Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★

    Passive immune to poison coldsnap frostbite shock incinerate effects that block or reverse healing energy vulnerability and AAR
    all buffs that sentry gains are passive And 85% Degen Resistance sentry can carry 100% of his warps and combo meter into the next fight

    Reality Warps give sentry effects each warp gives sentry a 50% indefinite fury
    5 hits gain an indefinite undermine
    10 hits gain an indefinite vigilance
    20 hits hits deal energy damage equal to 75% of his currant attack and sentry cannot take any damage while striking his opponent except from DOT
    30 hits gain immunity to power drain, steal burn, enverate and
    50 hits nullify unstoppable on contact
    75 hits hits inflict supression reducing defensive combat power rate by 15% max stacks 5
    100 hits gain 3 cleanse charges shrugging off the next 3 debuffs these cleanses will return after 15 seconds
    150 hits specials cost 35% less power
    200 hits gain 75% offensive combat power rate
    300 hits become immune to stun and all hits refresh non damaging debuff except stun
    500 hits whenever a debuff is purified or is immune to regenerate 20% over 10 seconds
    750 All the opponents attacks have a 65% chance to glance and sentry cannot glance
    999 damage can't be reduced in any way shape or form

    Molecular Revival] when fighting as attacker when sentry would be knocked out he has a 100% chance to consume a reality warp and the appropriate hits in the combo meter and become indestructable for 10 seconds and regenerate 40% health over 10 seconds each non consumed reality warp adds 1 second duration to both these buffs when fighting as a defender consume all reality warps

    Molecular Endurance] every 30 seconds recieve an indestructable buff for 15 seconds the 30 second timer will start after the indestructable expires

    Basic attacks deal energy damage

    Heavy if landed gives 5 combo charges 1 combo charge is consumed when struck to only remove 1 hit in the combo meter
    all specials are unblockable and deal a burst of energy damage equal to 10% per reality warp

    Sp1 inflicts a 15 second wither debuff reducing power gain by 200% and an indefinite passive energy vulnerability debuff reducing energy resistance by 10% Max stack 20

    sp2 inflicts inaptitude debuff reducing the potency of fury precision cruelty armor (and anything else I might be missing) by 40% for 15 seconds

    sp3 inflict a spectre debuff reversing healing by 150% for 15 seconds

    sig ability] Molecular Reformation] Passive start the fight with an extra 10 hits in the combo meter whenever sentry is indestructable regenerate 85-125 precent of the damage taken since the last time he was indestructable


    Other Half] Void] Sentry no change ] Void sp3 inflicts a wither debuff

    Contest genesis] Hype King groot] Sentry go unstoppable when charging a heavy] Hype when filling a bar of power gain an indefinite prowess increasing special attack damage by 30% max stack 3 these are removed when hype activates a special] KG Gain immunity to shock

  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    After an inspiring conversation with @BitterSteel and @Ercarret , I decided to try my hand at a new buff concept for Iron Fist. We have also agreed to collaborate on a concept together next month, but for now, I will post my solo attempt.

    The idea was to combine Chi, the power of the Iron Fist, and martial arts styles and matching synergies into his kit in a seamless, reasonable and accessible way.

    Hope you like it and please leave your thoughts below.


    Immune to Armour Break and Armour Shatter

    Chi mechanics:
    Gain 3 Chi Charges when intercepting the opponent
    Gain 2 Chi Charges when punishing a Heavy or Special
    Gain 2 Chi Charges when striking a Stunned opponent
    Gain 1 Chi Charges when performing a Dodge or Well Timed Block
    Max Chi charges: 30

    Accessing the Iron Fist:
    Chi Charges are converted into an Iron Fist passive, 0.6 seconds per Chi charge
    (Chi charges cannot be gained while in Iron Fist mode)


    Fourth Light Attack: spend 5 Chi charges to gain a non-stacking Energize buff, increasing Combat Power Rate by 25% for 8 seconds

    Heavy Attacks:
    Inflict a non-stacking Slow debuff for 5 seconds, reducing Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%

    Special Attacks:
    If at 30 Chi charges, enter Iron Fist mode
    All strikes pause Iron Fist mode

    Special 1 Attack - Tiger Form:
    Inflict an Armour break on the opponent, reducing Armour rating by 575 for 15 seconds. Max stacks 3.
    Gain 3 Chi Charges
    Iron Fist: Each strike Neutralizes the opponent for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 2 Attack - Dragon Form:
    Each Chi Charge increases this Attack by +175
    Iron Fist: Deal Direct Damage equal to 40% of each strike

    Special 3 Attack - Crane Form:
    Drains 10% of one bar of Power
    Iron Fist: Reduce opponent Defensive Combat Power Rate by 25%


    Sig ability:
    Max Chi Charges increased to 40 (sig 1)
    Chi Charges duration increased from 0.6-1.2 seconds (sig 1-200)
    Incoming debuffs are reduced in duration by 10-50% (sig1-200)



    True Tiger Form - with Tigra
    Special 1 Attack is Unblockable

    True Dragon Form - with KP, Dragon Man and Sauron
    Special 2 Attack deals an additional 20% Direct Damage per strike

    True Crane Form - with DH, Falcon and Vulture
    Special 3 Attack drains one bar of Power, and Power Locks the opponent for 5 seconds

    Defenders - with DDHK, Elektra, Luke Cage
    Gain +60% bleed and poison resistance

    Heroes for Hire - with Luke Cage
    Gain +10% Attack

    Expert Martial Artists - with Shang-Chi
    IF - increase Slow to 10 seconds
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Anything you feel you may want to add to DDHK has been listed here:

    11 pages of feedback onwards from page 3.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Red Skull
    Abilities Armor Up Shock Power Burn Power lock Petrify Energize

    Passive the power of the Tesseract provides him immune to Power: Lock Drain, Steal Burn] Enverate Special Lock and shock and start the fight with 5 of his personal armor buff

    All power lock debuffs Petrify debuffs shock debuffs and burn debuffs are passives

    Armor buffs: Are passive and indefinite after 10 armors are gained any extra will last for 7 seconds whenever red skull or his opponent reaches a bar of power

    each armor provide 5% physical, energy and crit resistance -5% debuff duration reduces the opponents AA and combat power rate by 10% and increases his combat power rate by 5%

    when armor broken remove 2 armors when armor shattered lose all armors

    Critical Hits: Red skull can not crit when he would he inflicts an instant shock dealing what the crit would have done Drain 50% of a bar of power and power lock the opponent for 6 seconds

    Blocking consume one armor up to burn 33% of the opponents currant power dealing 75% of skulls base attack as direct damage this will not trigger on well timed blocks

    Heavies Refresh all armors and Gain a power gain buff generating 33% of a bar of power over 3 seconds

    Cosmic Cube Overload when at 15 armors red skull enters Cosmic Cube Overload which lasts for 10 seconds cooldown 10 seconds
    On activation place an indefinite energy vulnerability debuff of 75% potency each hit deals 125% of base attack as energy damage the opponent is inflicted with a power burn dealing 25% of red skulls attack as direct damage draining 33% of max power each second and red skull gains an energize of 50% potency this counts as 30 armors for his abilities after it ends give red skull 10 armors

    Special attacks: the opponent does not generate power from specials

    sp1 on activation gain 5 armor refresh all shocks and passively stun the opponent for 2 seconds Petrify the opponent for 12 seconds the potency is 125%

    sp2 each hit puts 1 shock on the opponent per armor lasting 1 seconds per armor dealing 10% of red skulls attack per armor

    Sp3 Refund 45% of red skulls power special lock the opponent for 35 seconds and gain a fury increasing attack by 10% per armor for 10 seconds and inflict a weakness reducing attack by 15% per armor for 10 seconds

    Sig ability Cosmic Power Overreach] During Cosmic Cube Overload become unblockable whenever the opponent gains a bar of power special lock them for 5 seconds and gain an additional 5 armors power
    burns locks and special locks last 25%-100% longer


    Eternal Adversary] CAIW CAWII OG CA CW] Skull when fighting any of these champs start with an additional 5 armors
    Others when fighting red skull gain a fury increasing attack by 15% for 6 seconds

    Skull and Crossbones]Crossbones] Red skull] Start the fight with his energize buff] Crossbones gain 2 of his furies at the start of the fight [CONTEMPT] 5

    Superior Scientists] IMIW] Red Skull Each Shock Reduces opponents power gain by 15%] IMIW Each Plasma drains 5% of the opponents max power per second

    The Cabal] KP MODOK Loki] All when fighting Avengers start with 1 bar of power
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Why buff Electro?
    First of all, Electro has a lot of potential (pun intended) to be a great character. I love his MCOC design and think there is a lot that can be done with him.

