Hi everyone I just wanted to share with all of you something that happened to me while I was doing dungeons, well I was with my SS and my miniboss was Iceman, I thought "this is going to be easy" I entered the fight, nullified his ice shield or that and then I kept stagging my nullifies and then when his shield was supposed to be nullified, this happened. As you can see he has True Strike and 50% less cost sp, I see his armor regenerating but when I did parry, he just purified it, he's not supposed to have 2 ice armors or that thing, someone have any idea of what happened here?
I believe the true strike and power gain buffs are passive, which means they don’t get nullified (which, in my opinion, is a weenie way to get around nullify champs, but it is what it is and has been that way for a long time).
As for Ice Armor, I’m not sure—was there a stagger active when his Ice Armor reformed? It looks like you are on Set’s Fangs blessing, not Null’s Shadow blessing. Null’s Shadow is the blessing stage that puts a stagger on parried opponents.
Actually after Set's blessing, I kept stagging my nullifies and his armor was still there even though I nullified it I had like 4 or 3 staggs on him, yes true strike and power gain are passive so I knew they wouldn't be able to be nullified.
Sounds strange. But SymSup appears to have some problems, so nothing sounds that strange where he’s concerned anymore.
If you have a clip of it when it occurs again, it would be helpful to understand precisely what happened. Stagger should cancel Ice Armor, right?
Dr. Zola
https://youtu.be/QHTXZk6y6pU Here's the video, in it you will see that has +20 to Armor and that's all, entering the fight it nullifies the armor and I started to stagg my nullifies after he regenerates his armor ice is when happens the bug, just look when it regens his armor, looks like is going crazy and after that I cant parry him, SS ability saved me from that one.
Hi everyone I just wanted to share with all of you something that happened to me while I was doing dungeons, well I was with my SS and my miniboss was Iceman, I thought "this is going to be easy" I entered the fight, nullified his ice shield or that and then I kept stagging my nullifies and then when his shield was supposed to be nullified, this happened. As you can see he has True Strike and 50% less cost sp, I see his armor regenerating but when I did parry, he just purified it, he's not supposed to have 2 ice armors or that thing, someone have any idea of what happened here?
I believe the true strike and power gain buffs are passive, which means they don’t get nullified (which, in my opinion, is a weenie way to get around nullify champs, but it is what it is and has been that way for a long time).
As for Ice Armor, I’m not sure—was there a stagger active when his Ice Armor reformed? It looks like you are on Set’s Fangs blessing, not Null’s Shadow blessing. Null’s Shadow is the blessing stage that puts a stagger on parried opponents.
Actually after Set's blessing, I kept stagging my nullifies and his armor was still there even though I nullified it I had like 4 or 3 staggs on him, yes true strike and power gain are passive so I knew they wouldn't be able to be nullified.
Sounds strange. But SymSup appears to have some problems, so nothing sounds that strange where he’s concerned anymore.
If you have a clip of it when it occurs again, it would be helpful to understand precisely what happened. Stagger should cancel Ice Armor, right?
Dr. Zola
https://youtu.be/QHTXZk6y6pU Here's the video, in it you will see that has +20 to Armor and that's all, entering the fight it nullifies the armor and I started to stagg my nullifies after he regenerates his armor ice is when happens the bug, just look when it regens his armor, looks like is going crazy and after that I cant parry him, SS ability saved me from that one.
Yep. That looks weird. When you parry him and when you stagger him, he should lose Ice Armor. But it looks like the Armor node somehow prevents that from happening after the outset. I don’t think that should happen, but I may be missing something.
This looks like a combination bug—one that involves SymSup’s stagger and one that involves Iceman’s Ice Armor. And I will add that dungeons typically have some pretty sketchy coding in my experience as well—it’s like there is literally no testing to see how things work together.
https://youtu.be/QHTXZk6y6pU Here's the video, in it you will see that has +20 to Armor and that's all, entering the fight it nullifies the armor and I started to stagg my nullifies after he regenerates his armor ice is when happens the bug, just look when it regens his armor, looks like is going crazy and after that I cant parry him, SS ability saved me from that one.
What I'm interested in here, is at 0:39, you had 3 staggers built up. When ice armor formed, it ate all 3 of the staggers to get rid of one buff. Isn't it only supposed to eat one stagger per buff?
