Tainto ★
All of them bro. Sorry, didn’t think I needed to say that. It’s happened in every type of content and seems to mostly be on dash attacks that would’ve landed just fine for the last 5 years and now all of a sudden the defender is swinging well after they should’ve been tagged and I’m the one taking the contact.
It’s still happening. I can’t beleive more ppl aren’t experiencing this. I just med dashed into a defender who was clearly still in the midst of their heavy attack and instead of hitting them it just passed through 90% of their body - at which point their heavy had ended and then my life did as well. Maybe I suck now idk…
Why the f wouldn’t it be 2 to 1? There’s literally 2 overlapping symbols on the greater sigil credit This is straight dog dirt. DOG. DIRT. This is def not the sole factor in feeling cheated by this game but it sure as hell ain’t helping.
I should note that it only happens when trying to enter using Rintrah. I used juggs without issue.
This helped immensely …thank you!
Thx all. Seems like fant is def at top of list but I’ll give it another day. I’ll take future ant out for a few more spins in the meantime. I do like the utility of his kit
Seems like the most logical approach is to skip the fight and side quest entirely since the defender is bs and the rewards are turrible
Dust sucks. Sandstorm is stupid. I’d like to punch whoever created her right in the Richard
I’m not smart enough. The button needs to be removed. Period.
Does it though…?
My sincere thanks, good citizen. May your crystal harvest be plentiful.
I used my dust unwisely. Pray-tell, does anyone know where I may acquire additional sprinkles of said dust? For it does not appear I can purchase it via the traditional exchange of game currency for game goods. Many thanks
One upped
Uhh btw, this has been happening for months on end. It’s not a new “bug we need to investigate with video evidence”. That’s laughable and weak af to pretend you didn’t know about it ….
Yeah the holding sp is getting stupid af at this point. I literally just sit in the corner dexing heavies for minutes at a time until finally the ai does some random backup then dash and then I eat a combo along w a sp3
Also about 30% of the time the sp button doesn’t work the first time you press it
Or maybe it’s just because the system actually registers the AI inputs in real time…unlike our inputs…
100% agree. Just Google searched to see if it was just me or if everyone notices the AI magically ends their sp a half second early while your attacker is mid dash and then light counter you in the face and somehow continue into a combo. It’s literally beyond stupid at this point. They do the same with heavies. Somehow…
Is this going to be fixed? It’s extremely annoying to have to scroll all the way back down to the crystal. Anyone have an update here?
Still happening…smh
*UPDATE* I’m 90% sure at this point that the glitch was not in the quest but instead has something to do with Wiccan or his abilities. As stated above, we all had multiple crashes when fighting him in that event quest but I just had the exact same type of game crash while fighting him in arena. Doesn’t happen with any…
It’s been almost 3 weeks and just happened to me again on master difficulty. How is this still happening???
Just happened twice more to me IOS 15.3 Verizon Cell 35.1.1 EQ Master Any/all champs No boost Issue described above multiple times. Always on Wiccan and I thought it was when he got low on health but I just had 2 crashes that happened in the first 8 hits I landed I have no screenshot of the crashed game. Just imagine being…
Yep - just happened to me again. At this point it's been over 15x total through various difficulties. iPhone 13 Pro iOS 15.3
Dang yeah forgot to put Nick as the last option. I have other 6* but honestly none I haven’t already ranked up that are as good as those skill champs I listed
Same here - blacked out screen when out of energy. Just add it to the running list of issues that have plagued this app for the last 18 months. I used to drop $40-50 a month in this game but I’m all done spending actual $ until I can go a whole day without encountering multiple issues. It’s like letting someone punch me in…
Anyone? Pool really dried up over the last few months…
* “not” got corrected to “by”. * Supposed to say “remainder of the heavy should NOT be unstoppable”