    Always active:
    Electro takes no damage from shock effects and each shock grants Electro bonus damage and +15% static shock damage.
    Enemies shock attacks gain +75% accurary and duration.
    When attacked with a physical contact attack, the opponent will take up to 40% of their damage back in the form of Static Shock damage. This % increases with Electro's power meter.
    When attacking a shocked opponent:
    Electro has a 10% chance per shock effect on the opponent to gain a shock effect on himself aswell.
    This chance is 20% when fighting a Mystic opponent and 5% when fighting a Science opponent.
    Shock effects on the opponent:
    Electro's energy flows through the enemies body, making it harder for their muscles to react in time. For each shock effect on the opponent, reduce their evade chance by 25%.
    This effect gets doubled when fighting #Spiderverse characters.
    Special attacks:
    All special attacks have a 100% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds + 1 second per power bar used for the special attack.
    • Special attack 1:
    • Each hit of this attack has an 80% chance to shock the opponent. Dealing energy damage to the opponent for 12 seconds.

    • Special attack 2:
    • Replace each shock debuff on the opponent with 2 ultra shock debuffs. Ultra shock debuffs deal 3 times the damage of a normal shock, and last for 5 seconds each.

    • Special attack 3:
    • Electro instantly gains 10 shock effects on himself, this effect can only be triggered once per fight.
    Signature ability:
    Electro gains +1-5% crit rate and +2-10% crit damage rating for each shock effect on Electro.

    Shock and stomp --> with Rhibo:
    Electro: 50% chance to gain a passive fury increasing damage by +10% when knocking down an opponent with a heavy attack.
    Rhino: Rhino's fury buffs become passive and no longer fall of overtime. This effect only works up till 10 fury buffs.

    Sinister Six --> with #SinisterSix members.
    Electro: Gain +10% combat power rate for each #SinisterSix champion in the team.
    #SinisterSix members: Reduce the damage of incoming shock effects by 50% and gain +10% effect for each shock effect on them.

    Don't you know? ---> with Spider-man (Stark enhanced)
    Electro: #Spider-verse opponents start the fight with 2 shock effects on them, each lasting 12 seconds.
    Spider-man (Stark Enhanced): Shock debuffs on the opponent gain 100% increased duration.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Kang and Thanos are important Villains in the Contest. Kang in particular turns up as a Villain early on, as well as in 7.3; and has turned up in more than a couple of EQ and side-quests. Both champs are 'Trophy champs', only available through Greater Gifting crystals. That's led to some discussion about buffing them lately; both for and against:

    The fact they're both Trophy champs and Act-ending bosses means that (1) any buff they get needs to be simple - these are early-game bosses, and we mustn't over-complicate them. Also (2) any buff mustn't leave them overpowered. It's important that Trophy champs don't fall into some 'Beyond God Tier' category, as this leads to understandable resentment that they're so hard to obtain. Also (3) this shouldn't take up a lot of Developer time. We don't want to distract them from that all-important Moon Knight buff!

    Ideally, we're looking for fairly simple (preferably automatic) mechanics, and champs that are useable but not excessively powerful either on defense or offense. On the other hand, Trophies should hold some value, surely? The response to pulling 6* Thanos shouldn't be "Oh no, I got Thanos. Wish I'd just got 6*shards instead.. They might have been useful...". So in an ideal world they should have some payoff; some reason to use them that doesn't feel like you're deliberately hampering yourself.

    So below are my suggestions for low-effort buffs that might at least give Thanos and Kang some use for players who want to actually play with them; particularly for players who don't have an Apocalypse to synergize with Kang. Stats given are for 5/65 champions.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    #Villain of the Contest
    #Thanos army
    #Psychic shielding
    #XL (remove #Metal)

    Start with 16% Power
    Thanos is Immune to Power Drain, Steal and Burn

    Heavy Attack
    Heavy Attacks inflict Armour Break (-800 Armour, 8s), and gain +369 Attack per buff active on Thanos

    When Attacked
    When hit, Thanos has a 15% chance to generate a non-stacking Armour buff (900 Armour for eight seconds). The chance to proc Armour rises by a flat 5% per hit in the opponent's combo meter.

    When Evaded
    Thanos dislikes being made to look a fool. When Evaded, he has a 60% chance to generate a Fury buff (+1352 Attack, 7s, max 3 stacks). Whilst this Fury is active, further Evades have a 100% chance to generate a Fury buff.

    Critical Hits
    Thanos's base critical rate needs to be set to a more average 686 (previously 342)
    Critical Hits have a 60% chance to generate a Prowess buff granting +10% Special Damage (max 10). Prowess buffs last 7s, and are refreshed when another Prowess buff would be generated. They are consumed at the end of any Special Attack.

    Special Attacks:
    If Thanos does not have a True Sense buff, generate a True Sense buff for 7 seconds.
    If Thanos does have a True Sense buff, refresh it and also generate a Fury, Precision or Cruelty buff for 7 seconds.
    - Fury: +1352 Attack
    - Precision: +850 Critical Rating
    - Cruelty: +850 Critical Damage Rating
    • SP1: The second (beam) hit causes True Damage, and inflicts a Weakness debuff (-40% Attack) and a Slow debuff, each lasting 7s. Each Prowess extends these debuffs by 0.5s.
    • SP2: This Attack causes True Damage, bypassing all resistances. It inflicts Rupture for 3252 damage over five seconds. For every two stacks of Prowess, inflict an additional Rupture.
    • SP3: Inflicts Armour Break (-800 for 10s) and Slow, both lasting 20 seconds.
      For every two stacks of Prowess, inflict an additional Armour Break.
    • Thanos' starting Power rises from its basic 16% to a total of 40% Power.
    • Thanos punishes any attempt to drain, steal or Burn his Power with a burst of 3252 Direct damage
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Kang the Conqueror

    When Attacking, Kang enters Conquerer mode. In this mode, he diverts power to weapons and targeting, granting himself a permanent +200 Critical Rating and Critical Damage Rating, and enhancing his SP2 Power Drain.
    When defending, Kang enters Lord of Time mode. In this mode, Kang increases power to his defenses, granting +50% Potency to the Armour Up and Critical resistance benefits of his Armour.

    Conqueror Armour
    Kang has a permanent Armour Up buff granting +900 Armour and +450 Critical Resistance. This is enhanced in Lord of Time mode.
    Kang's Armour buff cannot be Nullified or Staggered, and if removed, it has a 100% chance to return after ten seconds.
    Kang's advanced technology makes him immune to Armour Shattered, and he has a 40% chance to resist an Armour Break. His self-repair systems reduce the duration and Potency of Armour Break by 60%
    Whilst Kang's Armour Up buff is active, he gains Immunity to Shock, Coldsnap and Frostbite.

    Special Attacks
    Special Attacks grant Kang a Vigilance Passive for 7 seconds, and grant no Power to the opponent.
    • SP1 - Inflicts Stun for 2.2 seconds, and a Suppression debuff for 10 seconds (Reduces the opponent's Defensive Combat Power Rate by 70%)
    • SP2 - The first energy beam cannot be passively Evaded. The last hit stuns the opponent for 1.8 seconds, and has a 100% chance to drain some of the opponent's Max Power: 50% in Lord of Time mode, and 100% in Conquerer mode.
      Each full bar of Power drained extends the Stun effect by 0.5 seconds.
    • SP3 - This potent attack inflicts Armour Break (-1200 Armour) and Heal Block debuffs for 15 seconds each, as well as Power Lock for eight seconds.
    Kang's Armour grants up to an additional +3900 Armour and +1300 Critical Resistance based on stored Power.
    Additionally, Kang starts the match with a Vigilance Passive, and these Passives gain +50% Duration.

