounds good
CGR Odin and Sauron
Yeah, at least on my opinion, there is a dude who soloed a path on necropolis whit wong you should check out that video
I would bring Kate wong and shuri whit juggs, they can counter and solo a lot of the fights, if you wanna go whit aegon you are aiming to brute force everyone whit revives so just bring his sinergys
Tryed to full heal to take a combo and then kill her before the evade comes back but I died to the second hit
I am so bad bc I keep facing only valíant players I don't have any r3 and I still beat them half of the time
Love them all but Kate it's just soo good
I can't teach you how to dex it's easy <3
Even for a gold rank ally it's super hard to find players that compromise whit the gamedans if you play competitively, how easy is it to find good replacements? Commentaire de IlociaM97 mai 2024
You are the hero we needed
You guys are the definition of skill issue, the only way to get better it's punching up not down