Bug Summary as of July 23rd, 2019: 1) Stagger is not triggering on parry 100% of the time during Null's Shadow 2) Nullify at the beginning of battle is inconsistent. Sometimes it does damage, sometimes it just removes the enemies buffs, and sometimes it doesn't trigger at all. 3) Short back dash is leading to players getting clipped by attacks and specials they can normally use dexterity to avoid. 4) Extended animation on his second medium attack makes parrying afterwards inconsistent. The animation needs to be sped up a bit to match the parry window after the recovery frames.
Keep in mind that the inconsistencies with some of these bugs make it much harder to solve so remember to have as much patience as possible until it gets fixed.
Here’s a post from December 2018 (nearly 8 months ago) citing at least two of the items mentioned above.
I would say we have been ridiculously patient...
Dr. Zola
You gotta keep in that before they fix a bug they have to figure out the cause. And with these interactions behaving inconsistently it makes it exponentially harder to figure out the cause. I get it that irs been going on for awhile but not every bug can be fixed within desirable times.
Yeah no, over 8 months isn't a desirable time, it's unacceptable. I just took him to rank 4 and came across this post, didn't realize he has been bugged STILL. I knew something was wonky but until I read this I didn't realize it was basic functions he's supposed to do. I used an awakening gem on him with the intention to take him to rank 5 soon. How much longer will we have to wait until these issues are addressed?
@Carossy I had a similar thing happen in arena against Blade today. Shouldn’t staggers built up on the opponent nullify buffs when they appear?
At most points I had 2-3 staggers running on Blade. But he still managed to regen through them.
Why? Not sure I have an answer, other than perhaps the game team is afraid to admit it doesn’t know how to fix him in a way that won’t change him materially from how he was marketed, thereby justifying rank downs.
@Carossy I had a similar thing happen in arena against Blade today. Shouldn’t staggers built up on the opponent nullify buffs when they appear?
At most points I had 2-3 staggers running on Blade. But he still managed to regen through them.
Why? Not sure I have an answer, other than perhaps the game team is afraid to admit it doesn’t know how to fix him in a way that won’t change him materially from how he was marketed, thereby justifying rank downs.
Dr. Zola
You realize that staggers only prevents buffs right? It won't stop Blades regen because he doesn't get a regen buff.
@Carossy I had a similar thing happen in arena against Blade today. Shouldn’t staggers built up on the opponent nullify buffs when they appear?
At most points I had 2-3 staggers running on Blade. But he still managed to regen through them.
Why? Not sure I have an answer, other than perhaps the game team is afraid to admit it doesn’t know how to fix him in a way that won’t change him materially from how he was marketed, thereby justifying rank downs.
Dr. Zola
You realize that staggers only prevents buffs right? It won't stop Blades regen because he doesn't get a regen buff.
You’re 100% right—my mistake. Been testing which circumstances and champs tend to produce the SymSup bugs. There are so many weird interactions that don’t seem to make a ton of sense. But that post got fired off without being fully thought through.
First time dupe of 5* SymSup today, which would normally be pretty cool.
This thread and the problems detailed herein began at least as early as December 2018, and by some accounts October 2018.
That’s ~250 days by the most conservative accounting. Dating back to October puts it at over 300.
Does this embarrass anyone on the game team? Does it surprise the team when players express a lack of trust in the team/game after issues like this persist without explanation?
What does it take to formally add SymSup to the known issues list? Not even fix him—although that should have been done a long time ago—just admit there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed.
I had made a comment about the iceman bug but it seems to have been deleted? Not sure what happened to it. I had said that the Iceman bug was happening when he gains armor ups from a node like aggression:armor which sometimes makes his ice armor reform instantly again and again. Not really a SS issue, more of an Iceman bug I think.
I had also said it was getting hard to stay motivated posting about these kinds of issues because of how long it takes for things to get acknowledged or fixed (if they ever do). Without everyone else's support keeping this thread bumped I would've given up a long time ago so thanks to you guys.
Even with the bugs I still love the champion and play him all the time I just wish he was consistent with the other champions in the game. His parry timing after his second medium not working like all the other champs in the game is honestly bugging me the most. In this game having precise control over your champion very important but he just feels off and it sucks that it makes me want to shelf him (even as a R2 6*!).
@Kabam Zibiit is he functioning as intended or not? Simple question. If he is not, then it is a bug by definition.
In which case, why has this not been moved to the list of known issues? Even if you don't have a fix yet, at least we get to see that it has been acknowledged.
I pulled SymSup 2 days ago. Been playing with him for a while. And I’m still noticing Well timed blocks not giving stagger Start of the fight not nullifying buffs/giving damage.