  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★

    Change Animations to 7.3

    Abilities Kang Armor Energize Power Drain Vigilance Undermine Fury Self Repair

    Passive Kang Starts the fight with his Passive Indefinite Kang Armor

    Kang Armor gives Kang 3400 armor rating 75% energy and Physical Resistance
    While Active Kang gains Immunity to all AAR Power Lock Burn Steal Drain Enervate Shock Special Lock Nullify Stagger Fateseal Buff immunity Coldsnap Frostbite Incinerate Heal block regen rate modification and Armor Shatter

    While Kang Armor is Active The opponent Suffers from -60% Combat Power Rate

    Kang Armor Is removed by Armor Breaking him Kang can't Activate while Suffering from an Armor Break or Shatter
    If Kang armor was removed after the Armor Break expires after 2 seconds Kang Armor Returns

    Time Master
    Kang starts the fight with all the buffs and power he ended with Debuffs on Kang Suffer a -80% duration excluding Armor Break and Shatter And Buffs on Kangs opponent suffer a -85% duration
    Whenever the opponent gains a power gain or Regen passive or buff when it ends Kang reverses time giving his opponent the power or health before they activated the buff

    Self Repair Systems After reaching 80% 60% 40% and 20% Health if Kang Armor is Active Gain a Passive Self Repair Healing 10% Health over 5 seconds This can only trigger once per health threshold
    Kangs Self Repair Systems allow him to Recover from Armor Breaks 50% faster

    Beam Attacks on Last hit on Heavy and all hits on both specials
    Grant No Power
    Drain 33% of a bar of power

    Conqueror Effects On opponent Knockdown if Kang Armor is active Give Kang Conqueror indefinite buffs based on the attack used

    Heavy Gain an Energize increasing Combat Power rate by 60% max 1
    Sp1 Gain A Vigilance Max stacks 1
    Sp2 Gain a Undermine max 1
    If all 3 are active and Kang Armor is Active on opponent knock down gain a fury increasing attack by 15% max 6


    1 Inflict A Petrify passive for 15 seconds of 110% potency

    2 the 1st hit is unblockable the rest inflict indefinite Decelerate passives of 33% potency

    3 If Kang armor is not active purify all Armor Breaks and Activate Kang Armor and special lock the opponent for 30 seconds

    Signature Conqueror Of All Time
    If Kang uses his Time Master to bring all 6 of his furies into the next fight He has a 50-100% chance to increase his max fury stack by 1 and gain a fury when at 10 furies become immune to stun
    Armor Breaks have a 30-80% chance to not apply to Kang
    If Kang Armor is Active 1 Per Fight when he would be knocked he regens 100% health over 0.5 seconds but Permanently deactivates Kang Armor and all his effects


    Masters of Time] Bishop Cable Nimrod IMIW] Kang Start the fight with a bar of power] others 3 time per fight Whenever a damaging debuff or passive Expires heal 100% of what it dealt

    Conquerors of The Universe] Thanos Overseer Doom Loki Ultron Prime] Kang start the Fight with an aptitude of 15% potency] others when Facing Heroes increase health by 50%]

    Genesis] Invisible Woman] Kang Become immune to indefinite armor breaks] IW Well timed Blocks are perfect blocks

    Descendant] Mr F] Kang Purify the First debuff inflicted on him] Mr F Debuff gain 15% duration

  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★

    Passive] Loki's Frost Giant Heritage Provides him immune to Coldsnap And Frostbite and his Mastery of Mystical Power provides him to Immunity to Stagger Fateseal Nullify Buff immunity and AAR
    Being the Master of Illusions Loki Cannot miss

    Basic Attacks after landing any basic attack Loki can chain into a heavy and crits taunt the opponent making them fight aggressively reduces OAA by 70%

    Curses] During the fight Loki tricks his opponent into think that he's helping him but he's just cursing him
    Loki can switch curses by landing 2 mediums in a row

    1 Curse of Strength] Gives the Opponent an extra 35% chance gain fury buffs and they also last 15% longer(if they have it in there kit ) and 20% More Attack rating but Loki Glances all attacks Gains 30% more Attack and becomes immune to Weakness

    2 Curse of Armor] Gives the Opponent a extra 35% chance to gain Armor buffs and they also last 15% longer (if in kit) and 20% armor rating but Loki's hits do True Damage gains 30% more Armor Rating and becomes immune to armor break

    3 Curse of Power] The opponent has an extra 35% chance to gain Power gain buffs and they last 15% longer (if in kit) They also have 20% increased combat power Rate but Loki steals 10% of current power has 20% increased combat power rate and become immune to Exhaustion

    4 Curse of Health] The opponent has an extra 35% chance to gain a Regen buff and they last 15% longer (if in kit) They increase their current base health by 20% but Loki Life steals 30% of their current base Health increases his base health by 30% and become immune to spectre

    Heavies Refresh all non stun debuffs
    while charging heavy if the opponent tries to attack Loki he will counter evade by dashing back and summoning ice Upon the opponent inflicting coldsnap for 10 seconds

    Sp1 Loki inflicts certain debuffs for 10 seconds on the last hit based on what mode he's in
    Strength] weakness of 25% potency
    Armor] Armor break of 75% potency
    Power] Exhaustion of 150% potency
    Health] Spectre of 150% potency

    Sp2 all hits are unblockable and Loki gains certain effects based on what mode he was in] the second hit puts an indefinite passive frostbite] the 3rd hit consumes the frostbite and deals 115% of Loki's attack as burst damage

    Strength] each hit does burst damage equal to 100% of attack
    Armor] Ignore all resistances
    Power] steal 100% of the opponents current power
    Health] life steal 10% health

    if the opponent is not cursed Passively curse them for 10 seconds and gain an illusion passive giving the opponent a 120% chance to miss for 10 seconds this chance decreases by 10% each time the opponent misses

    If the opponent is cursed release all stored buffs max buffs 25

    Curse] while the opponent is cursed they can't gain buffs any time they would Loki steals and stores the buffs as a greyed out icon under his health bar Curse can be refreshed by landing a heavy

    When Loki has 4 unique buffs or the opponent has 4 unique debuffs
    Activate all 4 curses until there's is less than 4 buffs on Loki or less than 4 debuffs on the opponent

    Sig ability Ascendant Knocking down the opponent refreshes all non stun debuffs
    Loki passively generates 3% of max power per second and stolen buffs have their duration and potency increased by 25%-75%


    Siblings am I right] Hela Thor and Thor rags] Loki taunt lasts 2 seconds longer] others gain an indefinite fury of 20% potency

    Not Him] Hulk Ghulk Ihulk] Loki Stolen furies gain a 10% potency] others increase special attack Damage by 25%

    Superior Illusionists] Mysterio] Loki Illusion miss AA is now 130%] Mysterio If the opponent is immune to poison inflict degen instead

    On Thin Ice] Iceman Aarkus] All each stack of coldsnap reduces opponents AA by 10% max 60%] Loki coldsnap lasts 4 seconds longer] others gain immunity to coldsnap and frostbite]

    Enemies] OG Cap Hawkeye OG BW OG IM]

  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★

    Abilities Vigilance Fury Precision Cruelty Armor True Strike Aptitude Bulwark True Damage

    Passive All Seeing] Heimdall is immune to AAR, and He starts the Fight with an Indefinite Vigilance buff

    All Seeing Pre-Fights start the quest with max persistence charges (9) whenever Heimdall wins gain 3 they can be used to activate prefights they don't affect himself dash back and hold block for 1 second to activate

    1 gain an indefinite armor buff increasing of 35% potency
    2 gain an indefinite energize buff of 35% potency
    3 gain an indefinite fury of 35% potency

    Blocking A blocked hit grants an Armor up increasing Armor by 1000] if the block was well timed gain a Bulwark also increasing block proficiency by 1500

    Unique Buffs All of Heimdall's unique buffs are Indefinite and can only be activated once [unless stated otherwise]

    Once per fight dash back and hold block for 1 second gain 1 bar of power

    Auto Block Heimdall's All Seeing eyes allow him to identify an attack and Autoblock for the price of one of his buffs this counts as a well-timed block buffs are consumed in this order
    1 any outside buffs such as Odins pre-fights
    2 unblockable
    3 Fury
    4 Aptitude
    5 Precision
    6 Cruelty
    7 True Strike
    8 True Damage
    9 Energize
    10 Armor
    11 Bulwark
    12 Vigilance

    Specials do 35% of Heimdall's Base Attack as Burst Damage for each buff and grant Heimdall an unblockable buff and a True Strike buff

    Heavy on activation gain an aptitude of 20% potency if the 1st hit lands gain a fury of 35% potency

    Sp1 on activation gain a Precision of 50% potency if the 1st hit lands gain a Energize of 20% potency

    sp2 on activation gain a cruelty of 35% potency if the 1st hit lands gain a true damage ignoring all armor and resistances

    sp3 Double all active buffs these secondary buffs last for 20 seconds

    Sig Ability All Seeing Whenever the opponent fails to miss gain 33% of a bar of power and in a quest reveal all hidden opponents and possible ambushes and gain a 20%-100% chance to ingnore all damage reduction as long as there are 3 buffs on him

    Synergies [I felt lazy, so I just made 1]

    Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge himself] same as before but also gain a regen recovering 10% health
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★
    OG Vison

    Abilities Power Burn Special Lock Phase Synthesis Unstoppable Decelerate Fury

    Passive Being a robot provides him immunity to Bleed Poison fatigue, and Exhaustion
    and Unique Physiology allows him to take no damage from coldsnap, incinerate, Shock, and Frostbite, any power manipulation is 90.98706% less effective and critical hits deal no bonus damage

    Crits] Vison can't crit whenever he would crit, he power burns 15% of max power dealing whatever damage the crit would have done

    When charging heavy] Passively Phase until heavy is finishes this is unaffected by AAR

    When Dashing Forward] Passively Phase until the dash ends this is unaffected by AAR

    Synthesis] at the start of the fight synthesize 50% of a bar power, and every 15 seconds double currant power this is unaffected by AAR

