New Arena Structure Feedback



  • Jvdb2003Jvdb2003 Member Posts: 35

    I've never seen the community so unanimous against these changes. You know it's that bad.

    I mean the changes aren't necessarily bad, but just need to be readjusted. Especially towards those who don't have as many 6* champions.
  • Annihilator13_Annihilator13_ Member Posts: 338 ★★
    edited May 2021
    I like the old one was easy to grind units
    But now, idk,, it's useless. You should have kept the 3 star and 4 star arenas.

    So, Just bring back the arena for 3 star and 4 stars
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I'd say just reduce the points required for the first few milestones and increase the units in the first few milestones at least. Or maybe add a 5* basic arena which is more suitable for players with less 6/5*s available.
  • Heroesforhire18_Heroesforhire18_ Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2021
    My feedback for the new arena update I don’t think it’s good the old arenas you had were good they were fun to grind and the milestones were easier this new arena change doesn’t make me want to grind anymore i love arena grinding too but it’s just time consuming and people sometimes don’t have the time to keep grinding them yeah the grandmaster shards are a good change but like i said the amount of the milestones to grind for are too much the old arena style was way better
  • reckarecka Member Posts: 1
    arenanin icine ettiniz oyundan soguttunuz milleti helal olsun kabam
  • jamslamjamslam Member Posts: 9
    It's in Kabam's best interest to not make units too easy to get but they've still got to keep the player base interested.

    9 pages of complaints about your Arena changes suggests to me you got that balance wrong.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,419 ★★★★★
    New 6 star arena = great idea.

    Merging the old ones into them = bad idea that does not seem to serve players at all.
  • Emerson276Emerson276 Member Posts: 3
    Mano, tu errou rude… aumenta a quantidade de unidade, diminui o tempo de refresh dos 6* ou volta as antigas, pq desse jeito dá certo não. Te mandando a real, se pisar aqui no BR tais lascado visse a bala vai te comer todinho.
  • KindaGomans3KindaGomans3 Member Posts: 174
    I don't like it all to much, I think the spot in 3 is good and I really appreciate how u spit it I agree with this aspect of it but I think the milestones for the first arena should be spit if half and think the second should be like 70% of what it currently is I can't really say about last arena even previously I didn't do those and better player are more suited to answer that question but one thing else I can say is that I think there should still be more units even with the milestones lowered, not only for rn but for the longevity of the game this is the biggest change I've seen in arenas in a while and may be the only one for some time. This change reminds me of the shift from monthly completion to 100% but I didn't agree with that and don't agree with this and the affects of that still hurt me today seeing as I don't always have time to 100 as opposed to completion.

    Speaking of I think the filter option for champs should be locked for arena if ur really worried about quality of life.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,781 ★★★★★
    For context I have 40 6*s. And I'm thronebreaker for a long time.

    I can see featured arena is made keeping the future of mcoc in coming years. Fine!!
    But why the basic arena is so drastically roster dependent to even get your weekly units.

    Previously, I grinded all milestones in basic 4* and featured 4*+5*. But I cant see myself putting up 32Mill score every 3 days.
    Wouldnt mind seeing the basic arena milestones to get somewhat lowered tho.
    Sadly I'm gonna have to pass on arenas for some time. I don't feel this new arena system is rewarding for my effort.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I think the biggest problem with the changes is the following.
    The rank rewards and things like that are just fine, they are very good even.
    But I think where you went wrong in this is that you 'failed' to take into account MOST people do arena for units and battlechips instead of the shards. And that has taken a huge hit when you look at how many units you can realistically grind. For the same amount of rounds (assuming the same rosters and not magically swapping the 4 and 5 stars for 6 stars)
    I think you might have to look for a balance between the two. Balans the units out more.

    The amount of units is fine. But spread it out equally over the 3 arena's. So all arena's give 180 units. You could even make the milestones the same, but keep the units per milestone roughly equal over all milestones (make the first two milestones lower to make them equal for the others).
    This way players who would normally have done the 4* basic, 4* featured and 5* featured and got 405 units. You would now be able to do 2 arena's for slightly more points, but a little less effort for 360 units. The slight less effort could then be put into the first couple of milestones of the 3rd arena so they can get to 405 and up as they gain more 6* champs.

    Because eventhou the total units has increased by 5. A lot, if not most, of the players cannot realistically get the units as easy, since they require a far superior roster. By many miles.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,043 ★★★★★
    Raganator said:

    Still no word other than bringing it up to the team.