I went against venom in act 4 with him and had DS/CapIW synergy to give extra damage on nullify. No damage and buffs still on venom.
I don't know about other Sym Sup users, but it seems to me the bugs (by now so well documented, they should include them in his 'manual' and be done with it) occur more and more often. Especially the one where nullifying buffs at the start of the fight doesn't do any damage. I both noticed in alliance war, as well as in the new event quest. Also, the chance that a Parry actually nets me a stagger, seems to have gone down dramatically. Could just be a feeling, but I use SS a lot, especially because I run path three in alliance war (platinum three).
This has gotten beyond frustrating. I need to complete 5.3 with the mystic champs. I have a 5* SS and have the resources to take him all the way to r4. Ï dont want to rank a broken champ without knowing of he will be fixed. This has been going on for 10 months and u cant even acknowledge that he has a problem? We need an answer one way or another
Are we going to get an update on nullshadow not placing staggers during well timed blocks? This thread has been open since December 2018 and keeps getting the same “we’re looking into it response” kinda seems like a canned response at this point
Another question: can anyone who runs MD comment on how MD power gain actually works in game with SymSup and his passive power gain? Should his power gain increase when he nullifies buffs on his opponents? Or is the passive power gain all he gets?
I’m curious—always seems like I’m waiting on SymSup to gain power but Voodoo is a struggle to keep below Sp3. I’m willing to stipulate that I don’t completely get how SymSup and MD pair up.
Another question: can anyone who runs MD comment on how MD power gain is supposed to work actually works in ame with SymSup and his passive power gain? Should his power gain increase when he nullifies buffs on his opponents? Or is the passive power gain all he gets?
I’m curious—always seems like I’m waiting on SymSup to gain power but Voodoo is a struggle to keep below Sp3. I’m willing to stipulate that I don’t completely get how SymSup and MD pair up.
Dr. Zola
It works the same way. If you nullify buffs with stagger or switching into your blessing nullifies buffs you get power. I run MD at 3 and it works pretty well if the opponent has 3+ buffs and you are at 100 genetic potential before you throw sp3.
Another question: can anyone who runs MD comment on how MD power gain is supposed to work actually works in ame with SymSup and his passive power gain? Should his power gain increase when he nullifies buffs on his opponents? Or is the passive power gain all he gets?
I’m curious—always seems like I’m waiting on SymSup to gain power but Voodoo is a struggle to keep below Sp3. I’m willing to stipulate that I don’t completely get how SymSup and MD pair up.
Dr. Zola
It works the same way. If you nullify buffs with stagger or switching into your blessing nullifies buffs you get power. I run MD at 3 and it works pretty well if the opponent has 3+ buffs and you are at 100 genetic potential before you throw sp3.
Helpful to know. I tuned my MD down to L3 and find it to be just enough in most case. I need to video some SymSup fights to assure myself it is working. It feels like it doesn’t provide as much impact with SymSup, but that’s probably just perception.
Helpful to know. I tuned my MD down to L3 and find it to be just enough in most case. I need to video some SymSup fights to assure myself it is working. It feels like it doesn’t provide as much impact with SymSup, but that’s probably just perception.
Dr. Zola
I tried it at 5, and I also felt it benefits him way less than other mystics. So much less, in fact, I now run without MD. I don’t regularly use other mystics, and the small (perceived?) benefit wasn't worth investing so many points in the utility tree. Your mileage may obviously vary.
Helpful to know. I tuned my MD down to L3 and find it to be just enough in most case. I need to video some SymSup fights to assure myself it is working. It feels like it doesn’t provide as much impact with SymSup, but that’s probably just perception.
Dr. Zola
I tried it at 5, and I also felt it benefits him way less than other mystics. So much less, in fact, I now run without MD. I don’t regularly use other mystics, and the small (perceived?) benefit wasn't worth investing so many points in the utility tree. Your mileage may obviously vary.
That’s helpful and sounds like my experience. I just figured his power bar would be going wild with MD and a buff heavy opponent. It doesn’t seem like it does though, but that’s purely anecdotal.
Just in case we need another video showing these bugs are still alive as of today, here is one showing failure to proc a stagger when parrying in shield mode (0:23) after it properly procced one at 0:19. Also, at start of fight, Dr. Voodoo's Regen was staggered and removed per SS ability, but no damage was dealt.