    Basic Attacks inflict indefinite decelerate passives reducing unstoppable and evade AA by 10% max 10

    Heavies Inflict a Special lock passive for 10 seconds this can't be refreshed and goes on cooldown for 10 seconds

    Specials at the end of a special vison changes his density depending on what attack he used last
    Medium or heavy passively go unstoppable for 10 seconds
    Light passively Phase for 10 seconds

    SP1 Vison Punches the opponent then slowly fires his beam across the arena] [similar to hypes sp1 but you have to dex the last hit like sentinel's sp1] Approx. 4 hits 1 dex necessary]
    The 1st hit is unblockable the rest burn 33% of max power

    SP2 Vison quickly phases through the ground while punching the opponent upward then blasts them] [Approx. 4 hits 2 dexes necessary]
    the 1st hit is unblockable the rest burn and steal 46% of max power

    sp3 the opponent tries to attack vison, but he phases and punches them they try again but he changes his density to hard as a rock the opponent falls down Vison grabs them flies up to the air throws them down and blasts them] Approx. 5 hits
    power burn 100% of max power and gain an indefinite fury passive increasing attack by 35% per bar of power that was burned

    Sig Ability Superior Synthezoid

    While phased unstoppable or the opponent is Special Locked
    Gain an indefinite fury passive increasing attack by 10-50%


    My Real Family] OG IM, OG CA, OG BW, OG THOR, OG HULK, Hawkeye] Vison special lock duration is increased by 2 seconds and cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds] #Avengers] gain an indefinite aptitude of 35% potency

    Father But Not Dad] Ultrons] Vison gain Inflict an indefinite Heal Block passive at the start of the fight] Ultron Gain 35% poison AA and increase potency by 35%] Ultron Prime if opponent is immune to bleed inflict poison instead]

    Superior A.I] Nimrod Warlock Ultron Prime G2099] All robots excluding OG Vison start the fight with an indefinite Fury cruelty and precision of 50% potency

    Romance OG SW

    In-laws] Wags red mags ?] Vison combat power rate is increased by 35% while vison is phased unstoppable, or the opponent is special locked] Wags and Rmags increase combat power rate by 20% while the opponent is magnatized]

    Vibranium Enhanced Individuals] CASW BPCW] Vison gain immunity to magnatized] CASW If Bulwark is active Sam can block unblockable attacks and heavies] BPCW Intercepts gain an armor up
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    Ms Marvel

    This is a moderate rework for Ms Marvel, aiming for a simple beginner-friendly champion with a bit more utility for later-game use. I'm aiming for 'useable enough to make her not be a waste of rank-up resources', rather than 'God-Tier', although I suspect if the numbers were tweaked up further, she could hit fairly hard. I'm also suggesting we keep Ms Marvel's design as it is; whilst Captain Marvel (classic) gets a full-on redesign, including a new skin - see below.

    Attack 2572

    Health 31398


    Ms Marvel has a permanent Fury buff which grants from +643 to +2572 Attack based on stored Power. If removed, this buff returns after six seconds.

    Poison Immunity


    Gain +2670 Energy Resistance.

    Gain +2% Power when blocking an Energy-based Attack.

    Holding block for 2.2 seconds removes any Damaging Energy debuffs, each granting a burst of 10% Power.


    Start the match with a Seventh Sense buff, granting Vigilance, +212-636 Crit Rating, and 65% chance to Autoblock Special Attacks for 4s. This buff starts Paused, and Unpauses when either an Autoblock is triggered or a Miss is bypassed. If Autoblock triggers, it counts as a Well-Timed block; and all subsequent hits of the Special Attack are also Autoblocked.

    If removed for any reason, the Seventh Sense buff returns after 18-36 seconds (fastest at high Sig) or whenever using an SP3.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attacks have an 80% chance to trigger a random Fury (+643 Attack), Cruelty (+450 Critical Damage) or Energise (+25% Combat Power Rate) buff for seven seconds.

    SP1: This attack has True Damage, and inflicts up to a burst of +30-90% Direct damage, scaling up with the opponent's Armour rating.

    SP2: Each hit inflicts an Armour Break (-1200 Armour for 12s). Critical hits inflict an additional Armour Break.

    Targets immune to Armour Break instead suffer a Fragility debuff for each Armour Break that would have been inflicted (+750 Critical Damage rating when hit) for 12s.

    SP3: Grants an additional Fury buff for 20 seconds (effects identical to her permanent Fury buff). Additionally, gain a Stopping Power buff which removes any Unstoppable buffs for 10s when striking the opponent (this is effective through block).
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel -> Binary (Overhaul)

    I'll risk double-posting, after the first version went to adjudication heaven...

    Thanks to the introduction of the MCU version of Captain Marvel, we have two almost identical-looking versions of Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel (Movie) is great. Captain Marvel (Classic) is... not so great...

    But there's a comics-canon route we can take when reworking the original (Classic) version to make her a genuinely useful and genuinely different third CM for MCOC - She needs to become..... Binary!

    (She may need some new animations...)

    Attack 2572

    Health 31398

    At the start of the match

    Start the match with a Power Gain buff granting 50% of a bar of Power over 12s.


    +4420 Energy Resistance

    Binary is immune to Poison, Coldsnap and Frostbite

    Incinerate and Shock effects count as buffs for Binary's other abilities

    Whilst she has five or fewer Prowess buffs, Binary generates an indefinite Prowess buff every ten seconds. Each Prowess buff increases her Special damage by 10%

    Basic Attacks

    All basic attacks inflict a burst of Energy damage equivalent to 10% of the damage done by the attack. This rises by a flat +5% per buff active on Binary.


    Gain +2% Power when blocking an Energy-based Attack.

    Holding block for 2.2 seconds removes any Damaging Energy debuffs, each granting a burst of 10% Power.

    A well-timed block against any Energy attack generates an indefinite Prowess buff that increases her Special damage by 10%. No stack limit.


    Start the match with an indefinite Binary buff, granting an additional +3560 Energy Resistance, and enhancing the potency of Prowess and Power Gain buffs by 100%

    If removed for any reason, the Binary buff returns after 18-36 seconds (fastest at high Sig) or upon using an SP3.

    Special Attacks

    All Prowess buffs are consumed at the end of any Special Attack.

    SP1: This attack Incinerates the opponent for 70% of the damage done, over six seconds

    SP2: Each hit inflicts a Burst of Energy damage equal to 20% of the damage dealt, for each buff active on Binary.

    SP3: Grants a Fury buff for 20 seconds, increasing damage by 853. Additionally generates a Power Gain buff granting 50% of a bar of Power over 12s.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★

    This version of Rhino is what Kabam would call a momentum-based champion; like Dragon Man and Annihilus. He's intended to be extremely simple to play, although with the potential to be more rewarding in the hands of a skilled player. The best playstyle is going to largely involve charging your opponent into the corner and keeping them there; and if you line up the debuffs right, he should have an impressive ability to spam Heavy attacks when he does. He'll also have access to a fairly hard-hitting SP2 if he works for it a little.

    Attack 2346
    Health 38837
    (health pool increased a little)

    Rhino Armour grants +1100 Physical Resistance and +550 Critical Resistance. When struck with a Critical Hit, Rhino reduces the opponent's critical damage rating by 60%.
    When Unstoppable, Rhino is immune to Stun.

    All Attacks
    When struck or when striking the opponent, Rhino has a 10% chance to trigger Fury (+1360 attack for seven seconds).
    When Rhino strikes the opponent with a second Medium whilst they are pinned against the wall, 100% chance to trigger Fury. Fury does not stack.
    • When Fury is triggered offensively, additionally inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff (-320 Physical Resistance for 10s). Max 3 stacks.
    • Inflicting a Physical Vulnerability debuff pauses existing Physical Vulnerability debuffs for three seconds.
    When Evaded, or on Missing the opponent
    60% chance to trigger Fury and gain Unstoppable for 1 second. Each rank of the Unfazed Mastery adds a flat 10% to this chance.

    Dash Attacks
    Dash attacks are Unstoppable and have an 8% chance to be Unblockable. Gains +4% flat chance Vs Size M, and +8% Vs Size S opponents.

    Heavy Attacks
    Heavy attacks generate 15% less Power in the opponent per unique debuff on them, to a maximum of three.
    Pause any Physical Vulnerability or Trauma debuffs for three seconds. Cooldown of six seconds.

    Rampage counters
    • Generate one indefinite Rampage counter when striking the opponent with an Unstoppable or Heavy attack.
    • Generate one counter when triggering a Fury buff
    • Generate one per bar of Power spent when activating a Special Attack.
    • Lose 1 counter on every third consecutively blocked attack.
    • Lose 1 counter every six seconds that Rhino doesn't hit the opponent
    • Lose 10 counters if struck by the opponent's SP3
    Unawakened, Rhino can stack up to ten Rampage counters.

