15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Ebbtide wrote: »
    Is anyone else having horrible frame rate performance and delays in Alliance War? All three Wars, the fights have had this issue, and it's been poor to fight in. Characters will go from standing or blocking, to then instantly doing heavy attacks. Specials, when done by me, freeze and lag, and an open to attack opponent now is conveniently blocking when the delay stops.

    It just feels like it was rushed with no performance optimization done.

    Samsung Galaxy S5.

    I have a Galaxy S6 and don't have those issues. Maybe it's time to upgrade your phone.
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
    Not sure if this has been suggested already but an easy fix for now would be to make a node hit equal a kill for the offense that way alliances are forced to set a defense otherwise they give up an easy kill even with no defender placed. Granted there are 5 free nodes out there, but that can still count as a kill as it is even for everyone and can add a little more strategy to the game for the defense and offense.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Cma1323 wrote: »
    Not sure if this has been suggested already but an easy fix for now would be to make a node hit equal a kill for the offense that way alliances are forced to set a defense otherwise they give up an easy kill even with no defender placed. Granted there are 5 free nodes out there, but that can still count as a kill as it is even for everyone and can add a little more strategy to the game for the defense and offense.

    That's the best suggestion imo. I said something similar, you get a percentage of attack points at end of war based on how many out of 150 are still alive. If it's zero left alive, you get zero points. The rest of the map and diversity is something I like. Guys can still try placing their top defenders, but we've all seen how after a few wars our kill counts drop anyway. As far as diversity, at least it makes getting a new champ mean something.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    My alliance has 0 diversity points again.

    You don't see diversity points until the war is over. At the moment, you can count them manually if you really want to know. You really should know going in to war what your diversity points are anyway, it's one of the biggest factors in deciding wars. If your total is too low to defeat an alliance trying to game it by placing fewer champs, you'll know not to use items in vain.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    There were screenshots of diversity points during active AW. Unless I'm mistaken.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Mine have shown zero last 3 wars, then when it's over it gives the final number. Click on history and overview to see diversity per bg also
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    I am assuming Kabam isn't changing direction with the new; so I'll skip over my complaints...
    Here are some common sense simple fixes IM0.
    1. Increase energy limit from 5 to 8. This accounts for extra blank tiles, and we can all go back to sleeping longer than 5 hours.
    2. Eliminate Attacker kills. (Unless Defenders kills come back). We get credit for kills as part of exploration already. This takes away the points benefit of placing no defender.
    3. Lower diversity by A LOT. It needs to be less than defender rating points to encourage top Defense placement. How about unique bonus x 0.001 PI.
    A 6,000 Non-unique Champ = 12;
    A 4,000 unique champ = 12..

    Whatever the math is to encourage diversity but not reward for placing trash Champs.. off the top of my head , balance a unique 4*r4 to a 4* r5 (8 NCs).
    Maybe make it unique per BG. An Allaince with (3) 5* r4 Magiks can place all of them in separate BGs without losing bonus points. They invested heavy in that. Just no repeating within the specific BG.

    Kabam, I think you still get to your goals. People .may still hate the new AW but at least you have some logic behind it.
  • IndridColdIndridCold Member Posts: 41
    Flush wrote: »

    So what about screen shot of war that's goin around of alliance that didn't place any defence but won war cuz they screwed other alliance out of kills

    I'm assuming you're referring to this pic? Here they placed 77 unique defenders across the AS. Had they placed 30 more unique defenders for a total of 107 out of 150 possible unique defenders (although to have 50/50, you're looking at some bad champs, luckily, you don't need 50/50. In this case they just needed 71% for the AS. They only had 51% of the possible diversity points.

    That's 35 + 36 + 36 between the 3 BG's. That still would of left 15 + 14 + 14 duplicate champs, for the really important nodes.

    Not to mention, the AS that lost didn't get 100% exp, even tho they didn't have to fight anyone. Now that wouldn't of given them the win, but it'd of given them a few less unique defenders. Easily could of won with 35/50 for each BG.
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  • IndridColdIndridCold Member Posts: 41
    Flush wrote: »

    So what about screen shot of war that's goin around of alliance that didn't place any defence but won war cuz they screwed other alliance out of kills


    I'm assuming you mean this one. Here. The AS only placed 77 unique defenders (51%). Had they placed 107 unique defenders which is only 71% of the possible diversity points. They'd of won & has an easy win. 50/50 gets crazy & you'll have a lot of bad defenders, but it's not hard to have 35-36 unique defenders/BG. That still leaves around 14-15 spots for duplicates of great defenders, for important nodes.

    They needed 35, 36, 36 unique defenders/BG.

    Not to mention. They didn't get 100% exp on the map that didn't have any defenders. Had they gotten that, they wouldn't of won (as is), but it'd given a few more duplicate defenders.
  • AlexVanDamme81AlexVanDamme81 Member Posts: 83
    For me no defenders kills count is a good idea. Diversity permit to all to use a large rooster instead only 6/7 heroes in attack and defense. Is enough change the rules. For example, less points if a team place less defenders ecc.
    honestly I'm happy to can use a lot of heros and save pot against only mystic defense.
    I approve diversity point and no more kills count.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★

    The amount of items that any user can use remains the same, so every Alliance Member can still only Revive/Heal 15 times. This hasn't changed. Additionally, 5 Minibosses doesn't mean that any one person will be taking on more than 1.

    The goal with the removal of Defender kills wasn't to increase the use of Potions or Revives, but to relieve the feeling of defeat that comes with taking one shot at a defender, losing, and feeling that you're now helping the other Alliance, so you stop playing, even though you have 2 perfectly good attackers still there.