Hey there @becauseicant, sorry to hear about that. Would you happen to have any footage of Null's Shadow not applying a Stagger with a well-timed block or the issues you described with his SP3? If not, would you be able to let us know any specific game modes this has happened in or opponents you can remember this happening against?
This happened to me again today. Using Supreme in Versus against a Colossus. Multiple parry's during Null's shadow did not apply a stagger. Similar to the many videos posted above in this thread.
The game team is currently still looking into these. Once we have more information to share, we'll update everyone here.
It’s still going on. To my knowledge Kang/Thanos team arena fights do not have masteries so this is as plain as it gets without nodes and masteries. You can see that on the Two parries, neither applies a stagger. Just trying to be helpful and constructive in this discussion to assist in the resolution. Any updates are appreciated even if it’s just, “They are still looking into it.”
Edit: Can’t figure out how to add video, it only lets me add pics. If a screenshot of the parry would help I can add it or forward the video to the support team, just let me know.
The game team is currently still looking into these. Once we have more information to share, we'll update everyone here.
It’s still going on. To my knowledge Kang/Thanos team arena fights do not have masteries so this is as plain as it gets without nodes and masteries. You can see that on the Two parries, neither applies a stagger. Just trying to be helpful and constructive in this discussion to assist in the resolution. Any updates are appreciated even if it’s just, “They are still looking into it.”
Edit: Can’t figure out how to add video, it only lets me add pics. If a screenshot of the parry would help I can add it or forward the video to the support team, just let me know.
You’d have to upload a video to YouTube and then post the link here on the forums.
Here's the video, in it you will see that has +20 to Armor and that's all, entering the fight it nullifies the armor and I started to stagg my nullifies after he regenerates his armor ice is when happens the bug, just look when it regens his armor, looks like is going crazy and after that I cant parry him, SS ability saved me from that one.
This looks like a combination bug—one that involves SymSup’s stagger and one that involves Iceman’s Ice Armor. And I will add that dungeons typically have some pretty sketchy coding in my experience as well—it’s like there is literally no testing to see how things work together.
Dr. Zola
At most points I had 2-3 staggers running on Blade. But he still managed to regen through them.
Why? Not sure I have an answer, other than perhaps the game team is afraid to admit it doesn’t know how to fix him in a way that won’t change him materially from how he was marketed, thereby justifying rank downs.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
This thread and the problems detailed herein began at least as early as December 2018, and by some accounts October 2018.
That’s ~250 days by the most conservative accounting. Dating back to October puts it at over 300.
Does this embarrass anyone on the game team? Does it surprise the team when players express a lack of trust in the team/game after issues like this persist without explanation?
What does it take to formally add SymSup to the known issues list? Not even fix him—although that should have been done a long time ago—just admit there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed.
Dr. Zola
I had also said it was getting hard to stay motivated posting about these kinds of issues because of how long it takes for things to get acknowledged or fixed (if they ever do). Without everyone else's support keeping this thread bumped I would've given up a long time ago so thanks to you guys.
Even with the bugs I still love the champion and play him all the time I just wish he was consistent with the other champions in the game. His parry timing after his second medium not working like all the other champs in the game is honestly bugging me the most. In this game having precise control over your champion very important but he just feels off and it sucks that it makes me want to shelf him (even as a R2 6*!).
In which case, why has this not been moved to the list of known issues? Even if you don't have a fix yet, at least we get to see that it has been acknowledged.
Well timed blocks not giving stagger
Start of the fight not nullifying buffs/giving damage.
I went against venom in act 4 with him and had DS/CapIW synergy to give extra damage on nullify. No damage and buffs still on venom.
And ironically enough, when I take my max sig venom against a SymSup of another player, all my venoms buffs get removed and I take damage.
Can you explain @Kabam Zibiit why when it’s us controlling him he isn’t working properly but when it’s the AI he seems to work just fine?
I’ll upload Venom vs SymSup in a bit after I get some feeding my kids.
I’m curious—always seems like I’m waiting on SymSup to gain power but Voodoo is a struggle to keep below Sp3. I’m willing to stipulate that I don’t completely get how SymSup and MD pair up.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
That’s helpful and sounds like my experience. I just figured his power bar would be going wild with MD and a buff heavy opponent. It doesn’t seem like it does though, but that’s purely anecdotal.
Dr. Zola
Edit: Can’t figure out how to add video, it only lets me add pics. If a screenshot of the parry would help I can add it or forward the video to the support team, just let me know.