    Rampage counters grant the following benefits, per counter:
    • +155 Attack
    • +85 Block penetration
    • Increase the chance that an opponent will throw a Special Attack by 3%
    Playing too defensively or getting beaten up can put a stop to Rhino's Rampage. Fortunately the more Rampage counters you have, the easier it is to bait out your opponents Special Attacks.

    Signature Ability:
    Rhino's maximum Rampage counters rises to 20. Additionally, Rampage counters increase his Offensive Ability Accuracy by 2% per stack.

    Special Attacks
    SP1: 70% chance to inflict Concussion (reducing Ability Accuracy by 66%) for eight seconds
    70% chance to inflict Suppression, reducing defensive combat Power by 50% for eight seconds.
    SP2: This attack gains the following additional benefits per Rampage counter:
    +310 Attack
    +72 Critical Rating
    +85 Block Penetration
    With 15 or more Rampage counters, this attack is Unblockable
    All Rampage counters are consumed at the end of this attack.
    SP3: Inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff (-480 Physical Resistance for fifteen seconds)
    Inflict a Trauma debuff for six seconds (all attacks inflict a burst of Physical damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt)

    Full Speed Ahead (Nova)
    Nova - When Nova is above 50 Nova charges, Dash attacks have a 20% chance to activate an Unblockable buff for 1 second.
    Rhino - Dash attacks gain +10% Attack, and +50% Ability Accuracy

    Science Experiments (Luke Cage)
    Luke Cage - Light combo-enders have a 100% chance to inflict an Exhaustion debuff for 10 seconds.
    Rhino - When Rhino Dashes, he has a 70% chance to shrug off one non-damaging debuff.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Gladiator Hulk

    Ghulk is a crowd-pleasing (literally!) champion with some interesting abilities; and some less interesting ones. Really he just needs a minor rework: the basics of his Crowd Excitement mechanics work fine, although could do with a numbers adjustment. The main issue with Crowd Excitement is that it rewards aggressive gameplay, but Ghulk doesn't have any useful means to stop the opponent gaining power, or make them consume it. (A five second Enervate on his SP2 really does nothing to help him control the match!)

    So he needs some mechanism like Overseer's Taunt, to enable aggressive play without taking an SP3 to the face. He also needs a bit more opportunity to access to his damage-boosting SMASH/Crowd Frenzy abilities, and some actual utility. Hulk shouldn't really be about Enervating or Heal Blocking, anyway. He should be breaking things...

    Attack 2459
    Health 33,837


    Hulk is immune to all Poisons, Exhaustion and Fatigue.

    Adoration of the Masses
    The basic mechanics of Hulk gaining and losing Crowd Excitement are unchanged.
    When Crowd Excitement hits 100, it locks for 9 seconds, then resets to 70
    When Ghulk is Taunted or Infuriated, Crowd Excitement does not fall over time.
    • Ghulk gains up to +1623 Attack based on Crowd Excitement.
    • For every point of Crowd Excitement, the opponent has +0.5% chance to throw a Special Attack
    • When Crowd Excitement is above 80, Ghulk is immune to Power Lock, Enervate, Suppression and Special Lock effects.
    • Whilst Crowd Excitement is at 100, all of Ghulk's attacks SMASH.
    Crowd Excitement potency and the lock duration at 100 have been increased slightly; and now also causes a passive Taunt-like effect, encouraging Ghulk's opponents to throw Specials and keep their Power Bars low. Crowd Excitement also grants Gladiator Hulk a new (unique) Immunity to having his beloved Special Attacks held back by killjoys like Professor X, Nimrod and Psylocke.

    SMASH Attacks
    Ghulk has a 5% chance to trigger SMASH on each attack. This is increased by a flat +10% when he is affected by Taunt, Infuriate, or when Face Me! is active.
    SMASH abilities are unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
    Every 12 seconds, Ghulk gets angry and prepares to SMASH on his next attack. Additionally, Hulk gets angry when he is caused to Miss, or when the opponent Dodges or Evades his strikes, with a 100% chance to ready a SMASH.
    • SMASH lasts for the full duration of Heavy or Special Attacks.
    • Gain +1623 Attack
    • SMASH Attacks are passively Unstoppable.
    • If a Heavy Attack SMASHes, it inflicts Armour Break (-800 Armour for 8s), and increases Crowd Excitement by 15
    SMASH now triggers a little more often, inflicts a little more damage, and is readied as an immediate response to being Evaded or Missing an opponent. This will make Ghulk significantly more threatening on defense against attackers using those strategies.

    Face Me!
    Ghulk is enraged by opponents using cowardly passive damage-over-time effects, triggering Face Me! Being a natural contestant, he accepts the passive effects of the Battlerealm itself (e.g. Flare, Bane, Life Transfer) without these triggering his rage.
    Face Me! is also triggered at any time whilst Ghulk is Taunted or Infuriated.
    • Gain +3278 Attack
    • Gain +245 Critical Rating
    • Instantly heal 70% of all damage taken
    • Opponent is 70% more likely to trigger a Special Attack, in panic.
    Face Me has a slightly higher Attack bonus and a modest crit rate increase that should be helpful given Ghulk's low basic Crit Rating. Opponents that trigger Face Me will have a very high chance of throwing Specials, thanks to the additional passive Taunt effect of Crowd Excitement. Face Me! will also be triggered quite a bit more widely, thanks to the existence of nodes and champions inflicting Taunt or Infuriate. To revisit an old axiom: Don't make him angry...

    Ghulk's existing Sig, Pollice Verso (Gain a Regeneration or Fury passive) is unchanged.
    Additionally, when Crowd Excitement hits 100, it is locked for an additional 2.5-5 seconds before starting to fall.
    Since Ghulk's kit is based around Crowd Excitement, this seemed a sensible way to improve that mechanic, and help Hulk 'cash in' on the burst of enhanced damage, and the access to Unstoppable, Armour-breaking Heavy attacks that it gives him. At max Sig, it'll last 14 seconds, compared to the old seven seconds.

    Special Attacks
    All Special Attacks that strike the opponent inflict Concussion, lasting for 5s per bar of Power spent. This reduces ability accuracy by 55%. Concussion debuffs stack up to three, and expire one at a time.
    SP1: 75% chance to inflict Stun for 1.8s. If this attack hits, Ghulk gains an Energise passive (+33% combat Power for 18s, max two stacks)
    SP2: Inflicts Armour Break, -1200 Armour for nine seconds. If this attack SMASHes, it is a guaranteed Critical Hit, and an additional stack of Armour Break is inflicted.
    SP3: This attack inflicts an additional stack of Concussion.
    Set Crowd Excitement to 100, or reset the timer if already at 100.
    This attacks gains +2459 Attack if it SMASHes.

    So hopefully, having access to fairly long-lasting Concussion effects, Armour Breaks, a passive Taunt and Immunity to Power Lock/Special Lock will provide Ghulk a bit of the utility he was lacking. He'll have more frequent access to Face Me! when he's Taunted or Infuriated. Energise will help him throw more Special Attacks to help keep his Crowd Excitement high (although I've dropped his Stun chance slightly, to prevent him eternally stun-locking his opponent). And if he can throw an SP2 during his Crowd Frenzy phase (when all his attacks SMASH), it'll be Unstoppable, a guaranteed Critical Hit; have +3246 Attack, and inflict Concussion and two Armour Breaks; which should combine for a decent, if not game-breaking chunk of damage.

    Like the Ghulk buff? Check out Classic Hulk's buff and other suggestions, below.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Well, on the off-chance anyone still reads these things, I thought I'd revisit an old champion and make some suggestions: Dr Strange is long overdue a rework. Here's a suggestion to make him a more buff version of his current self; hopefully blending utility, damage and sustainability. And whilst he doesn't have immunities (as such), he should work out to be pretty suicide-friendly; which is worth considering with these suggestions:

    Dr Strange

    Health 14179
    Attack 2189

    Dr Strange is immune to Nullify, Stagger, Neutralise and Fate Seal.

    Dr Strange benefits from +1400 Energy Resistance, but has zero base armour.

    Dr Strange's exceptional Mystic training reduces the damage penalty of Recoil by 50%.

    Nullify abilities
    When Dr Strange Nullifies any buff, he gains an indefinite Mystical Energy passive granting +20% Special Attack damage (max ten). Unless otherwise specified, Mystical Energy passives are consumed at the end of his Special Attacks.

    If Dr Strange's Nullify fails because of an opponents Immunities, all of his Nullify abilities go on cooldown for ten seconds. After this time, any Nullify attempt that would be triggered instead inflicts a Weakness debuff for eight seconds, potency -40% Attack. Inflicting Weakness does not generate Mystical Energy.

    Whilst opponent is Stunned
    Landing a heavy attack whilst the opponent is Stunned has an 80% chance to Nullify one buff, or to Stagger the opponent for 8s if no buff is active.