    The amount of items that any user can use remains the same, so every Alliance Member can still only Revive/Heal 15 times. This hasn't changed. Additionally, 5 Minibosses doesn't mean that any one person will be taking on more than 1.

    The goal with the removal of Defender kills wasn't to increase the use of Potions or Revives, but to relieve the feeling of defeat that comes with taking one shot at a defender, losing, and feeling that you're now helping the other Alliance, so you stop playing, even though you have 2 perfectly good attackers still there.

  • edited September 2017
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  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Where's our ranked down tickets? According to a statement you guys released not too long ago, rank down tickets are for when significant changes to a champion are made (nerf).

    With this new AW system with less stun immunes, no sp1 unblocable/power starts at 1 node, etc. and with the new system penalizing me for bringing repeated champs to AW, and not counting defender kills, my 5* rank 4 spiderman he has become significantly less useful.

    The changes you made to AW inherently nerfed my spiderman significantly along with other champs that their only purpose was to get kills in AW. Please fix this AW system, bring back defender kills, or give us rank down tickets to adjust our rosters to this major change in the game.
  • RivahRivah Member Posts: 17
    @Kabam Miike what about all the battle chips lost during the disruption? I lost 50k many other players lost a lot of bc. How comes you and kabam say nothing about it?? We want our bc back, and if you guys can find all your misplaced gold, why can't you can give us all back our battle chips??
  • BT1984BT1984 Member Posts: 11
    I think we're well entitled for compensation for this aw map. It's just unfair that an alliance would place 0 or 5 defenders while another works hard to maximise diversity yet, the lesser defenders alliance wins.
  • TBJ1118TBJ1118 Member Posts: 228
    BT1984 wrote: »
    I think we're well entitled for compensation for this aw map. It's just unfair that an alliance would place 0 or 5 defenders while another works hard to maximise diversity yet, the lesser defenders alliance wins.

    Not true, diversified enough (>121) defenders win vs 0 defenders
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Like 12.0, you just flipped the game downside again. Seeing how you screwed that up and now launched an AW system that is total garbage; I have 0 confidence that Kabam/Netmarble knows what they're doing.
  • xdethsquadxxdethsquadx Member Posts: 50
    So KABAM. I wonder if you saw this latest in a series of infinite screw ups. In AW, the POWER DRAINED EVERY 20 SEC is counting as a buff and gives Mystics power in ehat is already a very very stupid and abusive feature known as Mystic Dispersion. Dexterity needs to not be counted as well, but a detrimental effect now costing me money. Your screw ups always cost us money
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    @MikeHock yup totally agree. Changed fight system handicapping damage output and players synergies changed war to basically restart defenses over. What else can kabam do to job the entire community? What's next you can only carry 5000 gold per an account? Kabam is to much the company that cried wolf one to many times this year.
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    You get your endgame players mad at you how your getting endgame and middle and bottom mad at you now even more then before bravo kabam I wish I could have seen all your stupid faces on Monday. You know the whole game team was probably in tears being like damnit they beat us again!!
  • xXchampionxXchampion Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2017
    You guys ruined alliance war... for the past three wars since the new update other alliances have gotten 100% on us and we've never seen any alliance make it that far. The more you guys change the game the more **** this game becomes
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    This war setup is not as bad as people are making it out to be, there is already a counter to the zero defender strategy, there could be other incentives to encourage placement, and adding more points per unique champ would promote diversity.

    Placing more unique champs would make it worthwhile over just using all strong defenders. If the other team walks through your defense because you aren't using only top defensive champs should give you a more of a bonus since defender kills don't count. Make it possible for a team getting less exploration or even less boss kills to win based on diversity, and not be penalized for having a basically weaker defense if that is what the goal of this new change is.

  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    This war setup is not as bad as people are making it out to be, there is already a counter to the zero defender strategy, there could be other incentives to encourage placement, and adding more points per unique champ would promote diversity.

    Placing more unique champs would make it worthwhile over just using all strong defenders. If the other team walks through your defense because you aren't using only top defensive champs should give you a more of a bonus since defender kills don't count. Make it possible for a team getting less exploration or even less boss kills to win based on diversity, and not be penalized for having a basically weaker defense if that is what the goal of this new change is.

    yes, the new war setup IS as bad as people are making it out to be.

    it is boring as hell with no real exciting strategy (now that defender kill points have been removed).

    having wins come down to "muh diversity" defenders is just dumb. may as well check with war opponents at start of war to find out who is more diverse then whoever has more "muh diversity" gets the win... no need to blow through the stupid easy nodes.

    new AW takes away so much of the fun from prior AW. the high stakes. the wanting to grind for new awesome champs that could be great defenders. no need anymore since it's now better to put kamala kahn as main boss for "muh diversity".

    awful awful move by kabam
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    It would appear to me that if one invested the time they can figure out exactly how much to place to guarantee victory, assuming the other team is not doikng the same
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    Garbage company created garbage content. No one should be surprised.

    dont play then?

    Leave the game?

    Do something else with your time?

    If I felt this strongly and that it was all garbage I know I wouldnt be on the forums of that garbage wasting my valuable time
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    TBJ1118 wrote: »

    Not true, diversified enough (>121) defenders win vs 0 defenders

    What about if you can't reach that 121+ total in diversity? Some groups just don't have deep enough of a roster, unless you start throwing 3*'s into defense....
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Greywarden wrote: »

    What about if you can't reach that 121+ total in diversity? Some groups just don't have deep enough of a roster, unless you start throwing 3*'s into defense....

    Then place literally any number of diverse champs (yes, even 1) without placing any dupes and you'll win against an alliance that places nothing. Seriously, this is basic maths people
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