WhatRYou ★★
Im very curious to know what champ you were using against Mordo?
Dude, what youre suggesting and offering is called "Account Sharing", against TOS!! Plus I don't trust anyone that says "Trust me" multiple times!! :)dans 10m Alliance looking for 1 player - AQ 55555, 3 AWs per week Commentaire de WhatRYou février 2018
Only you can answer that question my friend!!!
I opened 2 of them and im a bit short for the 3rd one....CW (whatever) and Stark (super happy) Give me a Blade on my third try and Im set!! :) Good luck y'all!!!
It might be visual! Did you run another series to see if the multiplier is back?
Hahahahahahaha!!! That's exactly how I feel reading this!! LOL Well done sir!!!
Thor special 3 with 2 x armour break!!! Even if your opponent survives that, easy kill while they are stunned! With the right masteries, you can chain stun from sp3 to a sp1, so sweet!! I hate all specials that takes 3 hours of animation (Ultron, Raccoon,...etc) I fall asleep midway!
Youre awesome for replying that! Been there....months of **** pulls and 1 amazing month that compensated for everything! Cheers!
Im willing to convert 6000 PHC shared for 1 GMC! 3 for 1 ratio is good enough!
3 years playing and still didn't pull a 4* Wolvie! :(dans wolverine is a very rare drop compared to others in 4 star crystal Commentaire de WhatRYou février 2018
I'm glad you're enjoying them, I wish you luck for your new 2* champs! Replacing 2* crystals with GMC would be great, but seems like a big jump! Hope it goes through one day! I hope you don't get mad when you pull a 4* champ from PHC!! :) Cheers my friend!
Please show me a link where someone posted their love about PHC? (Not a 4* pull from PHC, just people that loves PHC) We only see the opposite, its been the same feedback since forever! that's why I said "get with the program" not because I don't agree with them. Who does that?? You seem happy with PHC. The game…
My suggestion was for uncollected players only! Convert PHC for GMC The game is progressing and rewards should also!! Im pretty sure that most people agree that PHC is garbage!!! So I am asking for something that everyone agrees, 1000 threads of players wanting to change PHC....get with the program my friend!
That doesn't change anything, I beat the Collector and I still getting PHC! They have to change this big time! Let us convert PHC shared to GMC and problem fixed!
I agree its time for a new one. They can keep the same champ/map layout, just activate sp3 and add nodes (debuff immune or safe guard) Hours of fun, tired of beating same old RoL for pots! Cheers!
The Crane Kick from karate Kid!! Watch out Hulk!!!!!
Blade and Hype are both at rank 4 already...he's asking about the rest of his 3/30 roster!!
I was thinking more in the lines of account sharing with your bro but Im obviously assuming!! Only you know my friend!! This is unfortunate if you're innocent...I will give you the benefit of the doubt!! Best of luck with your account!!
"for not doing anything"
Unless you need a defender for diversity or t4b expiring, save your resources for something better! Cheers
in like 3 hours
You cant delete your account, you have to make a new one! Cheers!
Don't buy any crystals with your units!!! There's better use for them! Grind the game for shared, get less disappointed! Weve all been there, learn from us! Cheers!!
LOL!!! Fair enough!!!
The dude only has 5 5* champ.....wants to gamble for a 5* blade and lose 5k shared?? Did I mentioned that it was my opinion, wait I did!! :) @Zane22 if you go for Blade, please post your pull or PM me At the end of the day, its your decision! you asked for inputs and you got them! Good luck my friend!!
Expand your roster first! Don't waste 5k shared when you only have 5 5* IMO
Good pull, no hate!! LOL
Agreed, same against Mags sp1! You have to evade those super close or else you don't have time to come back with a hit!
He got the 4* version but agreed, he has great luck!!!
Thank you @KhanMedina and @Linux!!