    All Attacks:
    Dr Strange inflicts Energy damage on all his Attacks.
    Dr Strange does not gain power from being stuck, or striking his opponent. He passively gains power at a rate of one bar over nine seconds.

    Mystic Blessings:
    Dr Strange invokes a series of Vishanti blessings to counter his opponents; starting with Oshtur's Refuge. Each lasts nine seconds and then cycles to the next blessing.
    By dashing back and holding block for 1.8s, Dr Strange can reset the timer on his current blessing. The timer can only be reset once per Blessing.
    Each Mystical Energy passive increases the potency of the benefits of Dr Strange's Mystical Blessings by 10%, to a maximum of +100%

    Oshtur's Refuge (OR)
    • Gain an Armour Up buff granting +800 Armour and Critical Resistance
    • Gain a Block proficiency buff granting +800 Block proficiency
    • Reduce damage from all bleed effects to zero
    Hoggoth's Wisdom (HW)
    • Gain a Fury buff granting +1095 Attack
    • Gain a Precision buff granting +550 Critical Rate
    • Attacks inflict a burst of Energy damage equal to 25% of damage dealt
    Agamotto's Insight (AI)
    • Life Steal 504 Health on every hit
    • Opponent's defensive combat Power rate is reduced by 50%
    • Fourth light attack: Power Steal 5% of Opponents maximum Power
    Signature - Counterspell:
    Whenever his opponent triggers a buff, Dr Strange automatically tries to Nullify it, with 80% chance of success.
    Additionally, each time Dr Strange rotates to the next Mystic blessing he has 80% chance to generate a Mystical Energy Passive

    Special Attacks
    SP1 (Magic Missile):
    This missile cannot Miss the opponent. It gains an additional effect depending on Strange's current blessing:
    • OR: During Oshtur's Refuge, the SP1 does not benefit from or consume Mystical Energy, and has a 90% chance to Nullify a buff on a hit. If a buff is Nullified by this attack, Dr Strange gains a burst of 33% of a bar of Power
    • HW: SP1 gains Power Efficiency, reducing the Power cost by 35%, plus 5% (flat) per Mystical Energy passive. The attack benefits from +45% Special Damage and Critical Damage.
    • AI: 90% chance to inflict Power Burn on hit (burning 20% of Total Power, plus 2% (flat) per Mystical Energy passive)
    SP2 (Faltinian Triplicate): Dr Strange conjures ethereal flashes of magical energy as if from nowhere; reducing the opponent's Evade Ability accuracy by 75%. Each successful hit has an additional effect, depending on Strange's blessing phase:
    • OR: Each hit has a 90% chance to Nullify a buff. If the opponent has no buffs to Nullify, each hit inflicts a burst of 1095 Direct Energy damage. This Damage is increased by 15% per Mystical Energy passive
    • HW: Each hit has an 80% chance to inflict Armour Break (-850 Armour for seven seconds). Each Mystical Energy passive Pauses the Armour Break debuffs for two seconds.
    • AI: The Special Attack grants no Power to the opponent. Each hit has a 75% chance to inflict a 15% Power Burn, inflicting damage proportionate to the Power lost. Each Mystical Energy passive increases the Power Burn by a flat 2.5%.
    SP3 (The Prestige): This attack inflicts Fate Seal; nullifying all buffs and preventing any buffs from activating for ten seconds, plus one second per Mystical Energy passive. Additionally, Dr Strange's Fate Seal removes Cleanse, and reduces the opponent's Purify ability accuracy by 100%.
    This attack inflicts an additional effect depending on the Blessing active when it is used:
    • OR: Base duration of Fate Seal is doubled to 20 seconds
    • HW: Inflict Concussion (-80% ability accuracy) for the duration of Fate Seal
    • AI: Inflicts Power Lock on the opponent for the duration of Fate Seal
    Synergies (new)
    Black Panther (Classic): Illuminati
    (Unique synergy, does not stack)
    • Any time Dr Strange nullifies an opponent's buff, he drains 6% of their Maximum power
    • Black Panther (Classic) starts the fight with three Panther's Might charges, and his maximum charge count rises to six.
    Scarlet Witch (Classic) - Order and Chaos (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Dr Strange gains +15% Attack when fighting #Villains
    • Scarlet Witch's buffs and debuffs are 20% more potent.
    Guillotine - Blood and Magic (Unique synergy, does not stack):
    • Guillotine starts the fight with a True Strike buff for 12 seconds. The Fleur Dr Mal needs a ten-second cool-down after this buff expires, and then she can re-trigger it by dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds, consuming six souls.
    • Dr Strange gains +50% Potency on all Life Steal and Power Steal effects
    Wong - Only by Default (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Wong starts the fight with 33 Mystical Energy
    • Dr Strange gains +50% Ability Accuracy when fighting other Mystic champions
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Mole Man:
    Nothing spectacular just allow him to keep true accuracy while in frenzy but below 10 monster mass.

    Too soon? 😂😂
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    edited July 2022
    It would be easy to make him great.
    3 armor breaks with a heavy. Every hit of a special has a chance to shatter armor (as Medusa) for each armor break
    Shattered armor reduced defense abilities at 100%.
    SP1 inflict an extra long armor break, SP2 Stun after the end. SP3: indefinite Armor Break.
    Ending a combo with medium attack has X% chance to give a rupture debuff, ending a combo with light attack has a X% chance to give the opponent a stagger passive.
    Sig ability: "fists are everywhere" - Sig increases Stun-Duration.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Civil Warrior Tune-Up

    All of Civil Warrior's current abilities should remain as they are. These are just abilities I think should be added to his kit.

    Always Active-
    Indefinite Armor Ups cannot be converted by dashing back and holding Block.

    Dash Back and Hold Block for 1.2 Seconds-
    Personal Fury Buffs are paused for 3 seconds per indefinite Armor Up on Civil Warrior.

    Special 1-
    If Civil Warrior already has 5 Armor Up Buffs before launching this Attack, convert one into an indefinite Armor Up. Up to 4 Armor Up Buffs can be converted this way.

    Special 2-
    Pauses all Fury Buffs for 2 seconds for every active Armor up Buff. Max pause time: 10 seconds.

    Arc Shield, Sig [1 - 200]-
    - Civil Warrior begins the fight with 1 indefinite Armor Up Buff.
    - Each indefinite Armor Up on Civil Warrior reduces Bleed and Poison Potency by [5 - 25]%.
    - Blocking during the opponent’s Special Attack inflicts them with a Passive Weakness, reducing their Attack Rating by [15 - 60]%. This is also true if Civil Warrior was Blocking prior to a Special Attack 3.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Agent Venom Rework Concept

    - Flash’s intense military background, coupled with the alien symbiotic enhancement, grants him a 70% chance to Purify a Debuff.
    - The Venom Symbiote works with Flash’s training to reduce enemy Evasion chance by 50%. #Spider-Verse champions have their Evasion chance reduced by 75%.

    Suppression Charges- Max 100 (Persistent Charges)
    - Over the course of the fight, the Venom symbiote becomes harder for Flash to control, and Agent Venom gains 1 Suppression charge every 3 seconds. Striking the opponent has a 40% chance to grant 2 Suppression charges.
    - Whenever Agent Venom is evaded, auto-blocked, or is caused to miss, gain 10 suppression charges. Cooldown: 4 seconds.
    - Gain 6 charges when struck or purifying a debuff. Cooldown: 2 seconds.
    - Each charge reduces attack rating by 0.2% and crit rating by 0.4%, while increasing Block Proficiency, Defensive Combat Power Rate, and Debuff Duration by 0.7%.
    - Gain twice as many Charges against Science champions, and half as many against Mutant champions.
    - When Agent Venom uses any Special Attack at 100 Suppression charges, or uses his Sp3, Flash loses control of the Venom symbiote, entering Berserk mode.
    Needs a better name due to the presence of Suppression Debuffs, I just can't find a good synonym to Suppression.

    Berserk Mode
    - Berserk Mode lasts 30 seconds. +0.6 seconds for every Suppression Charge on activation.
    - Berserk Mode grants Agent Venom the following:
    - True Sense Buff, bypassing Miss and Auto-Block while active.
    - While attacking, reduce damage from all sources by 75%.
    - Fury Buff, granting +2% Attack Rating per Charge consumed.
    - Precision Buff, granting +1% Crit Rating per Charge consumed.
    - Cruelty Buff, granting +0.5% Crit Damage per Charge consumed.
    - Energize Buff granting +2% Combat Power Rate per Charge consumed.
    All Buffs last for the duration of Berserk Mode.
    - Striking the opponent pauses the Berserk timer for 1 second.
    - If a block is struck, or the opponent evades/autoblocks/causes a miss, Agent Venom is Stun Immune and has a 20% chance to go Unstoppable and Unblockable for 5 seconds. 100% chance if the opponent lands a Well-Timed Block.
    - 10% of damage dealt is returned as Health.
    - -80% Defensive Combat Power Rate, -40% Armor, and -50% Debuff potency.
    - Being struck has a 33.33% chance to grant Agent Venom an Unstoppable buff, lasting 3 seconds.
    - Defeating an opponent in Berserk Mode allows Agent Venom to start the next fight with 50 Suppression Charges. +25 Charges if the opponent was defeated with any Special Attack.

