Chief_prime ★★
I think ppl need to take a chill pill. Can we get upset about more important stuff? Like my only R5 champ no longer doing the thing I ranked him up to do???
Much needed feature. Should've been implemented forever ago.
To me, picking first always feels like "playing away", whilst picking second is like being on home turf. You can still win away. But there is a slight disadvantage as you are more exposed, for sure.en Why do I always start with a disadvantage in battlegrounds? Comentario por Chief_prime julio 2023
I tip my hat as well! Great effort. In fact all those extremely dedicated arena grinders deserve a round of applause. Seriously! When you think how revive farming had to go away coz some players were trying to make it a little easier on themselves to play thru content without using as many units, but these amazing 24/7…
Yeh but god forbid I should revive farm a couple times per week. That breaks the economy and purposes of the game, don't it ....
Now this made me smile 😆 Happy Jurassic June, everyone! 😘
If that's the case then it's a big L. They should have thought about this being off season and how many people were moving around. Or at least warned us ahead like with Gifting event, so we'd have been prepared for the timer.
I have a timer on mine coz I changed alliance. Can I start contributing today and the timer will catch up or do I have to wait to contibute only when my timer runs down? @"Kabam Miike" @kabam Jax or anyone who knows for sure, pls??
Little Steve relic would be awsome! Likely the only relic I'd care about ranking up :D
Every end of seasons we get these Warning suggestions. They're bad for many reasons, I'll just cite a couple of examples why. You can have a chat before you invite ppl in and they reassure you multiple times how great they are, then come time for action they simply don't join AQ and AW. Or they join super late. Or or they…
Permanent ban. Nobody is cheating by accident. They are doing it perfectly aware to get an unfair advantage over others who are playing legitimatly. So there's no reason for second chances or third strikes. Flush them all out, kabam! 🚽
No. Sometimes an immediate kick is absolutely necessary and justified. I've seen a couple of similar posts like this from you. My 2 cents: You could ask them why they kicked you. But I think you're crying over spilt milk. Rather than suggest the game change things, in this case I think you should be more thorough in your…
That's cute. 👋
Cheaters should be banned permanently. Period. Whatever kabam says about wanting to give a chance for players to reform is stupid and weak. Hence why the game is at this current attrocious state. If someone wants to reform: they can start a new account and work for it from scratch. No wonder cheaters are so shameless in…
That's Rich isnt it? Yeh I always thought he could have had (a lot) more tact when it came to it. He advertised it like it was a game feature. I guess he never watched Fight Club... Takes me back to that kid that used to remind the teacher whenever she forgot to give us homework :/
I'm lost for words. Over the years I've seen them make some godawful decisions, but this one takes the cake! At the current state of the game. The way it's crawling with modders in numbers like never before... And you guys know what? I think I'm more sad than angry. Sad that this daily journey, the log ins thru weekends…
Wow! I guess I am very much not alone then 🫶 👆 Sounds logical👍 But there's surely a tweak that can be done so a mail is sent out ONLY when a run is cut short by the timer... And I agree with anyone who'd say there are much more important things to fix in the game first, but more often than not they're introducing things…
I really hope we don't see this node combination in AW, or anywhere else in the game. Coz this was terrible.
If that ever happened I'd finally be interested in relics. As they are now I just don't care about them.
I haven't bothered with this season either. Look forward to a better global next one. I jump in to grab the participation tokens now and then. Something I can't understand tho. I've filled my deck with 2 stars so that I can lose quickly. But in most cases it takes me more time than a normal match lol The impression I get…
Great job! They look lit! :) On a side note. Isn't it crazy how this is like the third random player I see post a MUCH better alternative to the out-of-place border game devs decided to go with? :D
This comment made me remember this classic 😂
Ah ok thanks! Didnt know. Well I guess I'll only keep seing two coz I've officially dropped BGs after a few horrid matches. It's not fun this month and as that great philosopher once said: "#### this #### I'm out" 👋
Hard pass. First time I have zero fun with battlegrounds. It will be a long month waiting for another meta for me.
Same for me
Thanks for this thread. I've had this on my mind a lot lately. I agree that AW and Battlegrounds seasons at least should be syncronized. Recruiting was always hard but since the introduction of BG alli milestones it's become nearly impossible. There was always that window where we would be able to meet and choose recruits,…
Omg..those numbers 🙈 Yeh he can hit them as much as he wants. It won't even leave a scratch 😂 (Best laugh I got from this forum in months btw👍)
This was my n1 favorite event. And I still like the format but they missed the ball with the rewards. That's why it's not exciting to take the portals lol The first Scrapyard was so good and so many players loved it because the rewards were high value at the time and diverse too. I remember to me and my team mates it was…
Give it time and it will not work again, I'm willing to bet. Coz it's been on and off for me since yesterday.