    Lol. Expecting them to make changes three hours after it went live?
    No. I’d at least like some form of an update on the plan to go through with the arena. Or an update saying they are looking into fixes to make this change better.
  • SteveMSteveM Member Posts: 192

    Kavya30 said:

    16.5M for one is too much and I am a milestone grinder. I will not be able to grind for 33M. Just can’t. As an FTP, guess my hopes for July 4th are in the trash

    I'm Curious: Prior to these Changes, how many Milestones across all of the Arenas did you used to complete? If you don't remember that, do you remember how many Units approx you'd earn from Milestones per Arena run?

    Our goal is to keep the effort roughly the same, but of course, with reducing the number of Arenas, that's going to be difficult. With the change of the rarities allowed in each Arena, the points are definitely going to be different, but we want to keep the effort roughly the same.

    If that's not the case, we want to know! We won't know that on the first day or possibly even the first run, but please keep the feedback coming.
    IN the previous version of arenas I could hit all milestones in the 3* (640k), 4* basic (1.5mil) and 4* featured (4 Mil), plus the first 2 of the 5* featured (1 Mil) around 7,140,000 points total. This would net approx. 350 units per arena run.
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 255
    My suggestions, change the 5 star featured to 6 star featured with similar mile stones as before but rank rewards same as current changes, 4 star featured to 5 star basic with similar milestones but 5 star basic champion as top prize, keep everything else as before, no need to change something for the worse if it is not broken.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I’m not going to heavily complain because my roster can handle 1 of them to 16.5M. But I wi say I can definitely see the frustrations of everyone else. I used to do all arenas tk first 2 milestones for units then the 5 star feature to 10.5 million. This makes it harder and more way to obtain the same results. I think the milestones are a bit high. The feature should be 12 million and basic at 9 million. That’s much more doable for your grinder and even semi casual arena person who has a large roster. This really hurts the smaller roster folks. They won’t be able to even do 4 million in 3 days time without spending units. That’s not the point of arena unless you’re grinding for a champ. Arena is for BC and units. Condense the milestones and pack the units and rewards across the milestones I mentioned. That’s my opinion. Everything else seemed the same to me.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,409 ★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Tl;dr - New arena format increases the number of rounds needed, and play sessions needed, to get the same rewards.

    I am someone who did only a few milestones in each arena in the past, so this perspective is for someone who does not do arena to get the champion, or to get the ranked rewards..

    Number of Rounds:
    From my calculations, in the past arena formats, to get 70 units via some milestones in each arena, it would take me about 24 total rounds.

    From the new arenas, by my calculations, to get 71 units, I would have to fight in 32 rounds.

    Play sessions:
    In addition, since two of the arenas have overlapping requirements there is the additional commitment of needing more time. Before I could slate 6-stars for one arena and 5-stars for the other, and do both arenas in the same play session (same day). With the new arenas, if one is not paying to refresh the cooldown, one has to do more play sessions (Eg. Use champions on the 6-star featured, wait 12 hours plus for 6-stars to refresh, and then use champions on the 6-star basic), and will likely take additional days to complete.

    New arena changes are not player friendly with regards to the time commitment and rewards.

  • ZurafaZurafa Member Posts: 52
    The milestones take too many point... luckily I’m in a good enough position that things don’t change for me too much personally, I have to spread my runs out more and it will take me around 2-4hrs more to get all milestones but that’s because I have a large enough 6* roster that I can get all milestones in both arenas in approximately 5 runs. Most people don’t have that large of a roster though and for ones who don’t this is horrible, 5* champs simple don’t provide near enough points for people to make up for having less 6*. Only things I can think of to help is to have different arenas for different points of progression or drastically lower the milestones. 12mil final milestone in both arenas, with 3* champ available at 650k milestone the same amount of points it would take before to get it from the 3* featured and maybe have lower milestones capping off at 4mil for 100 units and have the other 100 spread out all the way to 12mil so people who were used to grinding the old arenas still feel like their getting a decent amount of units even if the can’t get to the final milestone
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Raganator said:

    Raganator said:

    Still no word other than bringing it up to the team.

    Lol. Expecting them to make changes three hours after it went live?
    No. I’d at least like some form of an update on the plan to go through with the arena. Or an update saying they are looking into fixes to make this change better.
    You will be waiting at least this cycle and maybe the next to see any meaningful response. They have never taken a knee jerk reaction to fixing problems.

    See Hood buff feedback & almost instantly, they reverted Hood back to his old kit
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