    Heavy Attacks
    - While Suppressed, charging a Heavy Attack grants 1 Klyntar Rage Buff. For Each Klyntar Rage Buff, gain one extra Suppression Charge each time any amount of Suppression Charges are gained. Max 5 stacks.
    - While Berserk, charging a Heavy Attack consumes 1 Klyntar Rage Buff, duplicating all active personal Buffs on Agent Venom. Duplicated Buffs last 30 seconds.

    Special Attacks
    - Reduce Enemy Evasion chance by 50%.
    - Each hit has a 75% chance to Bleed the opponent, dealing 220% of Agent Venom’s Attack as Direct Damage over 4 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    - Final hit has a 100% chance to Incinerate the opponent, dealing 100% of Agent Venom’s Attack as Energy Damage over 8.50 seconds. This effect also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50% while active.

    Awakened Ability- Symbiosis, Sig [1-200]
    - As Flash and the Venom symbiote begin to bond, they begin working together more efficiently, reducing the potency of negative effects from both Suppression and Berserk by [40-75]%.
    - If one of Agent Venom’s buffs is Nullified or Staggered, the Venom symbiote has a [20-60]% chance to reactivate said buff when attacking the opponent.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Should probably mention, the Agent Venom Rework is one I've posted previously on an alt account, I've just tweaked some numbers and added some abilities.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Haven't made a buff concept in a while so I decided to make one. It may be a bit... overpowered but it doesn't matter too much. I'm just glad to be participating again and I really enjoy this thread. Thank you @Magrailothos , @LemoNot , and others for keeping this thread alive despite the lack of activity.

    Captain America
    Class: Science

    Always Active
    Immunity to Nullify, Stagger, and Fateseal.
    Immunity to Neutralize

    The Super Soldier formula that runs through Steve Rogers veins gives him 90% resistance to all Poison effects

    +40% Perfect Block Chance

    Pasive 5% chance to Auto-Block all non-critical attacks while at least one Debuff is active on the opponent. This Auto-Block triggers Parry.

    Unique Debuffs

    Every 3 blocked Hits by both champions - 70% chance to Inflict Disorient, lowering Ability Accuracy and Block Proficiency by 10% for 10 seconds. Max 3 Stacks

    On Critical Hits - 55% chance to inflict Weakness, lowering Attack Rating by 10% for 10 seconds. Max 3 Stacks

    On Well-Timed Blocks by either champion - 85% chance of inflicting Fatigue, lowering Critical Rating by 253.5 for 14 seconds. Max 2 Stacks

    Heavy Attacks - 100% chance to inflict a non-stacking Slow debuff lasting 14 seconds

    Each personal Fatigue Debuff also lowers the opponent’s Ability Power Rate by 20%. Every other personal Debuff decreases Ability Power Rate by 10%.

    Blocking Unblockable Special Attack
    Against Mystic and #Villain Champions, while the opponent is inflicted with at least 3 Unique debuffs, Captain America can block Unblockable Special Attacks

    Auto-blocking Attacks
    When the opponent launches a Special Attack, 100% chance to gain an Auto-block Buff lasting 8 seconds, causing Cap to Auto-Block Attacks when struck twice. This ends immediately when triggered.

    Captain America is Stun Immune while Auto-Block is active. This Auto-Block triggers Parry.

    Special Attacks
    For every Unique Debuff on the opponent, gain a Passive Fury effect, increasing Attack Rating by 492.8 for 14 seconds and a Passive Precision effect, increasing Critical Rating by 189.3 for 14 seconds when launching a Special Attack. Max 18 Stacks.

    Upon activation of Special Attacks, pause personal Debuffs for 8 seconds and personal Passive effects for 4 seconds.

    Special 1
    First hit has an 100% chance to inflict an Exhaustion debuff, lowering Critical Damage Rating by 192.7 for 10 seconds
    Second hit has a 50% chance to Stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds. +25% chance against Mystic and #Villain

    Special 2
    Last hit has an 100% chance to inflict Armor Break, lowering Armor Rating by 333.6 for 14 seconds

    Special 3
    100% chance to Stun the opponent for 3 seconds
    Inflict an indefinite Taunt Debuff, lowering Attack Rating by 20% and making it 70% more likely that the opponent will launch a Special Attack

    Signature Ability - Last Stand
    The chance to Perfectly Block all damage increases by up to 51.44% based on lost health, providing hope when Cap needs it most.
    Against Mystic and #Villain champions, +35% Combat Power Rate
    Gain up to +1344 Physical Resistance against non-critical hits based on lost health. When fighting Mystic champions, gain up to the same amount in Energy Resistance.
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    Nerf Groot
  • Noble_Yorke37Noble_Yorke37 Member Posts: 24

    dr strange is the guys see COWhale using him and the damage a joke

    Yeah have been advocating for a buff for him. He's a Doctor in doing strange things but it doesn't show. Unlike Doom who is a master of mystical realm, Doctor Strange is meh. Look at Wong and the abilities that he has. Doctor Strange should be having more abilities than Wong. Doctor Strange is way ahead of Wong but now Wong is running the show ahead of him
  • Noble_Yorke37Noble_Yorke37 Member Posts: 24
    Yawn said:

    I don’t think there’s much argument in the fact that Iron Fist is one of the worst mystic champs in the game. There is absolutely nothing to this character in terms of his abilities or specials. The specials have no secondary effects, are easily evadable (no defensive utility), and have nothing to them that makes iron fist useful in any realm of the contest. All of his abilities can fit on the screen without having to scroll, not that this is a bad thing, but take a look at exactly what these abilities are. Heavy attacks can nullify 3 specific buffs? When is this ever useful and why is it so specific? 50% chance on crits to armor break? Okay fine. And that’s it. That’s all iron fist is. Even his synergies can’t make him better because all they do is increase armor rating by 130. (Because we all know Iron Fist desperately needs that, lol) The contest has really outgrown Iron Fist and he’s one of those characters that can’t be played anywhere in the game aside for arena points. KABAM has done an amazing job with buffing lackluster characters and I can’t help but feel as though Iron Fist should be one of the next in line. Give Iron Fist some utility and maybe armor shatter as an ability and I’d be over the moon. Just give him anything so that I can use this guy again. What are the forums thoughts on characters from each class that should be buffed?

    Yeah I agree. Back in the days when I was new to the game, he was my first 5* and I was excited but later my excitement died down when I started getting better 5* champs. And one thing I regret about is giving him my very first awarken gem in the game. Up until now for almost 3 years now his still stands at r2 and until he's buffed, he will remain there.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Iceman Buff, Stats from an r3 6-star.

    Organic Ice
    - Iceman’s Organic Ice form grants him full Immunity to Incinerate, Bleed and Poison.
    - Iceman takes no damage from Coldsnap or Frostbite effects.

    - For every Coldsnap effect on Iceman or the opponent, Iceman gains +329 Critical Rating.
    - While under a bar of Power, Iceman gains +25% Combat Power Rate for every Frostbite on the opponent.

    Ice Armor - Max 5 Stacks
    - Iceman begins the fight with an indefinite layer of Ice Armor active.
    - Ice Armor increases his Armor Rating by 733.33, and increases Crit Resistance by 125.
    - If Iceman would lose more than 5% from a single source, the Ice Armor protects him from the blow, reducing health loss to 5%, then shatters one Ice Armor Buff.
    - If Iceman would become Stunned while his Ice Armor is active, the Ice Armor negates the effect, then shatters one Ice Armor Buff.
    - Once Iceman’s indefinite Ice Armor is shattered, it takes 15 seconds to reform. Iceman cannot gain Ice Armor during this cooldown.

    Fourth Light Attack
    - While Coldsnap is active, this attack pauses the duration of Frostbite effects for 4 seconds.
    - 15% chance to refresh all active Coldsnap and Frostbite effects. Chance increases by a flat +5% for every Ice Armor active on Iceman.

    Critical Hits
    - 40% chance to place a Passive Frostbite charge on the opponent, lasting 12 seconds and dealing 2841.55 Energy Damage on expiry. Chance increases to 80% while a Coldsnap is on the opponent.
    - If a Critical Hit places a Frostbite charge, active Ice Armor Buffs are paused for 5 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    - If 5 or more Frostbite charges are active, Iceman is Unstoppable for the duration of his Heavy Attack. If struck while Unstoppable, this ability goes on cooldown for 20 seconds.
    - Knocking the opponent down with this attack causes all Frostbite charges to expire instantly and deal an additional 835.75 Energy Damage each.
    - For every 2 Frostbite charges detonated by a Heavy Attack, gain an Ice Armor Buff lasting 30 seconds.
    This last part feels somewhat counterintuitive to the rest of the abilities, but it feels right, & in my opinion the animation together with this ability fits best with the idea of amassing Ice Armor by “seizing” the frost formed on the opponent.

    Special Attack 1
    - Places a Coldsnap on the opponent, preventing Evade and dealing 4847.35 Energy Damage over 9 seconds.
    - Pause the duration of all Coldsnap effects on the opponent for 7 seconds. If 2 or more Coldsnap effects are active, also pause all Frostbite charges for 3.5 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    - The first hit of this attack shatters all of Iceman’s Ice Armor.
    - Iceman converts his shattered Ice Armor into additional mass for his projectiles, gaining 5014.5 additional Attack for every Ice Armor shattered for this attack.
    - If 3+ Ice Armor Buffs were shattered, this Attack is Unblockable and gains a Prowess Passive, increasing Special Damage by 50%.

    Special Attack 3
    - Places a Coldsnap on the opponent, preventing Evade and dealing 10307.59 Energy Damage over 30 seconds.
    - This attack instantly reforms Ice Armor. If Ice Armor is already formed, gain a 45-second stack of Ice Armor instead. This Ice Armor can go over the stack limit, and increases the duration of Coldsnap effects by +6 seconds while it is active.

    Absolute Zero, Sig [1-200]
    - Iceman harnesses his Cryokinesis to chill the air around him to freezing temperatures. This causes the opponent to start with a Coldsnap active, preventing Evade and dealing [3376.43 - 8208.4] Energy Damage over 18 seconds.
    - Iceman uses his powers to their fullest, increasing the Duration & Potency of Frostbite and Coldsnap by [15 - 30]% for every Ice Armor active on him. Additionally, Iceman can reform his Ice Armor 3 seconds faster.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Because I am completely stupid and like Taskmaster way too much, here's a ""minor"" rebalance of a Taskmaster Buff which I made 9 months ago, which you can find at the top of the page.

    Only includes abilities I've altered/added, you can find the rest of the buff concept.

    Anything You Can Do- Cross-Fight Ability
    - Defeating an opponent who has a synergy with Taskmaster grants Taskmaster that synergy’s effects for the rest of the quest.
    - Defeating an opponent of a certain class grants Taskmaster a corresponding Imitation effect for the rest of the quest. Max 1 Imitation of each class.
    - Taskmaster can pass this effect on to another champion on the pre-fight screen, losing the Imitation for himself in the process. The other champion can use this effect so long as they aren’t knocked out.
    - Skill Champions besides Taskmaster gain +1500 Critical Rating and +500 Critical Damage Rating while an Imitation is active.

    Imitation- Pre-Fight/Cross-Fight Ability
    - Skill: Critical Hits have a 30% chance to apply a 7-second Critical Bleed, dealing 10% of the attack’s damage as Direct Damage and multiplying the Bleed’s Potency by the Critical Damage Multiplier.
    - Science: For each Debuff on the opponent, their Ability Power Rate is reduced by 15%. Max effect after 5 Debuffs.
    - Mystic: Heavy Attacks place a 11-second Neutralize Passive on the opponent, reducing opponents' Buff Ability Accuracy by -45%. Max Stacks: 3.
    - Cosmic: Buffs and Armor Break gain +25% Ability Accuracy and Duration.
    - Tech: Begin the fight with a 30-second Armor Up Buff, increasing Armor by 500 and decreasing incoming Bleed and Poison Potency by 20%. This Buff’s duration is reset whenever the opponent is knocked down.
    - Mutant: Taskmaster cannot replicate the genetically-based powers of Mutant opponents.

    Special Attacks
    - Non-damaging Debuffs on the opponent are paused for the duration of the Special Attack.

    Special Attack 1
    - All hits of this attack deal an additional 1490 Direct Damage while any Exploit Weakness target is active or exploited.
    - For each Debuff active on either Taskmaster or the opponent, deal +30% Exploit Weakness damage on this Special Attack.

    Special Attack 2
    - First hit inflicts a non-stacking, 10-second Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 379.41. Reduces Armor by an additional 379.41 per Buff and Armor Break triggered on the opponent this fight. Max effect after 10 Buffs/Armor Breaks.
    - For each Debuff active on either Taskmaster or the opponent, gain +1788 Attack and +698 Critical Rating.

    Signature Ability- Intuitive Pattern Recognition, Sig [1 - 200]
    - Each time Taskmaster successfully triggers Exploit Weakness, it places a Passive Concussion on his opponent, reducing their Ability Accuracy by [5.53 - 15]% for 11 seconds and reducing Taskmaster’s Exploit Weakness cooldown timer by 1 second. Max 5 stacks.
    - Increase the duration of all Concussion effects by [1.5 - 9] seconds. Taskmaster’s Passive Concussions each count as 1 non-damaging Debuff towards his abilities.*
    - Taskmaster’s second Medium Attack exploits any Exploit Weakness target with a -[2980 - 1788] damage penalty (unless the EW is a Medium Attack). Exploiting a weakness in this way consumes one Concussion and does not apply a new one.

    *I made Taskmaster's Exploit Weakness refresh non-damaging Debuffs, for anyone who hasn't checked out my Buff Concept for him yet. Yeah, I just changed like half a line of text in the sig ability.

    Changed Synergies (i.e., synergies I added which I am now changing very slightly):

    Employee of the Month (Nick Fury)-
    Taskmaster- If the opponent would bypass Taskmaster’s Miss, Evade all direct hits for 1.5 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    Nick Fury- Tactical Charges increase Fury's Perfect Block chance by 3%.

    Incoming Mix-Up (Deadpool, Goldpool, Platpool, & X-Force Deadpool)
    Taskmaster- +50% Miss duration. Each time the opponent Misses, inflict an indefinite Taunt Debuff, reducing Attack Rating by 8% and increasing Special Activation chance by 14%. Max Stacks: 5. All Taunts are removed from the opponent if Taskmaster is knocked down.
    Deadpools- Basic Hits have a 55% chance to apply a 7-second Disorient Debuff on the opponent, reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy by 40% and Block Proficiency by 50%. Special Attacks detonate all active Disorients, dealing 35% of Deadpool's modified Attack for every Disorient removed. Disorients are paused for 5 seconds if Deadpool knocks the opponent down with a Heavy Attack.

    Yeah I changed/added like 3 sentences to these synergies, rip lol.

    If my buff idea is too OP somehow, then at the very minimum:
    - For Photographic Reflexes, "Unique Attacks" should count as all attacks Taskmaster or the opponent can throw, so Taskmaster's AA reduction from Photographic Reflexes is impactful.
    - Taskmaster should increase his Exploit Weakness damage by 10% for every 10% the opponent's Defensive AA is lowered, mirroring his increased Perfect Block chance on lowered Offensive AA.
    - Make Learn the Foe persist from fight to fight to some extent, so it can be a relevant ability outside of Debuff-Dense matchups.
    - Improve the UI for Photographic Reflexes & Learn the Foe, so the player can tell what's going on.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Mangog Buff Stuff
    Just spitballin' some stuff here, to see if any of these'll stick.

    - Literally just multiply the "per Hatred" bonuses by 10. To put it into perspective, a rank 4, 6 star Mangog would have:
    - +1157.5 Attack Rating per Hatred (Sig 200)
    - +88.3 Critical Damage Rating per Hatred (Sig 200)
    - +2444.44 Energy Resistance per Hatred (should be toned down if Mangog were buffed like this tho)
    - +703.8 Armor Rating per Hatred
    - +633.7 Critical Rating per Hatred
    which would make the stat bonuses gained impactful in a fight, and maybe he wouldn't hit like a shaved silk scarf.

    - Hate should be gained the same way Civil Warrior gains Armor Ups, not on a full combo.

    - Special Attack 2 should steal ~25% of a bar of Power on each hit, maybe even Power Lock if it leaves the opponent at 0 bars. Just don't make it as needlessly complicated and ineffective as it is now. And don't make the Stun remove itself when struck.

    - Apply an Infuriate Debuff while charging a Heavy Attack & Enraged. Also maybe grant Mangog some kind of protection while charging his Heavy (though, if the per Hatred thing gets added, 7038 Armor Rating might be the protection Mangog needs).

    - Since #God is a tag, Mangog should probably be mega OP against anyone tagged with that. Start with max Hatred, Staggers & Unstoppable are Passive, something like that.

    Also, since I'm already here, I should mention that the stats from my Iceman Buff are for a rank 4 6-star, not a rank 3. My bad.
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